Video End When ALL 88 Brawlers are Max Tier...
business inquiries: Connor@SwipeUP.gg
thumbnail by: pox - https://x.com/Schneiderpox
Video End When ALL 88 Brawlers are Max Tier...
business inquiries: Connor@SwipeUP.gg
thumbnail by: pox - https://x.com/Schneiderpox
00:00This is my account and there are over 30 brawlers that I've never gotten to max tier and quite a few of them are still
00:06At zero trophies
00:07So I'm gonna be playing every single day until I finally have every brawler at max tier
00:13And if it takes me longer than seven days to do this, I'll be giving away five Farrah Ollie skins to you guys
00:18So just make sure you're subscribed and comment your player tag taking a quick look at who I can play
00:23There's a lot of options, but one of them stood out to me in particular and that is Shelly
00:27She's the first brawler that every single person that downloads brawl stars gets to play and not having her at max tier just feels
00:35Disrespectful before I started playing I invited my friend Owen and when I explained my mission
00:39He said he was doing the exact same thing, which is just pure coincidence
00:43And so I started my journey with Shelly where I quickly realized that I haven't played her in so long
00:48I have no idea what I'm doing anymore. What is happening? I feel so lost
00:53I just shot the ball at the wall three times in a row
00:56Eventually, I did shake off the rust and because of that we were winning games really fast and as my trophies continued to climb
01:03I began to reminisce old brawlers like Shelly gets so overlooked because of all the new brawlers that get added into the game
01:10But playing Shelly is simple
01:12Her build and her kit is very very basic and it reminds me of a simpler time in brawl stars a time where I've spent
01:19Thousands of hours playing the game before this even became a job and those times will always feel special to me
01:26Anyway, by the time I was done yapping I hit max tier nice first one down
01:3229 more to go and now the decision is who am I gonna do next?
01:37Hey real quick odds are if you made it this far into the video you enjoy the content and I'd really appreciate it if
01:42You guys would consider subscribing and I know there's a lot of people out there that don't know that they're not
01:46Subscribed doing that would help me out a lot. And that's it. Thanks guys for this next one
01:50I wanted to choose someone OP and so I picked Larry and Laurie. I only have them at an embarrassing
01:57195 trophies they're gonna be super strong on this map and I'm ready to play someone that I haven't spent a lot of time playing
02:03Admittedly these early trophies were a snooze fest, but they were a great place for me to practice and learn more for later on
02:10So let's fast forward a bit and my prediction was right. This brawler is
02:14Insane there's nothing that these guys can do and you're dead and wait, there's Chester and you're dead
02:22Or would have been dead. Give my gadget some health and dead and we walk that in and GG. Yeah, this brawler is
02:29Unbelievable. We won literally every single match
02:32We played building a huge win streak along the way and then we lost it
02:36But that doesn't really matter because we built it right back up. I hit max tier pretty quick. Oh, okay
02:41Well, we only lost one match. I believe max tier Larry and Laurie on to the next one
02:47I wanted to get another thrower done while the map is really good for them
02:50And so I picked juju because man I played one earlier and she was just so annoying
02:55But the only problem is that she's a power one and zero trophies. Whatever will I do to fix this problem?
03:02Well, that was easy. Let's get things started. I actually only ended up pushing juju to around
03:07450 trophies or something like that and then I logged off for the day
03:11It was a bit of a slow start, but I was really hoping to pick up the pace on day two
03:15So the map switched out which isn't great because there wasn't really any thrower friendly maps
03:20And so I put my juju push on hold and decided to push Gus because honestly, I just love this skin so much
03:27It's so fire after playing him for a bit. I was genuinely impressed. Gus is so good
03:33Especially when you're able to sync up with your teammates like this and make good plays
03:36It's just super strong with the shield that feels like I can take on multiple opponents at the same time
03:41Or I can use that shield to give my teammates an advantage in their own fights
03:45It's just exactly the way that I like to play the game. Nice, dude
03:50Okay, why are all of the characters that I've barely ever played actually so good?
