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Los Casablanca Capítulo 58 en HD Completo Los Casablanca Capítulo 59 en HD Completo Los Casablanca Capítulo 60 en HD Completo Los Casablanca Capítulo 58 en HD Completo Los Casablanca Capítulo 58 en HD Completo Los Casablanca Capítulo 58 en HD Completo Los Casablanca Capítulo 58 en HD Completo
00:00No, pero me sorprendió que me invitaran a salir.
00:06¿Por qué tanto?
00:08Si igual tenemos buena onda nosotros.
00:11No sé, me imaginaba que eras como los que pasan los sábados en familia.
00:17Igual muy fome así.
00:22Mira, debo confesar que igual era así, sí.
00:26Pero, no sé, cambié. Ya no.
00:29Que ahora estoy en modo aventura.
00:34No, nunca tanto.
00:35Igual, además, tú no eres de ese tipo de mujeres.
00:44Ya, y a ver, según tú, ¿qué tipo de mujer soy?
00:54Compañera de aventuras de sábado por la noche.
00:58No sé, ¿eh?
01:00Ninguna de las anteriores tenía yo.
01:03Ya, a ver.
01:04A ver, yo solo te puedo decir que...
01:10que siento cómodo contigo.
01:12Lo paso bien, Maci Reyes.
01:16Me atraes mucho.
01:23Eres muy linda.
01:28No, no, no.
01:33No, chuta.
01:35Yo pensé que...
01:37que yo también te gustaba.
01:43Me gustas.
01:45Pero no en estas condiciones.
01:48¿Qué condiciones?
01:49¿Qué condiciones? Estoy perfecto.
01:51No, no, estás perfectamente curado.
01:59Puede ser un poco, pero...
02:02un poco al revés, perdón.
02:05Es que no te quise hacer sentir mal.
02:07No te preocupes. Oye, tranquilo.
02:12¿Estamos pasando bien?
02:41Porque tú sabes que con nadie te pasa lo que te pasa conmigo.
02:45Samuel nunca te va a hacer sentir como yo.
02:48Tú lo sabes.
03:00No, no.
03:01Déjame asumir que tú y yo queríamos estar juntos.
03:05¡No! ¡No! ¡No! ¡No! ¡No!
03:06¡No! ¡No! ¡No! ¡No! ¡No!
03:11Yo te conozco.
03:14Te conozco.
03:15Si aquí quieres darme un beso, si aquí quieres tragarme que no vayas por acá.
03:19Quiero hacer lo contigo.
03:22Quiero hacer lo mismo.
03:24I promise you, you won't see anyone.
03:26I promise you, you won't see anyone.
03:51What's wrong, love?
03:53You're very sleepy.
03:56Yes, I was sleeping, but...
04:00It seems you're very awake.
04:05What's wrong?
04:10I want to be with you.
04:13Only with you. Do you want that?
04:16I always want that, love.
04:22I love you.
04:52I love you.
05:22I love you.
05:52I love you.
06:39My love, my life, my everything.
06:46No, no, wait.
06:47I love that you take care of me.
06:49I love that you take care of me.
06:51Oh, I'm crazy, Sara.
06:52You're so weird, because...
06:55Sometimes you're mine, you're in my bag,
06:57and then you take off your shoes, you pamper me.
07:01You're in love.
07:02Help me with the shirt.
07:04Let's make love.
07:05You're not in a condition to do anything but sleep, Tomas.
07:08No, no, no, let's go.
07:10Help me with the shirt, please.
07:13What am I going to do?
07:15With what, Tomas? Let's see.
07:17With you.
07:19I'm in love to the bone.
07:22There's nothing to do, absolutely nothing to do.
07:26You're my life, you're my sky.
07:30Tomas, that's enough.
07:32I need to anchor myself.
07:34You're my anchor.
07:39I need to go to the bathroom.
07:46It's not going to be so good to go to California, my love.
07:49That's not safe yet, Tomas.
07:51But of course you're going to be elected.
07:54My love, don't doubt it.
08:01Are you okay?
08:27I'm afraid Raymundo will find out.
08:29Find out what?
08:31About us.
08:32About us?
08:33Or that baby is waiting for me?
08:37Carla, you and I know that baby could be mine.
08:40No, Iván.
08:41This baby is Raymundo's.
11:37Hello, old man.
11:38How are you?
11:39With Luciana?
11:46I'm going back to the field.
