• 3 hours ago
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#Caedrel #HLE #KC
00:00Rumble and Jayce are open, you have to ban one of them, you can't trade, you cannot trade Rumble and Jayce, it's just completely lost.
00:07Jayce ban. Now if they ban Rumble, we take Maokai, right? Or Varus.
00:13But if they don't ban Rumble, and we take Rumble, they will get Maokai and Varus.
00:17Is it a big problem? Take Rumble, take Rumble, take Rumble, take Rumble, just take it.
00:24Take the Rumble.
00:26I feel like a Humble Life headshot here. They have different headshots. One Humble Life headshot is Varus Maokai.
00:34Another Humble Life headshot is a Vi draft. But I think they will do Varus Maokai.
00:38Ooh, they take the Vi. They deny it.
00:43But yikes, Vi hasn't been that good, so I'm not too upset about that.
00:46Jayce is out and Yone is out. The only way you can pull the Rumble draft off on 2-3 here is if you do play like...
00:54You could play... It's not good.
00:57I mean, they could pick AD and make life easy, but they could go like Maokai plus Smolder Tristana, but...
01:04It's not the best. If Yone and Jayce are open, it's much easier.
01:08They could play Ambessa on 3, actually, Humble Life.
01:11Yeah, I don't think they're gonna play any dive with Rumble. They're just gonna take the OP champ.
01:15But this is pretty good for KC, actually.
01:18Xin Zhao is good into Vi, sure. This is pretty good for KC, I think.
01:22They're gonna get a winning top matchup. I think it's not too bad so far.
01:26I think they can pick Taliyah here, or they can pick Ahri, or they can pick...
01:31Aurora. I'm surprised teams are still playing Aurora.
01:34But I guess it is kind of a flex.
01:36Delight here. Delight will get counterpicked, which is quite scary.
01:40Braum ban is good. They can start banning tops here, KC.
01:43I think Galio-Ambessa... Yeah, Galio-Ambessa good.
01:46Maybe Galio ban is also just useful. Depends on what they're playing mid.
01:51I feel like Vladdy would love to play Taliyah.
01:53Braum-Karma ban.
01:55I mean, surely they're picking support on 5, right? Or are they gonna flex Aurora till 5?
01:59And blind support on 4.
02:00With Karma-Braum ban, what can you blind?
02:02Rakan is like... Rakan-Renata is this, and then this is like North Leona-Rell.
02:07Galio ban, nice. Good bans on top, I think.
02:10I feel like Zeus, what does he play? He plays like Jax or some shit, no? Or...
02:14He could play Kennen.
02:16Poppy support. Poppy support again.
02:20Just blinding it, why?
02:23I guess it stops Rakan, but Bard is pretty good for KC, isn't it?
02:27Like, they could just go Taliyah-Bard here, and I think they're enjoying the game a bit.
02:30Don't think that Poppy has a lot of value.
02:33They could go Leona. Yeah, they could go Leona as well.
02:35I think Bard goes kinda hard, though. Leona-Bard are both good. I think Bard goes kinda crazy.
02:40There's no way they would flex Poppy top into Rumble, right?
02:44And pick North on 5. Leona safe.
02:48So, where is this Aurora going? I think KC's comp is strong.
02:52Is Aurora top or mid? I'm guessing it's going top because of the flex.
02:57Like, why would they pick support on 4 otherwise?
03:01HLE comp is... Wait, it's Sylas top!
03:05What? No, it's Aurora top.
03:12I think KC is happy with this, you know? I think life is good.
03:16Boom! Wild Cajal interruption. Don't forget to like and subscribe to the video.
03:20No, to the channel. And like the video. Okay, enjoy!
03:23He's gonna get pushed off here a bit, Mimi.
03:27Is it just the light's Aura? He just right-clicks him and he just has to give up the red for a bit?
03:32That is just pure Aura. How is he getting away with this?
03:43Well, Zekka's Sylas got first blood somehow into Taliyah. Can we get a replay of that? Mods?
03:52Bro, what is this Sylas damage? What the fuck?
03:57I swear, this is the second time I've seen Sylas just one-shot someone level 4.
04:02Bot looks like it's going pretty well, at least. Top looks like a pretty tough matchup.
04:08Zeyu's just showing that he can counter Rumble and he can counter Jayce.
04:11And he can play them both and win the game as well. Like, it's crazy, no?
04:18Nice damage. Nice damage. Nice damage. Nice damage. Nice damage.
04:22Nice! Nice! Huge by Targamas! Huge by Targamas!
04:30We can give two. We can give two. We can give two.
04:36They're losing bot waves.
04:41Oh yeah, Targamas!
04:45Oh yeah, Kanna! Oh yeah, Kanna!
04:52Go and get the drill!
04:54No flash Vi either! Big pace!
04:58Bro, Targamas is smurfing. Kalista stole the grub, did he?
05:03Wait, they got two grubs, they got a kill, they got no flash on Vi.
05:17It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.
05:21No flash, no flash Poppy, no ult Varus. All good, all good.
05:25Vladdy, we need to stabilize a bit now, yeah? Got solo killed, but lane looks good now, lock in.
05:29Get an early drake, go on, do it.
05:31Do we really need to fight these grubs? We could just do drake and smile.
05:39What is Zeus doing?
05:43Kanna, don't let the wave crash.
05:45No flash on the light, get him Targa!
05:55Look Peanut!
05:56Kanna, run!