03:55Also, don't look at the stats for that game. But there we go max tier Gus. We're on to the next one next
04:00I opted to push another og brawler who was way out of his prime
04:04And unfortunately, I had to learn that the hard way
04:10Dude this brawler is so bad like I don't do any damage
04:16I get my super maybe once or twice a game. I'm lucky if I get my hyper charge at all during any match. It's just
04:24Like yeah, GG. I'm dead. What a fun
04:28Luckily, I only had to gain about 200 trophies to get him to max tier but Jesus this brawler is horrible after that
04:35I wanted to get another brawler that I don't necessarily
04:38Enjoy playing out of the way, and so I picked Janet
04:42My goal here is to pick a bunch of brawlers that I don't really enjoy playing as early as possible
04:46So that way I can play the brawlers that I actually like
04:49Towards the end of the push right when I need that boost in that motivation, you know
04:53Anyway as expected when I first started playing Janet, I hated it
04:57I just didn't feel like charging up her shot charging the shot up. It's just a mechanic that I don't like
05:02I know it sounds dumb, but it's another reason I hate Hank who we'll get to later in the video and same with Angelo
05:08It's just a mechanic that I don't like however after gaining a few hundred trophies with her
05:12I discovered something powerful something borderline evil something that takes Janet to a whole new tier of being good
05:23Since when does Janet have a hyper charge?
05:26Yeah, definitely not my sharpest moment ever but so many things get added to the game that it's really hard to keep track of
05:33Okay, and so I immediately ran to the shop and bought her hyper charge and as it turns out, it's
05:38Unbelievably good it gives you full control over her super which was one of her weak points before on top of that each bomb
05:44Does like 2,000 damage or something crazy like that?
05:47And when you can hover over top of someone drop bombs on them come down and then just spam three shots
05:52You can almost kill every single brawler in the game
05:55It is so powerful and her boombox gadget is severely underrated because it's not really meant to do damage
06:01It's just meant to prevent enemies from healing when you can't directly get to them yourself and overall
06:06Janet might be one of the best brawlers in the game by far and because of that we got to max tier in no
06:12Time at all
06:12We really only lost once or twice on the entire day
06:15And so I'm sad to say that my journey with her as well as day two came to an end
06:20I was beyond excited to start playing on day three and that's because dueling beetles is out
06:25It's one of my favorite map and mode combinations
06:27That's ever been added into the game and whenever I think of this map one brawler in specific always comes to mind and that is
06:34Lou and Poco, but I don't need to push him
06:36So Lou it is his ability to shut down
06:38Entire lanes and other areas of the map make him a force to be reckoned with and to be honest
06:43Just having the sheer power that it takes to change supers together with the hyper charge is
06:48Insane making each map an arctic tundra is a ton of fun
06:51And I hate that we got to max tier so fast because I would have loved to keep playing this incredibly adorable
06:57Snowcone machine next up. I opted to play another og brawler penny
07:01She's been in the game pretty much since its inception and I've spent a lot of time playing her if you asked me before
07:06This if I had her at max tier, I would have bet everything that I have on yes
07:10But that's not the case discovering that I got her to tier 49 is just sad. It's so close to max tier
07:17Anyway, I realized pretty quick that I like playing penny for all the same reasons that I like playing Jessie
07:22you play around a turret and once you get that set up you can control so much of the map and
07:27Especially on this map in particular and you get to max tier and that leads us into day four a day that I was really
07:34Really dreading and let me explain why in case you haven't noticed
07:37I have a gross amount of brawlers at a
07:39Dangerously low trophy count and when I look at them and realize that they all need to get to 1,000 trophies
07:44I get stressed out and so day four is when I plan to push most of these lower trophy brawlers to around five or six
07:50Hundred trophies doing this is for me because if I save these brawlers for the end
07:54There's a chance that I would just quit the challenge as a whole
07:56But if I break the push-up into increments like this, it makes my brain feel like it's easier. I don't know
