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00:00Alright, so as I'm sure you guys already know, in just a couple of hours, the huge
00:03Roblox hunt event is going to be beginning for the $1,000,000 cash prize.
00:08So I figured what better time to go ahead and bring us Episode 7 of our entire Banning
00:13Exploiter series than right this very second when players are starting to prepare for what's
00:18to come later today.
00:19This should be incredibly interesting today.
00:21I have a feeling that we're going to run into quite the amount of exploiters.
00:24We got a couple of little tools that we're going to be using on them and hopefully, fingers
00:27crossed we take out some level 900s, maybe even some max levels.
00:31Those are always the most satisfying ones to take out.
00:33Alright, let the hunt begin.
00:35Alright, so already our first stop and it is an absolutely beautiful start.
00:40Over here, we got ourselves WrathMaximus777, but he's got $68,000,000 cash and he is
00:49a beautiful max level.
00:51As you can see over here, this guy is quite literally hacking up a storm.
00:56He's not even trying to hide it at this point like he is standing out in the open soon as
01:00that exclamation mark pops up.
01:02He is reeling that bad boy in all with a nice solid $18,000,000 cash streak right now.
01:09This guy is just popping off.
01:11Let's take a quick little peek at his inventory over here.
01:14Let's move the camera so that we can actually see what's going on.
01:16So it looks like for the most part, he's just spending most of his time here inside of the
01:20comm zone, which is really not all that crazy.
01:23He has a lot of crystallized sea dragons really overall, not really anything to out of this
01:28world except for the obvious and clear sign that he's exploiting just to give you guys
01:32an example here.
01:33He is level 1000 with 62 hours play time a total fish caught of $18,197.
01:42Meanwhile, his streak is $18,176 like this is just not exploiting at all.
01:48This is super duper legit.
01:49Now, of course, this would be just absolutely no fun whatsoever if I just went ahead and
01:53instantly banned him.
01:54So I kind of want to mess around with him a little bit.
01:56I want to use this red hyper laser.
01:58I've never actually used this on anyone.
02:00And on top of that, your boy needs a really nice thumbnail.
02:03So let's see how this goes here.
02:04We're going to go ahead and hit him with this.
02:06And yep, it did exactly what I wanted it to do.
02:09It completely freezes him.
02:10Oh, what?
02:11Dude, he's still fishing even though he's frozen.
02:13Now, this guy's got that top tier exploit.
02:16It's honestly quite impressive how he was able to go ahead and pretty much run under
02:21the radar all this time while being in a public server.
02:24It's it's I literally I applaud him.
02:26Now, at this point, I'm just sort of messing with him.
02:28I don't wonder how sophisticated it is.
02:30Let's teleport him over here.
02:31Oh, it just like teleports his whole body.
02:34But his it's wait, what?
02:37It teleported the outline, but technically his body is over here.
02:41What in the world?
02:42All right.
02:43So what if I pull out the sword of light and we hit him?
02:45Does that take him out?
02:47No, it doesn't take him out.
02:48Oh, dude.
02:49This guy's like invincible now.
02:50Bro is literally unstoppable.
02:51Oh, just kidding.
02:52We literally took him out.
02:54All right.
02:55So let's bring him back now.
02:56Technically, he's officially broken at this point.
02:58He can't fish whatsoever.
02:59So it's just sort of standing here.
03:02Oh, and he teleported somewhere.
03:04Wait, where did he go?
03:05Oh, it teleported him right back to where he was fishing.
03:09That's some sophisticated stuff, man.
03:11You know, technically speaking, I could just sit here and just take him out back to back
03:15and we could just drain his I mean, to be fair, it's only like 2000 cash every single
03:19time that we take him out.
03:20But still, we could do this all day long.
03:22Now I wonder, is it going to teleport him back here?
03:24I can't begin to imagine that the entire bot sort of accounts for the fact that you might
03:29potentially die.
03:30Okay, I stand corrected.
03:33Apparently it does.
03:34Now I think the best part about all of this is that he's sort of stuck now in this sort
03:37of like infinite fishing animation.
03:39For some reason, he's literally not able to fish anything up.
03:43I don't know why or what's going on with this entire exploit.
03:47Maybe we broke it for real.
03:48Either way, Maximus, congratulations on hitting level 1062 hours.
03:54Quite impressive, man.
03:55It is quite unfortunate that that light bill is pretty much for waste and you are now not
04:00prepared for the hunt because we're going to go ahead and give you a nice casual ban.
04:07On to the next one.
04:08Let's check out the level 1000 in this server.
04:10He hasn't actually said anything.
04:12Could he be exploiting?
04:13Oh, no, dude.
