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00:00Someone in the chat said, hello Kato can you explain why CFO is a must with? Isn't it enough for TL to lose against HLE since KC has more wins?
00:06No, it's because TL has the head-to-head against KC.
00:09This is gonna be the most delicious two games of hatewatch of my entire life. We're eating good today, bro. Shut the f**k up.
00:16T1 Zeus shirt in the back. Oh, where? They are leaving Kalista.
00:22Viper, Varus, or Ashe I guess, or Draven, but probably Varus. Oh my god, Viper's playing Draven.
00:29Renata Casante.
00:32What support are you picking for this Nautilus? I'm surprised Viper is slamming a Draven.
00:36Is it time for some Vladimir flex Zeus? Aurora flex? What is it? Draven, Pyke?
00:42This is not Hanwha Life at all. What is this?
00:47Varus is open. Azir is open. Maokai is open. Sejuani is open. They're playing Draven, Vi, Pyke.
00:54I think...
00:55Viper's played one game of Draven this year, I feel like. Or maybe zero. I haven't seen him play Draven at all this year.
01:02Okay, Gnar-Ban.
01:05They're gonna play... What are they gonna play, like Vladimir next or what?
01:08Vladimir-Aurora flex on four?
01:10Like Ahri would be good, I guess. Their draft looks strange.
01:16They can't really... I mean they can, but I think Azir on four here is kind of shitty.
01:20This is not a good comp for Azir to play in. Why is he laughing?
01:24What have you got? What are you flexing? Did the draft crash?
01:30Hanwha Life could have done a lot of things against this Kalista, but Draven-Vi-Pyke is the last thing I'd ever imagine they would do.
01:38Maokai-Ban. And then they banned what? They banned something else last. Sylas, yeah.
01:45Ryze? What the f***?
01:50They're flexing Ryze. HLE is testing sh**, man. This is the first Zekka-Ryze game of the year as well.
01:59And it would also be Zeus' first time Ryze this year.
02:04It's Delight's second Pyke game. It's Viper's first Draven game.
02:08Oh my god, Pantheon is a nice pick here. What, all you have to do now is last pick Garen and I think you guys are f***ing crazy.
02:17Bro, what the f*** are they doing?
02:20What the hell is this?
02:28First time, first time, first time, second time. They're using this stage game to try things.
02:34I would really appreciate it if you could drop a like and a comment or subscribe. That would be awesome. Thank you.
02:42What the f*** is that? Peanut's dead?
02:45No, he's not. He respawned. Well, he was dead.
02:48And I suppose we're going to replay.
02:50Bro, what is going on?
02:52Can we request a replay?
02:54I'm here to try and surmise how this happened.
02:57Okay, we're going to replay.
02:59Everyone grew tougher than he did.
03:01Used and he just...
03:03Free kill!
03:07E-start Pyke.
03:09Okay, let's keep our eyes on this.
03:11So Kayle into Kassandre, I guess it's just...
03:13Peanut took all his bot camps.
03:15I don't know if he knows that, but his whole bot side is gone.
03:17So Umti is f***ed.
03:19Umti is absolutely cooked.
03:21Like, his game is a horror.
03:23He has to go up here, I think.
03:27I think Umti should have gone up here.
03:31Maybe it would be hard though if I
03:33wrapped him right fresh out of base.
03:35But it's also hard to do this as well.
03:41What is he doing?
03:43He's out.
03:47Oh, Umti is fried.
03:49I think he should have gone top. At least he has a bit of push there.
03:51He should have just gone to enemy Krugs
03:53or Raptors.
03:55Could have also played it slower, I guess.
03:57Well, the game is just flipped on Pantheon's game here
03:59on this red Jesko to crab. There's no way.
04:03Could have flashed on Zekka here.
04:07Didn't do it. What are they doing?
04:09Oh, he doesn't have flash. Yeah, he doesn't have flash. Oops.
04:13He lost it, I forgot.
04:15Umti is in a bit of a rough spot.
04:17I guess Kayle versus Casante is free lane.
04:19Looks like it.
04:21I thought it would be a lot harder, but he's chilling.
04:23He's level 6 now.
04:25Locked in? I'm locked in.
04:27Is Eo out? No, he's in.
04:29So they put Kalista top and get Grubs.
04:31Nice from TL. They get Grubs.
04:33They lose. Drake, I guess.
04:35I guess Drake is dead.
04:37Umti is a bit behind still.
04:39I think TL is kind of happy with the early game so far.
04:41Even though Umti got a bit fucked.
04:43The negative is Umti is a bit behind
04:45and Kayle is scaling.
04:47The positive is the Kalista lane looks good.
04:49He has steal caps.
04:51They have Grubs.
04:55Not too shabby. Umti is 6 soon.
04:57They can start really playing on Ryze, I think.
04:59Kalista is quite tanky. Draven has lifesteal.
05:05What the fuck did the light just do?
05:07He has Kalista ult.
05:11What are they doing?
05:15What is Humble Life doing?
05:25The Pyke Q'd
05:27and as he flashed
05:29it expired.
05:31Maybe Zeus just carries this game.
05:33I think the Ziggs pick is really good
05:35against their champs. Like Ryze is so
05:37short ranged. Draven is short ranged.
