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#naiki #iqrarulhasan #shaukatkhanum

Naiki | Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centers | Iqrar Ul Hassan | Waseem Badami | 17 March 2025 | #shaneiftar #shaneramazan

A highly appreciated daily segment featuring Iqrar-ul-Hassan. It has become a helping hand for different NGO’s in their philanthropic cause to make life easier for the less fortunate.

#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #ShaneRamazan #Shaneiftaar #naiki #cancerhospital #shaukatkhanum


00:26First of all, we welcome you once again.
00:28This is our segment on piety.
00:29And this institution is very much in agreement with us.
00:32This is the purpose of our opinion.
00:34Every year, we pay tribute to this institution.
00:36And we have a very established opinion about this institution.
00:41That it has carried its purpose forward in a very good way.
00:46And it can be quoted as an example to this institution.
00:49And we feel that wherever possible, it should be supported.
00:52It is true that for the past 30 years,
00:55Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital has saved the lives of millions of people.
01:01It has changed lives.
01:02There are 236,000 surgical procedures that have been done in the past 30 years.
01:07There are about 1 million people who are undergoing chemotherapy.
01:11And of course, in terms of extensive research and service to people,
01:17there are probably better options in cancer treatment.
01:21Not just in Pakistan, but worldwide.
01:24And all this is possible with your help.
01:26Our guest today is Dr. Muhammad Asim Yusuf.
01:30Chief Medical Officer of Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital.
01:33Sir, we would like you to shed some light on this 30-year journey.
01:3917 billion rupees was spent last winter on cancer treatment.
01:46And if we estimate for next year, it will be around 38 billion.
01:51So how is it possible to treat so many people in such a large number
01:56and to raise such a large amount?
01:59So 30 years ago, when this hospital was built,
02:02I think everyone has heard this story that people told Imran Khan
02:05that this cannot be done.
02:06If it is done, it will work.
02:07Absolutely right.
02:08And cancer treatment is so expensive that it cannot be free.
02:12So as you said, it has been going on for three decades.
02:14And there is only one reason for this.
02:16We have been true to our mission.
02:20And people believe that what we say is true.
02:24That more than 75% of patients get free treatment.
02:27That's why this hospital has been going on for so long.
02:29The second hospital was built in Peshawar.
02:31It has been nine years.
02:33And now in Karachi, our third and largest cancer hospital is under construction.
02:37At what stage is the Karachi hospital?
02:38Its gray structure has been completed.
02:40The finishing work is going on.
02:41It takes about 18 months.
02:43And we hope that it will open next year.
02:46Before we move ahead, a very basic question.
02:49In cancer hospitals, it is generally said that
02:51not all patients get free treatment.
02:54So please clarify this.
02:56To what stage of the patient
02:58is free treatment available?
03:02And what else?
03:03Please tell us.
03:04Cancer is not one disease.
03:06There are different cancers.
03:07We have defined different stages of each cancer.
03:10Based on treatability.
03:12We only look at the possibility of complete treatment.
03:16Some cancers can be treated up to the age of 50.
03:20Some can be treated up to the age of 70 or 80.
03:22It just depends on the possibility of complete treatment.
03:26Because treatment is done through Zakat.
03:28Zakat is a sacred trust.
03:30We handle it very seriously and carefully.
03:33We also believe that the donors want to use the place
03:38where they can benefit the most.
03:40Absolutely right.
03:41Now if we talk about the estimated budget of 38 billion in 2025,
03:47will the hospital under construction in Karachi
03:50be needed or not?
03:52No, it is included.
03:54This budget is of 38 billion.
03:56Both the existing hospitals in Lahore and Peshawar
03:59should continue their free treatment.
04:04All their running costs are included.
04:073 billion rupees are included specifically for the Karachi project.
04:12This will complete the Karachi project.
04:14By the end of next year, Karachi hospital will be opened.
04:17When we talk about cancer,
04:19it seems that when a person is told that he has cancer,
04:26it is not just a person,
04:28it is a whole family,
04:29the whole family,
04:30all the people related to him.
