• 2 days ago
El Guardia de Auschwitz - Película completa en español
El Guardia de Auschwitz - Película completa en español
El Guardia de Auschwitz - Película completa en español


00:00:46Solo el que es dueño de la juventud gana el futuro Adolf Hitler
00:02:17Yes, I say arriba
00:02:26Sweet sweet canal el mayor campo de concentración a si mil novecientos cuarenta y dos mil novecientos
00:02:31Cuarenta y cinco cerca de un millón de personas fueron deportadas a Auschwitz Birkenau la ccs asesinó a la mayoría en cámaras de gas
00:02:41Ocho meses antes de la liberación
00:05:23No quieres venir con nosotros
00:05:45El Führer dice sé ágil como un galgo
00:05:49Resistente como el cuero y duros como el acero de crop
00:05:54Ustedes son el futuro de Alemania los próximos mil años dependen de todos ustedes
00:06:04cumplir con mi deber de juventud hitleriana
00:06:10Con amor y lealtad
00:06:14Al Führer la bandera y la patria
00:06:20Hi Hitler
00:06:34No tienes que temer
00:06:36Hitler es nuestro amigo
00:06:38Te he visto varias semanas
00:06:41sentado aquí
00:06:42es tu oportunidad de poder ser alguien
00:06:46la oportunidad de ser parte de algo maravilloso
00:06:50El Führer nos cuida mucho
00:06:55Solo ven a una reunión muchos chicos se unen cada semana como habrás visto
00:07:08Toma la próxima semana
00:07:13Si no te interesa
00:07:15Solo regresa el uniforme
00:07:17Seguro te hará ver muy inteligente
00:07:57Guardia de Auschwitz
00:08:07Disculpame por no poder estar contigo hijas padre por favor no te disculpes el trabajo de Führer es muy importante y me disgusta el
00:08:14pensar que interrumpas tu trabajo solo por mis dibujos
00:08:16Arquitectura que gran logro estoy muy orgulloso y yo de ti eres una inspiración
00:08:24todos amamos al Führer pero no estoy de acuerdo con todo lo que hace
00:08:28tu madre me habló de tus maravillosas ofertas de trabajo es una gran oportunidad
00:08:33sácale provecho
00:08:35Si que eres un joven muy talentoso hans es una elección fácil
00:08:41nada más típico que la visión de un anciano
00:08:45Padre cerca de 900 mil de la juventud hitleriana fueron a la reunión se supone que no deben llorar pero la emoción
00:08:53la dedicación por nuestro líder algunos no se contuvieron es una suerte que tengamos tal líder y debemos hacer lo posible por un reinado
00:09:00de mil años
00:09:01Daría mi vida por el Führer
00:09:04Comprendo la importancia
00:09:06Pero todo a su tiempo y ahora no es el momento
00:09:10Vinimos para celebrar tu logro Hans
00:09:14Si agradecemos al Führer por toda su amabilidad pero hay que recordar que debemos celebrar como familia
00:09:24Estoy muy orgullosa de ti Hans
00:09:27Bien hecho y debo acotar sin la ayuda del Führer no podríamos darte esa educación
00:09:36Así que te deseamos lo mejor en el futuro Hans
00:09:41Por Hans, el arquitecto. El arquitecto.