05:39Vi has got good commit with Kayle
05:41later on.
05:43This is crazy.
05:45I'm like stun locked.
05:47TL is like up in gold.
05:49They're pushing lanes.
05:55No flash Draven.
06:05Is Peanut just dead?
06:09Six Grubs.
06:11They're gonna try and gank Impact.
06:13Kinda is getting into Pyke execute range.
06:17But he has flash and ult.
06:21Nice. That's a big kill.
06:23Maybe Zeus just carries this game I guess.
06:25But he might just be dead.
06:27They might both just be dead.
06:43He has the Renata W.
06:47What is the Light doing?
06:49He's not a Pyke player.
06:51What the fuck is this?
06:53Why is Viper just running in and dying as well?
06:55What is going on?
06:59Yone smurfed it but like...
07:01Oh my god.
07:03Put it in the fucking freezer man.
07:05Draven Pyke.
07:07They try and fight their way out here.
07:09So the Light...
07:11Is gonna hook the Renata
07:13and try to E the Kalista.
07:19The Light goes back in.
07:25How is the Light dead again?
07:27TL didn't draft like this yesterday.
07:29Hamillife's never drafted like this before.
07:36He knocked him into him so he could get the W.
07:39Yappa, come on bro.
08:05Nice play by Zeka.
08:07So the Light just facechecks and dies.
08:13Oh he lost his flash as well.
08:15Zeus talk to me.
08:19Oh movement.
08:23Wait no the hut broke.
08:25No we're gonna have to go back to the old hut.
08:27No don't do that.
08:29I know if they went back to the old hut
08:31and the cams were bigger everyone would be like
08:33Oh this is so much better.
08:35They're giving Herald here TL.
08:39Are they giving Herald? Yappa doesn't want to give it.
08:41Umti what are you doing?
08:43Oh big hook.
08:45The Light has just right clicked
08:47Zeus' lane and said I will play here.
08:49It's crazy they're getting
08:51Herald with support is bot.
09:03Big hooker.
09:07What is Umti doing?
09:13What is he doing?
09:15Why is he even walking to clear that bot wave?
09:17Oh my god he TP'd in.
09:19He's probably fine though he has a lot of wave clear.
09:23It's a messy one.
09:25It's a messy one.
09:27TL need to put it together a bit.
09:29TL need to put it together a little bit.
09:31They're getting TP'd on.
09:33Appa no flash.
09:57He's out.
09:59Can TL do something now?
10:01They're like 4 bot.
10:03Look at that.
10:05I think TL might get cooked.
10:07A Kayle 2k up in 90 minutes really?
10:11Appa is getting solo killed by Zekka.
10:13Oh Zekka kills him.
10:15Oh nice flash by Umti.
10:17Show me spear.
10:26Oh he hopped on the Krug.
10:28He dodged the Vi Q.
10:32No he doesn't have it.
10:38That's not gonna hit.
10:40Peanut is on there.
10:47They're cooked here.
10:49Kayle gets the shutdown.
10:51Kayle gets the shutdown.
10:53He's cooked.
10:55He's dead as well.
10:57It's a double shutdown to Kayle.
11:01Oh my god.
11:03This Kayle is like 4k up almost in 20 minutes.
11:05Wrap it up.
11:07What happened in these last 8 minutes of gameplay.
11:09I feel like HumbleLife is doing so many things.
11:11And they're just like perma fighting into things.
11:13And TL is just never there.
11:15Or not doing anything on the side.
11:17It's TL's life on the line.
11:19And they're just meaning.
11:2121 minutes and Kayle is level 15.
11:33This isn't the Red Bull event.
11:35What the fuck.
11:39Kayle just kills everyone.
11:41Maybe Kayle dies.
11:45Oh big fight.
11:47Oh the Ziggs ult is in Narnia.
11:51Someone kill him.
12:01What are you doing Delight?
12:03Are you going to solo kill him?
12:05That is a very early flash.
12:09Where did he Q?
12:13I mean they're going to get wiped here.
12:15But they need a fight because that Kayle is level 16 soon.
12:17Just send it.
12:19Just send the fight.
12:23Hold up.
12:25Hold up.
12:27Wait how did Zekka get there?
12:29How is Zekka level 17?
12:39Oh my god.
12:41The solo lanes of HumbleLife at minute 24.
12:43Are both 17 and 16.
12:45They're like what?
12:47How are they so high level?
12:49He's almost level 18.
12:51Rod of Ages and the Atacan.
12:53This guy.
12:57Go on a call with the guy Kek.
12:59Go call the guy bro.
13:01Shut up.
13:03The XP difference is mental.
13:05There's a 4 level diff in mid lane right now.
13:07Appa hit 15.
13:11Just start Baron and send it.
13:13They're all going to die.
13:15But the game's over so I don't mind it.
13:17Just try it.
13:37Is it a pentakill for Zeus Kayle?
13:39Peanut's not taking it.
13:43He's dead.
13:49He's dead.
13:51Oh my god.
13:53There's no way HumbleLife just picked these champs
13:55and then murdered them.
13:57But they were completely trolling
13:59the first 10 minutes.
14:01They were all laughing and inting HumbleLife.