04:31I want you to shed some light on the psychological and family journey
04:36from the diagnosis to the treatment.
04:39How important is it for a family or an individual
04:43to be supported by institutions like Shaukat Khanum?
04:46So yes, like you said,
04:47whenever someone hears the name of cancer,
04:49they are afraid of what will happen.
04:52First of all,
04:53complete treatment of many cancers is possible.
04:58there are many cancers in our country
05:01that come in the late stage.
05:03That is why they are incurable.
05:05But if you come early with the same disease,
05:08breast cancer is the most common among women.
05:11In the early stages,
05:13more than 95% complete treatment is possible.
05:16But in our country,
05:17most people come in stage 3
05:19when only 40% complete treatment is possible.
05:23So that is why we want to stress
05:26that early diagnosis,
05:27early detection is very important.
05:29It changes everything.
05:30What can be done for this?
05:32First of all,
05:33we need to increase awareness.
05:34And if we take the theme of breast cancer,
05:37it is important to check yourself every month.
05:41If you feel guilty,
05:42get it checked immediately.
05:44This is the most important thing.
05:46Because in most cases,
05:47the cancer will not occur.
05:48But if it is detected early,
05:50it can be cured.
05:51Complete treatment can be done.
05:53When patients come in the system,
05:56we have full-time psychologists and psychiatrists
06:00with whom we can refer for counselling.
06:0311% of our patients are children.
06:06We refer their parents for counselling.
06:09Because parents are more stressed than children.
06:12And doctors and nurses,
06:14healthcare professionals,
06:16they also suffer from stress
06:18of seeing cancer patients again and again.
06:20So we also recommend counselling for them
06:22and for our staff.
06:24So when we talk about cancer,
06:26cancer patients,
06:27cancer research,
06:28cancer treatment,
06:29then no doubt,
06:30Shaukat Khanum Hospital
06:32comes to our mind first.
06:35We would like to know
06:37from the perspective of perseverance,
06:41what is special about Shaukat Khanum
06:44that everyone talks about it
06:47and everyone trusts it.
06:49So there are two things in our mission statement.
06:51One is that we want to become a model institution
06:54to show that excellence is possible in Pakistan.
06:58we want to provide high-level diagnostic and treatment facilities.
07:04For both these things,
07:06it is important that we stay on the cutting edge
07:08in technology,
07:10and staff.
07:12And these are the biggest challenges in Pakistan.
07:14One is that everything is so expensive,
07:16medicines are very expensive,
07:18equipment is very expensive,
07:19you have to pay in dollars,
07:21the value of rupee is always falling.
07:24Secondly, manpower.
07:25It is very difficult to hire trained staff
07:27and retain them,
07:29especially due to the current economic climate.
07:32But anyway,
07:33we have worked very hard on this consistently
07:35and that is why the budget is so high.
07:38Because we only provide the best quality medicines to our patients
07:43and the highest possible level of technology
07:46is always up-to-date.
07:48We were the leaders in a lot of things.
07:50We were the first to put a PET scan in Pakistan.
07:53When the hospital opened in Lahore 30 years ago,
07:56we were the first to put an MRI scan there.
07:59And so on and so forth.
08:00We always try to do this.
08:01And in Karachi,
08:02God willing,
08:03the same way,
08:04cutting-edge equipment.
08:06Of course,
08:07because we stay in touch with people,
08:08we talk to people,
08:09and of course,
08:10we also live in the same society,
08:11our relatives,
08:12our friends,
08:13our relatives.
08:15We are convinced by the transparency of Shaukat Khanam Hospital
08:18and the facilities there.
08:22And we express this again and again.
08:25But for the viewers,
08:26I would like you to talk about this.
08:28What is the system of transparency in Shaukat Khanam Hospital?
08:32How is it?
08:33How is it made certain that the medicines that are coming
08:36are being distributed to the most eligible people?
08:38There are many examples of this.
08:40One is that all our financial accounts,
08:43our accredited accounts,
08:44from 1989 to the present year,
08:46are available on our website.
08:48Anyone can see them.
08:50Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy audits us every year.
08:54That is also our certification.