00:09:47Heil Hitler
00:09:56Recuerdas la sopa de pollo de tu mamá? Eso intentaba
00:10:03Un día nos iremos de aquí a un lugar mejor con mucha comida y un buen fuego
00:10:11Eso espero
00:10:15Confías en ellos
00:10:19Podemos empezar una nueva vida una familia
00:10:24Confiar no creo que confíe en los nazis después de ver cómo nos tratan
00:10:32Pero aún hay esperanza
00:10:36Podríamos estar aquí por siempre porque no comenzar nuestra familia
00:10:41todo a su tiempo cariño
00:10:45Empezar una familia ahora no sería lo más adecuado. Te gustaría crecer aquí porque sé que yo no
00:10:56No somos víctimas Elena
00:10:59Nos arrebataron todo lo que teníamos pero no tomarán nuestras almas
00:11:04No pueden quitarme el derecho de oír a Verdi o disfrutar el calor del sol sobre mi cara
00:11:11Cuando despertamos en la oscuridad y oímos los gritos y risas de los guardias y el ladrido de los perros sé que sientes temor
00:11:19Oigo tu corazón
00:11:21Veo tus lágrimas
00:11:25Elena un día vendrán por nosotros y nos reunirán en el cementerio con los demás y nos llevarán a ese lugar detrás de los muros
00:11:37Yo te protegeré
00:11:39Elena voy a hacerlo
00:11:43Y con mi último aliento yo siempre voy a amarte
00:11:49ahora come
00:12:00Y ahora puedes hacernos una casa nueva con un jardín más grande
00:12:07Y una casita para Greta
00:12:13Comenzaré inmediatamente
00:12:27Hi Hitler
00:16:28In order
00:16:36Celes van a regresar sus cosas en breve
00:16:40Ahora los llevaremos a su alojamiento donde descansarán y comerán
00:16:55Hombres y mujeres en edificios diferentes
00:17:14Sigan las órdenes que les demos y se les tratará bien
00:17:23Sigan al botones el estará un lugar
00:17:33Muevan se
00:17:42Vamos rápido
00:18:24Muevan say
00:22:13Este es el arquitecto del que tanto hablaste
00:22:19Luce como un idiota
00:22:21Seguro nos ayuda a
00:22:23Desperdiciamos su talento es hans es muy talentoso vamos muestra tus dibujos
00:22:50Esto es muy bueno muy impresionante
00:22:54Cierto franz lo estamos desperdiciando
00:23:00Es un poco elaborado para estas sanguijuelas
00:23:03Pero es mejor que sobre y no que falte
00:23:29Tenía que saber ver conmigo no señor yo yo
00:23:35Calmate no te lastimare a menos que seas judío
00:23:43No eres judío verdad
00:23:49No señor
00:23:55Te gusta el puesto en la torre
00:24:02Me gusta las oportunidades de la patria y la visión del führer pero si siento que quizá pueda dar más
00:24:12Pensaba en aplicar un traslado hacia el frente
00:24:18Tengo un trabajo para ti muy importante directo de arriba para mejorar la sanidad
00:24:27Frost frost
00:24:42Mira las todas iguales
00:24:49Mismos ojos nariz y forma de la cabeza
00:24:55Parásitos de la patria
00:24:58Eso es lo que nos diferencia
00:25:24Nunca me acostumbraré a ese olor
00:25:30Quiere que le diseñe aquí
00:25:34Bueno como puede ver llegarán más día y noche
00:25:38necesitamos una edificación donde podamos
00:25:42procesarlos en mayor escala
00:25:46no haga una catedral
00:25:48solo una simple
00:25:51Fábrica de destrucción
00:25:55Cree poder hacerlo
00:25:59Si señor
00:26:01Le daremos todo lo que
00:26:03necesite pero
00:26:05un consejo
00:26:08Escoja los trabajadores obesos
00:26:11Los delgados
00:26:15Solo son buenos para hacerte y para el tiro al blanco
00:26:18Me hemos dado una posición de confianza y su oficial superior habla bien de sus habilidades
00:26:30No me decepciona
00:26:35Tengo la gente que puede ayudarle
00:27:03Quien de ustedes parásitos robo esto
00:27:18Pareces culpable señor
00:27:23Qué está haciendo debí tirarlo mi madre me lo hizo un recuerdo de casa
00:27:44Qué rayos haces aquí
00:27:58Los errores pasan el proceso de selección es muy difícil hay muchos de ustedes
00:28:05me disculpo en nombre de mis colegas
00:28:12Si tienen hambre
00:28:16Y si están aquí en la mañana
00:28:18Este chiquero
00:28:20Olera peor de lo que ya huele
00:29:26Gracias caballeros
00:29:28No hay perdedores aquí
00:29:30Oh en serio
00:29:32Gané ayer y Hans antes de ayer
00:29:39Los perdedores son los cerdos judíos
00:29:44Jugaremos con sus diamantes
00:29:52Los defecó
00:29:54Los saqué de sus heces
00:29:56Los tomé antes de que los tragara de nuevo
00:30:00Cómo puedes comer tus propias heces
00:30:02Lavaste tus manos
00:30:06Hay Hitler
00:30:08Hay Hitler
00:30:20Veo que tienes un nuevo amigo
00:30:28A veces puede ser muy violento
00:30:32Pero sí que la pasarás bien con él
00:30:36Ahora está a dieta
00:30:38Solo por 20 días
00:30:46Solía matar más cuando recién llegó
00:30:48Debe estar aburrido
00:30:50No ahora que le hace su nueva cámara de gas
00:30:54Puede dejar la dieta
00:30:58Pueden ser 100 al día
00:31:00Muy impresionante
00:31:04Con la frecuencia que llegan
00:31:06No creo que sea muy grande
00:31:42Esto es bueno
00:31:44Estoy impresionado
00:31:48Gracias señor
00:31:50¿Necesitará mis servicios luego?
