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#Caedrel #kc #tes
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#Caedrel #kc #tes
00:00Canafi might just smash them by himself, like individually some of the players on TES can just show up one day and just clap your cheeks.
00:09Junji has looked like one of the top 3 junglers in the tournament, yeah of course yes.
00:12Azir ban, okay.
00:14What percentage chance do you give CFO of winning?
00:17I would say like 25% chance to win.
00:19Kalista 0-3 at first then.
00:21Two of them were JackyLove, one was Yone, it was the whole top esports.
00:25Okay I see.
00:26Ezreal first pick.
00:29Okay I mean this is parts of the game where, I don't know teams have so many different priors.
00:35Some teams would take Maokai here, some teams would take Jayce, some teams would take like Aurora, some teams would take Nidalee.
00:42It's lost, it's lost, it's lost.
00:45They all play Nidalee Leona.
00:48But they shouldn't pick Leona on 2, they should just pick Yone or something for cream.
00:53These are the kind of picks that will just win the game individually, like Canafi will just carry the game.
00:57Or they are gonna pick Leona like that.
00:59I feel like this is really abusable though.
01:02If you pick Braum, they should take Braum.
01:05But what do you do though, if you go Nidalee Leona, you go Braum, what?
01:08Sejuani, Braum?
01:10And take the teamfights?
01:11They don't even take the Braum, they don't give a f***.
01:14Cream, Yone, Canafi, Nidalee.
01:18If they win this game CFO, then Jesus.
01:21I mean you can ban supports if you want.
01:23I mean you should ban Kai'Sa, MF really.
01:25I feel like JackyLoveMF is pretty good, isn't it?
01:28They take away Ashe.
01:30Ashe, Kai'Sa, MF all work kind of.
01:33At 2-6-9 we'll play Cassandra or something.
01:36He gets Kai'Sa.
01:37I think MF ban is good.
01:39Not bad by CFO so far I think.
01:41But are they really gonna play against JackyLove, Kai'Sa, Cream, Yone, Canafi, Nidalee?
01:46I don't like Jhin that much.
01:49I guess the lane is better.
01:51They can go Rell.
01:53Or Alistar I guess.
01:55Taliyah, nice pick.
01:57Nautilus would be great but it's not that good with Ezreal.
01:59But it's great with Taliyah.
02:01Anything that Taliyah can play off of right now is great.
02:05I think CFO comp is solid.
02:07Let's see what 3-6-9 plays though.
02:09Because he might feel a bit orny right now.
02:13Or Cassandra, yeah.
02:14It's not...
02:15I mean TES's comp, both comps are pretty solid.
02:19I think Taliyah has good value here.
02:21The problem with CFO's comp is that he doesn't have that many minions.
02:253v3 is a bit weaker on jungle bot I think.
02:28CFO locked the fuck in now.
02:30Boom! Wild Cajal interruption.
02:32Don't forget to like and subscribe to the video.
02:34No, to the channel.
02:35And like the video.
02:36Okay, enjoy.
02:43Oh, thank god.
02:44Crisp missed that booting there anyway.
02:48First blood to Canafi, really?
02:52We're cooked, chat. It's cooked.
02:53It's cooked.
02:55We're so cooked, it's crazy.
02:57He went boots first item.
02:59Cook him, CFO, cook him.
03:01Cook him in these lanes.
03:03Doggo, I need you to really fucking pop off this game.
03:06We got some pushing lanes, we like that.
03:08Yeah, chat.
03:09If CFO loses this series, Kaycorp are out.
03:12That's it.
03:13Nothing else, that's it.
03:15That's it, done.
03:16No tiebreakers, nothing.
03:18Just out.
03:19We need Doggo to be the savior of Europe.
03:24There's a big flash forward from Kaiwing as they're trying to follow up.
03:27Oh, get him, Doggo!
03:28Get him, Doggo!
03:29That's a 2v2 kill!
03:31That's a 2v2 kill!
03:33There you go.
03:34Massive by Kaiwing.
03:37Also, Nidalee cancelled her recall to try and help.
03:39Sejuani build is fantastic.
03:42That is the kind of items we want to see on that Sejuani.
03:46Don't want the drake anyway.
03:47Have it.
03:48Kaiwing, don't die on the rotation back.
03:51Losing a little bit in bot, it's okay.
03:53The rest is kind of smurfing.
03:55Keep it up, bro.
03:57So the reason Kayce needs CFO to win is because Kayce has the head-to-head against top esports.
04:02They beat top esports.
04:03Tess is 1-2, Kayce is 1-3.
04:06But Kayce has the head-to-head because they 2-0 Tess.
04:09So if Tess loses and goes 1-3, that means that if they have the same score,
04:13Kayce wins because they have the head-to-head.