05:58No damage from Zeus!
06:00Someone help Targamas! Where's the team?
06:06There's no way HLE got away with that, right?
06:08Wait, hold up, lost a kill, get the grubs a bit.
06:12One more on ult, maybe ult, ult, ult, any ults?
06:16Okay, all of them, all of them, big.
06:19All of the grubs, five grubs and a drake, wait.
06:28Don't die Vladdy, phase rush.
06:31Nice flash, right there.
06:32Oh, if the angle was a bit better.
06:34We need some cover on top.
06:39Oh my god, it's not fair.
06:42No, it's not fair, it's not really that fair, is it?
06:44Is it fair? Is that fair, really?
06:47Is that fair? Is that fair? No, it's not.
06:51That is actually mental that they got that.
06:53He was two stacks away from getting his seraphs.
06:55This Poppy is just hovering on both sidelines, starting to dive everyone.
06:59How does humblelife have such insane vision?
07:03Where is Delight, how is Delight getting all these wards?
07:06Nice, two drakes, we like that, we like that a lot.
07:14Is this a play?
07:16Oh, I like that Jajka.
07:18Oh, I like that Jajka, oh my god, he smurfed it.
07:21No flash, Poppy!
07:24Yike, that knock, I think Delight got caught off guard there.
07:28Yo, Kanna, come mid and ult the wave, quick.
07:30Can we Taliyah ult and Rumble ult on someone here?
07:32Thoughts and feelings?
07:35Okay, let's get the wave, nice.
07:40Whoa, Vladdy's locked in now.
07:43Bro, this Xin Zhao ult to cancel Poppy ult was fucking clean.
07:48Don't look at mid, chat, shut up.
07:52It's all blue, blue, blue.
07:54All that matters is this drake, that's it.
07:58Targon no, Targon no, Targon no, Targon no, Targon no.
08:01A bit of pressure through mid, nice.
08:06Nice, Kalista, hit that guy.
08:08Guys, please kill Sylas, if Sylas dies, the game is so won.
08:12Yike, yike, yike, yike, yike, yike, yike, yike.
08:17That's not their dragon, that's your dragon, right?
08:19That's your dragon, right?
08:22Nope, that's definitely not your dragon.
08:29They're gonna get the plants.
08:33Just get mid-tier one.
08:35We can't even get mid-tier one, can we?
08:39It's just Drake, Poppy on Drake is so busted.
08:43How broken is Poppy?
08:48Like, the Poppy value of this game is not that high,
08:51but the Poppy value of this game is mega high.
08:53He won the top lane, he won the Drake fight.
09:01It's just caught, caught, caught, lost.
09:04Where's the team fight at?
09:06Check the gold lead, nah, it's too hard to see it on this overlay.
09:08I can't look top left.
09:10It's not that in my face, so I can't see it.
09:13It's not over until Baron falls.
09:18The game is still winnable.
09:20It's not that bad of it, it's not that bad of it.
09:21It's pretty bad, it's not that, okay, it's pretty bad,
09:23but you never know.
09:26How long on Rabadon's, how long on Rabadon's?
09:28Will we have it for Drake?
09:29Thoughts and feelings, feelings and thoughts.
09:35Vali talked to me.
09:40You're dead.
09:44Oh, yeah.
09:53Not bad.
09:55If Kalista gets the kill.
09:59Nice, not bad.
10:01Not that bad.
10:03Lost Drake, they got two Drakes.
10:05Lost tier two top and bot, pretty bad,
10:07but yeah, it's cooked.
10:09What if we rush Baron with Taliyah TP?
10:12Thoughts and feelings.
10:14What if we rush Nash with Taliyah TP?
10:16How do you feel?
10:16Zekka no TP.
10:17He tried to TP out there or what?
10:19I think a Baron rush smells good for me.
10:25Oh, yeah.
10:27Oh, yeah.
10:28Oh, yeah.
10:29Oh, yeah.
10:30Oh, yeah.
10:33No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
10:35Oh, yeah.
10:37Get a base, quick.
10:39Oh, Kalista's Viper.
10:42Lock in, lock in.
10:46Is it a Baron angle or not?
10:48Is it a Baron angle or not?
10:50Please stop that shit.
10:57No, no.
10:59How is he getting one tapped?
11:01But it felt like one of those anime fights
11:03where like it looks like they have a chance
11:05and then the villainous goes
11:07and it's like clicks his finger
11:09and one taps him.
11:12You said, Vettius, the HP bars are low enough
11:14that this is scary.
11:15That is not legal.
11:16That is not legal.
11:17No, no, no, no, no.
11:19I'm not trying to take his own Red Buff.
11:21No, no, no, no, no, no.
11:23No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
11:25I feel like when I...
11:27...till he's alive.
11:28Oh, no.
11:29Kalista caught out by Xayah.
11:31Okay, hold the phone.
11:33Yeah, pop heal, don't forget.
11:35...the health bar of Xayah as the cost.
11:37The Aurora finding his way all the way out.
11:39Yike, Targamas and Vladi.
11:40KC stepping up.
11:41They don't allow their opponents to take this for free.
11:43Delight misses the ulti.
11:44That could be huge.
11:45Xayah jumps in.
11:46Yike here on the front line.
11:47Low health bars on HLE.
11:48Into the back line goes Zekai.
11:49He wants to kill it.
11:50Now Kalista.
11:51...finally get the shutdown.
11:53The Ezreal...