00:31:52Por supuesto
00:31:54Quiero que vigile la obra
00:31:56Que vea que se cumple
00:31:58Necesitará mano de obra
00:32:00Ya veo
00:32:02Puede escoger entre varios a disposición
00:32:04Necesitará sus números y ocupaciones
00:32:06Ellos son mentirosos
00:32:08Si un granjero dice que es electricista
00:32:12Pero no puede hacer el trabajo
00:32:14Debe matarlo
00:32:16Elegiré con cuidado
00:32:18Tómate tu tiempo
00:32:20A quienes escoja serán aislados
00:32:22Y asesinados al terminar
00:32:26¿Hombres y mujeres?
00:32:30¿Para qué necesitas mujeres?
00:32:34Solo como pasatiempo
00:32:36Si necesitas una
00:32:40No debe estar entre los hombres
00:32:42Se reproducen como conejos
00:34:08Aunque soy un SS
00:34:10Les trataré con tanto respeto
00:34:12Como pueda
00:34:14Estoy bajo órdenes superiores
00:34:16Y necesito darles un producto
00:34:18Sin importar la opinión de ustedes
00:34:20O mía
00:34:26Una sala de limpieza para limpiar
00:34:28Y desinfectar a los prisioneros
00:34:30De piojos y enfermedades
00:34:32¿Si Elena?
00:34:34Mi costurera
00:34:36¿Qué uso tengo yo aquí?
00:34:38No puedo entender
00:34:40¿Por qué me escogió?
00:34:42¿Quiere que cosa algo?
00:34:46Todos aquí son útiles
00:34:50Aquí hay plomeros calificados
00:34:52Constructores, electricistas
00:34:54Y otros solo estarán para ayudar
00:34:56Estás aquí para ayudar
00:34:58Y puedes cargar con materiales necesarios
00:35:00Para el lugar, papeleo
00:35:02Así me concentraré en construir
00:35:04Con Rubén
00:35:06Que es ingeniero
00:35:10Ingeniero en construcción
00:35:22Es difícil hacer el trabajo
00:35:24Cuando estás bajo presión
00:35:26Tratar con respeto dijiste
00:35:28¿Cuál es el problema?
00:35:32No sé
00:35:48¡Animales! ¡Agua, trae agua!
00:35:52¿Qué sucede aquí?
00:35:54Aquí no toleramos holgazanes
00:35:56Está herido
00:35:58Oh, ya veo
00:36:02¿Tiene algún uso para ti?
00:36:06Es ingeniero de mucho valor, sí
00:36:10Pues ya no tiene valor
00:36:14Tú, afuera
00:36:28Espero no estés apreciando a tu mano de obra
00:36:34¿Has olvidado por qué estamos aquí?
00:36:38Tratamos de liberar al mundo
00:36:40De los malos, débiles y lisiados
00:36:46Si nos traicionas
00:36:48Yo personalmente
00:36:50Patearé tu silla
00:36:58Me preocupa la elección
00:37:00De la mano de obra
00:37:04Tú, tú, ven aquí
00:37:16Dispárale o te cuelgo
00:37:18Dispárale o te cuelgo
00:37:50¿Ves? Ahora
00:37:52Debes buscar a alguien
00:37:54Más fuerte
00:37:56Alguien nuevo
00:38:02Creo que el sol va a salir
00:38:18El sol va a salir
00:38:20El sol va a salir
00:38:22El sol va a salir
00:38:24El sol va a salir
00:38:26El sol va a salir
00:38:28El sol va a salir
00:38:30El sol va a salir
00:38:32El sol va a salir
00:38:34El sol va a salir
00:38:36El sol va a salir
00:38:38El sol va a salir
00:38:40El sol va a salir
00:38:42El sol va a salir
00:38:44El sol va a salir
00:38:46El sol va a salir
00:39:04¿Qué haces aquí afuera?