11:48My future wife has a lover.
11:59I'm going to go train.
12:03Hey, honey.
12:04I was thinking we could make a meal with Samuel and Luciana
12:08to celebrate their engagement.
12:10I think it's perfect, honey.
12:11I can tell him.
12:12I was just talking to him.
12:13Hey, hey, hey.
12:15You're so dressed up.
12:16We should surprise you.
12:18My love, my love, my love.
12:20I can't now.
12:21I have to go out.
12:22You can't.
12:23No, I can't.
12:25No, because I have to go out, my love.
12:28You can't go out.
12:29Yes, seriously.
12:30I have to go out.
12:31I'm in a hurry.
12:32My mom was left...
12:33She's in the apartment.
12:34She asked me to take my things.
12:36I have to go.
12:37No, no.
12:38The can is bigger.
12:40But hurry up.
12:42Or you'll be late.
12:43No, I'm not going to be late.
12:44I love you.
12:45I love you too.
12:46Send my regards to your mom.
13:07I wanted to tell you that Bonesito put music on my phone.
13:19But I like to listen to it on the radio cassette.
13:26Like when we listened to it while we drank tea in the kitchen,
13:31Do you remember?
13:33I want to tell you that I will never, never betray you.
13:47That your secret is safe with me.
13:52I'm going to take it to the grave.
14:01I'm going to take it to the grave.
14:31I'm going to take it to the grave.
15:00I'm going to take it to the grave.
15:28I'm going to take it to the grave.
15:33I'm going to take it to the grave.
15:48Is everything okay?
16:18Hello, Joana. How are you?
16:20Hello, Luciana. How are you?
16:22Hey, I was waiting for you.
16:26Juan Pablo, what are you doing here?
16:29I needed to see you.
16:31But you've gone crazy.
16:32I'm going crazy, Lu. Can't you see?
16:35I'm going crazy.
16:37I'm going crazy.
16:39I'm going crazy.
16:41I'm going crazy.
16:43I'm going crazy.
16:45I'm going crazy.
16:48Don't you realize?
16:49And now you're going to be part of the family.
16:51I'm going to see you more.
16:52And I don't know what I'm going to do
16:53because when I have you close, Lu, I...
16:55Well, you can't do anything
16:56because you're married
16:57and I'm going to marry Samuel.
16:58Do you understand? Please.
16:59Juan Pablo.
17:00Lu, no. Stop. Please.
17:02Please. Please don't do it.
17:03Don't lie to yourself.
17:04You're not happy with Samuel.
17:05You're never going to...
17:06I know because all of us...
17:07No, all of us is over.
17:08I understand.
17:09All of us is not over.
17:10Lu, don't lie to yourself.
17:12No, I don't understand.
17:13I want to be with Samuel.
17:14I want to make my life with Samuel.
17:15Please understand.
17:16Juan Pablo, enough.
17:19Cut it out.
17:20How many times do I have to tell you?
17:21Cut it out.
17:23Is everything okay?
17:24Yes, Seba, everything is fine.
17:25We were waiting for you.
17:26Yes, yes, I'm coming.
17:27I'm going to the office.
17:31Cut it out.
17:33Cut it out.
17:45It's good to see you again.
17:46You don't know how much I missed you.
17:48I'm glad.
17:49Well, I'm going to prepare your drink.
17:51Excuse me.
17:54I was writing to you and you didn't answer me anything.
17:58I don't think it's a good idea for you to come closer.
18:00They might be looking at us.
18:02It's Sunday.
18:03Your mother is sleeping.
18:04She's still here.
18:06Well, I thought something had happened to you.
18:09No, I'm fine.
18:12Are you going to make me the law of the ice because I believe my husband?
18:16No, no, not at all.
18:18No, I'm fine.
18:19I'm fine.
18:20I'm fine.
18:21No, no, no, not at all.
18:23I think that's what's right, right?
18:28That I believe your husband.
18:31Why are you like this, Tormento?
18:32What's wrong with you?
18:34No, nothing's wrong with me.
18:35I think it's for the best.
18:36I'm serious.
18:37For the best what?
18:38I don't understand.
18:40Look, I'll tell you something.
18:42You know that we both come from very different worlds.
18:46And it's getting clearer.
18:48You have nothing to do with mine.
18:50And I have nothing to do with yours either.
18:54Where does that come from now?
18:55That I don't want to continue with this.
18:57I'm tired.
19:00Let's just leave this here.
