• 12 hours ago

I Played Brawl Stars NEW Ranked Mode for 7 Days...

business inquiries: Connor@SwipeUP.gg

thumbnail by: pox - https://x.com/Schneiderpox


00:00Brawl Stars just released their new ranked mode, and today I'm going to set out on my quest to become a Brawl Stars Pro.
00:06Okay, not an actual pro, but I do want to reach the new highest rank in the game, which is called Pro.
00:12But first, I have to purchase the brand new Pro Pass.
00:15There we go, baby, there we go.
00:17We get the all-new Pro Skin, which is pretty cool.
00:20I think we're going to be able to level this up as we tier up.
00:24Speaking of upgrade, we'll claim our first upgrade right there. That's pretty cool.
00:28And we all know that with a new season comes brand new Hyper Charges, so obviously we're going to have to pick all of these up as well.
00:34Also, if you guys are buying anything from the update, please consider using my creator code.
00:38I'd really appreciate it. It means a lot to me.
00:40And so, with our newly acquired firepower, it was time to play our first match.
00:45Oh my god, it's Brawl Hockey?!
00:47I've never played this, but I know that Mortis is a bit of a meme in this one,
00:52and that's because you can get to the puck in the middle before everyone else, and you can kind of just shoot it off the wall and score.
00:57Believe it or not, I played horrible in this match. I mean, just look at the stats.
01:01But luckily, we were just facing bots, so for now, Brawl Hockey's not going to be a problem.
01:05Later on, though, we might run into some issues.
01:07Anyway, after a few more wins, I was able to earn my first promotion,
01:11which leveled up my Pro Pass just enough for me to open a ranked drop.
01:17New season, same problems.
01:18Yeah, obviously that's not great, but before playing my next match, I noticed something.
01:23What happened to Colt's profile picture, and why does it look so goofy?
01:27I don't know about you guys, but it always makes me feel weird when stuff like that is changed.
01:31But what hasn't changed is me promoting, opening a drop, and getting bling!
01:37Even if it's a legendary drop, it doesn't matter!
01:40Ugh... do I gotta release, like, bling merch or something like that?
01:44This has got... like, this is an epidemic, right?
01:46Anyway, I'm in Bronze 3 now.
01:48There's no time to joke, there's no time to lollygag.
01:51I need to lock in.
01:53I think I'm just gonna play Hank.
01:55Keep in mind that this is the first day of the update.
01:59No one knew anything about what the meta was gonna be,
02:01especially not how much of a nightmare Hank would become.
02:06To be honest, I thought he still sucked.
02:07It's Bronze, guys, it's Bronze. I'm not gonna lose a game in Bronze.
02:11We have Cheesy Nuggy on our team.
02:13What I really wanted to try out here was Hank's new Hyper Charge.
02:16So let's pop Hyper Charge, pop Super...
02:18Oh my gosh, wait a minute, am I gonna be able to chain this?
02:20Oh my god, I chained it.
02:21Okay, I don't know if that Hyper Charge makes Hank any good,
02:24but hey, at least we tried it.
02:26Listen, I think the new gadget timer thing is a cool feature to shake up the gameplay a little bit,
02:32but I think there needs to be countdown clock on top of the gadget icon
02:37because just guessing when it's coming back isn't great.
02:40It would be a lot better if you could tell the exact second you were gonna get it.
02:44But apparently, I spent this whole game yapping and it cost me a win.
02:49Wait, did I just lose?
02:50What just happened?
02:51Okay, lesson learned.
02:52I really gotta focus here.
02:53Yeah, losing in bronze is only mildly embarrassing,
02:56but hey, it happens to Corey too, so it's fine.
02:59And then the bad randoms struck in my next match
03:01where our Leon did less than 12,000 damage in a game.
03:05It's just, it's not great.
03:07Despite that, I still pushed through and managed to make it to Silver 1,
03:11where I didn't get a drop, but I did get an upgrade for my Pro Pass skin,
03:15which I immediately wanted to try out in my next game.
03:18Hey, real quick.
03:18I know I said this in my last few videos, but bear with me here.
03:21I would just really appreciate it if you guys would consider subscribing to the channel.
03:24It helps me out a lot, like a lot, a lot, more than I could ever express.
03:27And I know a lot of people out there think they're subscribed
03:30because my videos hit their recommended,
03:32but you might not actually be subscribed.
03:34So if you could double check for me, that'd be great.