00:39:06Hay diamantes
00:39:08Hay que ganar
00:39:10No hay dientes hoy
00:39:12Iré en un momento
00:39:16The air stinks like a Jew, my friend.
00:39:23Come inside.
00:39:44What are you looking at?
00:40:19Do you ever feel afraid?
00:40:23Well, I don't know if what I feel is fear, but...
00:40:28maybe it's concern for how I feel right now.
00:40:33Happy with my life.
00:40:36I'm worried it'll change.
00:40:39That it'll end.
00:40:42Oh, my dear son.
00:40:45Ever since you were a boy, you've always been looking for...
00:40:50the light in the darkness.
00:40:53Always bringing homeless dogs,
00:40:56birds that fell out of their nests.
00:41:00Some people will live happily...
00:41:06But other people always look for more.
00:41:10Sure, there will always be problems along the way.
00:41:16we're in good hands.
00:41:20Your future will be like the one you expected.
00:41:24And more.
00:41:40I love you.
00:42:10That's very good.
00:42:12You have a lot of talent.
00:42:16Is it a bank?
00:42:21Then what is it?
00:42:23A place where the Nazis will live one day.
00:42:28A place to reflect.
00:42:31To retire.
00:42:36To retire.
00:42:40On all this, you say?
00:42:44A place to understand why all this happened.
00:42:49Why they're here and not out there with a family.
00:42:55I wanted to fight for my country.
00:42:58Serve the Führer in the battle against the enemy.
00:43:02But my father,
00:43:05to protect me from death,
00:43:08convinced me to come here.
00:43:12Here to this...
00:43:20I didn't think I'd question the use of a uniform,
00:43:25but I do.
00:43:28Don't you wonder why you're here?
00:43:31Why am I here?
00:43:33I'm here to be a Jew.
00:43:36Because the Jews ruled the world.
00:43:39We stole from the Germans their lives,
00:43:41their money, their jewels.
00:43:44It must be true, right?
00:43:46If not, how can all this be legal?
00:43:49To murder every Jew.
00:43:54And children.
00:43:57Except for the crime of religion.
00:44:00It must be different.
00:44:02For me to think otherwise is one thing.
00:44:05But to act against the convictions of my country would be treason.
00:44:11Punished with death.
00:44:18Don't misunderstand me.
00:44:21I'm worried.
00:44:23I'm worried about their future.
00:44:25My future.
00:44:27I can't do this any other way.
00:44:30It's not easy for me.
00:44:33It's not easy?
00:44:35For you?
00:44:37I lost everything.
00:44:40I don't know if my husband Samuel is alive or dead.
00:44:44I lie down with a broken heart.
00:44:47I wake up with the same feeling.
00:44:50Do you see this?
00:44:53I eat here.
00:44:54I wash here.
00:44:56I do my needs.
00:45:00So I'm sorry.
00:45:02But I don't see how this is hard for you.
00:45:06Your father did well in doing what he did.
00:45:09He chose to protect you.
00:45:11But at some point, you have to take responsibility for your actions.
00:45:15Explain yourself.
00:45:17They give you food.
00:45:20Nobody points a gun at you.
00:45:22Threatening your life, your health.
00:45:25There is no risk of death for you.
00:45:27Do you know what this is?
00:45:31I almost drank it last night.
00:45:33I'm closer to death than you think.
00:45:36I'd rather have a gun pointing at me to feel what I feel now.
00:45:41They have our possessions.
00:45:44The power over our lives.
00:45:46They have it all.
00:45:48We have nothing.
00:45:50And we won't use this to die.
00:45:54They have no right.
00:45:56No one has the right to decide who lives or dies.
00:46:01We must fight to survive.
00:46:04And you too.
00:46:07Why do you say that to an SS?
00:46:10Are you sure you want us all to die?
00:46:13To have a painful death?
00:46:18That's the difference between us.
00:46:21If you wanted to suffer, to feel pain beyond the physical,
00:46:25then I'd be like you.
00:46:27Like the SS themselves.
00:46:30I won't pollute my heart, wishing ill of a stranger.
