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My besfriend and I attempted to build a catfish house in bloxburg...in 60 minutes

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00:00Today, my best friend Walt and I are going to be building a catfish house.
00:04Walter is going to be building the exterior and I am going to be building the interior.
00:08The only catch is we both only have 30 minutes each and Walter has only built on Blocksburg
00:14three times and this is one of her beautiful, beautiful houses right here.
00:18Three times?
00:19Just in case the people forgot what the inside of your house is,
00:22do you want to like give them a little MTV tour real quick?
00:24Of course I do.
00:26Hold on, I gotta open the door.
00:28This is my Rolls Royce.
00:30Oh, I don't really know what the rest of this stuff is.
00:34I have a statue of a frog.
00:35What are you, Jeffrey Dahmer?
00:37This looks like a freaking murder scene.
00:38Welcome to my crib.
00:40This is the beautiful one and only.
00:42What is this?
00:43I've never seen this before.
00:44It's a corn poster.
00:45A what?
00:46I thought you said...
00:47Is this your kitchen?
00:48All right, this is the kitchen.
00:49This is us, um, back in the day.
00:51The 90s.
00:52In the 90s.
00:53This bathroom, you can't lie, I ate on this bathroom.
00:56Oh, basement.
00:57This bathroom.
00:58We are not going in the basement, y'all.
01:00Oh my lord.
01:01Anyway, this is, uh, her bedroom.
01:03This is where the freaky stuff happens.
01:09That's Walter's crib.
01:10Now it's time to build a house of her.
01:12Thank you, Beyonce.
01:13I like Beyonce.
01:14Everyone, please comment Walter go make a channel.
01:16I don't have any talents.
01:18You do.
01:18All that talent's held up in your BBA.
01:20Walter, you only have 30 minutes to do this.
01:23Are you ready?
01:2330 minutes?
01:25Do you know you have 30 minutes?
01:27I'm gonna give you a small budget of 14 million dollars.
01:31I should not have gave her my entire bank account.
01:33I'm scared.
01:33I need more than that.
01:34What do you mean you need more than that?
01:36Okay, wait, you can't, you can't build yet.
01:38You can't build yet, all right?
01:39The timer starts now.
01:41Good luck.
01:42Hold on.
01:42I'm not in build mode anymore.
01:43Girl, where were you?
01:45Oh, I accidentally exited out of it.
01:46Okay, wait.
01:47I have to build, like, the outside?
01:48I have to decorate the outside too?
01:49Yeah, it's your job to build the outside so I can decorate the inside of whatever you build.
01:54We're gonna start off with something really unique and strong.
01:57Oh, that's really unique right there.
02:01Also, FYI, because you're kind of a Bloxburg newbie, but that's okay.
02:04That's because I love you.
02:05If you paint the walls first and then you put them down, you don't have to paint them again.
02:09I didn't know that.
02:11I think I remember how to do this.
02:13Should I make it piss yellow?
02:14No, don't make my house yellow, girl.
02:16How about salmon?
02:18Actually, I want this house to be inspired by Shrek Swamp in honor and in memorial of Shrek.
02:24He was a great man that was gone too soon and dreamworked.
02:29They messed it up and I will never forgive them.
02:32So you plan on building Shrek Swamp?
02:34I'll probably just have a square and then a wall.
02:37Oh, genuine question though.
02:38When was the last time you played Bloxburg?
02:40Uh, last time we made a video?
02:42So, like, six months ago?
02:45It's okay.
02:46I believe in you.
02:46I think you are a very talented builder in my eyes.
02:50Am I really?
02:50I think you truly are.
02:52Is this meant to be a room in here on the right?
02:55I don't know how I'm meant to decorate this.
02:57As I'm making you get creative.
02:59Oh, okay.
03:00I believe in you.
03:01I forgot what Shrek Swamp looks like.
03:03I need to google it.
03:03Shrek Swamp.
03:05Yo mama.
03:06Oh my god, that's Shrek Swamp.
03:07Oh, you know, that's like a place on Airbnb.
03:09We should stay there one time.
03:10Is it?
03:11Yeah, you can actually stay in Shrek Swamp.
