• 4 days ago
Aishah, RD and Prem speak to the host of Family Feud Malaysia - Douglas Lim!
00:00Hey guys, it's Hafiz and Ghibo here from The Mixed Drive and today we are joined by
00:05The founders of Duel Quest which is this board game we're about to play
00:08Yeah, man from One Plus One Studios you got Cash and also Rizal
00:12These guys at first I heard they wanted to create a video game and then you know what?
00:17Something happened and it became a board game instead, for now
00:20Welcome to Duel Quest where you fight monsters based off how well you know one another. It's a two-player game
00:26You must answer this question for whoever's asking it and your answers must be written down here in secret and they must match
00:32Remember, if you guys get stabbed, it's together
00:39I want to ask
00:41This is going to be easy
00:48Make it a yes, make it a yes
00:50So I think it's okay for my partner to live with a housemate of the opposite sex
00:58But in reality
01:01Hell no, she's mine
01:05That's essentially it. I mean, I hope you guys had fun
01:08Usually in an actual game, you know
01:09You take your time with it and there's a bunch of more questions with each monster and a bunch of different things that people can play
01:15Yes, so hope you guys had fun. So online we actually do
01:18We publish rule sets for a four-player mode where you are playing against another couple
01:25So it's like a 2v2 mode
01:27Yeah, 2v2 mode and also you could play with technically three players
01:31So you notice how there's two cards left here. The third player will take the last card
01:37The way that we've made it work is that you don't have to get anything else more from us
01:40You don't have to do anything new
01:41All you need to do is just what you've gotten from us go online and check our instructions
01:45You can fold the mat and do everything so that you can play 2v2 or two players
01:49Everything is left for you already. For more info about this board game called Duel Quest
01:53You can visit this website