• 3 hours ago
When Baloo delivers a package to Walla Walla Bing Bang, he runs into an old rival, Airplane Jane, and a battle for Walla Walla Bing Bang's throne between Princess Grace and her long lost cousin Prince Rudolf.
Baloo and Kit are on their way to Walla-Walla-Bing-Bang to deliver an overloaded cargo of snow globe souvenirs. As they fly across the evening skies they are suddenly surprised by a small sea plane, nearly making them crash into the sea. Baloo recognizes the pilot to be Airplane Jane (although she'd rather be referred to as Aeroplane Jane), a female pilot Baloo once knew. He tells Kit that she has an annoying habit of making fun of him and always trying to prove she's better than him. Before flying away to Walla-Walla-Bing-Bang, Jane tells Baloo that she's on her way to a mission for her friend Princess Grace. When he hears that she is offering a big reward for her service, it gives Baloo an idea on how to get even with Jane.
Both planes arrive at Walla-Walla-Bing-Bang. Jane is the first to arrive, and after Baloo and Kit make their landing, they follow her to the palace and spy on her and the Princess. Listening in on the conversation, Princess Grace explains to Jane that her long lost cousin Prince Rudolf (second in line to the throne) has returned to Walla-Walla-Bing-Bang and now challenges her right the throne. Her only chance to prove to be the rightful ruler whould be to introduce the long lost Ruby Wings, but Rudolf stole the map to the location of the treasure and keeps it safe in the reading room. Grace promises that whoever brings the Ruby Wings to her, shall be rewarded with ten thousand Walla-Walla-Bing-Bang Woobles.
After listening in on the conversation, Baloo and Kit head down to Prince Rudolf's costume party where they plan to sneak in with the guests and find the map. Kit attempts to get into a suit of armor, but gets trapped inside, while Baloo dresses up like a king wearing a broken flower pot for a crown, a dirty old sheet for a cape and a fly swatter for a mask. During the party, Baloo follows Jane to the reading room. They both find the map inside a bookshelf on opposite sides. The two pilots try to both take it but end up tearing the map into two pieces. Prince Rudolf is on to them and sends two of his guards dressed as a horse to find them. They find Jane and Baloo and hold them at gunpoint until Baloo causes a line of books on the shelf to knock over and fall on the guards, knocking them out. Baloo and Jane make a run for the docks, with Prince Rudolf and his guards in pursuit. They board the Sea Duck and fly away, leaving behind Kit, who is still trapped in the suit of armor.