04:16So that means Kayce goes through.
04:18But if Tess wins, they get two wins, so GG.
04:21Liquid's also 1-3.
04:23Well, they're 1-2, but they're going to be 1-3 yet.
04:27But Liquid beats Kcorp, so...
04:31That's fucking huge.
04:33Liquid beat Kayce.
04:36So they don't have the head-to-head against Smider.
04:44If it's a triple tie, it comes down to games.
04:46And Kayce went 2-1, so they have extra game wins, so they're fine still.
04:50But all you need to know is Kayce needs them to win CFO.
04:53Six grubbies.
04:55Six grubbies.
04:56Ziggs, Doggo is cracking heads.
04:59No magic resistance on him.
05:04Kill him!
05:05No mana, no mana!
05:08Six grubs on Taliyah hitting that top tower.
05:11They're not diving Jayce either.
05:13Is that TP legal?
05:19Don't let him take you over the wall!
05:21Wait, can you just slowly chip him down here?
05:24Just don't give him the ult angle.
05:28Yo, Riot!
05:33No! Q!
05:35Nice, we got the kill.
05:37No flash on Taliyah now, though.
05:41Yo, rest, rest, rest.
05:42Give it a rest, bro.
05:43Get out of there, get out of there.
05:47Get out of there.
05:48Oh, nice sidestep.
05:49Watch out for Leona ult.
05:53Wait, if CFO win this, is LPL just the worst region?
05:56Like, what the fuck?
05:58Wait, CFO is really good.
05:59They're playing good.
06:01Like, CFO's playing crazy good.
06:03Like, they're murdering them in this early game.
06:10Wait, he's just dead.
06:12What is TES doing?
06:15Now! Now!
06:22Oh, he's out, he's out, he's out!
06:24Wait, they're out.
06:263k gold up.
06:28Look at this Taliyah TP.
06:29Now, go back to life!
06:30Taliyah just TP'd on the Kassante.
06:33Away with you!
06:34Wait, 369 is just dead.
06:36Wait, bro, CFO is crazy good.
06:39Wait, they're gonna get top tier too.
06:41What the fuck?
06:43Now they're basing open Drake.
06:45Don't troll, don't troll, don't troll.
06:46Jayce not here yet.
06:47If CFO get the Drake, the game is super good.
06:50If CFO fuck up the Drake, then big problem.
06:59Why are you knocking him?
07:00Why are you knocking him?
07:03Oh, guys, guys, guys!
07:04We're all split up.
07:08Please don't die, just run.
07:18Oh my god, they lost the Drake.
07:24No, don't go!
07:28Come on, man.
07:30Oh, if they shot towards them and killed Leona would be nice, but...
07:34Where is Alistar going?
07:36Where is he going? What was he doing?
07:37Hongq's positioning is rough there.
07:48No flash on Crisp.
07:49Oh, no, there is flash on Crisp.
07:50No cleanse on Jackie.
07:52Q, knock Crispy Cream.
07:55Nice, no flash.
07:58Oh, shit.
08:00It's okay, Mimi.
08:02Slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly.
08:03Look, Cream, Creamy Cream, Creamy Cream, no flash.
08:06Fuck him, rest.
08:08There it is!
08:12Holy fuck, this Jayce is clean.
08:15Did driver take a rest?
08:18No, he went Hongq-shu.
08:22Oh, that was a good one, no?
08:24That was funny lols, thank you.
08:27Thank you!
08:28That's what I've been saying.
08:30No, I am funny.
08:32Okay, get the Tatakan.
08:37Yo, I swear Crispy is a walking free kill.
08:39What the fuck?
08:41Crispy is just a walking free kill.
08:44Poke them, poke them, poke them.
08:46Rest, don't cook too hard.
08:49Nice movement.
08:52Great Tatakan fights.
08:55Great control.
08:57Drake's in one minute, though.
08:58Please don't give them Infernal Soul.
09:09Not bad to get some ults out of them.
09:14Crisp free kill, Crisp free kill.
09:15More kick.
09:16Crisp free kill!
09:18Free kill!
09:23Guys, look at the map and look at what we're doing.
09:25Are you sure?
09:28Are you sure?
09:34Holy movement.
09:36Why are we TPing?
09:38Why are we TPing?
09:39It's Infernal Soul spawning, guys.
09:41Relax for a second, please.
09:44Guys, 30 seconds, please.
09:46The game is really loseable.
09:48Oh, they got the Infernal Soul for free.
09:50Okay, nice.
09:51Not sold.
09:52Denied sold.
09:53Denied sold for free.
09:56Wait, Cream is just one tapped.
10:01Crispy Cream!
10:05Free kill!