03:14This looks nothing like Shrek Swamp.
03:16FYI, I've done a tutorial on how to build Shrek Swamp, like, on my channel.
03:19If you want to, you know, watch that, Beanspo, babe.
03:22This looks amazing.
03:23You're just a hater.
03:24Oh my god, you for real?
03:27No, you for fake.
03:28No, you for real.
03:28Oh, I mean, no, I like this house.
03:31It's got a lot of potential.
03:32As in potential, I mean, bulldozing it and redoing it.
03:35Well, not to, like, scare you or anything, but you have 25 minutes left.
03:39Oh my god, you said not to scare me and then you said something scary.
03:43How does that make any sense?
03:48While you build a house, I'm gonna go catch a butterfly
03:50because there's a butterfly right above your head.
03:53Oh, I caught it.
03:54Wait, am I also building the interior walls as well?
03:57So, your goal here, you're gonna just build the outside of the house.
04:00So, make sure you build the interior walls.
04:03So, map out what room is gonna be, like, the bathroom, the toilet.
04:07Also, make sure to add a roof, some windows.
04:09Pretty much, your job is just to complete the outside.
04:11It usually takes me, like, 10 minutes to finish.
04:13That's gonna take me a lot longer.
04:14This looks like a walnut.
04:16I'm getting somewhere.
04:17You just don't believe in me.
04:19Babe, you're going to, like, a different planet right now.
04:22Have y'all ever seen the Maze Runner?
04:23Well, this is starting to look like the interior of the Maze Runner.
04:26Well, you want another square?
04:27I can give you another-
04:28No, please.
04:29How am I meant to decorate this, you bully?
04:31I'm just kind of drawing.
04:38I'm just kind of drawing and seeing what happens.
04:41Are you even trying?
04:42How do you expect me to decorate the inside of a triangle?
04:45I don't have an answer for you.
04:47You don't have an answer for me.
04:48I'm making you a nice bathroom.
04:50Could you pinpoint where the bathroom is going to be, exactly?
04:53Girls, stop with the triangles, woman.
04:56This is going to take me more than 30 minutes to decorate, babe.
04:58Yeah, I'll delete some walls. I'll delete some.
05:00She's trying to kill me.
05:01I don't even know what I'm looking at.
05:02I'm deleting some walls.
05:04Maybe you should start painting the outside.
05:06Dude, I forgot I had to do that.
05:08You forgot to paint the outside?
05:10Okay, tell me why your house right now is looking like a beautiful masterpiece compared to this.
05:15This is the era of interior design.
05:18That's an art culture.
05:20Okay, I like it, Picasso.
05:21You just don't understand it.
05:23What's that under?
05:23Please tell me your thought process while building this house.
05:29How do I copy and paste colors again?
05:32Yeah, you got 20 minutes left.
05:34It's okay, I'm done with the exterior.
05:40Duh, you gotta like-
05:40Do I put a door there?
05:41Babe, no, no, no.
05:42You gotta add the doors and windows and plants outside.
05:45Make it look pretty, like a house.
05:46Yeah, I'm just putting broken doors in.
05:49You just can't, you just can't, you just can't.
05:51Where's the driveway?
05:52Oh yeah, I forgot those people.
05:53Yeah, the driveway.
05:55Look, I live in a city.
05:56I'm not- I'm used to parking on the side of the street.
05:59I haven't had a driveway in like five years.
06:00Okay, I think you should make this big building here the driveway on the left.
06:04Big building?
06:05What big building?
06:06The big, uh, shape on the left.
06:09This should be the garage.
06:10You talking about the one I just deleted?
06:11Girl, you started an extra freaking wall.
06:14Yeah, because I feel bad I didn't give you enough room to decorate.
06:18You gave me plenty of room.
06:19I'm more concerned about the outside.
06:20Currently, we have no windows, no floor, no garden, no roof.
06:24You better make this look good because I'm gonna ask my mom how this house looks by the end.
06:32I'm gonna ask my mom,
06:34hey, does Walt's house look good by the end of your 30 minutes?
06:37So no, no pressure.
06:38Do you know how to add a floor?
06:40I thought you had to do that because you're the interior designer.