11:54...critically from the rest.
11:56Zekai stealing Kanna's ultimate.
11:58Kanna, big.
12:00Relax, everyone hold.
12:03Can they do Nash?
12:04They have Vi.
12:05They have Varus.
12:06Delight's falling short.
12:08Zekai just Taliyah ults in the back line and 1v2s them.
12:12He forces Kalista out.
12:13Gets the kill onto him.
12:14Vladi gets off stealing camps away.
12:16Why does enemy jungle have 300 CS?
12:18Level 17, Zekai.
12:20Zekai in some trouble now.
12:21This could be big.
12:22He is level 17.
12:23He steals the Zinja.
12:24Gotta kill him!
12:25...make the fight more manageable.
12:26Gives him enough effective HP to survive.
12:28Xayah is getting really cocky.
12:30Immediately kills Kalista.
12:31Right back on top of the other side for kill number two.
12:34Peanut keeping everybody else locked down.
12:37And KC scatter!
12:39There is no way to stop the HLE War Machine.
12:43Are these solo lanes from Harmonize Faire?
12:45Like, what is this?
12:47Every couple years you get the rookie in shy.
12:50...do a lot of damage, but I feel like Viper just does more.
12:54It's pretty tough, man.
12:55It is an 8,000 gold lead now for HLE.
12:58Xayah goes between worlds.
12:59Vladi's gonna get caught.
13:00Weirding isn't enough to kill him.
13:01He's forced to go gold.
13:02And Peanut ready to jump back in with the ballbreaker.
13:04Missed times it, but it don't matter.
13:06Vladi's still dead for another 40 seconds.
13:08Oh boy.
13:09KC making their entry, trying to stop this.
13:12Trying to hold HLE off.
13:14Peanut's burning low.
13:17I would say NT.
13:18It's a pretty NT.
13:19Xayah and Kalista need more firepower.
13:21Yike buying a little bit of time.
13:22Hold up.
13:24And trades his life for Yike.
13:26Vladi's still got 20 seconds left before he respawns.
13:29And Xayah grabs a double kill.
13:34That's the closest game HLE's played so far this tournament.
13:37Hey, that's a good sign.
13:38That's a good sign.
13:39We go game two.
13:40Lock in.
13:41We go game two.
13:42Rumble's out.
13:43Sylas is out.
13:44Go game two.
13:45It's playable.
13:46Good draft from KC, I think.
13:51Jayce ban is good.
13:53I think they might look for Yone, you know.
13:56I mean, I doubt they'll ban Smolder, but they could if they want to make it so that Yone
13:59is like an obvious first pick.
14:01Zyra is through for Peanut if he wants it.
14:03Maokai is open with Sejuani ban as well.
14:05Oh, it's a Maokai first pick.
14:07It's a Maokai first pick.
14:10Maokai, Azir, Zyra.
14:11What's the first pick?
14:12Because you're going to lose.
14:13You could just first pick Azir and trade.
14:14You can't really play Azir, Zyra though.
14:16They could do Azir, give them Maokai and play Ivern.
14:20They could do Zyra and find Corki on 2-3.
14:24But they will get Azir, Maokai.
14:26Yeah, Azir.
14:27I think they will give Maokai.
14:30How will I take Maokai here or give them Azir, Maokai?
14:33Zac has definitely got picks into Azir.
14:35He's fine.
14:36They could match mid and take Kassandre and then drop jungle till 3.
14:39That would be good.
14:40They take the Maokai.
14:41Is KC going to play an Ivern draft here?
14:43Could drop bot and go Ivern, Kassandre.
14:45Quite good, I think, for KC so far.
14:48I think Hamillife like their solo lane flexes.
14:50They might go Ambessa on 3.
14:52Okay, Ambessa for KC.
14:54That opens up Camille for Zeyus, which is a bit dangerous, I think.
14:59They have Akali, Camille or two champs, which I think could cook KC a bit.
15:04Corki for Zekka.
15:05That's pretty good.
15:06I would be happy if I was KC.
15:08I would cover this Ambessa blind, though.
15:10What can he play into Ambessa?
15:12He can play Aatrox.
15:13He can play Camille.
15:14He can play Gnar.
15:16HLE could target bot if they want.
15:19I feel like supports are really needed for KC here.
15:22They need to find a good support champ.
15:24Braumban is good.
15:26With Braumban, Camilleban is good.
15:28They can find Nautilus on 4-5 for KC.
15:30They can find Rell.
15:32And Alistar, I guess.
15:34So they have Nautilus, Alistar.
15:36I think they're okay on support.
15:38Don't forget about Blitzcrank, actually.
15:40I think Hamillife would play Blitzcrank, Maokai.
15:42If they pick a ranged support, they have to be really careful.
15:46Yeah, he had Gnar.
15:47He had Camille.
15:48He had Aatrox.
15:49What do you pick here?
15:50You could do Jhin.
15:51But you need Nautilus or Alistar.
15:54MF is not too bad as well, I guess.
15:57Kai'Sa would be tricky.
15:59Senna-Yasuo would be illness.
16:01I think Naut might be a little better than Alistar, but both are good.
16:04It's quite hard to go Blitzcrank now.
16:06I think they will just have to play Nautilus, I guess.
16:10For Delight.
16:11Unless he's cooking something.
16:13Could go Rakan.
16:14I don't know if it's the best, though.
16:16Could go Bard, I guess.
16:18Ashe-Bard does a lot here.