03:35All right. Thank you guys. Appreciate it.
03:453v1, brand new skin.
03:47Nah, nah, this skin's it, dude. This skin is it.
03:49Something about the shot animations that I just unlocked
03:52are actually making it easier to hit bullets.
03:54I don't know why. It's all a visual thing for sure, but...
04:00Nice, good clutch, Gene. Good clutch.
04:03Nice! Come on!
04:05No, that was sick. And this skin,
04:06especially when you're gonna level it up, is gonna be so cool.
04:09And because I didn't want to have to deal with bad randoms,
04:12I decided to invite two friends, and we continued our crusade towards gold.
04:16My Silver 2 promotion would come just after one more win,
04:19which was nice.
04:20And my Silver 3 promotion was just another win after that.
04:23And then I learned just how silly Brawl Hockey can be.
04:34After another win or so, I promoted to gold,
04:36where I had a bunch of rewards from the Pro Pass waiting for me to open,
04:39including a ranked drop.
04:41It was bling, by the way, guys. It was bling.
04:43And it wasn't long after that that I finally made it to gold 2,
04:47where I had some more rewards waiting for me.
04:49And it was a ranked drop.
04:50Can you guys guess what was inside?
04:53All right, nice. One more win, and we will make it to gold 3.
04:56But that win wouldn't come easy.
04:58Just stand on the healing thing!
05:02God, it was avoiding me for so long! Like, it's giving you health!
05:13Nice! Come on! Had to work for that one.
05:17Nice! Gold 3!
05:20Okay, we should have some more rewards waiting for me.
05:23I wonder what it's gonna be, guys.
05:25Ranked drop. If it's bling, I'm not even—
05:28You know what? No, I'm not even gonna mention it.
05:30Oh! Nice! That actually levels me up a bunch more, I think.
05:33Oh! Legendary drop. Legendary drop.
05:35It gave me a legendary drop.
05:37Okay, surely this is gonna be something good.
05:42The ranked drop wasn't bling!
05:44It was just a disguise for the legendary drop!
05:47Ah, okay.
05:48Well, we're on our way. One more rank, and we'll make it to diamond.
05:51And it was on my way to diamond where I would learn exactly how good some of these new hyper charges can really be.
06:00And thanks to those OP abilities, I was able to make it to diamond.
06:04All right, we are back. We are so back. Let's go. Diamond 1, man.
06:08Let's see what the Pro Pass has in store for me.
06:11Some gems, that's great.
06:13I'm not gonna say anything. No one say anything.
06:16Okay. All right, that's enough for me.
06:17Currently, the number one player in the world is in Legendary 2.
06:21So, if I can make it to Mythic tomorrow, that would be amazing.
06:27Today, we have our hearts and minds set on reaching Mythic.
06:31But because this ranked season is so new, a lot of players are probably stuck in this diamond to Mythic range,
06:37which is gonna make this part of the journey way more difficult.
06:40They also reworked how diamond draft works now.
06:42It's no longer a full draft like it was before.
06:45It's now everyone bans a brawler and then everyone picks a brawler at the same time.
06:49I think that's a fair compromise and a good way to ease new players into the draft system
06:53instead of having the full long draft, which is just boring sometimes.
06:57But I wasn't scared because today I brought in a secret weapon.
07:01Okay, we're playing with Bobby.
07:02Surely, even though it's hockey, there's no way we lose.
07:05Why is he playing Hank?
07:06Why is hockey in ranked? No one asked for this.
07:11We lost the game, which sucks.
07:12And despite putting up a good fight in our next game, we lost again.
07:16So I decided that it was time for me to lock in and pull out my secret weapon.
07:28Let's go, dude. Why is everything just easier when I play Jesse?
07:32It doesn't matter the game mode map. As long as I play Jesse,
07:36I can win any game, I think.
07:42Let's go. Come on. Like, dude, these stats are crazy,
07:46no? It was nice to build up a little bit of a win streak,
07:48but then this happened. No, it's just brawl hockey, dude.
07:52It's not fun. At lower levels,
07:55I thought it wasn't going to be a problem. Can confirm this is a problem.
07:59Dude, brawl hockey is just the most Mickey Mouse game mode I've ever seen.
08:03This is unbelievable.
08:05But since Bobby is a global rock star on vacation in Las Vegas,
08:08he was only able to play a few games. And after that loss,
08:11he left me all alone to play with these disgusting,
08:14vile creatures that we call randoms.