06:45No, I do it after your 30 minutes.
06:47Do you know how to?
06:48I can teach you.
06:48Do not know how to do that.
06:50You go into build and then you go to floor and then you can like place the floor outside.
06:54So for example, if you want the driveway to be here, you can add a floor right there.
07:00You know what?
07:01Weirdly enough, I do think your house does have potential.
07:08It's a weird looking shape, but I think it's got potential.
07:10It has amazing potential.
07:11You're just a hater.
07:12Haters screwing through.
07:13Like I'm through you.
07:14Like, like haters on, on Gloop and I be, I be screwing you.
07:22Y'all, can we just like have a round of applause?
07:24She added a garage and a driveway.
07:27I'm so proud of her.
07:28Yeah, it's very beautiful.
07:29However, we don't have any windows, mate.
07:31And we got 15 minutes left.
07:33No windows.
07:33We'll figure out the windows.
07:35Girl, that ain't my job.
07:36I like the color scheme you went with.
07:38It's very ogre-y.
07:40It's very ogre-wizzy.
07:42What does that mean?
07:43Okay, so this is the door, I'm assuming, to the entryway.
07:46Do I like a medieval space?
07:48Do I look at, do I like it medieval?
07:50Did I make it medieval?
07:51No, we already did medieval.
07:52What's your obsession with medieval houses?
07:54I don't know.
07:55I just see medieval women and I'm like, damn.
07:57Mona Lisa is so fine.
07:59She can give me the black plague.
08:00I'll give her my breadcrumbs for the week.
08:02Okay, why the hell are we talking about medieval women when we have no roof on our house currently?
08:07Speaking of, how the hell are you gonna add a roof to this house?
08:09I can't think about that.
08:11I'm just gonna start adding windows in random places.
08:15Oh, what are these windows, girl?
08:18They're stained glass windows.
08:20Okay, I like the fact that you are out of these big fat glass stained windows.
08:25However, I don't know how I feel about the fact that this house is half Victorian era
08:30and half swamp.
08:31I don't know how I feel about that.
08:31Guys, this is how you know my videos aren't scripted because, first of all,
08:35how does one even script this?
08:37Y'all can't even come up with a house this shape.
08:39What? I don't even know what I'm looking at.
08:40How do you script a house?
08:42I don't know.
08:42I feel like I'm too dumb for that.
08:43Guys, this is why we're friends because we're both idiots.
08:46So it's like we put our brains together.
08:48All right, Walter, we now only have 10 minutes left.
08:51So where's our roof?
08:53When are y'all gonna start the gardening on the outside?
08:55This house is missing a few plants.
08:58Oh, I forgot about the plant part.
09:00What do you think goes on the outside of a house?
09:01I live in an apartment.
09:03She lives in Alaska.
09:07Can you believe that I started playing Bloxburg because of you?
09:11There's too many colors.
09:13I can't play this game.
09:14There's too many colors?
09:15What are you trying to do?
09:16Oh, we went for diarrhea.
09:20It's supposed to be the swamp.
09:21We're making a swamp.
09:22All right, that's it.
09:23I'm going to ask my mom.
09:27Describe it in one word.
09:33I will never forgive you.
09:35I added two bushes at the front.
09:36Are you happy?
09:37You added two bushes!
09:39What are you doing?
09:40Oh my...
09:41Okay, girl.
09:42Stop spending your money.
09:43What about the important matter here, which is driveway?
09:47She painted her driveway.
09:48Isn't that beautiful?
09:49Aren't you so proud of me?
09:50I'm so proud of you.
09:51I'm gonna help you.
09:52Why is it half Miami, half Italy?
09:54It's like I'm divided in between two nations right now.
09:57I don't...
09:58I'm gonna delete that side.
09:59I don't know why I put that.
10:00Oh, no.
10:01Miami is demolished, guys.
10:03Is the left side of the house fertilized and the right side is not?
10:06Because why is there no trees on the right side of the house?
10:09Oh my god.
10:10Do you understand how expensive trees are?
10:15If you place one more tree...
10:17I've seen that!
10:18Tell me to decorate.
10:19I meant decorate the house, fool.
10:22All right, you've now got three minutes left.