14:13I wanted NA to do well but after that
14:15that is like a fucking breaker.
14:19That is a breaker.
14:21What do you fucking want bro?
14:23I'm not here to dunk.
14:25What do you want bro?
14:27I'm not here to dunk.
14:29This might be my 13th reason depending on what you say.
14:31I'm just telling you right now bro.
14:33This could be my 13th reason.
14:35I'm not here to dunk.
14:37What the fuck did we just watch?
14:39What was that?
14:41HumbleLife just first-timed four champs.
14:43Yeah, they wanted to win for sure.
14:45They definitely wanted to win that game.
14:47They were trying really hard.
14:49They definitely care
14:51about this game because they're
14:53locked into first no matter what.
14:55They weren't just trolling.
14:57Oh my god.
14:59There's no way TL couldn't win that game
15:01after that Kalista got a triple kill
15:03and they're all just running around laughing.
15:05There's just no way.
15:07I'm sorry Dom.
15:09I feel bad.
15:11That's your region.
15:13You're just going to side it now?
15:15I hate this shit bro.
15:17I fucking hate this.
15:19Bro, fuck first stand.
15:21Fuck this Mickey Mouse ass tournament.
15:23What the fuck?
15:25What the fuck?
15:27We need another generational
15:29rent I think after the next game.
15:31No, no, no.
15:33That one gets me banned bro.
15:35If I start saying what I'm thinking right now
15:37By the way
15:39Okay, well I'm a fucking ban bro.
15:41Hey, there's always next game.
15:43There's always next game, okay?
15:45Yeah, I'm sure that that's like
15:47you know TL
15:49they're going to come back from that I think.
15:51They're going to come back
15:53from that shit.
15:55Are you going to crash out if they lose the next game of the same style?
15:57You're trying to bait the crash out bro.
15:59You think this content is coming huh?
16:01Is there a crash out or what?
16:03Nah bro, because to be honest
16:05I wouldn't force the crash out.
16:07The crash out is from like anger, right?
16:09This shit is just depressing, no?
16:11I'm not even angry.
16:13I'm just depressed.
16:15I was angry in the last series.
16:17Top Esports makes me angry, but this shit just makes me sad bro.
16:19This shit is just pathetic right here.
16:21What we just watched.
16:23Fuck that.
16:25Well, there's always next game.
16:27And if there's no next game, there's always
16:29There's always next year bro.
16:31Next event, next year.
16:33Alright bro.
16:35I'll catch you after the next game.
16:41Let's see what Humble Life cooks up now.
16:43Because now Humble Life is 1-0 up.
16:45What are they going to do?
16:47Are they just going to pick Varus, Maokai and tryhard?
16:49Or are they going to troll?
16:51Varus first pick.
16:53Okay Humble Life, you could go like
16:55Azir, Maokai or some shit.
16:57What are we thinking?
16:59I wonder if someone came in their room and was like
17:04Jhin what? Jhin Zyra?
17:06Jhin Zyra would be a...
17:08Jhin Zyra would be normal?
17:10A bit tricky into Varus though.
17:12Jhin Tristana 1-2.
17:14This is a good draft.
17:16Because they know that they're going to go Maokai Tristana.
17:18Is this Tristana going top though?
17:20It's got to be Peanut, Nidalee or Zyra on 3 right?
17:24Or Ivern he could play or Sejuani.
17:26But that's boring.
17:30Is it a Bard on 3?
17:32Any Bards on 3?
17:34It's Peanut Zyra.
17:36Peanut's played 4 games of Zyra and lost
17:38every single one.
17:40I wonder if Core is going to play like
17:42Poppy support or some shit.
17:44But I'm convinced Bard value is so high isn't it?
17:46I think if they do play something like Bard
17:48they're going to need some kind of tank top.
17:50Is Zeus really going to play Ornn on 5?
17:52I guess Zyra does kind of need a melee support.
17:54And now blind top Renekton.
17:56Is it time for Zeus Gragas?
17:58Zeus Gragas?
18:00What do you have?
18:02Have some fun.
18:04Come on Zeus what have you got?
18:06Cook something.
18:08Quinn? Olaf?
18:10Kennen? Vayne?
18:14Quinn! There it is!
18:20Such a cool champ Jhin.
18:22Is he going to flash over and try and take his red buff?
18:24Umti I've seen this before.
18:26Christmas tree versus fire tree.
18:28Please don't flash this wall.
18:30No he has no idea of course.
18:32He only has vision of the red buff.
18:34He is flashing this wall.
18:36I can tell you that for a fact.
18:38And it's going to work.
18:40And it's going to work.
18:42It would be so huge for him.
18:54Oh my god it's pure illness and it's working.
18:56Zyra is kind of cooked now.
19:00Now is he going to hexflash the raptor pit and gank mid?
19:02Yeah he is.
19:04This is more like it Umti.
19:10Flip the game level 1.
19:14If he lost that red buff by the way.
19:16The game was absolutely lost.
19:22But he is playing Maokai Q smite.
19:24Wait. Impact is dead.
19:28Oh he didn't flash there Zeus.
19:30He knew he was flashing.
19:32He just played the gamble game.
19:34They are just fighting I guess.
