• il y a 2 semaines
Dans une bourgade de l'Arizona, Jordan Sanders, le chef de la police, enquête sur deux féminicides commis à dix jours d'intervalle. Les victimes portent le même nom, Maggie Moore, ce qui complique les investigations dans une communauté où tout le monde se connaît et se surveille. Le policier reçoit l'aide inattendue de Rita, la voisine d'une des deux Maggie, aussi curieuse que charmante. Parmi les suspects figurent un vendeur de sandwich peu regardant sur la qualité de sa marchandise, un mari infidèle et un antisémite repenti...
00:00Push, jump, or fell.
00:03Shot in the back of the head, dragging yourself away.
00:06I got that cellphone.
00:08Vehicle's registered to Maggie Moore.
00:10You say Maggie Moore?
00:12Two dead Maggie Moores in one week of harm.
00:14Yeah, that's weird.
00:17Mr. Moore?
00:18Can I help you?
00:19I'm looking for Jay Moore.
00:21He's not here, they're separated.
00:23Big fight.
00:24You need to leave.
00:26I need to leave?
00:27This is my house, Maggie!
00:28She did yell the word filth, I caught that.
00:32Well, Jay Moore's into something.
00:34My wife is threatening to go to the cops.
00:37I would like you to scare her off the idea.
00:48They're gonna nail me for this, you understand?
00:51Loyalty member?
00:53Oh, I see, there's two Maggie Moores in the system.
00:56What are the odds of that?
00:59Is Maggie 1 a mistake for Maggie 2, or is Maggie 2 to cover for Maggie 1?
01:04If we remove the second Maggie Moore, it'll make it look like my Maggie was just a mistake.
01:10We gotta make it look like it was an accident, and I'm off the hook.
01:13I pretty clearly said, scare her, not set her on fire.
01:18Somebody out there's really good at what they're doing.
01:21Jay looks like he's been shoved around a little bit.
01:24Junior detective?
01:25Who is he?
01:26Junior detective?
01:28Who would do this?
01:29We'll find out, sooner or later, we always do.
01:31This nutcase is setting me up.
01:34That's crazy.
01:36She just dropped a dime on Maggie's husband.
01:38Life insurance?
01:48Well, that ties it all up in a nice little bow, doesn't it?
01:51Give me some backup now!
01:53Wash your car.
01:54Wash your ass.
01:55Comment ça va?
01:56Vous avez l'air d'être très prudents.
02:01Mais attendez, il y a un problème.
02:02Maggie Moore.