• 2 days ago
When Baloo is late one too many times, Rebecca makes him fly a guided tour, going past certain checkpoints at designated times. However, Baloo hears of a stolen crown and concocts a scheme to get it back while Wildcat flies the tour.

Baloo settles in for a nap while waiting for a client, unaware that the elephant is a thief who wants his latest acquisition taken to Cape Suzette. Despite the client's urgency and Kit's objections, Baloo decides to stop at Louie's Place, only to tarry longer than intended. As Rebecca waits anxiously with two hulking figures, Baloo scrambles to think up a plausible explanation for being late. Each suggestion is vetoed by Kit as having already been used previously, and to make matters worse Baloo touches down with the cargo missing from the Sea Duck.

Having lost out on the payment they were owed for the flight, Rebecca explodes at Baloo, who is both thoroughly chastened and ashamed to have arrived without the package. He attempts to apologize to Rebecca, only to learn that Rebecca is cracking down, having booked Baloo to give an airplane tour of the city. She then informs him that he will have to follow a schedule, and that she will be monitoring his activities from below. As Rebecca leaves, Wildcat-who has been repairing the plane-finds the lost box of cargo.

Eager to complete the deal and make things up to Rebecca, Baloo puts Wildcat in charge of the tour while he leaves to deliver the box. Wildcat takes his instructions quite literally, and his two tour passengers are soon being thrown about the cabin. Baloo and Kit head to the client's address, and soon run into the goons, who aren't eager to let them see their boss. As Wildcat proves more hazard than help to the two passengers, Baloo and Kit-in disguise-manage to trick their way past the goons in order to deliver the box.

Overhearing the boss' frustration at being unable to sell the contents of the box-a stolen crown-Baloo and Kit attempt to flee but are caught. Wildcat manages to keep to Rebecca's schedule, arriving right where he's supposed to be-and crashing through the restaurant where she's eating in the process. The boss, Trader Moe, gladly offers to pay for the crown, but becomes understandably irked when they attempt to leave with the crown. An attempt to have his goons deal with the two serves to demonstrate the thickheadedness of his henchmen-quite literally-and they are forced out onto a window ledge on the side of the high rise where Moe was keeping his office.

Rebecca appears on the roof of the same building, trying to signal Wildcat due to being unaware that he is flying instead of Baloo. Kit and Baloo drop into a speedboat in the harbor and take off, only to be pursued and fired upon by Moe and the goons. They spot Wildcat flying overhead, but the duty-bound lion flies off, unable to pick them up without breaking from the flight schedule.