19:40Nice he got it.
19:42Oh phase rush.
19:48He has made Peanut's game really difficult actually.
19:54Oh he can kill him.
19:56Maybe not.
20:00Don't chase.
20:02Don't chase too much.
20:04Your wave is trash.
20:06They swapped Renekton out of the Quinn lane.
20:12No flash still.
20:16Upper can cook maybe he has ult.
20:18No he doesn't have ult actually.
20:20Oh big.
20:22Big for TL.
20:26This one looks good.
20:28This one looks good.
20:30Like the Zyra is really far behind.
20:32The Cassio and their champs is solid.
20:40No flash Zyra.
20:44No flash.
20:46Still a few seconds left.
20:48Flash from Zekka.
20:50Umti is fine.
20:52Oh they used Tristana flash and Jhin ult and Zyra ult.
20:54They don't get Drake yet.
20:56Upper has TP.
21:00I think TL is fine with that.
21:08He has ult.
21:12Double flash there feels wasted.
21:14Cassio no boots.
21:16Yeah I think Cassio can do work this game.
21:22There is four ranged champs.
21:26Umti is very happy to get this done.
21:28Impact able to get aggressive on Zayas.
21:30With that vault now on cooldown.
21:32Why does that Renekton look so tanky it's crazy.
21:34Okay no flash Zyra it's big.
21:36Oh yeah.
21:38Nice damage.
21:40Oh nice root.
21:42He has barrier though.
21:44Oh Viper flash was good.
21:46And here comes Zekka.
21:54The TP from.
21:56He flashed in.
21:58Why don't you just wait for Renekton TP.
22:02Oh my god Impact doesn't have ult.
22:04Oh no not again TL please.
22:06It's now all going to fall apart again is it really.
22:10Is that going to happen again.
22:14Oh my god.
22:16Okay it worked.
22:18Oh, and Jhin executed, oh, TL got one kill from that.
22:25Maybe Rakan wait with Rakan W, but that's a free kill.
22:30The Tristana is useless, and the Cassio is busted.
22:33Like Jaktr in America might just carry this game with that gold lead.
22:37He can carry this game.
22:38Let him cook.
22:39Let him cook now.
22:42Six drops to TL, will they be able to use it much?
22:45I thought Yone queued the bush to make them think that he's checking the bush, so they
22:51think it's not warded.
22:55But Zyra didn't ward there.
22:59Nice that they lived there.
23:00That could have been a kill.
23:01Fort is just at the top here, Quinn is just slowly winning.
23:14Oh my god, Zaius is...
23:17He's fucking frying him.
23:19Impact even question mark pinged him.
23:22Okay, Zaius knows this play is coming.
23:24Zaius saw Rakan walk in here.
23:27But Quinn has so much attack speed.
23:29He finished the cull.
23:30Okay, Zaius has a spike now.
23:32TL have the first drake.
23:34Getting the second drake would be insane.
23:44Wait, they're just getting the drake for free.
23:48Cast the OTP, they're scared.
23:50It's not going to do anything.
23:52Oh, it's going to kill Zyra though.
23:54Zyra's ult hit her or what?
23:56Thought their follow up wasn't there.
23:58That's a big kill.
24:00Big kill to Varus.
24:03Oh, what an ult timer, but he has cleanse.
24:05Zaius is so cocky, man, look at him.
24:10Oh, nice W by Core.
24:12Covered off where he was and where he could go.
24:14That was a really good W, holy shit.
24:16Wait, TL actually got some pace in this game.
24:18No joke.
24:20They have six scrubs for this bot tier one.
24:22Tristana, I think they'll get it first actually, TL.
24:24No joke.
24:26Oh, close.
24:28They have two drakes.
24:32They have a fed Cassiopeia.
24:34The only problem they have obviously is the side lanes, right?
24:36I mean, HammerLife has played this shit before, yeah?
24:40The problem is this is not like a comp that HLE wins on.
24:44Like Peanut Zyra is not a winning pick.
24:48Ooh, can Impact get dove here?
24:50He might be one-shot, but he has ult and E.
24:52Yeah, he's one-shot.
24:54It took a while though.
24:56It took longer than I thought.
24:58Oh, Core covered it and died.
25:00They have Herald mid.
25:02Cassiopeia can get top tier one.
25:04Should base and run bot.
25:06No flash.
25:08Nice block by Umti.
25:10He might have saved him actually.
25:12What a block.
25:14Yone is quite strong now.
25:16Yo, TL's really strong.
25:18Draking 50.
25:24This Cassio is dangerous.
25:26I mean, look at this damage.
25:28I mean, look at this damage.
25:30I mean, look at this damage.
25:32I mean, look at this damage.
25:34This Cassio is dangerous.
25:40How hard does Quinn win?
25:42Looks like very hard, but can she win hard enough that she hits the tower?
25:44No, right? She just has to move mid or something.
25:46If she wins hard enough, she hits the tower.
25:53Holy fuck.
25:55I don't know if that was worth for Zeus.
25:57He's going to have to base now, but I guess Impact bases too.
25:59Drake's up in three seconds.
26:01They melt this Drake.
26:04They need to TP in with Impact now.
26:06Where's the TP?