08:17However, after this Jesse masterclass from me,
08:20I was just one win away from promoting for the first time today.
08:24We have these guys in a box now and the score is tied up.
08:26Come on. One more hit for super.
08:28Go there, hypercharge, turret incoming in a second.
08:31I'm throwing it here. I'm throwing it here. We get those gems.
08:32Come on, we get those gems. We make it out with those gems.
08:34Come on. There it is. Gus dead.
08:38Shelly dead. Surge has 10 gems.
08:41I'm just going to sit here and try and sacrifice myself here for a second.
08:47There it is. Another turret down. Let's go, man.
08:50Come on! Woo! Maybe randoms aren't so bad all the time.
08:55Okay, with Diamond 2, we do unlock some stuff to claim, some gems.
09:00More importantly, the ranked drop. Let's see.
09:03Okay, that's really good. That'll tier us up enough to get a player icon.
09:08That's cool. And then we'll get the mythic drop here,
09:10which is not going to be blamed. 500 credits! Yes, dude!
09:14I've been trying to level up my fame for a while.
09:16500 credits is probably the best thing I can get.
09:18That's awesome. For this next stretch of the push,
09:21I opted to put these new hypercharges that I bought to work.
09:24And let me tell you, these might be some of the best hypercharges released yet.
09:29Mr. P's super chicken coop, insane.
09:32The multitude of bows mines, insane. And Carl! Don't even get me started with Carl.
09:38It is insane.
09:43Oh, we're running it down. Oh, we are running it down.
09:50We are running it down, boys. Yes, sir!
09:53Run it down, baby! Run it down! That's what I'm talking about.
09:56Diamond 3 promo. Look at that, dude.
09:59Now we're going to have some more drops to open to because we promote.
10:01Level up our pass. I mean, we got a bunch of stuff here.
10:04Two ranked drops. Count them up, boys. Two.
10:07Surely they're not both bling. That's huge. I love it.
10:11I love it. That's the best thing that I can get is level up my pass even more.
10:15Come on, XP, XP, XP. All right, it's not bling and that's cool.
10:19Oh, one more tier and we'll get new upgrades for our pro pass skin.
10:23I love that. Onwards to Mythic 1.
10:26But I was immediately greeted with my mortal enemy.
10:29Oh, I'm so sick of hockey. It feels like half my games are hockey.
10:34And the match went a little something like this.
10:38How do you mess that up to score? Oh my God.
10:44How do you mess that up? I hope that they take this mode out of ranked
10:48because it feels like it's the least competitive mode I've ever played.
10:52I tip my hat to the developers for trying something new,
10:54but this one is a bit of a miss. Anyway, unfortunately, my woes would continue.
10:59How do you go zero in seven?
11:03I'm not going to lie. At the start of Diamond 3, I was losing a lot.
11:06I even tilted back into Diamond 2
11:08and that's when I saw an old friend online and I decided to invite him.
11:11His name is Tylo and together we fried everyone in our path
11:16and we made it to Mythic on accident kind of. Yes!
11:20I didn't think I was going to promote.
11:21I thought I'd get to record another game to lead up to this,
11:24but we hit Mythic. We get the sick looking background.
11:27We get progress on our pro pass,
11:29which means we got some rewards to claim. Big skin upgrade,
11:33a lot of pins, very cool stuff here.
11:35Okay, what I'm here for? The ranked drop to celebrate my promotion.
11:39Okay, it's not bling as long as I'm not getting bling.
11:42I can't be mad. Day three is here
11:44and I have set the bold goal to reach Legendary 1.
11:48Now doing so would put me on this leaderboard to be top 500 in my country
11:54and I'm not going to lie just being on a leaderboard like this would be awesome.
11:57Our first match of the day brings us to Bell's Rock
12:00where despite my teammates suggesting Piper,
12:03I knew in my heart that I was going to pick Mr.
12:05Pete, but then our opponents picked a brawler that made my heart sink.
12:08This Edgar is not going to be good for us.
12:11I'm not going to lie. This one might already be cooked.
12:13Nevertheless, we had to lock in for this one.
12:18All right, come on.
12:22Let's go.
12:29Oh, I got hypercharged chicken coop incoming.
12:32Yeah, it's over. GG, guys. Thanks for playing.
12:40Please. Oh my god.
12:42Am I still alive? Go chicken coop, go!
12:46Yes, sir! Come on, man.
12:49That's what I'm talking about.