10:06No flash.
10:08Wait, Tess are getting murdered!
10:11Go mid!
10:12Go mid!
10:13Wait, CFO are so good.
10:16It's crazy, no?
10:20Kanavi got first blood.
10:22And I still haven't seen him for 23 minutes.
10:24Where's he gone?
10:49They're coming.
10:52Mid lane.
11:05CFO are so good.
11:06Are you kidding?
11:08Let me get this straight.
11:09CFO on the verge.
11:12Of beating TL, TS and EU.
11:17So they beat LPL, LEC and LCS.
11:21That makes them the second best region in the world.
11:25That's crazy.
11:27Wait, P?
11:29The APAC region is nuts.
11:30The LCP, what?
11:33Actually no, no jinx.
11:36There's no way Tess can steal this and come back, right?
11:42Oh yeah!
11:45A bit deep, a bit deep.
11:46Nolio knows.
11:47Crisp strolling a bit.
11:52Base damage.
11:56No flash, Jacky.
11:58Knock him back.
11:59Save him, save him, save him.
12:01Nice, Sonya's.
12:02Wait, Doggo's dead.
12:05Doggo, don't E into Baron pit, please don't.
12:19Are you sure?
12:21Guys, their soul's in 30 seconds.
12:23Are you sure about this?
12:26Guys, really, really?
12:27Really, guys, really?
12:28Soul's in 30!
12:29Go back, quick!
12:31The fuck are they doing, man?
12:33They're psychopaths.
12:34That's what they're doing.
12:35They have to set up around the streak and just poke them with Jayce.
12:38They have Jayce, Ezreal.
12:39Just poke them.
12:40Taliyah, poke them.
12:42Don't let Crisp walk up.
12:43No walking up.
12:44Draw a line.
12:51Free kill, free kill again.
13:04It's Jover.
13:06It's Jover.
13:10It's Honkyu looking for even more.
13:12Cream able to get himself just out of there,
13:14but they are limping back to the fountain right now.
13:17And this fresh inhibitor that only just came back to life
13:20is immediately put back in the dirt.
13:23Down it goes.
13:25And CFO, they've got this one super minion here
13:28that's trying to take out these Nexus turrets.
13:30Yeah, 369 diving forward, but he's in the bouncy castle.
13:33The seismic shove was too good.
13:34He goes all out, but he is all out options.
13:36All good.
13:37And it's now Cream back underneath this turret now.
13:40Sally on Leona.
13:53Wait, chat, let me get this straight.
13:56Let me get this straight.
14:05Let me get this straight.
14:06Let me just secure this for one second.
14:08If CFO win this series, KC are locked in the next round.
14:13And TL need to beat Hamilife to get to the next round.
14:16True or false?
14:20Bam, bam.
14:21Bam, bam.
14:23Bam, bam, bam.
14:28Ooh, ooh.
14:31NA's feeling a little bit unsure now, aren't they?
14:35Aren't they?
14:36You sit there in NA and you laugh at me when we lose to CFO.
14:41And now CFO is one game away from making it so you have to beat Hamilife.
14:46Oh, how the turns have tabled.
14:51Oh, shit.
14:53Good news is Nidalee's out and so is Yone.
14:56I think next champ really for Cream is Aurora.
14:59Probably best to just deny Rumble, I think.
15:01Rumble Vi or Rumble Kalista.
15:03Pretty simple.
15:05Take my OPs, chilling.
15:06You're telling me Doinb lost to this?
15:08Wait, did TES play NIP?
15:09They did, right?
15:10Yeah, Doinb did lose to this.
15:11Okay, job's not done.
15:12Lock in.
15:13What does CFO do when they go to game three?
15:14Do they put Rest back in?
15:16Or is Rest just a game one endie and that's it?
15:18They keep Driver?
15:20Okay, Kalista banned.
15:21Maybe Rumble Varus?
15:22I'm not sure, though.
15:23I think CFO is looking to snatch a Skarner here.
15:26Maybe they could get Varus Skarner for Rumble.
15:30Or they could get Rumble Skarner for Varus.
15:33Does Driver play Rumble, though?
15:35I thought that guy was a tank player.
15:37He does play Rumble?
15:38I know he plays GP Jett.
15:39I'm not asking if he plays Rumble.
15:40So it's basically Rumble, Varus, Skarner.
15:44But I feel like they're leaving Rumble open.
15:46When they MF ban, they're probably going to ban Varus.
15:48Yeah, they're going to give Rumble.
15:50I think in CFO's head, Skarner is super OP.
15:52They have to take Rumble.
15:55They could get Skarner Azir.
15:57But then I think TES will play like Wukong Aurora or some shit.
16:00I think Skarner Azir is really solid, though.