08:01I can't explain it. It was a long day. And here's what I learned along the way Pearl is actually a lot of fun
08:07Especially up close you can melt anyone's face off crab guy is a little weird to play in the bronze tier
08:13He sucks really bad. But when you get to gold tier, he is crazy good
08:18The only problem is getting there takes forever and some games. I don't even manage to do it
08:23Cordelius is just a god amongst men each game. I play it feels like I'm literally walking on water. I'm untouchable
08:29Maisie shot has a weird delay but chaining her hyper charge and super together is really satisfying
08:35I'm pretty sure a mouse guy got nerfed into an oblivion
08:38But yeah, he just feels like a shell of the brawler that he used to be
08:41I still hate Sam a lot charging up Angelo shot is still as insufferable as ever
08:46but man
08:47He pumps damage when you get it going and finally Barry is now one of my new favorite brawlers because you could do stuff like
08:53This and that's awesome. So awesome. In fact that I pushed him all the way to max tier and ended out the day
08:59I don't know how many thousand trophies I gained on the day, but it was a lot and then I went to bed yesterday was
09:05Amazing progress overall. I gained a lot of trophies
09:08But today I want to actually get some of these brawlers to max tier
09:12There's still over 20 brawlers that I need to get to max tier. So today that's my goal now
09:18I don't remember exactly what happened here
09:20But the only thing I have written down in my notes is that I wanted to mention something about playing BB
09:26I don't know. It was boring and then she was at max tier. That's all I got. I don't know
09:31I've also got my buzz really close to getting max tier
09:34So we're gonna get him done right now and I can see exactly why we seem loves this brawler so so much. Yeah
09:50Let's go
09:52Except for the fact that he gets hard countered by every
09:56Single brawler in the game like every brawler in the game just kills me
10:03Okay, well that wasn't exactly the easiest but hey, it's done another one down after that
10:08I wanted to get fang done because he's pretty close to max tier as it is and he's exactly like buzz in
10:14Every way shape and form they're both assassins with a lot of health and their goal is to dive onto
10:19Opponents and unload all of your ammo and pray to the high heavens that you kill whoever you're attacking because if not
10:25You're probably dead. But again, I can see why everyone likes to play these kind of brawlers their play styles fun
10:31It's aggressive. It's fast-paced
10:33It's the high
10:34Octane in your face kind of gameplay that people love and I can respect that and if you do it well enough you can
10:41Get the max tier in no time and that's another one in the books after that
10:44It was finally time after watching my friend
10:47Oh and suffer through playing hang for the last hour or so
10:50I decided that I was gonna rip that band-aid off as well. And no, I'm not using the milk Hank skin
10:55I'm a Chad moon guardian enjoyer. Okay, however after this being the stat line to my very first match
11:01It was clear that I had a lot to learn and what I learned is that Hank is way worse than I ever imagined
11:07In fact, he's so bad that one of my teammates tried to gently nudge me to stop playing him by reminding me of just how
11:15Bad he really is and now I'll give you a comprehensive review of exactly why he sucks. He's got no damage
11:21He's got no movement. He's got no support. He's slow
11:24he's got no stun ability I mean the list goes on and on actually the only thing and I mean the
11:31Only thing good about playing Hank is when you're standing directly on top of an opponent and you perfectly time up your super
11:38It's just beautiful
11:41And spinning in circles while you're charging up your shot is pretty fun, too
11:45But it's mostly the super thing that was the only time that I had a smile on my face. Okay. Okay. Okay, it's done
11:52It's done. I am never playing Hank again
11:55Unless this video gets like 10,000 likes then maybe I'll do a Hank mastery. But other than that, um
12:01I'm putting Hank away on the shelf and never touching him again
12:03Next up was willow penalty kick is a great brawl ball map for throwers and mind
12:08Controlling your opponents and using them to score is one of the most BM things you can do in the entire game
12:13And I love it
12:14Really just mind controlling someone in general and killing one of their teammates is awesome
12:19And overall willow was a really fun brawler to play a lot more fun than I expected
12:23So getting here to max here wasn't a problem at all and believe it or not
