00:00Hello everyone, welcome to The Strictly Pod. This is episode eight and I think what we've got 10
00:04more weeks to go. This week we're joined by Tanya White and Ellie Campbell, two more contestants
00:10stepping into the spotlight. Tanya is a pharmacy technician from Bewley and Ellie a barrister from
00:15Costa in Inverness. Both have personal connections to the hospice. Let's get into it. I'll start with
00:22Tanya. My name's Tanya, I'm a pharmacy technician for Boots in Bewley and yeah I live and work in
00:29the village which is absolutely fantastic. And you've got a connection to the hospice haven't you?
00:33I do, yes. About 14 years ago my mum went into the hospice for her final days. She was diagnosed
00:41with bowel cancer while I was still in school and yeah she went into hospital for a bit of
00:47respite and sadly never came out of it. So yeah, so and their care was just absolutely fantastic.
00:54So I feel that I definitely owe the hospice a lot and doing Strictly definitely feels good and
01:04it gives other people an opportunity to experience the care that we did. Because you also came into
01:09Strictly this year later than some other people didn't you? I did, yes. So I came in at the end
01:15of January, beginning of February. A call was put out for somebody to be partners with Ellie
01:22and I put my application in thinking oh I'll not get it like the previous years I was trying to
01:29apply and yeah they called me the next day saying would you like to do this and I was like yes,
01:35yes please. Definitely. And so did you know at the time it was going to be with Ellie or?
01:39No, I had no idea. I think you've seen my papa and all that shade it on Facebook because obviously
01:44she's got like my papa on Facebook and they were all shading it trying to get me a partner because
01:51I was freaking out. That's how I knew who you were. Yeah I think it cropped up on your grandad's
01:59Facebook and then it cropped up on my Facebook from the Highland Hospice and I thought do you
02:03know what yeah I'll do that but I didn't realise it was you that was looking for a partner until
02:07they said I was like oh I know who you are. So how is what is the connection here because so
02:13you both knew each other previously so what's the story? So my papa worked in Clinton's when I was
02:19little and with my nana as well and Tanya actually worked with them in Clinton's when she was younger
02:26and I was only about what three, four, five maybe like really little. You were very young and I think
02:34I met you for the first time when I started working there officially after I met your mum.
02:40Yeah because my mum went in to like help with them stack like all the extra cards at the end
02:45and I just so I could get out there a lot quicker and I used to obviously go with her because my
02:50mum was a single parent so she'd look after me whilst doing that. Just run wild. Yeah I remember
02:57you running around the shop a few times and I think yeah I've kept in well I haven't really
03:03kept in touch with Keith but I'd certainly had him on Facebook to yeah to see what was going on.
03:09I saw that he did Strictly a wee while ago. Yeah he's done it in 23. Yeah it's kind of serendipitous
03:14in some ways isn't it? It is yeah. How it works out. Yeah it's like it was certainly a small world
03:20as soon as they said that he was your granddad I was like oh I know who you are now.
03:25And Ellie what was your attraction to doing Strictly this year? So obviously my papa done it
03:30in 2023 but my great granddad my pops was actually in the hospice in the later stages of his life
03:40just for a few weeks but then obviously he wanted to come home he wanted to pass away at home but
03:45they took good care of him when they were in but also my little brother struggles with his mental
03:50health so he was at Crocus Highland so doing Strictly this year just kind of felt like more
03:57of a reason to raise money for the hospice than it has any other year because there's more reasons to
04:03it. I think out of this year's competition the competitors I think you guys have a bigger story
04:09a bigger draw than I think most other people do because I don't really have much of a connection
04:12to Highland Hospice. I know I'm doing it for a good cause but I've not needed the hospice for
04:18any particular reason. It's something that Highland News and Media does a lot of support work for and
04:23that's how I've been brought into it. Your mindsets must be completely different then when it comes to
04:29how you approach this whole thing in some ways. Yeah I mean before I had used the facilities I
04:36had raised money for the Highland Hospice but yeah I think as soon as we had to use the facilities
04:40my whole outlook on raising money for them changed. It became more personal rather than just raising
04:46money for a charity. I mean we always tried to raise money for local charities anyway but this
04:52one as soon as we used the facilities it became personal and there's many reasons to be doing
04:58charity work. It doesn't necessarily have to be personal. I mean I have great respect for people
05:03who don't have a personal reason and just want to raise money. Well I know from a young age I've
05:08always put money into the hospice or even Marie Curie charity boxes because Marie Curie also helped
05:14my pops as well. So the hospice and Marie Curie are always ones that stand out for me the most
05:20but the hospice is definitely up there now more that they've helped my little brother
05:24when he's only 10 turning 11 so it does hold a big place in my heart. So you know with your
05:32backgrounds in mind I think we should just spend a tiny bit exploring it to do it justice and
05:37fairness I think to be totally honest. How have you found the support for entering?