10:24Is there anything else you want to add to the house?
10:26Flowers, skirting boards, pillars.
10:29I'm gonna add some stuff for my inventory.
10:31I'm gonna have flamethrowers.
10:33You're aware this is our house.
10:35I have to keep this.
10:36All right, one minute left.
10:37Okay, okay, I'm almost done.
10:38What? What do you mean you're almost done?
10:40What are you adding to this house?
10:41Oh, she's added a birdhouse.
10:43That's actually kind of cute.
10:44Okay, 20 seconds left.
10:46Uh, if there's any finishing touches, I'd add them now.
10:49That does not include trees.
10:51Time's up, cowboy.
10:53Get out of build mode.
10:54So before I start decorating this house,
10:56it's time to tour what Walter has came up with.
10:58I just realized I never changed the material.
11:01Yeah, I really like the material of this house.
11:03All right, so what am I working with here?
11:05I'm assuming this is like the entry area.
11:07Living room area.
11:08The roof that you added is making this so difficult for me
11:12because you can see the rooms by the roof.
11:14Like if you zoom out, you can see every single room.
11:18That's crazy.
11:19This is the living room area.
11:22This is a bedroom.
11:23Bedroom number one.
11:24Okay, cute.
11:24And then this is the kitchen.
11:25Then this is the bathroom.
11:28I don't know, girl.
11:29You tell me.
11:30This is the closet.
11:30Yeah, you can stay in the closet.
11:32Oh, you're just like my dad.
11:33This is the garage.
11:34All right, you know what?
11:35I think this house has a lot of potential.
11:37And for those wondering how much the exterior
11:39of this beautiful house costs,
11:40if you guessed $100,000, you guessed correctly.
11:44I guess my 30 minutes starts now.
11:46Wish me luck.
11:47Okay, first thing I'm doing is the floors
11:49because this girl did not add floors.
11:50You say I was supposed to do the exterior.
11:53You made this so difficult.
11:54So I don't know if you realize how floors work in Bloxburg,
11:57but there's no way I can make the floors look like straight.
12:01If that makes any sense to you.
12:03I'm gonna have to like speed run these floors.
12:05Okay, I'm not doing your Shrek themed house.
12:08Instead, I'm gonna do like a Victorian themed house.
12:10We already did medieval.
12:12We ain't doing medieval.
12:13Victorian is not medieval.
12:17Victorian is medieval.
12:20No, your medieval is like peasant medieval.
12:23Like I don't have any houses or rights.
12:26I cannot believe I'm saying this, guys.
12:27But I'm just gonna automatically place the floors
12:29because we ain't gonna have time to mess around here.
12:34Bro, the floors are coming outside the walls, dude.
12:36Oh my God.
12:37Yo, hold up.
12:38Hold up.
12:38We gotta go bald.
12:39We gotta go bald?
12:40What do you mean?
12:41I mean, we gotta delete the floors
12:43because they're currently coming out of the freaking wall sockets.
12:45I'm gonna teach you a Bloxburg lesson, all right?
12:47Never, ever, ever place your floors on an angle
12:50because if you zoom in,
12:51you can see how they're all like crisscross applesauce right now.
12:54Don't pay that much attention to the detail.
12:56What are you doing to my walls?
12:58All right, the floors are done.
12:59I'm not mucking around with them
13:01because first of all, I don't have time.
13:04What's like a medieval color?
13:05I'm gonna do the bedroom.
13:06I'm gonna make this the same theme as the outside.
13:09Have you ever seen Shrek 2?
13:11If you watch Shrek 2, you would know that they lived in a castle.
13:15So they only lived in a castle for a little bit and Shrek hated that.
13:18This bedroom is based off of Shrek 2, okay?
13:21Also, you can change the doors.
13:22I just put the doors randomly.
13:24Ain't no way I'm keeping these doors.
13:26What's wrong with the doors?
13:31He needs big European pillows for the big man he is.
13:34I like the way you worded that.
13:36Did you notice that if you put a British accent on any bird,
13:39it'll look like a British person?
13:47This angle of the house is so awkward.
13:50Like what do I even place in here, bro?