16:03In their head, they traded here.
16:05I feel like they would play Aurora, Wukong Aurora, something AD jungle.
16:09And they will be happy with that, I think, TES.
16:11Or Xin Zhao.
16:12Krispy Kreme likes his melee champs.
16:14I wonder if Akali is just a better version right now.
16:16Against Skarner.
16:18I don't know how much Sylas value you'll get in this draft.
16:20But we'll see.
16:21You know what's going to come on three, chat?
16:23There's a tank top coming on three.
16:26I can tell you that for a fact.
16:30I mean, look at CFO's comp, man.
16:33They have two monster tanks and an Azir.
16:35It's pretty simple.
16:37They could just play like Corki on four or some shit.
16:40Or Sivir or I'm not sure.
16:44What do you ban as CFO?
16:45You could ban engage supports, right?
16:47Probably best.
16:49What good blind engage supports do they have?
16:53Krispy Kreme Rakan.
16:54I feel like Crisp's Nautilus is not that good.
16:59So I don't think they should ban Nautilus.
17:01But they could play like Kai'Sa Naut on 4-5.
17:03With a Braum ban last.
17:05Because you last ban on blue, right?
17:06So let's say in a world here where they ban...
17:09Let's just say they ban like...
17:11Jhin and AD.
17:13They could ban Braum last, TES, and then they'll get Kai'Sa Naut.
17:16So I would be a bit careful of giving Kai'Sa Naut.
17:18Or not Jhin.
17:19Okay, Draven. There you go.
17:20Better example.
17:21Because TES will last ban Braum, I think.
17:23Because they need Nautilus.
17:26I wonder if CFO should take Nautilus on 4.
17:29But into Sylas it's kind of shit.
17:32Could just take Kai'Sa, I guess.
17:34With Draven ban, I think Kai'Sa is pretty stronger.
17:37I think Sivir is nice as well in CFO's comp.
17:40But I think Sivir could get hit by...
17:43Is Caitlyn good? Probably not.
17:45Yeah, the Nautilus pick though, I think it's good.
17:48But I'm just scared of playing Nautilus into Sylas.
17:50Yeah, they're gonna do it.
17:52With the Braum ban.
17:55What's your best bet now?
17:57Maokai support? I'm not sure.
18:00You could do a Lulu lane.
18:04Poppy, Lulu, Maokai.
18:07So no Lulu, I guess.
18:09Man, they just need a really high damage AD on 5 here.
18:13And their comp is so chill.
18:15Their lanes might be a bit hard.
18:17But their comp is so chill.
18:19Caitlyn into Corki.
18:22I heard Caitlyn is really good into Corki.
18:24I don't know if I like...
18:26Caitlyn in this draft, let's see.
18:28Man, I don't know if I like the Caitlyn.
18:30It's good into Corki though, right? You get the push.
18:32I guess you win the lane with Caitlyn.
18:34AD Sion.
18:36If this draft can get like a Drake or two.
18:39And slow the early game down.
18:42I feel like TES might just int into it a bit.
18:45Reverse sweep.
18:47High mark Caitlyn Lamont.
18:50What is that?!
18:58I'm mark Caitlyn Lamont, what the fuck?
19:01All I want to happen.
19:03Is if CFO win this game.
19:06I just want Driver to do his fucking Sion dance again.
19:09You know? Just to fucking...
19:11Just drop the Sion dance.
19:13Has the overlay grown on you?
19:15A little bit.
19:16But the top left is just so like...
19:19Some teams think Skarner is busted.
19:23The champion solo queue right now is 44% win rate.
19:27But I guess Sejuani is also 44% win rate.
19:30Actually, Sejuani is 48.
19:37Corki Q'd and hit.
19:41Oh, get him Doggo!
19:51Wait, are you dead?
19:52Oh, the level up.
19:57Cook him.
20:01Honkyu lock in, yeah?
20:03Nice damage.
20:04Lock in.
20:06Nice, another auto attack.
20:23Why does he do that?
20:25Why did he do that?
20:27The fuck?
20:28It was clean, but like, why?
20:34Driver, you're a weak side, buddy.
20:36The minions are on Driver's team on this one.
20:40He has got second wind probably.
20:43He's got a biscuit.
20:46Are you just fucking dead?
20:52What is happening?
20:54Three men die of the Sion, level 4?
20:58Are you just fucking weird or what?
20:59Come on.
21:07Is this going to work?
21:10They have to reset the tower damage?
21:12Yeah, they'll do it.
21:13It works, I think.
21:23If Corki dies here, this is an absolute horror for Tesman.
21:29The fuck was that trap?
21:31Oh my god, no.
21:33Oh my god, no.