12:25That was nine hours of me playing today and my brain is chalked
12:29So I went to bed excited to play one brawler in specific tomorrow Cordelius
12:34That's the brawler that I've been itching to play again
12:36But I'm really just here to have a good time when I can and man playing Cordelius is a good time. Nope. See you later
12:46Let's go dude
12:53Just it's so good. It's so good. It's so fun. The voice lines are good. Everything is fun. Oh
13:09I feel like I'm slowly becoming a bad person when I play this game
13:12Sometimes I also learned this cool tech where you can shoot your super then jump so you can close the gap a little bit
13:19Pick up that elimination
13:21Pick up that elimination. Yeah, I got this
13:25Yes, come on, man
13:27Cordelius is the do-it-all the hero brawler the carry it is
13:33Unbelievable. We actually got there without losing a single game 41 win streak since I'm gonna continue to play 2v2
13:38I needed to push someone with some CC
13:41That's short for crowd control if you're a filthy casual Maisie was perfect for the job pop super then dash
13:46Then we go boom. Boom. Boom. Pop it again. Boom. I have hyper charge
13:52And we walked us in let's go man, dude Maisie is so good
13:56She's got great range incredible burst damage and her super is
14:01Unbelievably strong combine that with our hyper charge and well, you just you get a good time. That's what you get
14:10And so yeah
14:12If you could believe it or not Maisie was another easy brawler to max tier after I was done with Maisie
14:16I felt like Chester would just be really good in 2v2 and I was right
14:20He ended up being good for a lot of the same reasons that Maisie was good range good burst damage. Yada
14:25Yada, you get it. We even won 37 games in a row before losing to this juju
14:30That's also why I decided to push juju next but that's a problem for later on
14:33Anyway, Chester's RNG build should be frustrating to play but it's actually really fun
14:38Yeah, sure. It is a little annoying not getting the super or the gadget powerup that you want
14:43But that's completely fine because all of the abilities still have utility regardless of the situation
14:48You're in each time you're playing Chester and you end up getting your super
14:51It's like a little puzzle to figure out in the blink of an eye as to how to get the most
14:55Value out of it. We managed to get to max tier and yet again
14:58I was remiss about getting these brawlers to max tier so fast because I was having a lot of fun on these past few brawlers
15:04That I finished that is until juju came around just kidding
15:08Juju is crazy good and everything was smooth sailing except for this crazy glitch with Darryl that I frankly have never seen before
15:15But we still made it to max tier and I was on to the next brawler who I wasn't exactly
15:20Looking forward to until I started playing him. It's Angelo. I am playing Angelo in heist and oh my god
15:27This is unbelievable. He outputs so much damage and I'm not even sure how it happens
15:32The only problem was that
15:33Leprosky waited until we were one game away from max tier to tell me that I was using the wrong star power
15:39But I digress we got there and that's okay with me next up
15:42I wanted to push Nani because Kaboom Canyon is one of the only non
15:46Bounty slash knockout maps that she's good on and I really really don't want to play either of those modes now
15:52I'm not gonna lie
15:53I haven't played Nani in a while and I mean a while
15:56Why so the first thing I had to do was get dripped out with a new skin use code Connor by the way
16:00Thank you guys, and then I had to learn how to hit my shots because it was rough at the start
16:05I mean, I literally couldn't hit anything but with enough practice. I was able to shake the rust off
16:11And you're dead and oh
16:14Hold on and and you're dead
16:19And you're dead
16:24Boom and boom just melt the safe melt the safe. Come on. Let's go
16:31that is so much damage and
16:37You're dead. Oh
16:41Another one down. Let's go man on day seven
16:46I continued my crusade in 2v2 brawl ball and I learned that I like playing pearl a lot like her super is kind
16:53Of useless most of the time
16:54But the fact that it breaks open walls
16:57Saves her because once you open up the map a little bit pearl becomes a demon. I just like the way she shoots
17:03It's just satisfying and I like that
17:05She's easy to play and it's easy to control a game and pick up eliminations and overall
17:09I just really liked playing pearl so far what I've been realizing about this entire journey
17:14Is that once I get to know how a brawler plays and what I'm supposed to be doing in each match?