12:51Winning the first match of the day is a great way to get the push going
12:55and we even won our next game.
12:57So everything was going fantastic up until this happened.
13:00You know, we won our first two games of the day and that's awesome.
13:03And then we get hit with Brawl Hockey,
13:05which just feels like a smack in the face.
13:08Does anyone like this mode like at all?
13:11Let me know in the comments, please.
13:12I need to know if I'm the one who's faded or if it's just not a good game mode.
13:17But even though I despise this mode with every fiber of my being,
13:21we managed to win, putting us just one win away from promoting to Mythic 2.
13:31We got to put pressure on these guys before the walls go down.
13:34Let's go. Come on, man.
13:35That's what I'm talking about. Put that pressure on.
13:37Let's go. There it is.
13:42Come on.
13:44Got to put the pressure on them when they don't have that kind of damage.
13:47There we go. Not a great game for me. 1 and 4, not great.
13:50However, I was playing support anyway,
13:52so it's fine. Mythic 2 promotion and we definitely have some rewards waiting for us.
13:58Now, I'm not going to lie here.
13:59I was a little disappointed that I didn't have a drop to open after promoting.
14:03I'm used to celebrating each promotion by opening a drop,
14:06no matter if it's bling or not. Anyway,
14:08it was time to start working towards Mythic 3,
14:10which immediately gave me one of the most intense matches I've ever played.
14:37I'm dead.
14:39I'm dead.
14:39I'm dead.
14:39I'm dead.
14:39I'm dead.
14:42How did he miss three shots?
14:45How? How did he miss three shots?
14:47He was standing right there.
14:49How did he miss?
15:07That's how it should have been the first time.
15:21Come on, man.
15:29Nice! Come on! The strategy worked!
15:34Come on, man. I'm locked in.
15:35I'm locked in.
15:36We got to get this pinch on this Rico.
15:39Yes, he killed him. He killed him.
15:40He killed him.
15:42That's one plus one gem there.
15:44Look at that.
15:45They can reset though.
15:46They can reset. Not content here, boys.
15:49Come on.
15:50Okay, there's one guy down.
16:09Big hit. Gems. Yes! Come on!
16:12Woo! Oh my gosh.
16:17What a game.
16:18Winning that match right there gave me so much confidence.
16:21I felt like that if we can win that, we can win any match that Mythic 2 throws our way.
16:25And I was right.
16:26We were winning games left and right.
16:28But once again, a familiar foe stood in our path.
16:32We go on a tear.
16:33We're winning a ton of games and then we get stuck with Brawl Hockey.
16:37It's just the worst, dude.
16:39But once again, we were able to prevail and put ourselves one win away from reaching Mythic 3.
16:44But of course, our promotion match just has to be Brawl Hockey.
16:48Like, of course it does.
16:49Why wouldn't it?
16:50And I'm not going to lie.
16:51The results of this one made me crash out.
16:57What a fun game.
16:59What a fun game.
17:00We lost and they went 1-11 and 3-19.
17:04And after that, we suffered another loss followed by another Brawl Hockey loss,
17:09which just seems to be more frustrating.
17:10Heartbreaking, confusing, disappointing are all emotions that come to mind.
17:15It's tough to play when you're emotionally and literally tilted,
17:19but I set a goal for the day and I'm determined to see this through.
17:22I want a spot on that leaderboard bad.
17:25And so like a phoenix rising from the ashes,
17:28we came back and soon enough Mythic 3 was in our sights.
17:31However, there was only one obstacle standing in my way.
17:35There's just no way that we get Brawl Hockey in our promotion match again.
17:40But this time things would be different.
17:43Yes, dude. Finally, we overcome the demon.
17:47That is Brawl Hockey. We earn our promotion to Mythic 3.
17:51And now there's just 452 points separating me from reaching the leaderboards and Legendary 1.
17:57In our first Mythic 3 match, we got put up against quite a formidable foe.
18:02I'm pretty sure this SKC Rafiki guy is a pro.
18:06I watched the monthly finals and I remember seeing his name.
18:09It's familiar for some reason.
18:11But in the end, we were actually able to pick up the win.
18:14After the match, my teammate informed us that we were indeed right.
18:17He was in fact in the monthly finals.
18:19Now to be honest, it looked like he was playing with randoms,
18:22but still taking down a player of that caliber is always a confidence booster.
18:26Anyway, because we only ended up losing one match,
18:29we quickly found ourselves in this situation.