08:57Zakat is a very big component of our budget.
09:01So, five or six years ago,
09:02we also started external validation of it.
09:05It also has a third-party audit.
09:07And we have an independent Sharia advisor
09:10who has certified us
09:12that all our Zakat processes are Sharia compliant
09:15according to Islamic principles.
09:18If we come to the clinical side,
09:19which I was talking about quality,
09:21the best certification for healthcare
09:24is Joint Commission Accreditation.
09:26Joint Commission is an institution in the US
09:28that accredits hospitals there.
09:30Similarly, it also does it overseas.
09:33So, both our hospitals have been accredited.
09:37And in 2022,
09:38Joint Commission started a new form of accreditation
09:41which is called Enterprise Accreditation.
09:43So, in September 2022,
09:47we are the second organization in the world
09:50to get Joint Commission Enterprise Accreditation.
09:53In which they audited all our facilities
09:55in Lahore, Peshawar, Karachi.
09:58Teams from the US come to see it.
10:00That is also a certification.
10:02Apart from that,
10:03our College of American Pathologists also has a certification.
10:05The biggest thing is that the work that is being done on the ground,
10:07the people who are benefiting from the facilities of Shaukat Khan Hospital,
10:12that is the biggest thing.
10:13That is the biggest advertisement.
10:16Now, let's talk about the people who are supporting Shaukat Khan Hospital.
10:20Whenever we go abroad from Pakistan,
10:22the overseas community
10:24is very emotionally attached to Shaukat Khan Hospital.
10:29When we go there,
10:30in almost every tour,
10:32every other person talks about the fundraising
10:34for Shaukat Khan Hospital.
10:36We have raised so much money.
10:38I would like you to talk about the people who are supporting Shaukat Khan Hospital.
10:42So, in our budget,
10:44the figure of 38 billion,
10:46out of that, 11 billion is our own income,
10:48which is paid by our laboratory collection centers
10:50or by the patients, 20% of the patients.
10:52So, it is sustainable somehow.
10:54Yes, it is.
10:56The rest comes from Zakat and charity.
10:59Our target for this year is 11 billion rupees for Zakat
11:02and 13 billion for non-Zakat donations.
11:04Out of all the donations,
11:06Zakat and charity,
11:0855% comes from abroad.
11:12A little more than 50%.
11:14And that is from all the Pakistani communities.
11:16And this is a big thing that 45% or 40% comes from Pakistan.
11:1845% comes from Pakistan.
11:20Zakat is usually given in Ramadan,
11:22but it can be given throughout the year.
11:24And throughout the year,
11:26the donations continue.
11:28So, the overseas Pakistanis have always
11:30supported us wholeheartedly.
11:32And as you say, in the US, UK,
11:34Norway, France,
11:40and the UAE, we are registered as a charity.
11:42So, the people who live there,
11:44they also get tax benefit from donating to us.
11:46But, you know,
11:48there are many ways to donate on the website.
11:50And all the details are on the screen right now,
11:52ladies and gentlemen.
11:54If you want to make an online donation,
11:56the details are also available.
11:58You can contact us through our website,
12:00our online portal or the platforms.
12:02You can contact us.
12:04The details are also available.
12:06If you have any questions,
12:08any ambiguity,
12:10you can ask us.
12:12And also, the bank account details
12:14are also available on the screen.
12:16So, please,
12:18we don't need to say this,
12:20everyone knows that
12:22Shaukat Khan Cancer Hospital
12:24itself is a great institution.
12:26I have been working there for 30 years
12:28since the hospital opened.
12:30I am a gastroenterologist.
12:32I am a doctor.
12:34So, 50% of my time is clinical.
12:36I do clinics and endoscopy procedures.
12:38I just want to know
12:40what kind of patients
12:42come to Shaukat Khan?
12:44What are their expectations?
12:46What is their background?
12:48What challenges and problems do they face?
12:50And which age group
12:52is closest to your heart?
12:54And which patients
12:56do you feel more for?
12:58So, as I said,
13:00more than 75% of the patients
13:02are free of charge.