17:19I actually come to like that brawler
17:21Even if I didn't feel that way before I grow a fondness for them
17:24Like there's just something about playing and learning and figuring things out that I've always enjoyed and I think that's one of the many
17:30Reasons why I love brawl stars plain and simple and next up was gray and gray is
17:36Confusing. I was having a really hard time finding the best opportunities to use my portal and my hyper charge plus with multiple portals down
17:44It makes the matches so chaotic and it's hard to keep track of what's going on sometimes
17:48But after some matches, I learned to bask in that chaos and I made it my home thus eventually getting gray to max tier
17:55And you know what? That's another fun brawler
17:56I'm gonna say it playing gray was a great time
17:58Actually a lot of the brawlers leading up to this have been great
18:01And then when I started on my next brawler, I was swiftly reminded of just how bad Mouse guy is now
18:08That's Moe. I call him Mouse guy is you get it?
18:11Okay, Moe is bad like bad bad like really really bad
18:15It's super which is supposed to be this big tide shifting ability takes forever to get and even when you do get it
18:23It is horrible. Like I genuinely can't emphasize enough how bad it is
18:28I'd say that 90% of the brawlers you attempt to dive on take you down before you can even do anything
18:33His damage is embarrassing both in drill mode and in mouse mode and his reload is really slow
18:39List just goes on and on and for whatever reason he does a little to no damage when standing
18:45Directly on top of someone like how does that even make any sense?
18:48I was losing my mind and after putting myself through that I called it a night
18:53My initial goal was to finish this challenge within seven days
18:56But I can definitely say my eyes were bigger than my stomach here. Whatever they did to Moe is a shame
19:01This brawler is terrible. I'm putting him in like the Hank tier almost it's bad. I'm never playing him again
19:07He's the only brawler that I genuinely struggled with so far to get him here and that is saying a lot
19:12I've still got quite a few brawlers left to go and some are still even at zero trophies
19:17But we'll deal with that on day eight now speaking of those brawlers at zero trophies
19:21I figured it was about time to upgrade and push them. Oh, and I also bought some skins for them use code Connor in the item
19:27Shop. Thank you guys appreciate it first
19:28I wanted to push shade this adorable little ghost had a lot of hype around them when they were first released
19:33But I haven't played them nor know what they do
19:36Immediately after starting I noticed that the damage numbers are sometimes orange with an exclamation point
19:41I thought it was just some random quirky concept
19:44I don't know. It wasn't until after I gained a few hundred trophies that I learned why they're orange
19:51Wait, I think that if I just hit things with this middle lined part of the attack
19:55That is what gives me the extra damage and the orange text. That's interesting
20:00I push shade to around 400 trophies and then hopped over to push meeple who I also bought a skin for use my code
20:06Please thank you, but I'll give a more in-depth review of shade later on and meeple is another interesting brawler
20:12I kind of enjoyed him
20:13It was weird, but it was a lot of fun and then I hopped over to push Ali and Ali is another interesting brawler
20:18But for a different reason, I'll just tell you now Ali sucks straight up. That is the best answer I can give you
20:24I can't think of a single thing that I like about this brawler from voice lines to his attack to his gadget to his super
20:30It's just it's all just very underwhelming
20:32So I pushed him just enough to get me to
20:3570,000 total trophies and then I swapped over to push a brawler that I actually enjoyed playing our teeth using your super when you're
20:41Directly on top of someone and then spamming all of your shots
20:44You just erase them off of the map and it's very satisfying
20:47So needless to say getting RT to max tier was easy and it was fun after that
20:52I partied up with some friends so I could push my Clancy
20:54But we only ended up gaining a little bit of trophies and then they got off and so I pushed my Draco up a little
20:59Bit I pushed my buster up a little bit and then I got off for the day