18:32Okay, it's been a bit of a grind,
18:34but we are finally within striking distance of reaching Legendary 1.
18:40Bosses are just coming from Brawl Hockey.
18:42It's just so random. It's so RNG.
18:45I can't emphasize enough how bad this game mode is.
18:48And hopefully we don't get it right here.
18:51No way, no way, no way, no way!
18:54Dude, come on!
18:56All right, this is a true test here.
18:58If we win this game, we promote top 500 of them in my country.
19:02I mean, it's just a lot on the line right here.
19:07There we go. Big kill. Come on.
19:14Oh my god, that was sick! How did he save that?
19:22That's a huge kill.
19:24That's a huge kill. Come on. This is where we go.
19:26This is where we go. Come on. We'd be great.
19:28Time to be great.
19:33That's what I'm talking about with this game mode.
19:37Like, we just tried to clear the puck and we ended up scoring.
19:40It doesn't make any sense.
19:41However, we will take it.
19:54Yes! Yes! I never know how we score,
19:57but somehow it goes in the net.
19:59I don't really understand.
20:03Come on, come on. Yes! Come on, boys!
20:09Oh, it's huge. Take out the stew.
20:13There it is. Trick shot for the final?
20:16Nah, I'm different. I've mastered Brawlhockey.
20:19I've done it.
20:20We're going to get the promotion here, I believe.
20:2218-4! Like, nah, no one's shooting me like that.
20:25Let's go, man! Legendary one!
20:28Let's see where we are on the leaderboard.
20:32Globally, not ranked.
20:33However, United States, top 500, baby!
20:37We're ranked 387th on the leaderboard.
20:41That progress for today is amazing.
20:43But if we make it to Legendary 1,
20:45I'm honestly scared of what's going to happen after that.
20:47Because if you take a look at the global leaderboards,
20:50a lot of players are stuck at Legendary 2 and 3.
20:53And that means if I make it to Legendary 1,
20:55we could be facing some of the best players I've ever faced in my career.
20:59But for now, I have to focus on the challenge that's in front of me.
21:01One of the really big changes in rank this season
21:04is that Diamond introduces, like, a half-draft.
21:07And it's not until Mythic that players have to do the full ban and draft phase.
21:12Ranked 3.0, day 4. That's a lot of numbers.
21:15This is where the skill level of our opponents should pick up a lot.
21:18Because reaching Legendary 2, just promoting one single time,
21:22would put us near the top 500 global leaderboard.
21:25Because we can face players that are up to Legendary 3.
21:28And if you're Legendary 3 at this point, that means you're really good at the game.
21:31However, we don't know how tough this is going to be until we try.
21:34I feel like it's worth mentioning here that when you get to Legendary,
21:37it requires you to earn 750 points to get to the next rank.
21:42For context, every rank before this was 500 points.
21:45Not only that, but you earn less points when you win,
21:47and you lose a lot more points when you lose.
21:50These ranks are very punishing.
21:52Anyway, let's get the day started.
21:53Our first game of the day is on dueling Beatles.
21:55And right away, I'm taught that Miko can actually be a really good counterpick
22:00to the Mr. P meta that we've been seeing a lot of.
22:02It's not always the best play, but it worked here, and it's something to keep in mind.
22:06Okay, a little bit closer than I would have liked it to be, but there we go.
22:09We win our first game. Overall, Miko in 14-0.
22:13I mean, yeah, the Mr. P and the Dynamite did not have a fun time.
22:17We'll take our 60 points. There we go.
22:19I already mentioned that the progress today was going to be tough to get,
22:22but I didn't know exactly how tough.
22:24That is until we got matched up versus one of the best players in the world
22:28and a longtime friend of mine, Bobby.
22:30Oh my God, we're playing Bobby, and he's live right now.
22:34And his pro teammate Chino. So this is going to be a banger,
22:37or we're going to get destroyed. Yo, they target banned Jesse? Why?
22:41Now, we didn't win the game. We got smoked.
22:43But they did use this Piper skin that has invisible bullets.
22:47So I'll consider it a win in my book because that is foul behavior.
22:51After that, it was really just scattered wins and losses throughout the day.
22:55Nothing really notable to talk about.
22:56What I really learned about Legendary is that having brawler skills is one thing,
23:00but if you want to consistently win games at this level,
23:03you need to learn how to draft.
23:05That's the key that will set you apart from most of your opponents
23:08and help you win more matches, myself included.
23:11I haven't actually tried my hardest in a while.