19:06Good morning.
19:15Wow, thank you very much.
19:16Thank you very much.
19:19The tomato sauce was good last night.
19:21My head is remembering it.
19:26Hey, just leave it there.
19:27Don't worry.
19:28I'll order the rest.
19:29Thank you very much.
19:31If you need anything, call me.
19:36And treat me like you.
19:37Don't treat me like you.
19:38I'm all less old.
19:47Let's go.
19:58Are you sure you don't want to come here to stay with me?
20:03Look what you're missing.
20:16Come on.
20:43This is the recipe then.
20:44And it has a lot of pain every 12 hours.
20:47Everything is well written there.
20:48Thank you very much, doctor.
20:49And there you are now for the control.
20:51We miss you a lot the days you weren't here.
20:54Here they will have missed me if I didn't get to go.
21:05Are you sure you don't want to come here to stay with me?
21:09Look what you're missing.
21:13Are you sure you don't want to come here to stay with me?
21:31You're online.
21:33I see you saw my message.
21:36Why don't you answer me?
21:40Excuse me, doctor.
21:41Can I see the next patient?
22:12Are you serious?
22:15Is that what you want?
22:18Neither of us will get out of this alive.
22:23Is it because of what we talked about yesterday in your cabin?
22:26No, it's because I'm a realist.
22:28And I need to take care of this job.
22:30And the thread is always cut with the most delicate.
22:34Boss, it's ready.
23:03Hello, Miranda.
23:04I'm sorry I didn't answer you before.
23:06There's no signal.
23:08Can you come tomorrow at the first hour?
23:13Yes, of course. Thank you.
23:31There you go.
23:32Thank you very much. Take a seat, please.
23:35How long will the results take?
23:37If the DNA sample is good, three to five days.
23:41Very good. Open your mouth, please.
23:46That's it. Perfect.
23:50How are you?
23:59Do you really care to know?
24:07Of course I do.
24:09We're going to send you the results by e-mail and certified mail.
24:15So, we're ready.
24:16We're ready.
24:17Very kind of you.
24:18Take care.
24:27This is a surprise.
24:30When Angel told me you were waiting for me at his office, I thought it was a joke.
24:34I came to see you because I was worried about what happened yesterday at lunch.
24:39You were worried?
24:42Well, I'm fine, Dad. There's nothing to worry about.
24:48I'm going to be honest with you.
24:50It's been a while since you've been so well.
24:54Well, maybe we have different concepts of what it's like to be well.
24:58But if it makes you feel better, I'll tell you that Iber doesn't want to have anything to do with me.
25:05So, congratulations, Mr. Raymundo.
25:08There's nothing to worry about.
25:13Besides, I'm very content with my TV ban.
25:28I don't think it's a good idea for you to stay with my brother.
25:33Go back home.
25:35At home we can solve problems.
25:37We can talk about them.
25:40No, Dad.
25:42I have no intention of going back home.
25:44I feel good where my TV ban is.
25:46I feel understood.
25:48I feel heard.
25:52He listens to me.
25:53Things you never do.
25:55That's not true, Jonas.
25:57I don't follow your whims.
26:00But another thing is that I don't care what happens to you.
26:04Iber is not a person to trust.
26:07He's probably putting things in your head.
26:09It's easy, Dad.
26:11It's easy to go and blame my TV ban.
26:13I know him better than anyone.
26:19Jonas, you are...
26:21You are a good boy.
26:26You are...
26:27You are like a child who trusts everyone.
26:31You're wrong, Dad.
26:32Because I'm not a child.
26:33I stopped being a child a long time ago.
26:35And sorry, but unlike all my brothers,
26:37who are well-behaved,
26:39I've never followed your whims.
26:40I don't have to blame you for everything.
26:42And this, Dad, that I'm telling you,
26:44Ivan didn't tell me.
26:45Nobody told me.
26:46It's something I've believed in myself for a long time.
26:50That you are blind and unable to see it.
26:53That's another thing.
26:56And now you're going to excuse me, but...
26:58I have to resume my shift.
27:03I'm glad this happened.
27:25I'm glad this happened.
27:27I'm glad this happened.
27:29I'm glad this happened.
27:53The only hatred I've had against you is...
27:57when you let me kiss you.
28:02Kiss me.
28:03Kiss me.
28:04Kiss me.
28:26Kiss me.
28:28Kiss me.
28:33Kiss me.