21:02I didn't get nearly as many brawlers to max tiers
21:05I wanted to today, but I feel like my overall progress is still something I can be happy about
21:10But there is still a long long way to go until I'm done this challenge because of my shortcomings yesterday
21:15I wanted to start off today by pushing a brawler that brings the energy with his voice lines and his gameplay
21:21We're playing Draco. He's so good. So fun to play and enter so many reasons even in his standard form
21:28He's not nearly as bad as like Clancy and Surge for example
21:31Plus you end up getting his super pretty quick and then dragon form just goes blammo. You're fast. It's aggressive
21:38You're in your opponent's face
21:39Spraying them down with fire you output so much damage at such a wide range and you pick up so many
21:45Eliminations a Draco is just a blast to play and we were even able to take down super lab along the way
21:52Which is pretty cool because I know that guy plays the game a lot
21:56There it is another one bites the dust and Draco, that's a fun brawler
22:01That is a fun brawler to play after coming off of finishing a brawler that I really really like I felt like it was
22:07Fair to push one that I really really dislike and that is Sam playing him just feels so awkward
22:14Like if you guys have tried it, you know what I'm talking about. Like you have to toss your super
22:18It's a certain places just to get a temporary speed boost
22:21But it's got to be somewhere you can safely access and then you throw it at the wall to heal like it
22:26When is that even worth it?
22:27And then when you're in a fight, do you keep the gloves on so you do more damage?
22:30Or is it more value to throw them at your opponents?
22:33But then you got to worry about throwing them at a wall nearby so you can scramble to pick them back up without dying
22:38It's just there's so much going on. I'll just let this screenshot and these clips explain how I feel
22:47Come on man
22:52I've got to run all the way over here to get them. Now. It's just this brawler, dude
23:01Okay, let me run all the way back here and get them every single time an abysmal experience playing Sam
23:06He's the first brawler that I've struggled to play and I still don't know what I'm doing
23:11When's the best time to use my gloves for movement?
23:15When's the best time to use my gloves for for damage and throw them?
23:18They're all the way over there and like they just scored and I'd a
23:23Few moments later get me off of Sam. This guy is
23:28Trash dude, or he's just too complicated. I don't like it. We're on to the next one the next brawler
23:33I wanted to push was meeple who I've heard nothing but bad awful things about everyone that I've talked to has said the same thing
23:40He sucks. He's not good trash tier, but you know what? I really enjoyed playing him
23:45I was able to use his super to outplay a lot of opponents in 2v2 knockout
23:49Plus you never really have to aim or it's fine if you aim just close enough because the shots will curve towards your enemies
23:55Anyway, but overall I really think that he's underrated
23:58Especially in modes like bounty and knockout or really just any modes where the walls come into play like dueling beetles
24:04For example on all of those maps. I feel like meeple has a place plus his stun gadget is severely underrated
24:10but his voice lines and brawler model are
24:13You know, they're what they are but the actual gameplay with him is pretty good and I enjoyed getting him to max tier
24:19Then I woke up the next day to see the grossest most
24:23Disgusting vile map pool I've ever seen best 3v3 map was out in the open a knockout map
24:29And so I settled to push mr. P and it was about as boring as you'd expect. It's not that mr
24:34P is bad
24:35It's just the way that he plays isn't the most exciting you just sit back and spam
24:39Briefcases until you get a chicken coop and then you continue to sit back and spam briefcases
24:44Plus he's really only been good in knockout or bounty and those modes are just slow enough to put me to sleep
24:49But he's good at what he's good at and so needless to say that was another easy brawler to max tier
24:54I pushed other brawlers up a little bit like ollie and clancy, but then I went to bed praying for better maps tomorrow
25:01My prayers were answered because today we got some really good maps in the pool
25:06We got super beach and most importantly we got ring of fire