04:14I just spawned on this guy's jet.
04:15You think he'll say something if I just sit on here with him?
04:17Why is he driving so slow on a jet ski?
04:20Oh, he came to a complete stop.
04:22What is he going to say?
04:24And he left me.
04:25Wow, that's rude.
04:26Here we go.
04:27We've got ourselves a good one.
04:28This guy is literally flying over the Scylla right now.
04:31Bro is popping off trying to catch this thing.
04:36Oh, man, he left.
04:38Bro, why?
04:39Did he really think that he could get away from me?
04:42Bro was level 1000 trying to catch a Scylla.
04:45He abandoned.
04:46He was like, bro, this is not worth it.
04:47I'm not trying to get banned.
04:48Joke's on you, buddy, because I still have your username.
04:51And to that, I have to say, banned, successfully banned for an infinite amount of time.
04:57Good luck logging back in, buddy.
04:59I feel like increasingly lately we've seen a lot more exploiters that are level 1000.
05:03Not really so much like at the beginning of our series where we used to see like level
05:06100, 200, 300.
05:08Now it just sort of seems like a lot of them are already max level.
05:12Take a look over here at this level 1000.
05:14These two people are a little on the side.
05:17I mean, they're technically just doing in-chan, so maybe not level 1000 with a 32,545 streak
05:25is pretty crazy, though.
05:26I'm not going to lie to you.
05:28I mean, come on, chat, like, come on, bro.
05:32This man has 220,000 coins.
05:36Total fish caught 32,545.
05:40His catch streak is 32,545.
05:45He's been playing for 38 hours like, buddy, come on, who are you trying to lie to?
05:51And then he has the audacity to send me a friend request.
05:53Now he's giving me an in-chan relic.
05:55Let's actually take a look at his inventory.
05:57So it looks like recently he just dumped all of his stuff because he doesn't really have
06:01much of anything.
06:02He's got about 12 in-chan relics, specifically nuclear ones.
06:05And then as far as like other in-chan relics, he just kind of has maybe like six with one
06:10of them being an exalted relic.
06:11There's honestly like zero doubt that this guy is not exploiting.
06:15So let's make him aware of that.
06:16Let's go ahead and put him inside of a little jail cage here.
06:19And I want to see his reaction.
06:21I feel like if I was an exploiter, I would instantly leave just sort of out of panic.
06:26So let's see.
06:27He said, bro, let's have a conversation with him.
06:29I said, why exploit?
06:31I want to see if they sort of like fold and just sort of admit it.
06:35Or if he tries to hide it, whole lot of silence right now.
06:39He said, question mark, I said level 1000 in 38 hours with a total fish caught same
06:44as your streak.
06:45I mean, come on, man.
06:46You see that?
06:47I got the proof.
06:48Just admit it.
06:49He left.
06:50Nah, dude.
06:52This is comedy.
06:53Someone in the chat said running.
06:56I said, rip him while chat.
06:59Another one officially bites the dust.
07:02That is a quick little ban right there.
07:05If I run into you and I try to have a conversation with you, running is not going to save you.
07:10You're better off just, you know, having a quick little chat with me.
07:13It's honestly funny, man, because he started that account 38 hours ago, which probably
07:16means that for the last couple of days, maybe, or who knows how long he's been doing it really?
07:21Because, yes, the account technically has 38 hours play, but it doesn't mean that he's
07:24been doing it strictly for 38 hours nonstop.
07:28So maybe he's been working on this progressively.
07:30So I thought he has a max level account ready to go for the hunt later on today.
07:35But now that's that's a thing of the past for him.
07:37No million dollar for you, buddy.
07:39Look at what we got here.
07:40We found ourselves a nice little grouping of exploiters.
07:44We got rival king down there.
07:47And over here, we've got ourselves whatever that says.
07:50I don't even know what that says.
07:51I think the best part about this is that this guy on the right side is using my barber.
07:57So I'm literally hearing my voice every single time that he's catching something.
08:02It's actually hilarious.
08:04A quick look at the stats here.
08:05We got ourselves 81 hours total fish caught 20,978 with a catch streak of 2,300.
08:12Nothing really too crazy.
08:13If I had to make a guess, I'd probably say this is an account that was more than likely
08:17legit at some point.
08:18But then they just kind of gave up and they were like, yo, you know what?
08:21Screw it.
08:22We're going to start exploiting.
08:23Let's go ahead and get rid of him because I really want to focus more on this rival
08:26king guy.
08:27I feel like this guy is going to have the good stuff.
08:30Technically, he is only a level 200, which earlier on in the video, I was literally just
08:35talking about how we haven't really seen too many.