05:43How many of your family have done Strictly? Well my papa done it but my godfather's brother actually
05:48done it quite a few years ago as well but last year my uncle's best friend also done it too.
05:53So quite a few people I know have done it as well as my family. So it's always been something that
05:58I've known of and known like the reason that people do it is to raise money for the hospice
06:04and it's a great thing to do because you have so much fun like just dance your worries away.
06:12So yeah so support has been overwhelming actually. As soon as I told my family they
06:18were really excited that I was going to take part and my family have been going around to
06:23their friends and managed to gain a lot of support. We've managed to give a lot of money
06:29as well so it's been pretty good and yeah it just shows you what kind of connections we all have
06:36especially amongst all friends and family. So yeah and I mean apart from the fundraising side of it
06:42you know which is a big aspect of Strictly is there anything you know what is it personally
06:46for you that's drawing you into wanting to do it? Is there any personal you know growth that you see
06:51from doing it? The other bonus is getting fitter and learning how to dance because I have the dance
06:57skills of a starfish and honestly yeah and I've got two left feet so yeah I'm terrible at dancing.
07:06Well what about you Ellie? I mean I've done like little bits of dance when I was little but like
07:10nothing like what we're doing like no cha-chas no salsas or anything like there's so many things
07:17that you involve from so many other dances into dances and you don't realise how many different
07:22types of dancing there actually is when you're like five, six, seven and then now I'm like oh
07:30my god this is so scary. Well do you know what it is for me when I do it is I didn't realise how much
07:35structure there is around stuff. I thought oh yeah I can just put my foot over here I just put my foot
07:39over here and that's it that's roughly it but actually no there's you've got to put your foot
07:43here. Like your arms and your legs and everything everything moving together is one movement and
07:48you're like stressing out over like try to get it like spot on. What really funny is me most is
07:56there's structure to it but when you look at the professional dancers they make it look like
08:00there's no structure yes and that's what I just can't comprehend. It just flows and I kind of look
08:05at them and going how are you doing this like I have to think where I have to put my feet.
08:10And then it's very notable when you put your left foot there it's like there's a very distinctive
08:13movement isn't it whereas actually if you watch the dancers they just sort of glide into that
08:17position and you just think like looks so easy and effortless. Effortless. Jealous. It's like so elegant.
08:24Yeah definitely. I'm jumping around a bit but just going back to you know your family causes
08:29and stuff what emotions have you felt during the whole course of I mean of the eight weeks we've
08:33done so far? So far I would I feel pride because I feel that even though my mom's not here
08:42she would be proud that I'm doing this. Proud that I'm putting myself out there. Also slightly sad
08:49because she's not there to see it and just the excitement of being able to accomplish something
08:54that's quite big here. It's almost like doing all the shows I've ever done in music and just
09:03combine them all into one. Yeah I mean I didn't quite appreciate that Strictly in
09:07Venice is almost as big as Strictly Come Dancing. Yeah exactly it almost feels like
09:12actual Strictly which is something I've always looked at and gone I bet yeah I could do that
09:17and then went no not a chance. What about you Ellie? Yeah I think a lot of happiness but like
09:23the sad points like my pops which is my great-granddad obviously isn't here to watch me do it
09:30but the happiness of knowing that I'm doing it for him and other people that are going to be in
09:37situations like that in the future and they're going to need the hospice because the hospice
09:43isn't exactly like a big place. I know sometimes it can be hard for people to actually get like a
09:47bed in the hospice so the more money they can get into them the bigger they can get and get more
09:54space for the people who really need it. What do you reckon your pops will be thinking about you
09:59doing this? Oh he'll he'd be laughing I can tell you so my family are from Orkney and he's very
10:07straight to the point and he'd be like oh there's no bloody need he's like you can't dance then he'd
10:13be deep down he'd be proud but he'd be telling me that it's useless can't dance too. Yeah I think
10:21my granddad was a bit like the same he didn't use the hospice facilities but he also passed
10:26from cancer just after my mum did okay and yeah he I would say he's very gruff and not doesn't
10:32show his emotions very much but yeah he'd be the same as well like deep down really proud
10:38otherwise just give me a stern face like this hard hard face try not show yeah yeah yeah.