26:12They just have to kill Tristana.
26:14Oh my god, it's a mess.
26:16That Jhin ult is going to hurt her.
26:20Oh, they are so split.
26:30They get the Drake, though.
26:32Cassio's alive.
26:34Still has ult and flash.
26:36Not that bad, not that bad.
26:38That fight was messy, though.
26:40The core went too deep, and that separates the fight a bit.
26:44Feels like Hamalah's playing a little bit more serious,
26:46but they're actually getting rolled by Appa.
26:48Oh my god, the gardener Maokai.
26:50They lost tier two top.
26:52Tier one mid.
26:54They're down in gold, but their comp is strong
26:56if they can get a good fight.
26:58If Viper gets IE, he is cooking.
27:00And they still need IE on Tristana as well.
27:02Hamalah's ahead,
27:04but they need a bit of time still, I think.
27:06These items are kind of scuffed.
27:08Maokai ulted, or what?
27:10Don't need to, maybe.
27:12The fight is brewing, chat.
27:14One minute 30.
27:16If they don't lose that fight, they are fucking out.
27:18They have IE on Tristana.
27:20No IE on Jhin yet.
27:22Cassio E one-shot Zyra plants.
27:24Good poke.
27:26Big pick,
27:28Varus ult.
27:30Oh, a little late.
27:32Their team fight is crazy strong.
27:34Take the free kill, take the drake.
27:36Take the free kill, take the drake.
27:44Need to be careful of the Baron.
27:48Is he dead?
27:50How is he dead?
27:55How did he...
27:57What, did he get hit by a Zyra E or a Jhin W?
27:59What the fuck was that?
28:01I don't know if Hamalah...
28:02I mean, Hamalah will get this,
28:03but can they stop them from getting out?
28:10Peanut dies.
28:14Yone can't see shit.
28:17No flash on Viper.
28:19Yone's dead.
28:22Yappa time.
28:27Yappa just wants to fight it, but why?
28:29Oh no, no, no, no, no.
28:31He's gonna get kited by everyone.
28:41He's kited by everyone.
28:47What do you want him to do?
28:48Do you just walk up mid and die?
28:52The fuck?
28:55They have soul, they have soul, they have soul.
28:57They have soul.
29:04Nice knock by Zekka, holy shit.
29:12Viper dead.
29:15That's three.
29:16That's four.
29:18They wiped Nash.
29:21Well played, well played, well played by TL.
29:23Really well played.
29:24Really well played by TL.
29:27Zeyu still has Nash.
29:30They're pinging top tier one,
29:31but the waves are so far away.
29:33I mean, if Zekka cancelled his flank,
29:35look, he interrupts the Rakan W with his ult.
29:38So they're actually fine.
29:40It's mainly like Viper is super split,
29:42and the positioning is just horrible.
29:44...is isolated against Renekton, and yes,
29:46Impact, a game with Mountain Soul,
29:48should just be able to win this.
29:49Oh, close, but no flash.
29:51Free kill.
29:53Wait, this game is looking good,
29:54even with the 4k down, champ-wise,
29:56they're so much better.
29:57See, I told you.
29:59Especially when it comes to Zyra.
30:02The random wins are so nice for Impact,
30:04and the boot upgrades are also quite nice.
30:06It's gonna be an elder fight, I think, this game.
30:09Is this EWC?
30:12This is first time, Meka.
30:16What can he do, though?
30:18What can he do? He's just flapping his wings.
30:22It's hard for Quinn to enter.
30:25This Quinn top push is annoying as fuck.
30:28Okay, they know where all the positioning is.
30:31They know Zayus is mid.
30:33A bit of poke!
30:34Oh, he missed.
30:35Nice, not so bad.
30:37Another one. Missed.
30:39You gotta hit these, one Varus Q is so good.
30:43You will eventually have to come over here.
30:45You will eventually have to take this away from us.
30:48Okay, that's not bad.
30:53Not bad.
30:55Chunk him a bit.
30:56Another Varus Q, show me.
30:58Not bad.
30:59Okay, Yone is kind of marinating him a bit.
31:03It's the nature's grasp that you have to watch out for.
31:05UmTi holding on to that one.
31:06He's got that one in the barrel.
31:08This Elder is getting very low.
31:11Meka Q smite goes kind of hard.
31:13Keep poking him. Keep poking him. Keep poking him. Keep poking him.
31:16Keep poking him. Keep poking him. Miss.
31:18Bit of a reset.
31:19Yeah, this reset on the Elder is a big deal.
31:22Varus ult is up if you want to throw it.
31:24Look at Zayus on the side.
31:25Look at Zayus! Look at Zayus! He's trolling!
31:28Big, big, big!
31:30Big, big, big!
31:33Yappity-yap-yaps in America!
31:36Oh, it's big! It's big! It's big!
31:38It's big!
31:39Oh, it's GG!
31:40It's GG!
31:42Yo, Zayus got caught and then...
31:44Yappa makes a monster play.
31:47This end.
31:48Oh my god, he's proxying the wave though.
31:50They have one minion.
31:52They have one minion.
31:53Oh, they ended the wave as well.
31:54Wait, it's actually game 3.
31:56It's actually game 3.