16:20Renata, also decent.
16:22I don't mind KC's comp.
16:24It's a pretty solid comp.
16:27As here, Ivern into Corki-Maokai.
16:29Alistar with Ivern.
16:31Good carry damage.
16:33It's solid, I think.
16:35I think if I look at the nameplates, I think they're happy.
16:38Zac on Corki.
16:40Am I crazy?
16:41I feel like KC's chilling.
16:45There you go.
16:52No flash for Renata.
16:54Peanut's a good tank player.
16:55He's really good at tank jungle.
16:56He's maybe the best tank jungle player in the world.
16:59Ivern full clear.
17:02They want to punish the Renata flash.
17:04Is this just a game where it's just a swap angle early on?
17:11There's no play here.
17:12Out, out, out.
17:15I guess bot's not that bad of a spot.
17:17A little losing, but it's playable.
17:19It's crazy that Corki's smashing this lane.
17:21Zac is actually...
17:22You would think with all these lanes that bot would be the hardest.
17:26Or maybe top, but mid looks horrible.
17:31He's dead.
17:34Oh my god.
17:35Viper just completely smoked his ass.
17:38What the fuck?
17:40He flashed forwards over it.
17:42So Alistar can't do shit.
17:45Oh my god.
17:46It's cooked.
17:48I guess the game's just lost in lane phase.
17:51Mid is smashing, bot is smashing.
18:01Daisy! Get him, Daisy!
18:10Big kill.
18:11Mid is even again.
18:12Zero gold.
18:13He's not getting this red.
18:16Maybe he should have smoted the red.
18:18Maybe he will get the red if he just chills around.
18:20Get him, Daisy.
18:22Oh, he has smite up again.
18:24Okay, playable.
18:26Mid is in a good state now.
18:27Top is not that bad of a state.
18:28It's just bot is...
18:31What about the Blast Cone?
18:37Nah, give, give, give, give, give, give.
18:40Give. All good.
18:43Oh no, Alistar.
18:51It's okay.
18:53Maokai gets the kill.
18:54Enemy team has Zeus on Gnar.
18:56Big problem.
18:58Lethal tempo, cooking.
18:59Yes, TP though.
19:02Why was that Renata Q so long?
19:04Level down.
19:06Level down, cat despair.
19:10HLE is just murdering them.
19:13He's just slowly winning in isolation.
19:14That rat.
19:17I'm surprised Kalista is only down like 5-6 CS.
19:20What's been going on?
19:27Oh yeah, backshot Jhin.
19:36Oh my god.
19:371 HP, really?
19:39Oh yeah!
19:40Oh yeah!
19:48Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock.
19:52Solo Bolo for Targa.
19:59Kalista flash.
20:01Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!
20:054 kills for Kalista!
20:064 kills for Kalista!
20:074 kills for Kalista!
20:11Are you kidding?
20:13Let him cook.
20:16This low fight is good.
20:17Zekka zoned.
20:19It's 1 HP this trick, I thought.
20:28Nice double knock.
20:30And then Kalista's positioning is just delicious.
20:454 kills.
20:50Oh my god.
20:51Kalista, my god.
20:55The carries are back.
20:56The carries are back.
20:58The comp is tanky.
21:01Gnar's gonna TP.
21:03I'm a bit scared of Gnar TPing.
21:07Cook him.
21:08Cook him.
21:14And dead!
21:17Get it and out.
21:18Get it and out.
21:25Oh no, Kalista's dead.
21:33What are we doing?
21:34It's okay, just get out.
21:36We need to protect Kalista.
21:38Now two towers die as well.
21:40And now the game's swung completely.
21:42Come on, man.
21:43We need more than a dent.
21:45A couple dents, but we need more than a couple dents.
21:48They have three drakes.
21:50Three drakes!
22:02We have Herald, thoughts?
22:04We already used it mid right.
22:07We gotta die that guy.
22:09No, Daisy.
22:11Kanna's trying to hold on for his life, man.
22:13But Peanut's dead!
22:17Xayah has no TP, can we cook that tower?
22:18No, we can't.
22:19Zac has TP.
22:23Hold up.
22:24Hold up.
22:25That's one.
22:26That's one, just don't go too crazy.
22:27Don't go too crazy.
22:29Look to Corki.
22:33You have Redemption?
22:34Can we play this?
22:39Group up and Redemption.
23:00Don't worry about the smite.
23:01Don't worry about the smite.
23:02It's whatever.
23:04Lock in, lock in, lock in.
23:05Someone lock in.
23:07Yeah, kill the Red!
23:11Vladdy, do something!
23:13Do the shuffle thing!
23:17We tried, we failed.
23:20But, there's one more fight left cooking in the pot.
23:23The Drake fight.
23:25Still playable, this game.
23:29No IE on Ashe.
23:31No sums on Ashe.
23:32Play it, play it.
23:33This chat doesn't believe me, but this game's playable.
23:37How is he level 9?
23:39Watch out for the arrow.
23:41He's sniffing.
23:46Are we alive?
23:49No Maokai ult, no Ashe ult.
23:53Play it.
23:54How are we playing it?
23:55We can't play it.
23:56We're cooked.
23:58Guys, it's cooked, it's cooked.
23:59Guys, it's cooked.
24:00It's cooked, guys.
24:07Oh wait, Viper's dead.
24:08Viper's dead.
24:09Zeus is dead too.
24:12Nice Q.