10:45Has there been any tears yet? No not yet apart from yesterday when I finished my walk that was
10:50there was tears then. There was we obviously we had a group rehearsal one Sunday and the day after
10:55was actually the anniversary of my pops's death so after the rehearsal on that Sunday there was
10:59quite a few tears just because obviously there was all that going on and just a lot. Well I mean I
11:06think it strictly makes emotional wrecks of all of us in some senses I mean I'm not as I said earlier
11:11I'm not tied to the hospice but then you hear all the stories that come from it and I think
11:16combination of just being really exhausted because let's be honest we're all working full time
11:20we're tired we've got the dance in it it sort of heightens those emotions in some senses don't it
11:27and it sort of takes you there. It can also be really good for your own personal mental health
11:32as well like when you're dancing it everything just kind of goes out your head in the moment
11:37in time whilst you're learning your answers and you just forget about what it is that you're
11:40actually worrying about and then you leave and you're like I kind of want to go back in and
11:45dance some more. Oh definitely. Because I know you're a bit like that we had a conversation
11:49like that like it was really good one day we were just we were having such good fun and then
11:54we went out and we're just kind of like do you want to kind of I kind of want to dance some more.
11:57Yeah definitely I think I had a really tough day at work and I think you did as well and as soon
12:02as we got to our dance class we were just full on yeah and we just forgot that there was a world
12:08outside and yeah by the time I got home I was like why was I stressing about that today like why.
12:14And so okay we're on to the dances then what dances are you both doing?
12:19Rock and roll and we've got jazz as well. Okay can you give me any
12:23insight into how they look or sound or what you're doing?
12:26They're both complete opposites one's fast one's slower.
12:31Oh I would have thought jazz would have been quite fast.
12:33That it's powerful it's more like sass is the word that gets used for it jazz is more sass
12:40but rock and roll is like your fun upbeat fast sort of way.
12:46Yeah I'm so glad that those are actually our dances.
12:49Yeah they're really fun ones to learn as well.
12:52I feel like rock and roll probably suits you Tanya.
12:54Yes it does actually because um yeah I think it's it's so fast but it definitely rock and
13:01roll was my wheelhouse I was like oh yes I feel happy.
13:03I think in jazz it's quite hard though because obviously you have to make a lot more eye contact
13:07and every time we make eye contact we just kind of start trying to laugh at each other
13:11because we can't be serious like we're looking and we're like be serious be serious
13:16like try to keep a straight face.
13:17So for rock and roll what emotion are you trying to carry in that like is it?
13:21Fun yeah we're just loving life basically.
13:24What about jazz?
13:25Jazz we have to smolder.
13:29Yeah because I have to look we have to look sort of somewhat sad and lyrical
13:33and then we have to look like.
13:34Yeah lyrical is quite an emotional one.
13:37And then we have to look like we're in love in show dance which I love not.
13:45And we just I keep looking at Alicia and we just sort of crack out laughing
13:48and actually you guys missed the worst thing about group dance yesterday for the final song.
13:55Who's the lead?
13:56Who's the?
13:57Tanya's the lead.
13:58Yeah we've got to do.
14:00Oh we've got to do something funny.
14:01Oh you've got a fun part.
14:03I mean I was watching the video but I just kind of.
14:07Did you see it then?
14:09Well I didn't really like watch all of it.
14:10I kind of like you know how you can speed it up on WhatsApp.
14:13I just kind of like sped up a little bit.
14:15Just like see like all the different moves and that rather than slowing it down.