00:46:36To see the green Prado again.
00:46:40To breathe the air that is not
00:46:44full of hundreds of souls lamenting.
00:46:50You must survive this.
00:46:53So you can remember for the rest of your life
00:46:55the decisions you made.
00:47:01I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...
00:47:08I'm sorry too.
00:47:11I'm not like the others.
00:47:14I'm not an architect who wants to design buildings.
00:47:19Not cleaning facilities.
00:47:21Cleaning facilities?
00:47:23You want to make me believe what you're saying?
00:47:25Then convince yourself first.
00:47:27Gas chambers, torture chambers, shooting range.
00:47:32We both know what we're building here.
00:47:37Are there any soldiers missing who should be here?
00:47:41I can decide, yes.
00:47:43But I want to serve my country.
00:47:46I don't know how to do anything else.
00:47:48Since I was young, this is what I knew how to do.
00:47:52I don't know what's right anymore.
00:47:56One day I'll be at the facility.
00:47:59Isn't that right?
00:48:05You act as if you care what happens to me.
00:48:07I care.
00:48:10How many Jews have you killed?
00:48:13Honestly, how many?
00:48:20I've killed.
00:48:22I'm a soldier. I follow orders.
00:48:25If I didn't, I'd die. I must follow orders.
00:48:30But don't think I don't care.
00:48:35Prove it to me.
00:48:36Prove what?
00:48:37Prove that you care.
00:48:39Save someone.
00:48:40If not the SS, then the pain.
00:48:43Come with me.
00:48:44Helena, wait.
00:48:45Don't do anything stupid.
00:48:46You'll get killed.
00:48:56Just save one.
00:48:57Look at this man.
00:48:58He can't be saved.
00:49:00He could be dead.
00:49:02Would you rather be dead or die like this?
00:49:07He's a human being, just like you and your country.
00:49:12Do you see your people suffering like this?
00:49:15We do.
00:49:16We see it every day.
00:49:18They force us to help them.
00:49:21Every day.
00:49:22None of this is my fault.
00:49:27I suggest you go back to work.
00:49:50Look at this.
00:49:56You know, one of them came up to me the other day and said,
00:50:00Why us?
00:50:02Why do your people do this to us?
00:50:04They kill us out of hunger.
00:50:05They torture us.
00:50:07Well, what did you tell him?
00:50:12I shot him in the head.
00:50:18How many gold teeth do you have?
00:50:24Neither do I.
00:50:27They steal from the Germans,
00:50:29and the Germans only recover what is ours by right.
00:50:33A simple extraction.
00:50:37It's all natural selection.
00:50:42Be careful.
00:50:44They can bite.
00:50:54Where is this man?
00:50:57The Jew hanging?
00:51:00I saved him from torture,
00:51:03but I couldn't save his life.
00:51:05I wouldn't use the word save,
00:51:09but now he's free of this place.
00:51:15I wish I could save someone and keep them alive.
00:51:19But that's not possible, and you know it.
00:51:23In the gas chambers and crematoriums,
00:51:25there are more than 100 Jews.
00:51:27The under command assist the executions
00:51:29with only four SS officers.
00:51:33I'm at a disadvantage with the people I try to save.
00:51:37You make it look like the under command help the SS.
00:51:41You force them to kill their people,
00:51:43force them to drag, burn, and bury.
00:51:48Sometimes they have to do these terrible acts
00:51:50on their own family,
00:51:52just to survive in this place,
00:51:55hoping they'll be forgiven or rescued.
00:52:00It's terrible.
00:52:05Maybe not save them, but protect them.
00:52:09Believe it or not, I try to do that.
00:52:13I looked for you in the records to bring you in as a laborer.
00:52:20Because I felt something in my soul when I saw you.
00:52:25Something that stopped my aggressiveness.
00:52:28The same that my country wants me to have
00:52:30and with which they trained me to be a soldier of the SS.
00:52:35My training is supposed to filter this emotion.
00:52:40Something inside me tells me how evil this is.
00:52:45I argued with my father for years,
00:52:48and I gave Hitler the reason.
00:52:52My father is a good man,
00:52:54but he's still a Führer's servant.
00:52:58There's a kindness in your eyes that the rest of the SS don't have.
00:53:05Six months ago I lived in a ghetto,
00:53:08away from my happiness as a free Jew.