13:04Most of the patients come from
13:06financially disadvantaged backgrounds.
13:08They come from all over the country.
13:10When Lahore was just a hospital,
13:12about 30% of the patients
13:14came from KPK and Afghanistan.
13:16Our policy is that
13:18we don't discriminate
13:20on nationality, religion or gender.
13:22Our criteria are fulfilled.
13:24Does it have anything to do
13:26with religion or political party?
13:28It has nothing to do with politics.
13:30We don't even ask.
13:32We take the demographic information.
13:34But there is no discrimination
13:36on that.
13:38That's why another hospital
13:40was opened in Peshawar
13:42so that the patients there
13:44can get care.
13:46It is so big in Karachi
13:48that it is twice the size of Lahore
13:50So, it will serve not only Karachi
13:52but also Sindh and South Balochistan.
13:54Imran Khan has already said
13:56that the fourth hospital
13:58will be opened in Quetta.
14:00So, after the opening of Karachi,
14:02we will...
14:04Karachi is a big project.
14:06So, if we talk about
14:08Karachi's Shaukat Khanum
14:10and Lahore's Shaukat Khanum,
14:12what is the difference
14:14in terms of beds?
14:16Lahore's hospital is constructed
14:18on an area of 1,100,000 sq. ft.
14:20and Karachi's is 1,100,000 sq. ft.
14:22So, it is almost double.
14:24There are 200 inpatient beds in Lahore
14:26and more than 400 in Karachi.
14:28Lahore has Pakistan's biggest
14:30radiation treatment facility
14:32which treats cancer with electrical rays.
14:34There are 5 radiation machines there.
14:36We have 10 in Karachi.
14:38There are 8 operation theatres in Lahore
14:40and 16 in Karachi.
14:42So, everything is double.
14:44And of course, for this,
14:46we have a lot of expectations from Karachi
14:48that Karachi is our economic hub.
14:50So, the people of Karachi
14:52especially the rich people, industrialists,
14:54businessmen, will support it wholeheartedly.
14:56I am sure. And the people of Karachi,
14:58Allah has given them a lot
15:00and in every project
15:02they trust
15:04and undoubtedly
15:06they donate
15:08in an exemplary way.
15:10There is a person
15:12whom Allah has given a lot
15:14and he can afford his own treatment.
15:16And in case of cancer,
15:18he or his family member has died.
15:20But since facilities like Shaukat Khan's
15:22and expertise are not available
15:24anywhere else,
15:26so for such people,
15:28should they pay and get their treatment
15:30from Shaukat Khan?
15:3220-25% of our patients
15:34pay for their own treatment.
15:36So, we welcome paying patients as well.
15:38The only thing is
15:40that we don't differentiate between the two.
15:42The supported patients
15:44and the paying patients
15:46will also be treated in the same way.
15:48They will also be treated in the same line.
15:50They will also be treated by the same doctor.
15:52The supported patients will also get the same medicines
15:54that the paying patients will get.
15:56The tests will be the same.
15:58The rooms will be the same.
16:00We don't have general wards,
16:02private rooms or VIP rooms.
16:04In fact, all the rooms are the same.
16:06There are two beds.
16:08On one bed, there is a paying patient
16:10and on the other bed,
16:12there is a supported patient.
16:14The doctors and nurses don't know
16:16who is the paying patient
16:18and who is the supported patient.
16:20So that there is no discrimination.
16:22So that there is a good standard
16:24with everyone.
16:26Doctor, I would also like to know
16:28as I was thinking while talking
16:30that according to our status
16:32and status,
16:34I would also like to
16:36participate in my services
16:38as a volunteer
16:40for Shaukat Khanam Hospital.
16:42But there are people
16:44who can financially
16:46support us.
16:48Apart from that,
16:50is there any other way
16:52that you can give your time
16:54or effort for Shaukat Khanam?
16:56Regularly, we have volunteers
16:58from school, children, universities
17:00to do electives,
17:02to volunteer,
17:04to push patients in wheelchairs,
17:06to become a guide.
17:08We have a special program,
17:10Hospital Schooling Program.