21:36He W'd the wave, so the wave died so quick.
21:40Bro, what is that trap?
21:41What is that trap?
21:43It's good death, good death.
21:44Just good death it.
21:46Just good death it.
21:50He should just stay in the wave, no one just die.
21:53Push the wave.
21:55Oh, he lifts those, though!
21:58Wait, you can survive on Sion and get the wave in?
22:00The fuck?
22:02Why did no one tell Bowsie that?
22:04KC still has a chance if TES loses, right?
22:07Bro, TES loses, they're in.
22:09Okay, they swapped.
22:10I don't like swapping into Rumble, man.
22:12But I guess they have Sion.
22:14They're losing grubs, though.
22:16Oh, his W expired because of the damage.
22:20What the fuck?
22:23Wait, he's just dead.
22:29What is bro burying?
22:30What is bro burying?
22:34Oh, the W!
22:35Oh, the flash from Kenobi!
22:36Wait, he's alive!
22:38Oh my god, they just used double summons for that.
22:42Holy shit, baby driver.
22:44God tier.
22:46Actually crazy, Poppy flash, E, ignite.
22:50He lives.
22:53Kenobi like flash E'd expecting to do like 200 damage.
22:56Just get Drake, come on CFO, get the Drake, please.
23:01Now diving forward, does have that death charge.
23:03Gets the double knock up, which is real.
23:04You have Shuffle, you have Shuffle.
23:05Kill him!
23:06Kill him!
23:07What the fuck is that guy doing?
23:10This Sylas is completely useless now.
23:13Into their champs, I think he's so useless.
23:16Electrocute Sylas into Azir Caitlyn with three monster tanks.
23:23Some guy in chat.
23:25A spot DNA fan challenge possible.
23:27I'm convinced TES is drawing on purpose to eliminate TL.
23:32Hex flashes and stands there menacingly.
23:36And he hooks him!
23:44Bro, he's in their heads.
23:46He's in their heads.
23:48Is NA out if CFO wins?
23:49No, they're not out.
23:53What is happening?
23:55What is happening?
23:59What is going on?
24:01This is...
24:02This is the...
24:05Oh, he's tanked.
24:08Valve shout out.
24:09There's no wave top for...
24:11There's just nothing.
24:13Don't need to dive guys, don't need to dive.
24:14Poppy's there.
24:20You have Flash?
24:21You're gonna play Flash?
24:28Honkyu is getting so strong.
24:30This Azir is absolutely busted.
24:33Okay, Sylas has his first item.
24:35The gold's where the gold needs to be.
24:381.6k on the carries.
24:41Tanks are a little bit behind.
24:43No one cares.
24:44Also, CFO had the first drake.
24:48Maybe I'm crazy, but I feel like the only way TES can win this game
24:50if the game is slow is just stacking drakes,
24:52because they can fight them a bit earlier.
24:54But they didn't get a single one yet and it's 15 minutes in.
24:57Yeah, three deaths on Sion doesn't matter.
25:00He's spiking right now.
25:02Oh, Doggo don't get caught here.
25:05The fuck is that damage?
25:07Driver's basing.
25:08Wait for Sion, wait for Sion.
25:13Nice ult.
25:14Oh, he's done it!
25:16Oh, he kicks off the Poppy ult as well!
25:20Wait, Junji, that's crazy.
25:23Oh, he sniped him!
25:29Two for two in drake, bro.
25:30CFO take that any day.
25:33Junji has smurfed that.
25:34You saw that?
25:36Flash, steals, ult, Poppy ult, and then he snipes.
25:39The Xin Zhao is Q-ing.
25:41Junji went crazy that fight.
25:43Caitlyn wasn't really in that fight.
25:45And Corki does have four kills.
25:47Nah, it's fine, right?
25:503k damage dealt, max damage on Skarner.
25:52Sylas moves to fight, but there's no fight.
25:55Oi, oi, oi.
25:57CFO's doing great.
25:58Just keep holding on.
25:59You're doing God's work.
26:01We can Azir TP and try and cook something here if you want.
26:04Like, I'm down.
26:06I'm so down.
26:10Where's the Azir TP at?
26:11Where's the Azir TP at?
26:12It's so late, it's so late.
26:13Oh, Jackie's dead!
26:20Super worth.
26:21They don't manage to take out the turret.
26:22An ace in the hole.
26:24No one really wants to tank that one.
26:25Is Honkyu going to be denied?
26:26Holy fuck, Honkyu is just...
26:28He is fucking in there.
26:30Held the tower, got a shutdown worth.
26:32Ooh, I think Azir TP-ing earlier.
26:34Maybe, like, on that ward or something.
26:36They could cook.
26:38That Azir TP behind did those three kills.