23:13So we ended up losing a bunch of matches just because of bad picks and bans,
23:17but it was in those losses that I learned the most.
23:19For example, Gray is good on almost every single map and game mode right now,
23:24and you should probably just auto-ban Juju, Mr. P, and Hank
23:27if you don't have first pick.
23:28I'll list more things that I learned about drafting and the meta as a whole later on.
23:33So I didn't actually play a single ranked match on day five,
23:36but it's for a good reason.
23:38I was too busy competing in a professional Brawl Stars tournament.
23:42Connor's moving up. Holy Connor.
23:47Oh my God, Connor's him.
23:49Connor's him.
23:50McDee's is him!
23:51But that's a story for a later date.
23:53Video coming soon, by the way.
23:54It's gonna be a banger.
23:56Truth be told, playing in that tourney was way more difficult than playing ranked.
24:00And because I was drafting with and against some of the best players in the world,
24:03I learned a lot about how to draft.
24:06Way, way more than playing a few hours of ranked could ever teach me.
24:10And it's all gonna get put to use on day six.
24:13On this day, I woke up refreshed.
24:15I checked my DMs and I find one from Owen that says,
24:17I think today is when we push for Masters.
24:20And I couldn't agree with you more, brother.
24:22But something that I failed to realize is that they REALLY make the progress slow down.
24:27Like, in my mind, I was thinking,
24:28Oh, these guys are Legendary 3. That's only two ranks away from me.
24:32But I couldn't have been more incorrect.
24:34Not only is the gap between ranks larger than ever before,
24:37but you also earn way less points when you win.
24:40At least things seem pretty consistent now.
24:42I'm always getting 60 to 80 points per win and losing 120 to 150 when I lose.
24:47However, if you combine all of that information with not exactly winning consistently,
24:52you get three idiots playing ranked for 10 hours with little to nothing to show for it.
24:58Our day had ups.
24:59Oh, God!
25:02And our day certainly had downs.
25:04I wish I recorded more, but I was really just focused on playing.
25:08It's my biggest tilt of the season and I'm really hoping to recover and finish out strong on Day 7.
25:13Here we are on the final day of this challenge.
25:16I decided to set some lofty goals.
25:18I want to not only recover what I lost yesterday,
25:21but I also want to gain more and make it to Legendary 3 bare minimum.
25:25Also, I'm severely competitive and losing like that yesterday was just not sitting well with me.
25:31So today is about proving myself.
25:33The day did not start off great.
25:35We were losing games left and right and honestly, we were just getting outdrafted.
25:39And I think it's because I tried applying what I learned from the pros into our game,
25:43but that might have just been making things way more difficult for us
25:46because after another loss, I got a message from Owen
25:49and he was basically saying that we were making things way too complicated
25:52and we should just stick to playing what we know.
25:54And you know what?
25:56Owen was right.
25:56Finally, finally, our first win of the day after a couple embarrassing losses.
26:02We will take that.
26:04That is 60 points back and we are on our way.
26:06Who'd have thought if we just simplified our drafts, we'd play a lot better.
26:09And that same mentality had us winning games by the bunch
26:13and eventually we found ourselves here.
26:16If we win this game, we make it back to Legendary 2.
26:19Come on.
26:19Because bounty wasn't in the game until today,
26:21I haven't seen the new Mandy hyper charge yet,
26:25but it's gotta be electric.
26:27Okay, great damage.
26:28I'm pushing these guys back.
26:32Come on.
26:33Good kill.
26:33He's gonna super me.
26:34I'm gonna run closer.
26:35Look at that.
26:35Dodging all of them.
26:36Okay, I have my super now for when Fang decides to dive in.
26:40I'm gonna have a gadget popped.
26:41You're melted.
26:42See you later.
26:42Brock's dead.
26:48Okay, need to let my oven cook up.
26:50That's a big part.
26:51Oh my god, Mandy hyper charge is crazy.
26:54You're dead.
26:56Let's go.
26:57Come on.
26:59One more win.
27:10Come on, boys.
27:11I don't think I took a breath during that interaction.
27:16There we go.
27:18Okay, we're back to Legendary 2.
27:21Oh my gosh.
27:22A lot of focus.
27:23I think that guy went 1 in 10,
27:25but we make our way back.
27:26That's cool.
27:26We'll earn our XP and we're on our way.
27:28Oh, I have some Pro Pass rewards that I forgot to claim.
27:30Oh, a rank drop.