00:53:12We were still trapped in the ghetto walls.
00:53:16We survived the evacuation, but not the poverty.
00:53:21My husband Samuel took care of me, loving me every day.
00:53:26The conditions were terrible.
00:53:30Our first child.
00:53:32I didn't know you had children.
00:53:34I don't.
00:53:43How is it possible?
00:53:45Was it an SS?
00:53:47When we arrived, it was barely visible.
00:53:49You couldn't tell he was naked.
00:53:51I've been hiding it ever since.
00:53:55I've lost weight.
00:53:59But my belly keeps growing.
00:54:02No one knows.
00:54:05And now I tell an SS.
00:54:10But I can't hide it anymore without help.
00:54:14Will you help me?
00:54:17Will you help us?
00:54:19I have a few months to build this building,
00:54:22and by then you'll have given birth.
00:54:26We must give this life a chance.
00:54:28We must at least try.
00:54:30Maybe the war will end by then.
00:54:32How's the progress?
00:54:33To Hitler!
00:54:35We must speed up the work.
00:54:37Sir, with all due respect, I need more men.
00:54:40Men who have little time here.
00:54:42I have many at hand.
00:54:44Do you want to use the strongest?
00:54:47Can I see the list of prisoners?
00:54:50I told you.
00:54:51You can take what you need.
00:54:53All you want.
00:54:57Women, no.
00:55:01Come here.
00:55:03Come here!
00:55:07We need her.
00:55:09She'll keep the Jewish pigs entertained.
00:55:12It's a tactic we know and love.
00:55:19She can't be here alone with the men.
00:55:25They'll multiply.
00:55:28She can stay, but under her supervision.
00:55:35No fornication.
00:55:36Do you understand?
00:55:41I know how they work.
00:55:44One after the other.
00:55:51Poisonous poison.
00:55:55The last thing we need is more of these rats.
00:56:05Very well.
00:56:20It was very natural.
00:56:23I think you convinced him.
00:56:26I think so too.
00:56:31In the name of your husband.
00:57:02This must be a moment of pride for you.
00:57:04Shower without fresh water,
00:57:06windows without fresh air.
00:57:09Why did you bring me here?
00:57:11We already discussed this.
00:57:12They are my people.
00:57:14You have a visitor.
00:57:26My Elena.
00:57:30How did you hide that?
00:57:33If they find out, they'll kill you.
00:57:38Hans said he was taking care of you.
00:57:43We don't have much time.
00:57:45There's something you need to know.
00:57:47What is it?
00:57:49Block 14-B will be...
00:57:53Block 14-B will go to the gas chamber tomorrow.
00:57:56It's on the record.
00:57:58I can say we need it here,
00:58:00but it would be very suspicious.
00:58:04You can't die.
00:58:13Block 14-B is for those who refuse to go to the Sonderkommando.
00:58:17Why did you refuse?
00:58:20I can't help them kill my own people.
00:58:24You were lucky.
00:58:26Lucky in this hell?
00:58:29They usually hang them or shoot them.
00:58:32It was just because many of the men rejected them.
00:58:36They killed seven of them,
00:58:38and decided that the gas chamber was the fastest and easiest way.
00:58:43This can't be.
00:58:45You can't.
00:58:49You can't.
00:58:52Samuel, I love you.
00:58:57I'll take care of them.
00:59:00I have to take you back to your block.
00:59:02The others will notice you're not there.
00:59:06I'll be alone for a few more minutes, but please don't take long.
00:59:15I've loved you since the moment I saw you.
00:59:19Samuel, you are my heart and soul.
00:59:25Until my last breath, Elena.
00:59:29Until my last breath.
01:00:03Let's go!
01:00:12What do you think they're thinking?
01:00:32It's almost time.
01:00:33When the fountain breaks, let me know.
01:00:36Everything will be fine.
01:00:38I'll bring clean clothes and water.
01:00:42How will I feed my baby?
01:00:47You must be strong.
01:00:50I'll bring you beetroot juice.
01:00:53You must be strong.
01:00:55This baby will be born.
01:00:58Life will come fighting, I know.
01:01:01Try to rest.
01:01:09And it will be fully operational in ten days?
01:01:14Since your Jews did such a good job, they should be the first to try it.
01:01:20I don't think that would bother them.