24:13Peanut no flash.
24:14Get in.
24:15Yeah, this chat is so dumb.
24:16This chat's saying it's over.
24:17Hold up.
24:21Have to go Baron.
24:22Kill Dilating, go Nash.
24:23Go Nash now.
24:26It doesn't matter about the soul.
24:27It doesn't matter.
24:28Get Nash now.
24:31Have to get Baron.
24:32And it's really playable.
24:34It's so playable.
24:37This Baron might take like two business days, but as long as it dies, it's fine.
24:41Actually, they have Ambessa, so it's quite quick.
24:43Okay, we got it.
24:46Yo, Vladdy clutched that.
24:48Vladdy went crazy in that fight.
24:50He shuffled Ashe into Jhin fourth shot.
24:56Targamas smurfed it too.
24:59Monstrous fight by Vladdy and Targa and Kalista.
25:04Peanut flash.
25:17Ocean Soul is playable.
25:19If it was Hextech, it's probably lost.
25:21Think about the Baron.
25:22Think about how we're using it.
25:25Do we want to fight?
25:28They're TPing behind on Corki.
25:29Oh, yeah.
25:30Oh, yeah.
25:31Cook him!
25:32Yo, help Vladdy now.
25:35You have Zhonya's?
25:36Zhonya's, Zhonya's.
25:37Good Zhonya's.
25:39Kill Zeus!
25:43Why are they even fighting mid?
25:45Ambessa's top.
25:56Come on, Kalista.
25:57Come on, Kalista.
26:02Nice bait.
26:03Viper also flashed again.
26:05No flash on Ashe.
26:08Mid Tier 2 died.
26:13No, not again.
26:14Oh, Mikael's.
26:22Oh, nice knock!
26:26No, no, no, no, no!
26:34Nice TP.
26:37No, you red!
26:38Stop it!
26:39Stop it!
26:52The fights are just so fast, but it feels...
26:54Oh, hang on a minute.
27:06If he died there, the Elder set up was so much better.
27:13False shot it.
27:20False shot the Elder now!
27:22Finish, finish, finish!
27:28No, that's Vlad A!
27:29That's Vlad A!
27:31That's Vlad A!
27:39Get him!
27:40Come on, Kalista!
27:41Shield him, shield him!
27:42Help him!
27:43Help him!
27:44Someone please!
27:45Yike, where'd you go?
27:47Where's the shields?
27:48Where's the shields?
27:57The KC were gonna win out there.
28:04Follow up with a deadly flourish.
28:05Zeus trying to get away here.
28:06The Redemption ready to heal him up.
28:08Zeus goes mega just in time.
28:10Zekka jumping in to protect his top laner.
28:14And they threw the kitchen sink at him.
28:16Now everybody wearing blue is stuck in the mid lane.
28:20Meanwhile, their base is being torn to shreds.
28:23HLE looking to push Nexus.
28:26It's Viper and Delight.
28:28Zeus is making TP in as well.
28:30Vlad A immediately teleporting back.
28:32Get him!
28:33Hold, hold, hold, hold, hold!
28:38This fucking Gnar had flash the whole time.
28:40Can you believe it?
28:41KC, there's a lot happening right now.
28:44Still 30 seconds left on the Baron.
28:46HLE on the push again.
28:48Delight with a defensive flash.
28:49Viper with a nice sidestep.
28:56Fourth shot makes its way onto Delight.
28:58HLE are about to have double super minions
29:01in every single lane.
29:02Even if the game does not end here.
29:05He scrambles their defense.
29:06The Baron.
29:07Azir has Rabadon's.
29:09Vladdy, do the thing.
29:10Vladdy, do the thing.
29:11Vladdy, do the thing.
29:12A lot of damage on the target at the very start
29:14with a Renata ulti over the top.
29:15Vladdy, do the thing.
29:16KC, though, doing a great job staying alive.
29:19Health blocked onto his target.
29:23The arrow fires.
29:24Kanna gets caught trying to flash away,
29:26but Peanut is ready with a twisted advance
29:28to follow up.
29:29Save him! Save him! Save him!
29:34I don't know how the fuck they're fighting this Elder.
29:38Look at the rat in top lane.
29:43Viper's caught!
29:44Viper's caught! Get him!
29:47Hold, hold, hold, hold, hold.
29:49Don't get cocky.
29:50Defend top quicker.
29:52We just need a bit of time.
29:57Come on, Vladdy, win that!
30:01No Starex!
30:02Just finish it!
30:03Just finish it!
30:05Just finish it!
30:07Just finish it!
30:08Full-shot Smite now!
30:11Dive Elder!
30:14Dive Elder!
30:15Let him cook!
30:24We're scaling! We're scaling!
30:27The levels don't matter no more.
30:28Nexus towers are back up.
30:30Inhibs are respawning.
30:31Inhibs are respawning.
30:32Pace is coming back.
30:33We need Baron now.
30:34We need Baron now.
30:36Vladdy, go bot.
30:37You have TP.
30:40Oh my god, there are too many.
30:43You need to hold the line.
30:47I think they'll get Baron in time.
30:48Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe.
30:50He has no flash, that Maokai.
30:51He can't get in the pit.
30:52Just finish.
30:53No opportunity for HLE to come in and contest.
30:54But Peanut's ready to go.
30:55Arrow flies in.
30:58Now hold that fucking base.
31:00They need some push.
31:02To return the game to a stage.