17:12As I said, there are 11% patients.
17:14In Pakistan, 30-40% children
17:16never go to school.
17:18There are many other children
17:20whose school is missed
17:22due to cancer treatment.
17:24The treatment goes on for 2-2.5 years.
17:26When the treatment is complete,
17:28it is very difficult for them
17:30to go back to school
17:32as they have missed so many classes.
17:34So, 10-11 years ago,
17:36we started a schooling program
17:38which is entirely voluntary.
17:40People come and teach
17:42children according to their syllabus
17:44from their school.
17:46If they have never studied before,
17:48they are taught to study.
17:50Otherwise, they are kept current
17:52with the syllabus of the school
17:54so that when the treatment is complete,
17:56they can go back to the same school.
17:58How can we register for this?
18:00On our website,
18:02you can register for this program.
18:04We will contact you.
18:06I want more people to
18:08directly and indirectly
18:10connect with projects like Shaukat Khanam
18:12so that this program continues.
18:14We want as many people as possible
18:16to see the hospital
18:18and not just listen to us.
18:20So, we encourage this.
18:22Your numbers regarding cancer
18:24are alarming,
18:26increasing, decreasing,
18:28and stopping.
18:30Do we need Shaukat Khanam
18:32and other hospitals
18:34or other institutions?
18:36Our estimate is that
18:38if we want to treat all
18:40cancer patients in a facility
18:42like Shaukat Khanam Lahore,
18:44we need 20 such hospitals.
18:46Karachi will be the third.
18:481,80,000 new cancer patients
18:50are diagnosed every year.
18:52Because most of them
18:54go to the doctor
18:56at a late stage,
18:5890,000 people die
19:00in the same year.
19:02This is a frightening statistic.
19:04Cancer awareness is increasing
19:06and as a result,
19:08cancer diagnoses are increasing.
19:10I don't think there is any data
19:12that cancer incidence is increasing.
19:14But because of awareness,
19:16people are coming to the doctors
19:18and finding out about their cancer.
19:20The most important thing is
19:22that there is cancer awareness,
19:24early detection, early diagnosis.
19:26Cancer is entirely preventable.
19:28Tobacco related cancers
19:30like Paan, Chhalia, Gutka.
19:32This is going to be a challenge
19:34in Karachi.
19:36Mouth cancer is the most common
19:38cancer in men.
19:40Mouth, tongue, jaws, muscles.
19:42It is entirely preventable
19:44by avoiding these things.
19:46Keeping your weight
19:48at an optimal height
19:50reduces the incidence
19:52of liver and breast cancer.
19:54Thank you so much.
19:56Thank you very much.
19:58As I requested you,
20:00if everyone starts supporting
20:02Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital
20:04and others,
20:06the burden on our health
20:08infrastructure will reduce
20:10and many people's lives
20:12will be saved and changed.
20:14As a small example,
20:16I requested that
20:18our social media platforms,
20:20our presence,
20:22our fundraising,
20:24our children's education,
20:26wherever Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital
20:28needs our services,
20:30we are ready to provide.
20:32I request you all
20:34to do something
20:36that gives a purpose
20:38to your life.
20:40We are going on a break.
20:42Most people don't know
20:44where Karachi is.
20:46When will it be operational?
20:48Karachi is in DHA city.
20:50It is on the main highway.
20:52It is an ideal location.
20:54People coming from Sindh
20:56don't have to come to the city.
20:58They can get there before.
21:00By the end of next year,
21:02we hope it will be operational.
21:04By December 2026.
21:06It will be better than the city
21:08as it is a new expressway.
21:10It will be fully operational.
21:12Thank you very much, sir.
21:14Of course, as I said,
21:16there are some names
21:18that become the guarantee
21:20of credibility.
21:22I am sure that Shaukat Khanum
21:24is one of them.
21:26I think
21:28we should
21:30strengthen the hands
21:32of such institutions.
21:34Thank you very much.
21:36Let's give Shaukat Khanum Hospital
21:38a round of applause.
21:40It was a great service.
21:42We will be back after the break.
21:48Thank you very much.