26:41Driver, you good?
26:42You're mega good.
26:43Lost the cannon.
26:47Doggo almost has his eye...
26:48What the fuck is Jackie doing?
26:52He's mental.
26:54He's dead.
26:57He's just dead.
27:00Wait, they're going to have soul point here, CFO.
27:03I think it's over, you know?
27:04I think TES's champs are just not...
27:06They're not winning this game with these champs.
27:09It's only like a 1k gold lead,
27:10but these champs aren't going to win the game.
27:12I don't see it.
27:14I just don't see it.
27:16The Sylas is homeless.
27:17The Symzao's fallen off.
27:18The Rumble has no setup.
27:27Look at this.
27:29TES is going to have to, like,
27:31make a super play or some shit.
27:33But what is there to do?
27:34Rush Atakan?
27:35Is that going to win the game?
27:37Maybe not.
27:38Top tier 1.
27:39Azir tower.
27:41I think the only way that CFO can lose this game
27:43is on Atakan.
27:45If they, like, start it and
27:47give TES a fight.
27:48I think they can just wait.
27:51Time is great for them.
27:53They have Sion ult.
27:54They can't do this, TES.
27:56Is this really just being Yoinked?
28:00Sion ult can go massive here on Symzao.
28:04It's going to 1v1 Corki.
28:07The 50-50 doesn't matter.
28:08Like, it actually doesn't matter if
28:09Kenobi smites it.
28:10Fuck cares.
28:14Skarner ult is buffered.
28:15Oh, big buffer on the Skarner ult.
28:18Oh shit, but they have no damage.
28:19They have no damage.
28:20It's only 3-6-9.
28:22He's dead.
28:23And they get all the flowers.
28:24This game is over.
28:25It's completely over.
28:26It's over.
28:27It's done.
28:29Absolutely done this game.
28:30There's no way TES can come back.
28:32Three kills to his ear.
28:34Junjiya is so good.
28:35Did you see his ult?
28:37He ults as he's getting Poppy-ed.
28:39So he just buffers it so when he's stunned
28:40he gets a double ult.
28:49And then the triple ult is good,
28:50but it's just Rumble can only do the damage.
28:54Oh, Azir is loving life
28:55and he's gardening afterwards.
28:57The herbalism is crazy.
29:00Is Team Liquid out?
29:01No, they're not.
29:02Team Liquid has to beat Humble Life now.
29:04Which is...
29:10Oh, another free kill.
29:11Another free kill.
29:14He has Flash though.
29:17Krispy Kreme, what are you doing?
29:29Oh yeah, get him Bowsy!
29:31Oh, headshot!
29:35It's okay, it's okay.
29:36Just come out of base, go to Drake.
29:38It's a horror fight for CFO,
29:39but they still won it.
29:42Rumble ult is fucking painful
29:43and Azir is stunned.
29:45Where the fuck is Krispy Kreme going?
29:50Pop the ult.
29:51Oh, he missed!
29:55He had no vision.
29:57Oh, Junjia took a lot of damage.
30:01It's a monster play by Junjia!
30:09Junjia, smite that shit!
30:16Are you sure?
30:17Are you sure? I'm not sure.
30:18Oh, you're sure?
30:21Oh yeah!
30:22A road!
30:26Okay, it's okay.
30:27A couple kills.
30:29Wait, Driver's here.
30:31Are they just gonna rush Nash with Azir TP
30:32and Skarner base?
30:33Nah, they can't. Can they?
30:34Can they?
30:36HonQ's never ulting.
30:37Bro, he doesn't need to ult.
30:38He has three tanks.
30:39He just has to stand there and hit.
30:41That's all he has to do.
30:45This tank, what?
30:49Into the trap!
30:50Oh, into the trap!
30:53The Skarner ult into the trap.
30:56Junjia's a bit low.
30:58Corki has some good items.
31:00Just be a bit careful, I think.
31:02They have no Rumble ult, though.
31:04But Corki's items are a bit strong.
31:13Oh, a road!
31:14Oh, a road!
31:23That's completely game, right?
31:26That's gotta be game!
31:28JackyHatFlash, he's throwing on purpose.
31:30Shut the fuck up!
31:34EU match fixing.
31:41Don't look the mid-gold gap, chat.
31:45Don't look the mid-gold gap.
31:47This is all because of Maddy.
31:58Oh, nice E, Doggo.
32:00Perfect angle.
32:02Honk you!
32:05Kcorp are locked!
32:07They're top four!
32:09They're locked!
32:10Wait, this is Kcorp!
32:12Kcorp versus CFO round one!
32:16Unless TL beat HammerLife, but let's be honest.
32:18We're here to celebrate on the next two games.
32:20There's no shot that's gonna happen, right?