31:03But this Wraith is going to push and run in here and start fucking Inhibs.
31:06On the Elder.
31:07What do we do about that right in top?
31:09Elder's up for 30 seconds.
31:11What if we just send it?
31:13What if we just send it?
31:15What if we just send it?
31:16They want to use the Elder and try to find something crazy right now.
31:20What if we just send it?
31:21Mega Gnar's out.
31:22They're going to go ahead and die immediately.
31:24KC still on their push.
31:26Baron and Chains and minions.
31:27Nice handshake there onto Vladimir.
31:28He jumps back away.
31:29Curtain call follow up.
31:31They want to try to use this to secure a kill for the Elder.
31:34Elder's off in four seconds, guys.
31:36Coming in from behind.
31:37But the Gnar has no bar.
31:39Elder's off.
31:41Elder's off.
31:43Kill the Wraith.
31:44Kill the Wraith.
31:45Kill the Wraith.
31:50Next wave.
31:52Vladi, base and TP.
31:53I like it.
31:55It's time.
31:56It's time to send it.
31:58It's time to send it.
32:05Talk to me.
32:06Talk to me.
32:07Someone talk to me.
32:08Someone talk to me.
32:09Someone do something.
32:10Someone talk to me.
32:14Oh, there's Kalista on the left.
32:16There's Kalista on the left.
32:18Get Viper.
32:19Get Viper.
32:20Cut it off.
32:21Cut it off.
32:22Kill the Light.
32:23What about Zeka?
32:27Kalista 2v2.
32:28You're red.
32:33That's Kalista.
32:41What the hell?
32:43He pulled that shit off.
32:45Where's NA now?
32:47Where's NA now?
32:49Where's NA now?
32:52Where you at?
32:53You're fucking pissed.
32:54That's where you're at.
32:55Nidalee ban.
32:57Yone ban.
32:58What is it?
32:59Jayce or Kalista?
33:00I don't know if I would want to give them Kalista, but Renata is out.
33:03But Ashe is also out.
33:04And so is Varus.
33:05Skarner ban.
33:06I feel like they gotta ban Kalista.
33:08Oh, they're gonna play Draven into it.
33:11You might be right.
33:12You might be right.
33:13They would get Draven, Sej.
33:15But what happens if they just first pick Jayce?
33:16They should ban Jayce, no?
33:17I feel like Jayce ban would be better, no?
33:19Because then you can at least match Kalista into...
33:21Draven into Kalista.
33:22But I guess this does mean that KC does get Kalista.
33:25But they're gonna have to play like Kalista, Naut or some shit.
33:27I wonder if Viper would take the back step and just play something like Ziggs, you know?
33:31Yeah, they should definitely take Kalista, Sejuani right now.
33:34If they want to play Kalista.
33:36I wonder if they're gonna play like Sion or Malphite into...
33:38Okay, nice.
33:39Skarner's gonna cook him on Jayce, bro.
33:41His Jayce is just not fair, though.
33:44Oh my god.
33:45He's just picked Jayce slam.
33:47I picked Draven slam.
33:49He just blinded Draven on 1-2.
33:50He's fucking ill.
33:52Now the Braum ban makes sense, right?
33:55Jesus Christ.
33:56He's just slammed the fucking Draven.
34:00What do you think, Viper?
34:02Yeah, they got Nautilus. They're fine.
34:03But I guess the matchup...
34:04I don't know what the matchup's like.
34:06I wonder if they're gonna play Niko or some shit.
34:08What are you picking?
34:10Kai'Sa into Draven?
34:12I would've preferred...
34:13I don't know if MF's good or something or Ziggs.
34:15But I feel like Kai'Sa gets blasted, doesn't it?
34:18Imagine he slammed the Janna here.
34:19Wouldn't it just be completely stomp-fest through bot?
34:23Or like a Nami?
34:25Sion into Jayce.
34:26I like it.
34:27I like it.
34:28I actually like it.
34:30Now, if you have jungle ban options...
34:32Which I guess you can target.
34:33What are your best jungle bans?
34:35Obviously, the Jayce deflects, right?
34:36So you could try and snipe mid.
34:38But I think sniping AP junglers is better.
34:41Nidalee's down.
34:42What AP junglers are there?
34:44Brand, Lillia, Karthus.
34:47Yeah, Lillia, good ban.
34:49Actually, Zyra-Lillia would be...
34:50Oh my god, Zyra's up.
34:52Maybe it's a Zyra ban?
34:56You can ban Zyra next here.
34:58And then they can just ban melee supports.
34:59What melee supports are left?
35:00Nautilus and Galio.
35:02Maybe good bans?
35:04Nautilus-Galio ban?
35:06Oh, Zyra is banned, you're right.
35:08My bad, I read someone in chat said Zyra.
35:11Nautilus, nice.
35:13I don't know if Galio's worth a ban.
35:17You know, maybe... Oh, they banned Gwen.
35:18I was thinking Zac.
35:19I feel like Peanut plays Zac, doesn't he?
35:21He's like a sneaky Zac player.
35:23Pyke ban, yeah.
35:24Pyke's probably a way better ban, actually.
35:26What are you thinking, Targa?
35:27Talk to me.
35:28Zac into Draven.
35:30Obviously, the E can cancel.
35:31And Sejuani Q can cancel.
35:32But it's a tank jungle, right?
35:33And it's AP.
35:35Gragas might be something they play in jungle as well.