14:22The girls have to do a sort of kissy face and then they spin around.
14:26I'm giving too much away.
14:27And then we have to do this sort of smoldering walk towards them and.
14:30Oh okay yeah I think I can manage that.
14:33We're quite good at the smolder.
14:34I think so many people will probably just think I don't even know what any of that means.
14:39Unless you've danced.
14:40I don't think anyone will know what any of that means.
14:42No well I ended up just fussed in my never regions.
14:48That was the only way I could do this sort of weird walk.
14:50And I just thought this isn't it.
14:52And then I mean it made Alicia laugh.
14:55But like yeah just anyway.
14:57I mean I think you'll be good at that because in jazz Louise tries to make us walk.
15:03She makes us walk up and down the hall trying to be sassy and like
15:07just confident and serious at the same time.
15:10It's definitely.
15:11See it's trying not to laugh.
15:12Yeah it's trying not to laugh when you're trying to be like serious and all that.
15:16Because you know when you get put in a serious situation and you try not to laugh.
15:20Yeah that's kind of what we're doing.
15:22And we're trying to look into each other's eyes and we're trying to like do the smolder.
15:25And we're sitting here going don't laugh don't laugh don't laugh.
15:29I'm like don't laugh you're nearly done laugh when it's finished.
15:31Well I don't know about you then but since all three of us wear glasses.
15:34My trick was I just took my glasses off.
15:37And then because I couldn't see.
15:39I wouldn't be able to see at all.
15:40Well no neither could I.
15:41But I thought well rather not see then look and you know.
15:47And that was quite effective.
15:48I think I would probably end up crashing into one of the chairs that sit at the side of the hall.
15:52But I believe we're not allowed to wear our glasses during the big night anyway.
15:55That's what that was my understanding.
15:57I'm getting contacts.
15:58I just didn't want to get contacts now because obviously my eye tests do.
16:01So there's no point spending money on contacts to then have to change them.
16:04I'm not wearing double nose.
16:07I am wearing glasses.
16:08I think my papa wore his glasses for his.
16:12Because he can't wear contacts.
16:14He doesn't like touching his eye.
16:15I'm not wearing contacts.
16:17I look better with glasses.
16:18I think just because there's things in ours where I know my glasses will fall off.
16:22And if I leave them lying there obviously they're going to get stood on.
16:25I think we've got moves that require us to maybe not have glasses.
16:29Or they'll end up getting caught on one of our costumes and then they'll break.
16:34Yeah well we've got a few moves where we need to grab each other's hands quite quickly.
16:38And I think actually if I don't have my glasses for that there's no there's no hell.
16:43I've got a lazy eye so I start seeing too.
16:47So I'll end up trying to grab like a non-existent hand or something when we have to do things.
16:51I think that's why I'm going to wear contacts.
16:54I suppose that brings a new element into the whole Strictly competition.
16:56Just like non-existent hand face plant the floor.
17:00In the course of the 10 weeks that we've done it now.
17:02I mean Christ it is 10 weeks.
17:05What's been some ups?
17:06What's been some downs?
17:08I would just say the frustration sometimes when you can't get things right if that makes sense.
17:12Like it's just it's not the repetitiveness.
17:15I'm quite used to doing that.
17:17But certainly if there's been a I think last week I was really struggling
17:22because I was struggling to get things right in the right place.
17:27A particular move or?
17:28Yeah just a particular move and it was causing a bit of frustration.
17:32I think you were feeling the frustration.
17:34Yeah I think some of them are there like you can do them but then see as soon as it comes
17:39like being with the music and try to be in time with the music it puts you all off.
17:45And then you try to count all the steps in your head and you're like
17:48have I missed something?
17:50Have I not?
17:51And you start to get like so frustrated with yourself.
17:54Because we've started we've started saying all the moves out loud
17:58and for our dances so that we don't miss them.
18:02I think it's because we've increased the speed at which we do our rock and roll.
18:05Now that we've got our tune and we've we can see how fast or hear how fast it's going to be
18:10and then we're just like oh my god what is going on?
18:14We've started saying it out loud and I'm like we're gonna have to stop though
18:18because if we start saying that out loud on the night.