01:01:23Get up!
01:01:28What's so funny?
01:01:29I gave him a beating.
01:01:40Very good.
01:01:43You would make the Führer proud.
01:01:52I'm sorry.
01:02:02It's okay, it's okay.
01:02:08Very good.
01:02:18Try to rest.
01:02:22I won't be long.
01:02:23Please, try not to make any noise.
01:02:26I'll go get help.
01:02:28I'll go get help.
01:02:53My Samuel should be here.
01:02:58My Samuel should be here.
01:03:03My Samuel should be here.
01:03:54You have a beautiful baby.
01:03:59Your father would love you more than you think.
01:04:06I must go now.
01:04:08Feed the baby.
01:04:10When will you return?
01:04:32Can you stay?
01:04:34I must go.
01:04:36You must keep him as quiet as possible.
01:05:37What does that mean?
01:05:39Father, I cannot kill these people without remorse.
01:05:44Son, I understand.
01:05:49But this...
01:05:53The baby must be warm.
01:05:59Give it to me.
01:06:04Thank you, Father.
01:06:06I never wanted this for you.
01:06:09Why am I here?
01:06:10Your talent is to be an architect, not a murderer.
01:06:14Nothing could change your ideas.
01:06:16Hitler's youth was your life.
01:06:19You couldn't let them fight in the front,
01:06:21like a pawn in a chess game that obsessed you.
01:06:26There was nothing more important.
01:06:44This is not what I want for you.
01:06:47It is my duty to serve Hitler and the nation.
01:06:49But you have much more to give.
01:06:51Your architecture, for example.
01:06:52You are a talented young man.
01:06:54After the war, I will continue my studies.
01:06:56But for now, my country needs me as an officer of the SS.
01:07:00You must understand that.
01:07:01All I see is fury and manipulation of the people.
01:07:05A man who trades with fear, ignorance and hatred.
01:07:09But you have put yourself in danger too.
01:07:11But I don't want you to go through that.
01:07:15Hey, I can get you a position I'm betting on.
01:07:21You would continue to serve your country.
01:07:24It would be good to work with you, Father.
01:07:28I'll fix it.
01:07:29But I think it's better to keep our relationship a secret.
01:07:34The fact that you are my son can cause us both problems
01:07:38and make it difficult to protect you.
01:07:41You don't have to protect me, Father.
01:07:43No, no, I know you don't, of course.
01:07:47Now take your time.
01:07:49It will stretch.
01:07:52Sometimes in life you have to be patient
01:07:56and wait for what you want.
01:08:04You should have waited a little longer.
01:08:06I'll try again, Father.
01:08:14We have to move.
01:08:16We'll turn on the new crematorium and the gas chamber.
01:08:20There shouldn't be any evidence left.
01:08:22I think Hans should have the privilege of seeing the result of his work.
01:08:26Well, we can drain hundreds every hour and then move the corpses.
01:08:32If we do it right, we'll get rid of the field and the evidence in about six weeks.
01:08:37The trains will be full.
01:08:39We must destroy as much as possible or all this...
01:08:43...would be a waste of time.
01:08:47We don't have six weeks.
01:09:11It's me, you damn idiot.
01:09:26Mr. Commander.
01:09:27Hans, where have you been?
01:09:29Retouching the gas chamber.
01:09:32Special delivery for you.
01:09:34Mr. Commander?
01:09:36For your efforts, you earned the privilege of using the camera.
01:09:41We need to clean this field quickly.
01:09:49Something I do when I pass among the Jews.
01:09:54Just for fun.
01:10:02Little pig, little pig, let me in.
01:10:05Or I'll blow.
01:10:13It's a joke.
01:10:17Don't let that fall.
01:10:19Now we need each granule.
01:10:36What is that?
01:10:41I'm Franz. Open the door, please.
01:10:51The Soviet army is approaching and closing in on us.
01:10:55We have to get out of here.
01:10:57We have to get out of here.
01:10:59We have to get out of here.
01:11:02The Soviet army is approaching and closing in on us.
01:11:07What is this?
01:11:16Cyclone B.
01:11:25It's time.
01:11:28Hans, what will happen to my son?
01:11:34We can hide him.
01:11:36For how long?
01:11:38How long will it take before they bring him, drown him or destroy the dogs?