31:58I'm alive, man.
31:59They need to lock in.
32:01PeanutZyra will not win a game this year.
32:04He will go 0-5.
32:10TES is now sweating.
32:12TES is sitting in the backstage like,
32:14Oh, shit.
32:16Oh, shit.
32:18That is a bounce back though.
32:20Hey, TL got fisted by Kale, Ryze, Pyke, Draven
32:25and they bounce back and win game 2.
32:27That is mental right there.
32:28That is mental.
32:29What are they going to play?
32:31Ashe? Azir? Nidalee? Skarner?
32:36This is why I asked, can Umti play Ivern?
32:39Because this is the problem they'll run into.
32:40And the draft broke.
32:42Ezreal's good.
32:44What if they play Ashe, Braum?
32:46Into Ezreal, Leona? Isn't that hard?
32:48What do you think, Blythe?
32:49Oh, no. Hamilite's tryharding.
32:51They're picking Ivern on 3.
32:52This is why they're playing Ezreal, Leona.
32:55Draft broke again. Great.
32:56That's Ivern on 3.
32:57That's Ivern on 3, 100%.
32:59I think Ashe, Braum looks nice.
33:01But maybe they'll play solo lane champs.
33:06Oh, Sivir.
33:08Is Corki open?
33:09I feel like Corki ban is so good for Hamilite.
33:12That guy will play Corki on 4.
33:14Wait, what do you mean it's not open?
33:17It is open, chat. Why are you baiting?
33:21Azir Corki bans here for Hamilite go crazy.
33:23There's no way Yappity Sax is going to play already on solo Ivern.
33:26That is just free lose.
33:28Corki ban really good.
33:29Sylas ban thoughts?
33:31Azir ban thoughts and feelings?
33:34Now I don't know what you pick.
33:35Is Taliyah up?
33:37I don't know.
33:38Kind of shitty.
33:39But I don't know what else he plays.
33:40Oh, Taliyah's banned.
33:42Oh, Viktor.
33:45What are you thinking, Zekka?
33:46Is it a Yasuo angle?
33:48Viktor, Ivern, Ezreal, Leona.
33:51They are so good.
33:53They are scaling.
33:58What the fuck are they picking?
34:00Ambessa, Impact, can you play Camille?
34:02Please tell me you can play Camille.
34:05And you're like good at it.
34:06Don't pick some shit like Poppy or Ornn.
34:08It's lost against Braum and Ambessa.
34:10Can you play Camille?
34:12Gnar is the easy pick, yeah.
34:13Jax will take that.
34:15The draft kind of cooked up nice.
34:17I like what EL has.
34:20Bot matchup's probably pretty hard, right?
34:21Why did they ward the middle of bot lane?
34:24Is that so Ezreal can just get some damage dealt?
34:27Is it locked that Kayce plays Hammer Knife?
34:29Okay, so.
34:31Last time.
34:32Kayce is through to the next round.
34:34If TL win this, they go through as well.
34:36And TES is out.
34:38And the draw would be Kayce versus HLE round 1.
34:42And TL versus CFO.
34:46If HLE win this game, then TL is out.
34:49And round 1 is Kayce versus CFO.
34:53And the other bracket is HLE versus TES.
34:56So if HLE lose this, they play TES.
34:58If they win this, they play Kayce.
35:00If HLE lose this, TL goes through.
35:02If HLE win this, TES stays in.
35:05Sivir Braum sounds pretty good into Leona.
35:07That sounds pretty hard.
35:10Look at Ivern full clear.
35:11Look at Ivern full clear.
35:18Three minutes full clear.
35:19That's balanced.
35:20Wait, he didn't even go to his Krug.
35:22Where's Bro going?
35:23He's gonna go yoink the blue.
35:25He's on a ward though.
35:28He is not getting this blue.
35:30Maybe he is.
35:31Peanut just has to hit him.
35:36He's got red buff.
35:37Maybe he gets it actually.
35:39No heal bot.
35:44No cleanse bot.
35:46Umti got the blue.
35:53Kassadin Merc treads go crazy this game.
35:55Just don't lose the lane too hard in fact.
35:57This is really good pathing by Umti.
36:00That's a raptor yoink.
36:02This is really good by Umti.
36:03He's doing well.
36:04Kind of a chill lane for APA.
36:06Early drake stacking is good.
36:09Umti should be able to grab that one there.
36:15Okay, good damage.
36:16Really good damage.
36:17You have flash E.
36:18Flash E from Yuppie.
36:21Oh, big!
36:22That's a lot of stacks for APA.
36:24Yummy, yummy, yummy.
36:2588 stacks.
36:26And first drake.
36:27Hold up.
36:28We are scaling out here.
36:30He has E evolved already I think APA.
36:32I think he has E evolved.
36:33He does, yeah.
36:35He's just gonna one tap waves now.
36:36Just E the wave.
36:37La, la, la.
36:38Yeah, out of range but he panicked a bit.
36:40I don't blame him.
36:41It is game 3.
36:42Not worth giving Umti a kill.
36:51CoreJJ is saving the map big time.
36:53Well, the good news for Humble Life is they haven't really given away much draft information
36:56whether they win or lose this game.