25:09Which is just one of my favorite maps in the entire game
25:12And we've only got four brawlers left to get to max tier and so my goal is to finish that today starting with Clancy
25:18I've tried pushing Clancy a few different times and just getting to the silver tier when I'm playing him takes forever
25:24And I feel so useless in my matches now. I'm not gonna lie here
25:28It wasn't until I was over
25:30800 trophies with Clancy that I even bothered to look at my other gadget
25:34And I learned that there's one that gives you double progress towards your next tier when you use it
25:40Needless to say I was just a little frustrated and kind of mad at myself
25:44But wait, there's more because he's also got a star power that gives him extra progress at the start of the match
25:51But low-key though getting full ammo after picking up an elimination is insanely strong
25:56There's really a few Clancy builds that you can go and it really depends on who you're facing
25:59Like if you're playing versus a tank you can use the mobility gadget
26:02Which is godlike cuz you're just gonna farm your tears off of the tank that you're facing anyway
26:07But if there's no tank
26:08Then you probably need the two times gadget because that makes getting to your tears a lot easier
26:12No matter the build the end goal is to always get to gold tier as fast as possible
26:17And when you do you can take over on any map Clancy can be pretty difficult to play because it feels like you're playing a mini
26:23Game inside of a game and that's a whole different story. But thanks to Ring of Fire being out
26:28I was able to thrive with Clancy and make it to max. Oh wait. I'm at
26:32999 trophies
26:34Okay there now I'm at max tier next up. I wanted to push Ali and Ali just he's not good
26:39I mean, I hate to say it, but he's just underwhelming in every way
26:43His stun abilities are amazing, but he's got so little damage odds are if you stun an opponent
26:49You're not gonna be able to pick up that elimination
26:51Anyway, like take a look at this game. I went for no and I didn't even surpass
26:5615,000 damage by the way while I'm recording this Ali is scheduled to receive a damage buff soon
27:02So if he's good now, it's not my fault. Okay, despite all of his shortcomings
27:05I did manage to get Ali to max tier pretty quickly and I will admit when you chain your super together
27:11He can be pretty fun. I'm just saying he's not that good right now. Next up is Buster
27:15He's a brawler that I really really like I just enjoy how he plays with the shield and the way his shots work
27:21It's just satisfying and just take a look at this gadget
27:23You can vacuum up anyone and instantly erase them from the map plus popping the shield
27:29Directly in front of a cult or Rico who uses a super is enough to put a smile on anyone's face
27:34He's just really one of those brawlers that benefits from team synergy
27:37Like if you have a healer or you have someone that gives you mobility and when you get that going it feels really good to
27:42Link up with your teammate. I don't know how to describe it, but it just feels nice
27:45Okay, it feels nice when you and your teammates are all on the same page working to reach the same goal
27:50Which for me is winning as many matches as possible and getting to max tier
27:55which I did and
27:57Finally that brings us to the last brawler that I need to get to max tier and that is shade now shade caught me off
28:03Guard because on release there was so much hype for this brawler
28:07and I just didn't understand why and it wasn't until I was playing towards the end of this push that I realized the
28:13Potential that this brawler has hitting people through the wall the dash from the super and chaining supers together
28:18It's just so good
28:19And if you guys have ever faced a good shade player
28:22You know how tough it can be to hit someone who's weaving through the walls and timing everything up just such a solid brawler
28:28And I feel like there's a lot of untapped potential especially in the hands of high level or even professional players and this untapped
28:35Potential carried me all the way to max tier
28:39It's done. The deed is done. That is it
28:43That is shade and that is my final brawler to max tier
28:48That is all 88 brawlers to max tier and that's the end of the video
28:54Thanks for watching guys. I'll see you later