01:11:43We can protect them both so they can stay together.
01:11:48We can do it.
01:11:51How much innocence and clarity in this darkness.
01:11:57Why do you have the gas?
01:12:01And why, if you're his father, don't you do something to help him?
01:12:04I can't do anything while the Russians come.
01:12:08Hitler's orders are getting more and more erratic.
01:12:11Elena, they'll kill everyone.
01:12:14Prisoners, anyone who gets in the way.
01:12:17Prisoners, anyone who gets in the way.
01:12:19There's no way out.
01:12:23Why do you have the gas?
01:12:25I can't do anything, Elena.
01:12:29I'm going to be the executioner.
01:12:32I'm sorry.
01:12:37You tried to help me.
01:12:39And I'm grateful for that.
01:12:47I'll end up in the dark with my son.
01:12:50He came to life with me and he'll leave it with me.
01:12:57I need something from you.
01:13:04Give me the cyanide.
01:13:13It's not for me.
01:13:15It's for you.
01:13:17You must live.
01:13:19You must remember this.
01:13:21These walls.
01:13:23This horror.
01:13:26The decisions you made...
01:13:29were our destiny.
01:13:32We did what we could.
01:13:45Your father would have loved you more than you can imagine.
01:14:16I love you.
01:14:22I love you so much.
01:14:46Our Father, our King, hear our prayer.
01:14:56Our Father, our King, give us your blessing.
01:15:06Our Father, our King, hear our prayer.
01:15:16Our Father, our King, give us your blessing.
01:15:26Our Father, our King, hear our prayer.
01:15:35Our Father, our King, give us your blessing.
01:15:56Our Father, our King, give us your blessing.
01:16:06Our Father, our King, give us your blessing.
01:16:16Day of Liberation. January 27, 1945.
01:16:21The day we feared.
01:16:24This horror could not continue.
01:16:27There is only one thing I regret.
01:16:31Not having finished the job.
01:16:37Will they hang us?
01:16:40They will.
01:16:42What are you doing?
01:16:58Sometimes you must be patient.
01:17:02Sometimes you must be patient.
01:17:08Sometimes you must be patient.
01:17:13And wait for what you want.
01:17:31Parasites of the Fatherland.
01:17:37Day of Liberation. January 27, 1945.
01:17:51I only want the right to live my life.
01:17:54To see the Prado green again.
01:18:08Your father would have loved you more than you can imagine.
01:18:26I eat here.
01:18:28I wash here.
01:18:30I do my needs.
01:18:32So I'm sorry.
01:18:35But I don't see how this is hard for you.
01:18:38I'm worried about how I feel now.
01:18:42Happy with my life.
01:18:45I'm worried that it will change.
01:18:48That it will end.
01:18:52A cleaning room.
01:18:54To clean and disinfect the prisoners of lice and diseases.
01:19:04This is very good.
01:19:06You have a lot of talent.
01:19:09You have a lot of talent.
01:19:12You have a lot of talent.
01:19:15You have a lot of talent.
01:19:18You have a lot of talent.
01:19:43You must survive this.
01:19:45So you remember the rest of your life.
01:19:47The decisions you made.
01:19:55Cleaning facilities?
01:19:57Do you want to make me believe what you say?
01:19:59Then convince yourself first.
01:20:01Gas chambers.
01:20:03Torture rooms.
01:20:04Shoot the target.
01:20:06We both know what we build here.
01:20:15We build here.
01:20:43I'm going to be the executioner.
01:20:53It's for you.
01:21:00You must live.
01:21:02You must remember these walls.
01:21:08This horror.
01:21:11And the decisions you made.
01:21:26Shoot him.
01:21:30Shoot him!
01:21:31I won't.
01:21:34Shoot him.
01:21:38Shoot him.
01:22:04Your talent is to be an architect.
01:22:07Not a murderer.
01:22:09Nothing could change your ideas.
01:22:11The Hitler Youth was your life.
01:22:26Is it a bank?
01:22:32Then what is it?
01:22:42The place where the Nazis will live one day.
01:22:54A place to reflect.
01:22:58To retire.
01:23:03In all this you say?
01:23:12A place to understand why all this happened.
01:23:15Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
01:23:18George Santayana.
01:23:28A film by
01:23:32A film by
01:23:37A film by
