नई दिल्ली: रेल मंत्री अश्विनी वैष्णव ने आज लोकसभा में रेलवे पर चल रही चर्चा का जवाब दिया। विपक्ष के शोर शराबे के बीच रेल मंत्री ने 2014 के बाद से प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी के नेतृत्व में देश में हुए रेलवे के विकास का विस्तार से उल्लेख किया। उन्होंने कहा कि भारतीय रेल ने वर्ष 2020 के बाद से यात्री किराया नहीं बढ़ाया है और पड़ोसी देशों की तुलना में भारत में रेल किराया सबसे सस्ता है। रेल मंत्री ने सदन को बताया कि बीते दस वर्षों के दौरान देश में रेलवे इन्फ्रास्ट्रक्चर का जबरदस्त विकास हुआ है। देश में 34,000 किलोमीटर रेलवे के नए ट्रैक बने हैं, साथ ही 50 हजार किलोमीटर पुराने ट्रैक हटाकर नए ट्रैक बिछाए गए हैं, जिसकी वजह से सेफ्टी में बड़ा सुधार हुआ है।
#LokSabha #IndianRailways #RailwayMinister #AshwiniVaishnaw #InfrastructureDevelopment #RailwayDevelopment #RailPassengerFare #LocomotiveProduction #RailwaySafety #DiscussiononRailways #RailwayBudget #RailwayTracks #ModiGovernment #PM Modi
#LokSabha #IndianRailways #RailwayMinister #AshwiniVaishnaw #InfrastructureDevelopment #RailwayDevelopment #RailPassengerFare #LocomotiveProduction #RailwaySafety #DiscussiononRailways #RailwayBudget #RailwayTracks #ModiGovernment #PM Modi
00:00Rail Minister Ashwini Vaishno gave an answer to the discussion going on in Lok Sabha today.
00:05Rail Minister Ashwini Vaishno gave an answer to the discussion going on in Lok Sabha today.
00:08In 2014, under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi,
00:11he described the development of railways in the country in detail.
00:15He said that Indian Railways has not increased passenger fare since 2020
00:20and that rail fare is the cheapest in India compared to neighboring countries.
00:25Rail Minister Ashwini Vaishno gave an answer to the discussion going on in Lok Sabha today.
00:28Rail Minister Ashwini Vaishno gave an answer to the discussion going on in Lok Sabha today.
00:55In India, railway fare is Rs. 121, Rs. 436 in Pakistan, Rs. 325 in Bangladesh and Rs. 415 in Sri Lanka.
01:11Rail Minister Vaishno told Sadhan that over the last 10 years,
01:14the development of railway infrastructure has been horrible.
01:17New railway tracks of 34,000 km long have been built in the country,
01:21In addition, 50,000 km of old tracks have been removed and new tracks have been laid.
01:25Due to this, there has been a major improvement in safety.
01:2832,000 km of railway tracks have been built, which is more than the entire railway network of Germany.
01:36Mr. Aditya, the tracks that have been replaced, the old tracks have to be replaced and new tracks have to be built.
01:45In addition, 50,000 km of new tracks have been built, which is more than the entire railway network of Germany.
01:50Due to this, there has been a major improvement in safety.
01:53Mr. Aditya, 12,000 flyovers and underpasses have been built, which has benefited a very large country.
02:03And after Covid, passengers will carry more than 720 crores of passengers on India's railway.
02:12This is a great achievement in itself.
02:15The Rail Minister said that for decades, the dream of connecting Jammu and Kashmir by rail was being seen.
02:20In this direction too, Indian Rail has achieved a significant achievement and soon this dream is going to come true.
02:27Mr. Aditya, it is a matter of great pride that our dream of connecting Jammu to Srinagar has been fulfilled.
02:37Mr. Aditya, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has fulfilled that dream.
02:43And the two bridges of Sapna Anji and Chenab have become such new monuments of that bridge.
02:52Chenab's bridge is more than 35 meters higher than the Eiffel Tower.
02:58Mr. Aditya, all the opponents should also pay attention to this.
03:04And very soon, a new train will run from Jammu to Srinagar.
03:10Ashwini Vaishno also spoke on railway safety and said that since 2014, special attention has been given to railway safety.
03:18This is the result that the number of rail accidents has decreased by 80%.
03:23There were 234 accidents during the time of Manilal Yadav.
03:28If you add the derailment, it was 464.
03:31That is, there were about 700 accidents per year during the time of Manilal Yadav.
03:37That is, out of 365, 700 were equal to 2 per day.
03:42Similarly, during the time of Honorable Mamta Banerjee, there were 165 accidents.
03:48If you add the derailment to 230, it is 395.
03:53That is, one per day.
03:55If you add the derailment to 118 accidents during the time of Honorable Khadge,
03:59there were a total of 381 accidents.
04:04That is, one per day.
04:06Honorable Prime Minister took responsibility.
04:09Since 2014, the focus has been on safety.
04:13We have increased investment and brought new technologies.
04:16In 2019-20, the number of accidents has decreased to 91.
04:20And today, if you add the accidents to 30 and the derailment to 43,
04:25the total has come down to 73.
04:29That is, 90% less than before and 80% less than 2014-15.
04:37The Rail Minister also told Sadhan that Indian Rail has become a major exporter today.
04:42Many countries are being supplied with locomotives, coaches and operational equipment.
04:47He also said that in the past 10 years, the railway has employed more than 5 lakh people
04:53and currently 1 lakh people are being recruited.