13:52I'm just gonna place a vanity table.
13:53Well, I only have 30 minutes to finish this house.
13:56And it's very simple, but I'm going for Bridgerton vibes.
13:59Oh, you know what makes this so difficult as well?
14:01Because the house you built me is on an angle.
14:03All the furniture I placed down is on a freaking angle.
14:06You don't like angles?
14:07No, I don't like angles, actually.
14:08I love angles.
14:09I don't like them.
14:11No offense to the angles watching this video.
14:13That's so disrespectful!
14:15Shrek has candles, right?
14:16Does Shrek have candles?
14:17I don't know.
14:18He has earwax candles.
14:19Doesn't that look like a vibe?
14:20Shrek would love this house.
14:22Shrek would not like this house.
14:23Okay, just so you know how difficult this is for me.
14:26Every time I place something down, boom, it's on an angle.
14:29Oh my, I need to hurry up.
14:30How much time you got?
14:31I've got 20 minutes, y'all.
14:33I'm actually, I'm actually scared.
14:34I'm trying to like really concentrate and take this seriously.
14:37But I just can't knowing that your avatar is staring at me in the top right corner.
14:42Genuine question, what occupation would you have in the Victorian era?
14:45I would be a butcher.
14:45Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
14:47Okay, okay.
14:48What do you have in a bedroom?
14:50Um, piano.
14:52Okay, I'm adding a fireplace.
14:53I can't even add a chandelier to the roof because you made your roof freaking hollow.
14:57So the chandelier isn't even going to be touching the roof.
15:00It's freaking floating like we're in an episode of Harry Potter.
15:06Okay, um, that's all I'm adding to the bedroom because we're running out of time.
15:09So the next room I'm going to do, let's do the living room.
15:12The living room is as big as the bedroom.
15:14So I don't have to paint the walls.
15:16I'm literally just going to use wall paneling.
15:18The walls are white.
15:18Are you like a nun?
15:20Because they use white walls.
15:21I'm a nun.
15:21You placed your windows exactly where I want to put the freaking fireplace.
15:25So you know what I'm going to do?
15:26Don't move my window.
15:27I'm going to put a fireplace below your window just like that.
15:30I feel like this is a fire hazard.
15:31I don't care.
15:32I hope this house burns down.
15:33What do you reckon people would read back in the day?
15:36Oh, um, probably, you know, I don't know, Cocomelon?
15:42I don't think they had Cocomelon back in like the Victorian era, babes.
15:45Okay, I'm spamming books because I don't have time.
15:48How much time you got now?
15:4917 minutes.
15:50Why is the living room so obnoxiously big?
15:52I imagine that like the living room dining room.
15:55I guess I can put the dining room in here as well.
15:57Why did I make this Victorian theme?
15:59I don't know why.
16:00You reckon they had Pizza Hut back in the day?
16:02You think they had Papa John's right around the corner?
16:04Every time we make a video together, why does the house end up becoming like freaking Victorian?
16:09What do you have in a dining room?
16:11Cabinets with like China in it.
16:14Like the country.
16:15Why would I have the country in my dining table?
16:18No, like China plates.
16:20You know what I'm talking about?
16:21The fancy plates.
16:22You're going for a Game of Thrones theme.
16:23I don't support this.
16:25I've got 10 minutes left and I still need to do the hallway, the entryway,
16:28the bathroom, the kitchen, the garage, and the closet.
16:31You want me to help?
16:32Girl, if you end up helping, you're gonna bulldoze the house.
16:34The hallways are usually very grand.
16:36However, this is giving horror movie.
16:38I think it'll be okay.
16:39I'm hoping by just spamming these fancy paintings along the wall
16:44that it will make up my lack of furniture in the hallway.
16:46We have pictures of me.
16:48You're gonna add the photos once you get out of billboards.
16:50I'm gonna add some lamps.
16:51I don't care if lamps weren't invented back then.
16:53I'm making them invented, all right?
16:54I'm going back and changing the past.
16:56Did you just add a butterfly?
16:57I did.
16:58Last item of business is a hook rack.
17:00All right, this is the hallway.
17:02It's ugly.
17:03I don't care.
17:04Oh my god, we have another entryway.