08:37Dude, there are so many hackers in this lobby.
08:40Somebody just stole the Kraken from someone inside of this server.
08:44So there's this guy and there's another guy named Random, which he came in, took it and
08:48then just left.
08:49Oh, anyways, taking a look over here at a rival king, this guy's level 200.
08:54He's only been playing for eight hours.
08:57Double fish caught one thousand seven hundred and a catch streak of basically one thousand
09:02one hundred.
09:03So kind of a shame.
09:04Not really, you know, a crazy amount of time wasted from him, but it is what it is.
09:09Goodbye to Mr. Rival King is two exploiters down.
09:13Let's take a look at this random guy, because it's also kind of funny how people think that
09:17because they leave the server and even if I don't have your name highlight, I can still
09:22see and I can still get your username.
09:24On top of that, I can also still pull up your stats.
09:26So this guy, Random, 104 hours played, total fish caught thirteen thousand one hundred
09:32with a streak of seven thousand three hundred.
09:35Nothing really too insane there, but it's obvious that this guy is more of a server
09:39hopper, so he's more than likely going to have the interesting stuff inside of his inventory.
09:44I can see a couple of ancient death serpents, which are kind of like whatever, nothing really
09:48too crazy.
09:49He's obviously focused on Kraken specifically, which, ironically enough, he only has two
09:54of them.
09:55So maybe he just like left the server because the guy called him out on it.
09:58He's got a decent amount of orcas, nothing really too crazy.
10:01Now, one thing that I have learned from you guys is that spawning in these events is like
10:05the easiest way to catch these guys.
10:07So for example, if I was to go ahead and come in here and just, let's say, spawn in a Scylla,
10:13If anyone is exploiting, they will teleport right over here and start fishing for it.
10:17So let's just take a look.
10:18Look at that.
10:20Look at that.
10:21No way.
10:22No way, dude.
10:25You fell right for it, my boy.
10:26How are you going to do that, man?
10:28How are you going to do that?
10:32That is actually so funny and such a great way to catch them.
10:36Let's go ahead and let's bring Juju over here and freeze him at the same exact time.
10:40Look at that.
10:41Juju's frozen right now.
10:43Juju, how's it going, buddy?
10:44Why are you like this?
10:46Why must you be this way?
10:47Let's take a look at Juju stats here.
10:4926 hours played at level 546 already.
10:53Look at all of these ancient depth serpents, crowned anglers, crystallized sea dragons.
11:00Bro's got orcas for days.
11:03I mean, like, wow, that is an absurd amount of orcas.
11:07He's got a good amount of Scyllas, nothing really too crazy, but I mean, a decent amount.
11:11I mean, wow, Juju, you fell right for the trap.
11:14It was kind of like a piece of cheese on a mouse trap.
11:17You are the mouse.
11:18See you later, Juju.
11:19Have a good time.
11:20Well, I think we've gone ahead and pretty much eradicated this server right here.
11:23So this is a good sign.
11:25Now these guys can go ahead and enjoy this.
11:27As a matter of fact, I'm even going to give them the kraken that was unfortunately taken
11:31from them.
11:32So there you go.
11:33There's your kraken to those of you that are there.
11:34Specifically, this Vicky person that said, I ran out of sundials because of the hackers.
11:38And as I'm in here, someone literally just joined the server advertising a website to
11:44buy coins.
11:46I mean, wow, this is like the easiest ban ever.
11:48I just let them know.
11:51Now you guys can enjoy this lobby hacker free with a smiley face.
11:55Honestly, man, what an adventure today.
11:58Kind of funny situations, to be honest.
11:59I think for the next episode, we're going to literally just focus on straight up just
12:04baiting all of the exploiters, spawning in events, letting them teleport to them, thinking
12:08that they've just hit the mother load and then banning them on the spot, just sort of
12:12like reeling them all in.
12:14Thank you guys for showing all the support on this entire series that we have going on.
12:18The next episode is going to be an interesting one because we might be getting some new tools
12:21and stuff like that to use as far as like admins go.
12:24So I'm excited for that.
12:25Hopefully I'll be able to do a lot cooler things so that we can make the videos even
12:29more interesting.
12:30If you enjoyed the video, make sure to drop a like subscribe to the channel.
12:33I will see you later on today for the hunt update because I'll be covering the entire
12:38thing here.
12:39And of course, we will be live trying to figure out everything either way, man.
12:43With that being said, I will see you in the next one.
12:45Take care and make sure that you guys are using Starcode Carbon when buying Robux or
12:50Roblox Premium.
12:51It forces Roblox to go ahead and pay me in cold, hard cash.
12:55And I appreciate that.
12:56Take care.