36:58So into the knockout stage they haven't given away any infill.
37:00What do you do as KC?
37:01Yeah, we should be careful of Kayle, Kassadin.
37:04Viper plays severe as well.
37:05True, they did show that their Zyra, Draven, Pyke might not be the best.
37:14Oh, nice.
37:15Didn't get hit by the ult.
37:17They would have won that 2v2 really hard.
37:19It's hard for Zayus to commit.
37:20I think even if he hits the ult he's probably gonna survive.
37:23They could threaten the severe a bit with Braum top but...
37:26I think Viper is fine on the tower.
37:29Maybe level 6 Leona could have hurt but...
37:36Yeah, have to flash there.
37:37The only way they lose is giving Kassadin gold.
37:43Oh, Impact's dead. He's good, he's good.
37:52Astral ult.
37:53It's a hit!
37:54Oh, big snipe by Yone!
37:56That is a mega snipe.
37:58Okay, they don't have any damage.
38:00But they might get his flash.
38:03They got TP from Kassadin as well.
38:066 grubs is painful but...
38:10Daisy's up soon, Daisy's up soon.
38:215 grubs, they're gonna be happy with that.
38:23He's very tanky with Ivern.
38:26Nice Leona ult.
38:29APA moving to gank bot but he's on vision.
38:32And he's no flash.
38:35No Braum ult.
38:38And he's dead.
38:40And he's dead.
38:42And he's dead.
38:44And he's dead.
38:46And he's dead.
38:48And he's dead.
38:50And he's dead.
38:53He's dead.
38:55Maybe they get one back though.
38:58Oh, they get pulled away.
39:01Out, out, out.
39:02Oh, if he got W off there on the auto, he could maybe get two.
39:05Even game, very even game.
39:07They're pathing from Yaperi.
39:09Oh, wait, he can connect here.
39:12Oh, if Umti didn't show, they maybe had him actually.
39:15They need to go faster there, I think, Core.
39:17Looks like a free drake.
39:19Keep stacking them up.
39:20Keep stacking them up.
39:22Good soul is Cloud, not bad.
39:24How is Yorn down so many minions?
39:26Umti is down in camps a lot.
39:29Ezreal will stop the bases, not bad.
39:31Oh, this Jax is really far behind.
39:33Top jungle is behind but APA's ahead.
39:36Drakes have to be the way to win the game.
39:37It's the only way TL can win.
39:39The only way they can win is drakes, I think.
39:42Side lanes are cooked.
39:44Oh, TL is bleeding, man.
39:45I can see it.
39:46The map is a horror.
39:51He's going to get proc'd here.
39:52As Viper, not able to really get too much done.
39:55Great route to come out from Umti to stop Peanut.
39:57Uh-oh, Kassadin's first on the move.
40:01Silly mistakes, silly mistakes, silly mistakes.
40:03They might get one back here, not sure.
40:08APA can't really join.
40:12Oh, he interrupted the skarnery.
40:14Overcooked again.
40:16APA and Yorn just trying to make these
40:18Shy plays or cocky plays on mid getting collapsed on and dying.
40:22Drakes in 3rd, though.
40:23They lost a lot of ults, though.
40:25I think Yorn just needs to run towards his tower earlier and E towards his tower.
40:29TL need a miracle, man.
40:30They need a miracle.
40:31Maybe it doesn't look bad on the numbers, but it looks bad in the game.
40:37They need like a really good fight.
40:43Oh my god, how is APA so far forwards?
40:45Impact's cooked.
40:48APA's so low.
40:50Core's gonna go down.
40:59Oh my god, it's over.
41:02That's it, GG.
41:04GG, VP.
41:05It's KC versus CFO.
41:06I think TL's out.
41:07No chance they can win this.
41:10That Kassadin is monstrously fed.
41:15Quadra kill for Kassadin on the drake fight.
41:18This is like the third time HLE just plays super scaling champs.
41:21Are they trying them out or something?
41:23Kayle, Kassadin, Vlad.
41:26They're playing very scaly heavy champs.
41:39The top gap has been crazy.
41:41I swear, Xayah's just like hacking half the time.
41:44That guy is so fucking good.
41:50Oy, Peanut's well played.
41:52Yeah, wrap it up.
41:56Wrap it up.
41:59Wrap it up.
42:06There's nothing to say.
42:07They're losing everywhere.
42:08Absolutely everywhere is lost.
42:09Every lane, every roll, every lane, everything.
42:12A couple mistakes before that drake fight gave Humble Life
42:15a pretty healthy gold situation going into it.
42:18What is Sekka's item, actually?
42:20He's 7-0, right?
42:22Archangel's, Roam, Malikman's.
42:25That's a lot of mana.
42:27This Kassadin can 1v5 them.
42:36What? That hit?
42:39The fuck was the range on that?
42:42And that was without Kassadin.
42:59Farewell NA, farewell.
43:04They won't end here, but farewell.
43:07Call the guy.
43:26Old school League players, the Kassadin men.
43:30You know.
43:42It's so unplayable.
43:45It's so unplayable.
43:49So unplayable.
43:51Oh my god.
43:59Well, Humble Life showed nothing in the drafts, and they still won.
44:03I'm glad they had a bunch of fun.