17:05Why do you have two entryways?
17:06That is a mudroom.
17:07What the hell is a mudroom?
17:09It's where you wipe like your dirty feet before you get into the house.
17:12You don't need that because it doesn't snow or rain over there.
17:14Rehab was supposed to be a fresh start.
17:16Why do you Americans have mudrooms?
17:19This makes everything difficult.
17:20It's where you wipe your dirty feet.
17:22Mudrooms are kind of like big closets except there's no clothes in there.
17:25Can I add a fireplace in the mudroom?
17:27I don't know why you would, but I suppose.
17:30It keeps your feet warm when you're changing your feet.
17:32I guess that could be like a hand warming station.
17:35Like you stick your hands in the fire.
17:36What did he say?
17:38On the top here, this could be the yeast.
17:40Yeast infection?
17:41No, not for a yeast infection.
17:43Like you'd eat it to make bread.
17:45I would die back in the day because I'm allergic to yeast.
17:48So if I ate bread, I would probably like die.
17:51Oh, great heavens!
17:52I don't know why there's a mirror in there.
17:54To look at your feet.
17:55Y'all, I got five minutes left, okay?
17:58We're gonna finish the kitchen in five minutes, trust.
18:00I am actually a bit scared that we've only got five minutes left.
18:03So just in case we don't finish the bathroom,
18:04I'm just gonna put a toilet in there because I'm not pooing on the floor.
18:06We have an outhouse.
18:07We don't need a bathroom.
18:08They did not have fridges.
18:10Girl, Victorian.
18:12They did not have fridges.
18:13Well, they do now.
18:15I need words of encouragement.
18:16I'm stressed out.
18:18Okay, you wanting your story?
18:19Yes, please tell me something because I'm running out of time.
18:22Once upon a time, there was a lovely princess.
18:25I would like for you to take a wild guess as to how much time I have left.
18:2930 seconds?
18:30Uh, close.
18:31Three minutes.
18:32I'm halfway through this weird-looking, hideous, infirm-shaped kitchen.
18:36I've not even started the garage.
18:38See, this is meant to be a catfish house,
18:40where it's meant to look good on the inside, guys, but...
18:42Why'd you give the bathroom double doors?
18:44I'm running out of time, but I forgot to get rid of your freaking stupid,
18:48musty, crusty, rotten doors.
18:50It's Shrek aesthetic.
18:51Yeah, well, I don't want someone breaking into my house at 3am.
18:54All right, y'all, time's up.
18:55Did I finish the house?
18:57Do I want to talk about it?
18:59So, this is what the house looks like on the exterior.
19:03Now it's time to come inside.
19:05Okay, I'm not ready.
19:06This is the mudroom.
19:07This is where you, uh, change your feet.
19:10Look, look, I'm a butterfly.
19:12And she was a fairy.
19:14You're stupid.
19:15Oh, this is the hallway.
19:17This is the dining area.
19:19And then this is the living room.
19:20This is where we gossip, if you're in the Victorian era.
19:23Did you hear about Chad?
19:24I heard he got the Black Plague.
19:26Oh, unfortunate.
19:27It's very...
19:28I wouldn't eat those crumpets.
19:30I heard the rats, um, left their dumplings on them.
19:33All right, and over here, darling, we have the bedroom.
19:36This is where...
19:37What's that act that happens after marriage?
19:40Divorce, babes.
19:41All right, this is where I started to run out of time.
19:43So, if the kitchen's half done, I don't want any comments saying,
19:47yo, Alaska, why is the kitchen half done?
19:49All right, this is the kitchen.
19:51This is the...
19:56I don't know what's...
19:57Yeah, I don't know what's in there.
19:58Just shut the door, okay?
20:00We don't have to go in there.
20:01Oh, look, another room.
20:03Let's not go in there, everybody.
20:04All right, guys.
20:05I hope you enjoyed me and Walter doing a beautiful catfish house.
20:09If you want to see more videos with me and Walter,
20:11make sure to comment, wow, Walter, your forehead is huge.
20:15I will show up behind you anytime between 3 and 11 p.m.
20:19Do not forget and just make sure you're watching your back because I will be...