35:38There's not many engaged supports left.
35:39It's either ranged support smash lane or it's engaged support.
35:43Solid champ.
35:44Solid champ.
35:46Now, are we scared of Zeka just blinding Akali?
35:52I guess Orianna is like the best mage that's open right now.
35:57They must be playing like Orianna or some shit then, right?
35:59Vlad blind?
36:01It's double flex, actually.
36:03Oh, it's a double flex.
36:04That is annoying.
36:06It's a double flex.
36:08Technically top.
36:10But if Zeka can play it, I guess what is your safest option?
36:12I think there's two picks here.
36:14There's Ryze.
36:15There's Orianna.
36:16I feel like these two picks are solid into Vladimir.
36:19Cassio also is kind of good.
36:22Yeah, I like it.
36:23I think Ryze, Cassio, Ori, they kind of work.
36:25I don't think they play like Syndra too much.
36:27Okay, but what if you put Sion mid and Ryze top then?
36:31They're playing Ryze, Draven, Sion.
36:35Yeah, but I don't think they play Syndra.
36:37Pressure with the whole of EU is rooting for you.
36:40Wasn't it G2 who played Ryze in game 3 versus BLG or some shit?
36:45I remember the Ryze.
36:46Was it Ryze?
36:47Or was it against T1?
36:48We lost, right?
36:50Game 3, EU 1-1 against Eastern teams in a best of 3 with Ryze in game 3.
36:55Oi, oi, oi.
36:59That's a big fucking Sion.
37:00What the hell is that skin?
37:01He looks like he's got the fucking level 60 warrior wrath gear from fucking whatever the
37:07Onyxia and shit.
37:08Black King Lair.
37:09About to fucking boot up some AQ 40.
37:18Guys, we got to smash them in the 2v2, right?
37:20Wait, you're fucking...
37:22Thought he was fucking dead.
37:24Jesus, KC.
37:28Good sustain, good sustain.
37:30Ooh, cheeky, cheeky.
37:32Cheeky, cheeky.
37:34Cheeky, cheeky.
37:36Oh, we missed.
37:43Big kill.
37:44Big fucking kill.
37:45Push out now.
37:47Ooh, this is a bit scary.
37:48Is it a bit scary?
37:49No, you have flash, I guess.
37:51Wait, they're diving bot.
37:52I don't, I don't, I don't.
37:56Yike, you got to start farming camps, bro.
37:59What's he doing?
38:00He has his whole bot side set up.
38:02He's going to lose his Krug respawn.
38:04He did win bot lane, I suppose.
38:06Can you get the small ones?
38:09Oh, yeah.
38:12What is that movement?
38:20Is Vanguard working or not?
38:22Did they update it and it's bugged?
38:29What is that? That's too deep.
38:30That's too deep.
38:32What are we doing?
38:33What are we doing?
38:34What are we doing?
38:36Oh, what are they doing?
38:37They're trolling back, baby.
38:39Come on, get the cash.
38:40Get the cash.
38:41Get the cash in.
38:42Yike, give it to Draven.
38:44Okay, we'll take that.
38:46You're good.
38:47Why are we still chasing, bro?
38:48What the hell are we doing?
38:56Kalist is calm and collected, bro.
38:57He's calm and collected.
38:59Kalist will make magic, don't worry.
39:00Oh, my God.
39:01Viper is out.
39:02Tarkan needs to chill.
39:04Wait for Sejuani.
39:05We're fucking in there.
39:09But Draven's on a big spike, though.
39:12Ryze matching Vlad is good.
39:14We like that.
39:16Stealing one would be yummy,
39:17but you are level five on Sej.
39:19Let's farm up a bit, Yike.
39:20Let's farm up a bit.
39:21Let's calm down.
39:22Let's chill out.
39:23Let's farm up a bit.
39:24Sejuani's still level five.
39:25Can we just catch mid waves and chill?
39:27Can we just catch waves and chill?
39:33Vlad is getting pretty strong,
39:34but this Vladimir is also just chilling.
39:37And we don't like that.
39:43We're cooked.
39:59Ryze, but it's a kill.
40:00I think Yike needs to put map cover on or some shit.
40:02Why does Viper always know where he's at?
40:04I think Sion, like,
40:05he has cull,
40:06so he's been watching bow streams.
40:08But Sion's fine, right?
40:09He can just chill.
40:10Just build MR and farm, I guess.
40:13Nah, this Vladimir's fine.
40:14He's not a problem yet.
40:16He's not a problem yet,
40:17when I think about it.
40:25Two drakes would be massive.
40:26Kanna, now go proxy.
40:27You know, I don't mind the Jayce getting gold.
40:29Like, I don't care, actually.
40:31I think the Vlad getting these towers
40:32would be more annoying.
40:36Oh, fuck.
40:37Fuck, fuck.
40:38For fuck's sakes.
40:41Oh my god!
40:45It's the most broke Draven in the universe.
40:47At least he has IE.
40:48He has an item.
40:50It's crazy that Kai'Sarel is 1k up
40:51on Draven and Rakan like that.
40:52It's crazy.
40:53Wukong diff.
40:55Oh yeah?
40:56Oh yeah?
40:57Wait, hold up.
40:58I've seen this before.
41:03Why did they...
41:07Double stun!
41:14Okay, no cleanse, no flash.
41:16Fuck, we silently beat.
41:17Shit, fuck, fuck, shit.
41:19Last cone.