18:20I thought it would be easy to learn with a metronome you know because you can hear the beat
18:25but actually it isn't.
18:27How do you find your partnership Lynn?
18:29Yeah we trust each other quite a bit actually.
18:32I mean there's been a few times where you've landed on my toes,
18:35I've landed on your toes and we just we just carry on really.
18:38We've got we've got a lot of trust in each other we will say that.
18:42We haven't dropped each other yet.
18:44We've just ended up with lots of bruises.
18:46That should knock on my head.
18:49The more that we fall and drop each other in rehearsal
18:53the less likely we are to do it on the night
18:56but then the more easier it'll be to cover it when it comes to the night
19:01because we won't be shocked if we fall.
19:05I've got to do a sort of drop and roll motion for lyrical and.
19:10I just maybe think of the song Stop Drop and Roll.
19:14Well it pretty much is.
19:16So that that's been painful.
19:19I landed badly twice last week.
19:22To be fair Laura our teacher, sorry Laura,
19:26says don't wear socks, don't wear socks, don't wear socks.
19:29We were wearing socks and so I slid and then I tuffled over
19:34but on the wrong sort of way I should in the wrong way that I should have done it.
19:38Which meant I kind of landed back badly on my hip
19:41and then then the following time on my shoulder which out.
19:45I'm still like doing that.
19:48How do you keep up the energy for fundraising, dancing and work?
19:54With great difficulty.
19:56Yeah I have to say I'm probably crashing out on the only day off I have
20:00which is usually a Sunday and probably.
20:01Yeah I think I'm sleeping so much because I have an underactive thyroid as well
20:07so I tend to be tired all the time.
20:10Like even without this I would fall asleep all the time
20:13so I think just whenever I've got a free moment I'm falling asleep.
20:17Like I don't think I've ever gone to bed as early as I do sometimes.
20:21I can see myself falling asleep at like half eight on like a Friday night
20:25on the same Saturday instead of going out.
20:27I'm finding that I have more of a social life going to dance classes than I did before.
20:34I'm now spending like three days a week in Inverness
20:37whereas I probably spent one day every third week in Inverness.
20:42That's my problem.
20:43I live out near Elgin and I'm now in on a Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and it's fine.
20:49It's just it's very, very long days because I come to the work,
20:52I come to the office usually for nine o'clockish.
20:54Dance rehearsal isn't until seven on a Monday,
20:57six thirty on a Tuesday so then I'm sort of hanging around.
21:00Here not doing very much and then I've got rehearsal and then I'm not back until eleven.
21:04Ten o'clock.
21:07By the time you've travelled and you try to get home
21:10the Tuesday and the Wednesday it can be a bit of a struggle
21:12because then that's two days you're in and out of Inverness
21:15and then Sunday it's not so bad because then you've got maybe a few nights to yourself.
21:19To plan and do other things.
21:22I still live like it's still classed as Inverness
21:25but obviously on letters it says Inverness Shire
21:27so it's just like at the outskirts of Inverness
21:30and our buses are terrible and I rely on my mum, my little chauffeur.
21:35She's my chauffeur for all of this.
21:39It must be hard on her then as well.
21:40So she takes me on a Sunday and a Wednesday because I've got a little brother
21:46so she can't take me on a Tuesday.
21:48It's a lot to squeeze in in such little time.
21:51You feel like you could do with so many more hours in the day than what we actually get.
21:56What is it that's driving you?
21:59It's sheer determination and yeah.
22:03I want to give it my best for this competition
22:08because as much as I would love to get to the finals I might not
22:12but I want to put in the effort as if I am going if that makes sense.
22:18I think as well obviously at the start I was partnered up with someone
22:23then I got switched to another partner then they had to leave
22:27and then I was waiting for Tanya to be my partner.
22:31Third time lucky though.
22:34It wasn't my own fault.
22:35I'd just like to point that out to everyone
22:37because everyone seems to think it is my fault but it's really not.
22:40I didn't have a choice in everything going straight down.
22:47I think just with everything going the way it did
22:49I think I'm more determined now than I was originally at the start.
22:53This is so out of my comfort zone.
22:56All the things doing with it like the fundraising.