27:31Maybe this is a sign of things to come.
27:34Maybe not.
27:34Dude, let's go.
27:35I am not going down without a fight today.
27:37But immediately after that, I lost four matches in a row.
27:41I don't know what it is,
27:42but something about this godforsaken rank has me stuck.
27:46I've been putting in a lot of time learning how to draft
27:48and who to pick and ban on what maps and who counters,
27:51like all of it,
27:52but I'm still falling short when it comes to implementing
27:55what I learned into my game.
27:56However, despite my shortcomings,
27:58I continue to play and play.
28:00Slamming my head into the wall until it breaks is what I do best.
28:04And my persistence paid off,
28:06because after a while,
28:07I was able to break through that wall,
28:09but then this happened.
28:10Despite today being such an up-and-down day,
28:13I've continued to play.
28:15And recently, I've been on a bit of a streak.
28:17And so now, I'm at 7,065.
28:20I'm almost untilted for the first time in I don't know how many hours.
28:25And then the game decides to have a maintenance break.
28:27It doesn't say how long that could take.
28:29It could be five minutes.
28:30It could be an hour.
28:31It could be even more than that.
28:33Yep, there it is. Estimated time, one hour.
28:35Like, man, I was just getting in my groove.
28:38I was just building up some momentum.
28:40I was going on a win streak.
28:41Ugh, this is just tough, man.
28:43This challenge might get extended one day.
28:45I was devastated to see the game go into maintenance then.
28:48And it was already 2 or 3 a.m. for me.
28:50Falling short of a goal that I set,
28:52no matter how trivial, really gets to me.
28:54And when I was laying in bed thinking about everything that I've put into this,
28:58I came to the conclusion that technically,
29:00I didn't play a ranked match on day 5.
29:02So that would make yesterday the actual day 5,
29:05and today, day 6.
29:07And tomorrow, yes, tomorrow,
29:09would be my seventh day of playing ranked.
29:13Yes, I know this is a bit of a loophole.
29:15Listen, when I set a goal,
29:16I want to do everything in my power to see it through.
29:19I know you guys understand that.
29:20So here we go, the final day of ranked.
29:22When I saw Ring of Fire pop up,
29:24I was elated.
29:25Really, anything that's not brawl hockey or knockout,
29:28I'm okay with.
29:29Things don't exactly go our way in game 1,
29:31but we do turn it around in game 2,
29:33forcing a game 3 to decide it all.
29:36But despite me putting up a ton of damage
29:38and our Mortis going a staggering 21-11,
29:42we lost.
29:43The Poco counter to Lou was too severe for us to overcome,
29:46and I don't even think our Lou had hypercharge.
29:48So all in all, we suffer a devastating loss.
29:51I feel like your first match of the day really sets the tone.
29:54So I wasn't happy when we lost it.
29:56And in the next game, things didn't get any better.
29:58I brought out the Fishman on triple dribble.
30:00And even after making game-winning plays like this...
30:10Oh my god, we just got to force overtime and we can win.
30:13Oh my god, that is unbelievable.
30:15I'm not pointing any fingers here,
30:16but our Nita didn't exactly do good.
30:19And even in our next match, we lost again.
30:21I don't know what it is.
30:22I just couldn't seem to win.
30:24I went from one win away from untilting
30:26to almost back to legendary one.
30:28Something needed to change.
30:30And so I joined a team because believe it or not,
30:32solo queuing is not good.
30:34But that didn't seem to matter
30:36because our struggles would continue.
30:37We were still unable to get those consistent wins.
30:41And after hours, yes, I mean literal hours of playing,
30:44I decided to take a break and come back after dinner.
30:47A few moments later...
30:49And honestly, it might have been the best decision of my life.
30:52I don't know if it was the food or what,
30:53but when I came back, we were on fire.
30:56Quick back-to-back wins put us in this position.
30:58Finally, after I don't know how many hours I've put into this,
31:02but I am just a smidge away from untilting.
31:06All I need to do is win this game.
31:22Let's go, Maynard.
31:38One more win.
31:39Come on, please.
31:40Untilt time, please.
31:50Come on.
31:51Kill the Mortis.
31:52Kill the Mortis.
31:56We're untilted!
31:58Yes, dude!
32:00It has been so long since I've been back,
32:05but we are now again at an all-time high.
32:09We gotta keep this rolling.
32:10And in order to do that,
32:11we brought out the dirtiest, filthiest brawler combination
32:15that I've ever cooked up.