32:35It's time to call Dom Chat.
32:37Oh, you remember anything, buddy?
32:43Oh, my mic wasn't working, my love!
32:46Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, your mic wasn't working.
32:48My mic wasn't working.
32:49Dom! Dom!
32:50Buddy, how are you feeling?
32:51Now your memory's working.
32:52Oh, the tables have turned!
32:55And now your mic is working.
32:58And now NA is on the next flight home, buddy.
33:01There's no fucking way they're beating HammerLife.
33:04Top Esports, number one.
33:05Top Esports is on the next flight home
33:07because NA's about to beat HammerLife right here, for sure.
33:09They're definitely gonna win.
33:11That's number one.
33:12Number two, I would say that Top Esports is on the next flight home
33:16when they go fifth place,
33:17but I don't think they're gonna be allowed to re-enter China.
33:19If I'm being honest,
33:20I don't think they can re-enter after that shit that they just pulled.
33:23Well, if we do statistical analysis of what just happened,
33:26it does mean that LPL is the fifth best region in the world
33:30out of five regions.
33:32Maybe fourth.
33:34Maybe fourth, probably.
33:35Depends on what TL does now, but maybe fourth.
33:38I mean, it is what it is, bro.
33:41Top Esports is just...
33:43Just know the last time we spoke,
33:45you were saying that you've never seen
33:48a pile of shit lose to CTBC Flying Oyster.
33:55The CTBC Flying Oyster is going through with us!
33:57Where are you at?
33:58Look, all I'm saying is that the dog shit is still in the same place.
34:02It's just the CFO is on top of everything.
34:05It's CFO, it's Hanwha Life at the top of the staircase.
34:08Then CFO one step down,
34:10and now it's Top Esports, KC, and TL sitting there.
34:15I'm thinking maybe TL and Top Esports are a step down right now.
34:21I'm thinking maybe they're a step down.
34:24You know what? Maybe you're right, bro.
34:27But it got to glaze CFO a bit.
34:29That game one was kind of crazy.
34:31Game two was kind of chill.
34:33CFO is a legit team.
34:34The thing about CFO is they actually...
34:37They just don't look scared at all to play the game of League.
34:40So many other teams,
34:42literally every team besides for Hanwha Life and CFO at this event
34:46has had some games where you're like,
34:48oh, they're not playing themselves.
34:50Oh, they're scared, they're nervous.
34:52They don't look scared.
34:53They actually just look like they're confident,
34:55they're willing to play.
34:58Which is super impressive when you're 17 years old on the stage.
35:02Well, now we get to watch two more games of a farewell,
35:07a goodbye and a good luck.
35:09The Top Esports?
35:14Oh my God.
35:15Why is it you always send back?
35:17What do you mean?
35:18Who are you rooting for actually in this next game?
35:22I'm rooting for TL.
35:23I'm actually rooting for TL.
35:25That's what I'm saying, bro.
35:26That would be so fucking funny if TL wins.
35:29How unwatchable are Top Esports, bro?
35:31How unwatchable is this team?
35:33But I thought CreaMora and Yone would get them to the tournament.
35:36But there's no way.
35:38Do you like watching this team?
35:39Because you've watched this team the same way I've watched this team for years.
35:43Who likes this team, bro?
35:44I don't know anyone who...
35:45I thought the problem was TL.
35:49It turns out it wasn't.
35:52Yeah, I mean, I think JackyLove is like...
35:56JackyLove is inting so hard.
35:58Bro, I went on a rant.
35:59I went on a rant.
36:00When they walked up mid, I'm like,
36:01oh, this is really good for Top Esports
36:03because he has double buffs, two items on Corki,
36:05and he has summoners up.
36:06Don't worry.
36:07He's going to completely win the mid situation.
36:09And then he just pulled the Pays, bro.
36:10He pulled the Pays in the same spot that Pays pulled the Pays.
36:14He just got dry Skarner ulted.
36:16Oh, on the mid to Tier 1 Herald.
36:19Yes, bro.
36:20He didn't get CC'd by Sion ult, by the way.
36:22He just got slowed.
36:24He literally just got dry Skarner ulted.
36:26And it was the same situation where the Skarner was CC'd.
36:28Oh, yeah.
36:29The Pays won against...
36:30Was it against T1?
36:31T1, yes.
36:32Oh, yeah.
36:33It was the same thing, bro.
36:34I remember with Carriopeik and the Jax shit.
36:37Oh, I remember, yeah.
36:38Nah, bro.
36:39Listen, you know what?
36:40I'm down to hate on LPL all the time, bro.
36:44All the time now.
36:45Top Esports, man.
36:46Like, just get fifth place.
36:48Just be the worst region in the world.
