Baloo and company visit one of Shere Khan's mining operations, which is overseen by a sheriff who mistreats the workers. When the workers mistake Wildcat for Khan, they kidnap him, but Khan learns of the abduction and goes to investigate.
While flying a cargo of Carnuvian kumquats, the Sea Duck is attacked by Sheriff Gomer Cleghorn and Deputy Wendell on their Broncos. The plane is brought down, and the crew-Baloo, Kit Cloudkicker, and Wildcat-are sentenced to hard labor in the Boomstone town mine. Clementine Clevenger objects to this action, nothing that Cleghorn is not actually sheriff, but an employee of Khan Industries. However, as Baloo soon finds out, Shere Khan is quite unaware of what's taking place in the town despite owning it.
Cleghorn further explains that he is abusing his position to dig up the mine's strange mineral, urgonium, which has powerful explosive properties. When Wildcat accidentally causes an explosion with it, the black marks on his face and his dislodged cap cause him to be mistaken for Shere Khan himself. Baloo decides to take advantage of the mistake, claiming that "Mr. Khan" is paying the town a surprise visit. Unfortunately, the miners-also believing Wildcat is Khan-decide to steal his plane, while Cleghorn becomes determined to prevent "Khan" from ruining his operation.
Clementine attempts to brief "Mr. Khan" on the town's operations, but Cleghorn attempts to eliminate Wildcat by tricking him into playing a game of pool with a chunk of urgonium. Luckily, the plan fails, and Wildcat gets to work repairing the Sea Duck until the miners appear to take him hostage. The miners, believing that Shere Khan is responsible for their suffering, take him to the mine and demand passage out of town in exchange for his safe return. However, upon Clementine's delivery of their ransom note, Cleghorn refuses to act, and throws Baloo and Kit in the town jail before planning to flee town with Wendell.
Making her way to the town's only phone, Clementine makes a call to Khan Industries to inform someone of "Mr. Khan's" abduction; unwittingly, she gets Shere Khan himself on the line. Cleghorn discovers her and locks her in a second story room, but she manages to escape by knotting sheets together and landing in a water trough. Meanwhile, Cleghorn and Wendell prepare to eliminate Baloo and Kit upon their escape from an unlocked cell. Fortunately, Clementine arrives just in time to prevent them from leaving through the front entrance, and Cleghorn's urgonium missile hits Wendell instead.
While flying a cargo of Carnuvian kumquats, the Sea Duck is attacked by Sheriff Gomer Cleghorn and Deputy Wendell on their Broncos. The plane is brought down, and the crew-Baloo, Kit Cloudkicker, and Wildcat-are sentenced to hard labor in the Boomstone town mine. Clementine Clevenger objects to this action, nothing that Cleghorn is not actually sheriff, but an employee of Khan Industries. However, as Baloo soon finds out, Shere Khan is quite unaware of what's taking place in the town despite owning it.
Cleghorn further explains that he is abusing his position to dig up the mine's strange mineral, urgonium, which has powerful explosive properties. When Wildcat accidentally causes an explosion with it, the black marks on his face and his dislodged cap cause him to be mistaken for Shere Khan himself. Baloo decides to take advantage of the mistake, claiming that "Mr. Khan" is paying the town a surprise visit. Unfortunately, the miners-also believing Wildcat is Khan-decide to steal his plane, while Cleghorn becomes determined to prevent "Khan" from ruining his operation.
Clementine attempts to brief "Mr. Khan" on the town's operations, but Cleghorn attempts to eliminate Wildcat by tricking him into playing a game of pool with a chunk of urgonium. Luckily, the plan fails, and Wildcat gets to work repairing the Sea Duck until the miners appear to take him hostage. The miners, believing that Shere Khan is responsible for their suffering, take him to the mine and demand passage out of town in exchange for his safe return. However, upon Clementine's delivery of their ransom note, Cleghorn refuses to act, and throws Baloo and Kit in the town jail before planning to flee town with Wendell.
Making her way to the town's only phone, Clementine makes a call to Khan Industries to inform someone of "Mr. Khan's" abduction; unwittingly, she gets Shere Khan himself on the line. Cleghorn discovers her and locks her in a second story room, but she manages to escape by knotting sheets together and landing in a water trough. Meanwhile, Cleghorn and Wendell prepare to eliminate Baloo and Kit upon their escape from an unlocked cell. Fortunately, Clementine arrives just in time to prevent them from leaving through the front entrance, and Cleghorn's urgonium missile hits Wendell instead.