22:58I don't like talking to people
23:00but obviously when you're doing all these fundraisers you talk to so many people
23:04and it's like a big step out of like the little family circle of people I talk to
23:10because I don't talk to anyone that's not my family unless they're customers and work.
23:14Yeah same.
23:16Yeah I spend so many hours a day talking to patients and doing prescriptions
23:22that yeah by the time I get home my social battery is gone.
23:26So yeah it's quite well out of my comfort zone to do this as well.
23:30Because I feel quite bad because I just get home
23:31and I don't even speak to my partner I just go straight to bed.
23:36Because it's just.
23:37I do that on a Tuesday night sometimes when I'm staying at my partner's.
23:40It's because I think I'm quite introverted oddly enough
23:44and I think your social battery drains as much as anything doesn't it?
23:48Oh yeah.
23:50It's just maintaining all those little keeping everything charged
23:53where it needs to be charged and.
23:55You know reserving it when you want to reserve it.
23:58Speaking of fundraisers how are you finding that aspect of it?
24:01You did a 40k.
24:03Yeah so this weekend I did the 40 kilometer walk
24:08but unfortunately I missed where I needed to be.
24:13So I missed my destination but still managed to do the 40 kilometers.
24:18How did you miss your destination?
24:19I got lost in the fog and I took a wrong turn.
24:24Did that elongate the trip or?
24:25It did and it would have taken an extra 10 miles to get back on course.
24:29So I kind of got to a point where I was like
24:32do you know what I've walked the distance I needed to.
24:34I might not have reached my destination which I'm quite upset about
24:37but I did do the walk in the time frame that I said I would.
24:43So that was also the bonus but sadly I fell over
24:48and sustained leg injury during the course of the walk.
24:52So it went well then?
24:53It went well yeah.
24:54And how's that going to impact?
24:56Well we were supposed to have practice this afternoon
24:58but it took everything I had in me just to get on the bus.
25:02We were going to do it in rehearsal today
25:04but I was like I don't really want you to hurt.
25:06I'd rather you be okay for tomorrow.
25:08Yeah I have to say that yeah my leg is not the greatest today
25:13but it should be better by tomorrow hopefully.
25:16Was the fundraising element good for it or?
25:19Yes I actually managed to get quite a bit for it.
25:24My granny went around all her friends.
25:28I managed to gather quite a bit of money for that.
25:30So yeah so hopefully this was just a kickstart
25:34because I thought this walk kind of had sentimental meaning to me as well.
25:38Okay so what was that about?
25:39So when I first started fundraising for the hospice
25:44I also did this walk almost 20 years ago with my mum.
25:49So it was sort of in a way trying to recreate that feeling of accomplishment with her.
25:57Did you end up lost then as well?
25:59No because my mum was so good at maps
26:02and I kind of wish she was with me to actually tell me where to go.
26:06Maybe it was her was the reason that you got lost.
26:09Maybe she just like kind of made you go in the wrong direction
26:11just so she could have a laugh and a giggle.
26:13Probably that would honestly be her personality.
26:17Just to say yeah you're going to go that way and I'm going to watch you
26:20and I'm going to laugh that you're going the wrong way.
26:24But yeah even though I didn't make my destination I still enjoyed the walk.
26:28It did bring back memories.
26:30There were some tears at the end because I was just in pain
26:34and yeah it was sentimental.
26:36But yeah I think I would like to do it again
26:39but maybe actually reach my destination this time.
26:42What about you Ellie?
26:42How's your fundraising going?
26:44It's going okay.
26:48It's just obviously trying to fit so many things in that we need to do
26:52between rehearsals, between working full-time
26:56and just there's so much that goes into preparing them
27:00which I don't think some people see the behind the scenes
27:03unless they've actually been there trying to prepare them.
27:07You have to take so much time to even prepare them
27:10before it actually comes to the event.
27:14And it's just so stressful sometimes.
27:18So what have you got organized or had organized?
27:21I've had a tombola.
27:24I've done that so far.
27:26I've got a mediumship night planned in the afternoon
27:31but it's on the 29th of March so it's like a week or two weeks away.
27:36I don't know.
27:36I don't even know what date we're on to be fair.
27:38It's easy to get lost.
27:41And then I've got a Kayleigh with Calla Macphail on the 4th of April.
