गाजियाबाद, उत्तर प्रदेश: गाजियाबाद पुलिस ने ट्रॉनिका सिटी के पास मुठभेड़ के बाद तीन बदमाशों को गिरफ्तार किया। दो बदमाशों के पैर में गोली लगी है। इनके पास से चोरी के छह मोबाइल, एक बाइक और अवैध हथियार बरामद किए गए हैं। आरोपी आदतन अपराधी हैं और उन पर पहले भी लूट और चोरी के मामले दर्ज हैं। इस मुठभेड़ की जानकारी देते हुए एसीपी सिद्धार्थ गौतम ने बताया कि 19 मार्च 2025 को ट्रॉनिका सिटी पुलिस रूटीन वाहन जांच कर रही थी। इस दौरान तीन सवारियों वाली एक मोटरसाइकिल सोनिया विहार की तरफ से तेज गति से पिस्ता ठोकर नंबर 8 के पास पहुंची।
#ians #hindinews #latestnews #ghaziabad
#ians #hindinews #latestnews #ghaziabad
00:00Today, on the eve of Dinanj, on 19th March 1925, a sudden vehicle check was being carried out by the City Police of Tornika.
00:24In the same sequence, during the check at Pusta Thokar No. 8, a bike, on which three people were riding, was seen coming from Sonia, Bihar.
00:33They were asked to stop, but they did not stop.
00:37Instead, they tried to turn their bike quickly towards Khanpur Road and make it run away.
00:42As a result, the bike slipped and they fell.
00:46Seeing the police coming towards them, they fired at the police with the intention of killing them.
00:52In this, a self-defence force was fired at the police.
00:55Two people were shot in the leg.
00:58They have been sent to the hospital for treatment.
01:01Upon interrogation, they said their names were Aftab and Rashid.
01:09Residents of Tassim, Bihar, Thana, Tornika City.
01:13The third person, Aamir, has been taken into police custody.
01:18He has been sent to the hospital for treatment.
01:21Upon investigating the criminal history, it was found that he has been involved in theft, looting, and armed sex in Delhi and NCR.
01:33Upon investigation, two Tamancha 315V, Jinda Cartus, Khoka Cartus, six mobile phones, and a stolen motorcycle have been recovered.
01:45He said that yesterday evening at 3.25 pm, he had committed the theft of a mobile phone in the Chowki Signature area.
01:58He was trying to commit the theft again.
02:01The investigation is still ongoing.