36:49It's crazy that TES ran the whole LPL bracket, though.
36:52Like, what the fuck?
36:53Yeah, but it's like, I don't know.
36:55Like, how did you feel watching it?
36:56Because, like, I don't know if you saw my Twitter,
36:58but I was tweeting out during it that I'm like,
37:00I hate this.
37:01This is terrible.
37:02They're going to choke it at International.
37:03Like, I hated it the whole time.
37:04Did you like the way that they were winning?
37:06Because, like, for me, I would rather see BLG here.
37:08I'd rather see JDG, even AL.
37:12I didn't watch all of the TES series.
37:13Like, I didn't see the NiP one,
37:14but I just thought Kanavi was completely gapping everyone individually
37:17and that was winning them so many games.
37:19Like, individually, he was just playing like a solo queue game
37:21and killing everyone.
37:22Yeah, I mean, he was like one down one game.
37:25He would run down one game per series.
37:27Like, he'd play Vi and just have the most disgusting Vi game of all time
37:30and then he would follow it up and drop like 15 kills on Lee Sin.
37:34And then it was like, oh shit, I guess he's cracked.
37:36Or on Pantheon or whatever it is.
37:37Like, he would just kill everyone.
37:39But yeah.
37:41Alright, bro.
37:42TL or TES, bro?
37:44Give me a percent chance of TL beating Humble Life.
37:50Can I go into the negative?
37:52Yeah, I thought so.
37:53Alright, good luck.
37:54Negative five?
37:56Negative ten?
37:59Imagine if Hanwha Life lost on purpose just to eliminate top esports.
38:03Like, imagine how much drama we would have.
38:05Do you know how many clips we would farm?
38:07Do you know what our YouTube channels would look like?
38:09But it's not even like they have to make it so they lose on purpose.
38:11They just have to make it look like they were worse on the day.
38:15And even if they actually got outclassed, that would be the narrative.
38:18If they got outclassed, that would be the narrative.
38:20Yeah, I mean, there were so many situations where this series could be fucked up.
38:23Because, like, imagine top esports won this.
38:25Which I know it's impossible to imagine because they're so bad.
38:28Hanwha Life would then play TL if they beat TL, right?
38:34Like, TL would just be the fourth seed, right?
38:36If they, uh, yeah.
38:38If they went through.
38:39So, because they would play TL no matter what,
38:42they would just, like, not want to show strats.
38:44You would just play a normal game.
38:45Like, I don't know, bro.
38:46It's so weird.
38:50Well, I'm happy.
38:51The turns have tabled and EU's in.
38:54I'm angry.
38:55But I'm normally angry.
38:56Can you do something for me?
38:57You need to do something.
38:59Because I feel like every international...
39:00Say sorry!
39:01Say sorry!
39:02Oh, no.
39:03Say sorry!
39:04Fuck you.
39:05Say sorry!
39:06Say sorry!
39:07Say sorry!
39:08Hell no.
39:09You are blaming EU and now your teams are out.
39:10Say sorry!
39:11Bro, your team is 1-3.
39:12Say sorry!
39:13Your team is 1-3.
39:14Say sorry!
39:15Say sorry to EU!
39:16I'm not saying sorry.
39:17Say sorry to EU!
39:18Say sorry to EU.
39:19I'm surprised they're even repping EU.
39:20Say sorry!
39:21Say sorry!
39:22Do you remember?
39:23Do you remember what Casey did to you last year, bro?
39:24Say sorry!
39:25Do you remember what your Twitter looked like last year?
39:28Do you remember what your Twitter looked like last year?
39:30Yeah, I do remember what my Twitter looked like last year.
39:35That's all I got to say, bro.
39:39Monka Laffer.
39:41EU's on top, baby!
39:42At least third best.
39:44The day two, it looked like they were the fifth best team in the tournament, man.
39:48Who do you think wins CFO versus Casey?
39:55Let's think about tomorrow and celebrate today.
39:57Good luck!
39:59Alright, bro.
40:00See you later, bro.
40:02Chat, Casey wins that.
40:04Casey wins that.
40:06Why does Dom never say sorry?
40:08I feel bad.
40:09Like, when he calls me and he's shitting on me, I want to scream at him.
40:12But when I call him and I'm shitting on him, I don't want to be mean.
40:17I don't want to be mean.
40:18I don't want to be mean.
40:19I don't want to be mean.
40:20I don't want to be mean.
40:21I don't want to be mean.
40:22I don't want to be mean.
40:23I don't want to be mean.
40:24I don't want to be mean.
40:25I don't want to be mean.
40:26I don't want to be mean.
40:27I don't want to be mean.
40:28I don't want to be mean.
40:29I don't want to be mean.
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