32:17Hank and Berry.
32:18Hank is already a menace to society,
32:20but this makes him an unkillable tank with crazy damage,
32:24and it's almost an instant GG if you get this combination.
32:27But we didn't just do this once.
32:29We did it twice,
32:30and that put us just one single win away from reaching Legendary 3.
32:35Or so I thought.
32:36See, I had just gained 71 points for a win,
32:39and then I was only 68 points away from promoting.
32:42I just needed a decent win,
32:44but I guess karma kicked in from us using such a disgusting combination,
32:47and then this happened.
32:49Loprasky's invis. He's going in.
32:50I'm going to bait them in to think that it's safe to come here.
32:54He's on a big flank.
32:55There's one.
32:59Nice! There we go. 17 to 11.
33:0219 to 11. We set this up right here.
33:04Just be patient. Come on.
33:05Yes! Come on!
33:09Dude, you guys have no idea how many hours I played to—
33:16Oh my god, no.
33:17Oh my god, we're eight points away.
33:19I was celebrating like we were there.
33:22Devastating, to say the least.
33:23I was so close I could taste it,
33:26but then my heart sank when I saw that we had to play this godforsaken game mode
33:31in my next promotion match.
33:33All right, for all the marbles, we've got Brawl Hockey.
33:36I hate this game mode a lot,
33:38but at the end of the day, it's in the game,
33:41and we have to play it.
33:48Okay, we can defend that. Come on.
33:51Big kill onto the Poco.
33:52That means Zero's coming off a spawn, and Poco's coming off a spawn.
33:55Leon's invis. He's got hypercharge.
33:57We score. We score. We score.
33:58Yes! Come on, boys!
34:06Got to be careful for the Melody hypercharge.
34:09Just don't give up any stupid goals.
34:11We keep it composed in the back, and we're good.
34:13I got out.
34:14No way he interrupted my super with that.
34:16Did we score?
34:19Get that out of here.
34:20Okay, we took out the Melody, and I passed it past the Daryl.
34:23Come on. Get it out.
34:29No, no, no, no, no. We got to defend.
34:30We got to defend. We got to defend.
34:31I don't have a super here.
34:34We're going overtime, and Melody's got super.
34:36Okay, got to make sure we control the Puck here, I think.
34:46No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
35:01Owen saved it.
35:03Oh, my gosh. We tied.
35:05Okay. All right.
35:06Oh, boy.
35:07I get to play another game of Brawl Hockey.
35:17Kick it out.
35:19Kick it out.
35:19Kick it out.
35:20Oh, my God.
35:20Wait. They don't have enough DPS to kill him.
35:22Oh, my gosh.
35:41Owen can't stop this.
35:42Owen can't stop this.
35:44No, we can't, dude.
35:46We just don't have it in us, man.
35:48We don't have that clutch.
36:01Oh, my God. What just happened?
36:02Dude, that is great.
36:03That single goal could win us the game.
36:15Come on, boys.
36:17Owen can score.
36:24Do we tie or we go in game three?
36:30Oh, my gosh.
36:36Please tell me we tie.
36:40All right.
36:41They called it as a draw.
36:42We'll take it.
36:43We'll take it.
36:44Maybe I'll actually get points for this.
36:48Minus 50 because we tied?
36:51And after that, things really, I mean, really, really spiraled out of control.
36:56And I'm not exaggerating in the slightest.
36:58How is it Brawl Hockey again?
37:24Minus 140, bro.
37:29Minus 120.
37:30And there we go.
37:31All right.
37:32Well, it's gonna be another few hours of playing.
37:33We lost the first game here.
37:35And then this spike just started spinning and pinning down and shooting our other teammate.
37:43You can thank this guy.
37:44Look at him.
37:45Look at him go.
37:46Like, there's no point in playing like this.
37:49You know?
37:50Like, I'm not playing this.
37:52I'm getting off.
37:53And this is the end for me.
37:55My teammates got off.
37:56And I was like, you know what?
37:57I'm gonna keep playing because I want to make Legend every three.
38:00I want to get there for the video.
38:02And then I got to deal with people like this guy who should lifetime ban.
38:06Account banned.
38:07Instantly gone.
38:08See you later.
38:09Like, I'm done.
38:10That's it.
38:11I'm done.
38:12I tried my hardest.
38:13Thanks for watching.
38:14My ranked journey doesn't end here.
38:15I will be back with a vengeance.