44:05TL also showing a phenomenal game, number two.
44:08But HLE showing...
44:09No, leave Core alone!
44:20Oh, dumb.
44:22The crashout is going to be crazy.
44:25HLE don't look like...
44:26They just look like they don't give a fuck.
44:29Alright, chat, it's locked.
44:30The brackets are locked.
44:31It's HLE vs TES in one semi-final, and it's KC vs CFO in the semi-final.
44:39These are the semis.
44:40It would be really funny to watch HLE vs TES.
44:42It would be really fun to watch.
44:45Oh my god.
44:52D, D, D.
44:57D, D, D, D, D, D.
45:02What up?
45:03Oh, we can't even beat them when they're not even trying to win, man.
45:08We can't even beat them when they're not trying to win.
45:10Just FF.
45:11Just FF.
45:12Just FF?
45:14Fake tournament anyway.
45:16It's a...
45:17They're a lane swap team.
45:18They remove lane swaps.
45:19It is what it is.
45:20Fake tournament, he says.
45:22Fake tournament.
45:23That's the straight A.
45:24Yep, fake tournament.
45:25Super fake tournament.
45:26Fake tournament.
45:27Fake tournament, bro.
45:29Fake tournament, bro.
45:31Look, all I'm saying, our region had best of three semifinals.
45:34Nothing we could do about that.
45:35C9 should have been here instead.
45:36It is what it is.
45:38C9 should have been here instead.
45:41It is what it is, bro.
45:45Just unlucky, bro.
45:46Best of three semifinals.
45:47What can you do?
45:48You think C9 would have done better?
45:51I mean, I think it would be hard to do worse.
45:54I think it would be hard to do worse, brother.
45:57Well, just know that you've had two years of beating EU.
46:01You beat EU now, but you're still the worst region.
46:05We are.
46:06It just is what it is, bro.
46:08We are just back to being the worst region.
46:11Do you have any advice for being the worst region since you've been part of it for the last couple years?
46:17Well, you were part of it for like 12 years, so it's basically like you're back home.
46:22But I forgot.
46:24You are getting old.
46:25Just like how you kind of forgot some stuff and then you remembered?
46:28You're getting quite old.
46:30No, it's okay.
46:31Just know that there's never any expectations anymore.
46:36You know what I'm saying?
46:38But there was never expectations anyway.
46:39Even when we were winning, no one believed us to win.
46:42I didn't even believe us to win, bro.
46:43I did my power rankings.
46:44I had KC over TL going into this tournament.
46:47Yeah, but do you know when you go to Worlds?
46:48I always beat CFL, bro.
46:50You know when you go to Worlds?
46:53And you send like...
46:54Wait, how many NA teams do you send in from Worlds?
46:57Two, yeah.
46:58And a Latin American South team, they get a spot over us.
47:01So even though you beat Europe multiple times throughout the year, it looks like Riot knew that NA would be kind of trash.
47:07They sniped you and took away one anyway.
47:09Yeah, that's what it is.
47:11I didn't just look at the viewership a couple times.
47:13That's called foresight.
47:16Absolute headshot.
47:18Okay, bro.
47:19Yeah, well, it's been fun, man.
47:20It's been great talking to you as always.
47:23I was looking forward to our calls.
47:26And, yeah.
47:28I can't wait to watch TES vs Humble Life.
47:30Because TES are the ones who are the saviors here.
47:32They're the ones who are saved.
47:34Are they going to get fisted by HLE three games?
47:36Or is it going to be a massive turnaround?
47:39I mean, who knows, bro.
47:40Maybe it's one of those things where now they can't do any fucking worse, right?
47:44So might as well show something.
47:46And they're trying to find you some hope.
47:49Wait, how is it hope, bro?
47:50You think... Wait.
47:51Have I not got this through?
47:52I fucking hate top esports.
47:54I don't want to see them win.
47:55Okay, okay.
47:56I want to see Humble Life beat them.
47:57Okay, but what if they rock up and trio HLE?
48:00And then they trio the finals as well.
48:01I mean, then it's just...
48:02To be honest, then it's just an even more Mickey Mouse tournament, honestly.
48:05It's like Humble Life just beats them four days.
48:07They have one bad day and then they're just gone.
48:08It's like, what the fuck did we just spend the last week doing then?
48:15Well, I'm sure Humble Life will draft Kassadin.
48:18Maybe you'll be able to beat them when they're...
48:25All right.
48:26Same old, same old.
48:29When the world...
48:30Same old, same old.
48:31This NA just being kind of boosted.
48:33But when a bright MMO comes out, player base drops.
48:35You know?
48:36There's never another chance.
48:37This guy's forgot about Worlds already.
48:39He's forgot about Worlds last two years because of First and...
48:43We mean Europe and Worlds.
48:45We mean Europe and Worlds.
48:46We mean Europe and Worlds.
48:47First and...
48:48We mean Europe and Worlds.
48:49We mean Europe and Worlds.
48:51Are you done?
48:54I'm done, bro.
48:55All right.
48:56Good luck for CFO.
48:57They're going to kick your ass.
49:00Shut the fuck up, bitch.
49:01Can't kick your ass because your ass ain't even there, idiot.
