• 4 days ago
When Kit, who yearns to be a pilot even though he's too young, hears that the flying age has been lowered to twelve in Thembria, he goes there - only to discover that the whole thing is just a ruse and the kids won't actually be flying.

En route to Louie's Place in the Sea Duck, Kit Cloudkicker pleads with Baloo to let him take the controls, insisting that he knows the flying manual from front to back. Baloo chuckles and says knowing the manual isn't enough, Kit is still too young to fly, and urges him to be patient.
While the Sea Duck is down and Baloo is inside Louie's, Kit dares to sit in the pilot's chair and start the engines, believing he can at least taxi the plane into takeoff position on his own - but he accidentally nudges the plane forward into a minor crash with the pier. Running outside, Baloo's alarm for Kit's safety quickly turns to anger. Kit insists that the crash was just a fluke, and Baloo repeats, "12 year olds aren't allowed to fly!" But a visiting officer of the Thembrian Air Force overhears and mentions that his country has just lowered the flying age to 12. Despite Baloo's warnings, Kit immediately decides to travel to Thembria and enlist.
Kit befriends another cadet, Bobbo, but immediately senses something fishy about the training program. To begin with, the cadets are selected purely on the basis of height: one well-qualified cadet is rejected for being too tall, while Bobbo and Kit are both selected immediately for being short enough, despite Bobbo knowing little to nothing about aeronautics and Kit not being Thembrian.
Second, after the cadets have been issued with their uniforms, the "training", run by Kit and Baloo's old antagonist, Colonel Ivanod Spigot, consists entirely of coaching the cadets on how to stand beside their planes and salute the grandstands during an upcoming military parade and airshow. When Kit demands to know when they will actually be trained to fly, Spigot punishes him by putting him on kitchen duty, peeling vast numbers of turnips.
Meanwhile, Baloo, sure that Kit will get into trouble, decides to fly into Thembria to bring him back.
Fed up with the lack of training and the repeated punishment details, Kit sneaks into the hangar to learn what is going on. From the rafters overhead, he sees the cadets' planes arranged in parade formation, with Sergeant Dunder bolting the wings together under Spigot's orders. When Dunder wonders aloud how the pilots are supposed to fly their planes bolted together, Spigot smacks him for being a dunderhead and explains.