27:47Is that your big one?
27:48That's my big one.
27:49That's why we've done it last out of all my events.
27:53We've got raffles and all that.
27:55We've got lucky squares on the go as well.
27:58Just doing little things that aren't as big
28:01because sometimes it's the little things that make the more money
28:04than the bigger things
28:05because a lot of it can be done over social media.
28:08Are you guys planning any joint events or anything like that?
28:12I think we're just planning on going to each other's.
28:14Yeah, definitely.
28:15Because Elliot's already had hers planned out by the time I got.
28:20When I first obviously got told that I was in it,
28:23we spoke like we had obviously like ideas left from when my papa done it.
28:29So we like kind of arranged them
28:31and then obviously I switched to someone else and then I was with you.
28:34So I already knew what I was doing.
28:36And then you came in with...
28:39You were like, I don't even know what to do.
28:40Yeah, pretty much.
28:41I have a few ideas planned
28:43but I think it's going to take a while for me to get them up off the ground
28:47because I'm just waiting to hear back from people.
28:48I'm hoping to do a bingo night in the village
28:52and hopefully that will garner quite a bit of interest.
28:55I did sign up for the fire walk at the end of the month.
28:58So hopefully that will also gain some interest.
29:01Fire walk or Lego walk?
29:02No, fire walk.
29:03I am not walking over Lego.
29:05Let's put it that way.
29:06I mean, I was very tempted to do the Lego one
29:08because I've got a little brother who loves Lego.
29:10So you can walk in the front door, take your shoes off
29:13and you guarantee you'll step on the first bit of Lego within two steps.
29:17I'd rather fire than Lego.
29:20So I don't think there'd be much point in me doing the Lego one
29:22because I probably wouldn't even feel the pain I'd be so used to.
29:26I think it's time for Wheel of Torture.
29:31Tanya, do you want to give it a spin?
29:32Yeah, certainly.
29:33Give it a bit of force.
29:39There you go.
29:40I think you've got it right in front of you.
29:42What's the most unexpected thing you've discovered about me
29:45since we started training together?
29:48I think because we've learned so much about each other in such little time.
29:52It's just...
29:53We've shared quite a bit actually.
29:56Like there was no hesitation between us, I think.
30:00Yeah, we just kind of started talking.
30:03We kind of talk when we're supposed to be dancing sometimes as well.
30:07Like we'll talk whilst we're dancing.
30:09Oh yeah, so we've not really got any secrets between us now really.
30:14I think we kind of know a lot about each other.
30:16Yeah, I think from knowing your family before as well.
30:21Ellie, do you want to give it a spin?
30:26Oh, that was terrible.
30:30Real talk.
30:30Real talk.
30:31Oh, it's going to get emotional now.
30:33What's one important lesson you've learned from our time together?
30:38You're a way better dancer than me.
30:42Is that an important one?
30:47So really Ellie should be the lead.
30:48I think she should be, yeah.
30:51I mean, I think in rock and roll there's not so much one of us is the lead and one of us
30:56is a follower.
30:57It's quite a share.
30:57I think it's a bit of both.
30:58Like we're both leading, we're both following.
31:02It's mixed, which I really like because there's not one person to do this, one person to do that.
31:07It's shared out equally.
31:10Yeah, it's a lot different from jazz where I have to be the lead in that one.
31:13Yeah, it can just be a bit more free in rock and roll.
31:16Yeah, just enjoy the moment for that one, which is definitely way better than me.
31:23And then just to end it all, I guess, where can people find you if they want to
31:27donate or come to an event of yours?
31:31Everything's pretty much on my Facebook.
31:33Or go to Costa, surely.
31:35Or go to Costa and just ask because my family work there and they'll be able to tell you
31:40my events as well.
31:41Yeah, so I mean, I live and work in Beaulieu so they can always come and see me in the store.
31:50Get their prescription.
31:51Yeah, and yeah, any health advice.
31:54But yeah, you can follow my Facebook.
31:58I'm on the sort of Beaulieu Online and I'm on Kill Targety Online as well.
32:02So all that will be posted.
32:04My Jessica Bingham is posted on my page as well.
32:06So yeah.
32:09Thank you very much, guys.