41:23Okay, they lost waves for this play.
41:27Vladdy is kinda chovying.
41:30Zacca sniffs it, man.
41:32Put map cover on ASAP!
41:34It's okay, Drake's what matters.
41:37The no-boots Draven.
41:38Just send it.
41:39Me Draven, me hit.
41:42Could drop Drake and get top tier 1.
41:44But I think Drake's are never a bad thing.
41:46Camisole is kinda...
41:47It's fine.
41:55Oh, Zeus!
41:56Chain CC!
41:57Chain CC!
42:00He got in the Herald, that red!
42:01Someone stop him!
42:03He hasn't got a license!
42:07That guy doesn't flash, doesn't ult,
42:08just gets in the Herald and drives away.
42:13Oh no.
42:14Nice Q.
42:16Nice Q, Yike.
42:17Nice blast cone.
42:21Cook him.
42:22What the fuck?
42:24No sums!
42:28Can we go on someone, anyone?
42:30Let Kalis hit Drake.
42:31Get his access.
42:36Zeus has flash and ult.
42:38I'm scared.
42:42Okay, Vlad ult.
42:43Karna, you have flash.
42:46How is Viper never getting hit by Rakan W?
42:50I don't know where the Sion just went.
42:51Oh, Kalis is cooked here.
42:57Wow, they got Viper.
43:01Sion sent it and there's no frontline no more.
43:04Draven is absolutely broke.
43:07I feel like Viper should have died like six times,
43:09but he just avoids it every time.
43:11Karna's getting really tanky.
43:13But Vlad is going to one-shot Draven.
43:15Don't look Vlad's score on items.
43:17No, boy!
43:19How fucking shitty.
43:22Oh, it's cooked.
43:23It's cooked.
43:24It's cooked.
43:25It's cooked.
43:26It's cooked.
43:27It's cooked.
43:28It's cooked.
43:29It's cooked.
43:30It's so cooked.
43:33Sejuani has five kills.
43:36Yike, do something!
43:41Yike, do something.
43:43Yike, do something.
43:44Do something before the contest arrives yike is here KC is here delight over the wall in the dragon pit
43:51That guy here in the front line got to be careful about that. The Otacon taking low down about 2,000
43:59Bloody one shot no damage. No damage. No damage. No damage when he dies. No damage. No damage
44:04Yo, farm some plants. Yeah, I get some get some herbalism or some shit. Okay
44:10There's no damage
44:15Of his lock-in lock-in lock-in lock-in see the frustration it's all over on yikes face and it has to be such an annoying scenario
44:24Knowing that you just won that last game trying to find these engage opportunities and HLE just playing like monsters, man
44:32Say it's now or maybe in trouble
44:341 v 3 should we give some gold to Draven? I don't know if he's that tough. No shut down. Okay, that's from bloody
44:41They're 7,000
44:43Yike it got stolen by owner and Guma Yoshi. This is you now
44:53If Casey lose this game
44:55That means flying oysters have to be top eSports tomorrow
44:59If they lose the top eSports tomorrow, then Casey's out. It's still a
45:03Draven is so broke at the tower will fall
45:06Rise is pretty strong forward there for the Arctic assault gonna lose the glacial armor and now HLE
45:13Continuing their pressure continuing their push. They want to try to go in but they only find the CC on his a it's in the lights
45:18Into the back line
45:20Oh my god
45:24And Vlad he's about to join them six feet deep another kill almost comes through
45:29Yikes many members of KC as HLE will leave Viper in the enemy base
45:34Viper in the enemy base to destroy the inhibitor Kana trying to rough up the minion wave so that that HLE has drafted
45:42Everyone that's not yeah putting your best player on tank duty is kind of crazy. It's true
45:45It's ready to set it up for everyone else putting Khan on silence to flash away
45:49There is the light mean what choice does he have when they have J slicks?
45:52Look at the bot sides. Oh, you're not jumping in on Khalez
45:56one tap
45:58One tap GG
46:00As yikes your next target the sejuani trying to slide away, but peanut takes him down
46:07HLE have already killed off two and they're looking for even more the light finally gets traded back
46:12But Vlad he serves embrace is the only thing keeping my yoga doesn't matter
46:17He dies to the emo plague
46:19Targamas survives with a hundred health peanuts still chasing after him getting juggled around a little bit, but it doesn't matter
46:26HLE is on to the Nexus itself. It was a valiant battle from KC
46:32They proved that HLE are indeed mortal
46:36But they are some damn top League of Legends players man
46:41HLE despite the fact that they may have gone the distance will do it in style and take
46:48Look at this chat. Look at it. Why aren't you screaming? No, shut up. Oh, no
46:53I had a call after game two, but I missed it. I didn't see it. Sorry, bro. What is it?
46:56What is it say it say it? No, I'm not. I'm not gonna say anything brah. You called me. I'm just returning the call
47:01It's a I had to be really late thing to do about but I forgot. Oh
47:06You forgot. Yeah, okay
47:09If if it comes back to you tomorrow or something you can you can hit me back up
47:13Yeah, I might be a remember term. I might remember tomorrow morning. I'll let you know
47:17Okay, maybe tomorrow morning maybe tomorrow morning I remember but I could forget still oh
47:23You you might forget
47:27Remember okay like in between the CFO top eSports series, that's where you might dare said remember ability that my brain cells will be working again
47:36Okay. Yeah, so I see there. That's good. Okay. Okay. I'll see you there
