00:00As far as the Western Conference goes, the only thing that's certain is that Oklahoma
00:04City is going to be the one.
00:05They are flying away from everybody in that department.
00:09But look at two through five first.
00:13Houston, Denver, Lakers, Memphis, they're all separated by one game in the loss column.
00:17So there's a lot of jockeying to go on there.
00:20And then look from Golden State, you know, even Golden State, Minnesota Clippers, one
00:25game in the loss separates them.
00:27Then Sacramento's there.
00:29And Dallas, who has been horrible for a while now, I didn't think it was going to happen,
00:40but now I do.
00:41I think the Suns will pass them into that 10th spot.
00:46And I'll even go one further.
00:48I think Portland could pass them.
00:49There are three games back of them in the loss column.
00:51I think Portland could pass Dallas too.
00:52It doesn't matter.
00:53This is like talking about North Carolina and, you know, Alabama State.
00:58Let me tell you what.
01:00So here's the deal.
01:01The Warriors, who seldom come out to play, they're going to matter in the playoffs.
01:08So are the Lakers and the Thunder, obviously, I still say Denver is going to be in the mix
01:17as long as they got Joker, Murray, Gordon, Porter on the floor and even Brody and Brown,
01:27they can beat anybody.
01:29They can beat anybody.
01:30I'm telling you.
01:31So I still think it's the Thunder, Nuggets, Lakers, and Dubs.
01:37I think someone like Steph Curry, if you know, I don't know what it'll be, who they'll play,
01:43but I still think someone can knock Houston out.
01:46To me, they're young and they're really good.
01:47They're really exciting.
01:48But some veteran team like with LeBron James or Steph Curry or the Joker are going to beat
01:57Well, if you go by the odds board, they say there's four teams, Thunder, Nuggets, Lakers,
02:04And then there's a very big gap after that.
02:06So they have six to one Lakers, six to one Nuggets, seven to one Warriors.
02:10The outsiders, the T-Wolves, they're legit and they have everything, but they're the
02:17So I would agree with the, I mean, I just said it, the top four that I talked about
02:22are the four.
02:23And I had no idea that those were the odds in the Western Conference that you were going
02:28to show.
02:29I just, all I know is that the optics of thinking of the teams that I watch every night and
02:35that we bet on and that perform at the highest level are, those are the best teams without
02:42a doubt.
02:43I mean, not even, it's not even a question.
02:46And finally here, quickly, I give you this every week and there's actually a couple changes
02:50this week.
02:51The Cavs have overtaken the Thunder, the best ATS team in the NBA this year, Cavs now the
02:56best ATS team.
02:58And the Blazers got into the top five now of the best ATS teams this season.
03:03And the Sixers are now the worst as they have fallen below the Suns, the worst ATS team
03:09in the NBA.
03:11But if you give them like a 16 and a half, like last night, they covered.
03:16They did.
03:17With a skeleton crew, they were able to cover that big number last night.
03:21So it is possible.
03:22Damn bones.
03:23It can happen.
03:24Damn bones.
03:25I think a lot of their, a lot of their ATS losses were like when they're good players
03:30You know, like with Embiid, Paul George, I think that's where a lot of their, where a
03:35lot of their damage was done.
03:37Who's Embiid?
03:39On those numbers.
03:40Oh, he, yeah, that's right.
03:42We haven't seen him.
03:43We probably won't see him for a while.