• 2 days ago
Nalgonda Woman Started Handloom Business : అవకాశాలు లేకున్నా, అవాంతరాలు ఎదురైనా, అదృష్టం కలిసిరాకున్నా జీవితంలో పైకి రావాలన్న తపన ఉంటే తప్పక విజయం వరిస్తుంది. అలానే ఈ పోటీ ప్రపంచంలో తనకంటూ ఓ ప్రత్యేకత ఉండాలని భావించిన ఆ యువతి, స్వయం ఉపాధి వైపు అడుగేసింది. మగువలు మెచ్చేలా చేనేత వస్త్రాలు డిజైన్‌ చేస్తూ కస్టమర్ల మన్ననలు చూరగొంటోంది. తనతో పాటు మరో 200 మందికి ఉపాధి కల్పిస్తూ 'వీ హబ్ యంగ్ ఎంటర్‌ప్రెన్యూర్‌' అవార్డునూ అందుకుంది.


02:30Since childhood, I have been interested in designing garments in a very stylish way.
02:35I was awarded as a dancer at the state level.
02:38At that time, we had karate in our school.
02:42I went to Manchi Black Belt.
02:44I used to teach tuitions and dance classes in a way to support my parents.
02:48Since childhood, I have been interested in earning money and designing garments professionally.
02:57I brought some fabrics.
02:59I gave my ideas to a tailor nearby.
03:01I made garments.
03:03I started a bulk first order in Australia.
03:07Because they had previous ideas about my garments.
03:10Since they liked it, they confidently ordered 15 dresses for me.
03:14Each dress had a different style and concept.
03:18I sent those 15 dresses to Australia for the first time.
03:22They and their friends were very impressed.
03:25I received a lot of orders.
03:27Shruthi says that there is a world-class recognition for handmade garments.
03:31Shruthi says that if you add modernity to Vinod's story, you can earn a lot of money.
03:36Shruthi says that she earns between Rs. 30,000 and Rs. 1,00,000 a month.
03:40Shruthi says that if you want to run a business in a competitive world,
03:42you have to recognize the novelty and follow it closely.
03:46That's why she says that she does embroidery work on handmade garments and makes new garments.
03:52We should always follow the trend and make modern designs.
03:56We should always update ourselves.
03:59Otherwise, we will not be able to survive in the current competition.
04:03I do a lot of unique patterns like beachwear, sling bags, and jumpsuits.
04:13I do a lot of patterns in 2x60s, 2x40s, and 2x40s fabrics.
04:17I do a lot of patterns with dupattas and trending kaftans.
04:22I earn between Rs. 30,000 and Rs. 1,00,000 a month.
04:30I earn between Rs. 50,000 and Rs. 1,00,000 a month.
04:34Shruthi says that her business has become a source of income for many people during the COVID-19 pandemic.
04:39Shruthi says that many tailors have benefited from the benefits of handmade masks.
04:46Shruthi says that there are 20 employees in Srikanth Textiles, who started with one person.
04:51Shruthi says that there are 180 employees who work in the factory.
04:55We started with one employee and got good returns.
05:03We started with one employee and got good returns.
05:07We are able to provide employment to 200 people.
05:12We have 20 employees who work in our shed.
05:16After half the process, they take the clothes to their homes and do some weaving.
05:24We have a good response.
05:26I provide employment to 11 tailors.
05:316 tailors do the cutting.
05:35Some tailors take the clothes home.
05:42Shruthi agrees to Australia and other countries.
05:45She sells handmade clothes and established stalls in Hyderabad.
05:51She received the Ang Entrepreneur Award from Vihar.
05:55I set up a stall at Hi-Tex.
05:58I received a very good response.
06:00I also set up a stall at TTT Kalyana Mandapam.
06:05So, the main reason for organizing stalls is when we come directly in contact with the
06:13So, we organize stalls for their feedback.
06:15As I told you before, I mainly supply to resellers and wholesalers.
06:20So, what is the concept of stalls?
06:22What is the customer suggesting after buying our product?
06:26What else do they want?
06:28How much is their cost?
06:30They are agreeing, they are satisfied.
06:32I am organizing stalls to develop my thinking in all these areas.
06:38Recently, I was recognized as a successful young entrepreneur by Vihabbalu.
06:45They gave me a certificate.
06:47Next, when I organized a stall in Mekma, they gave me a certificate as a young entrepreneur.
06:54Women can participate in all walks of life.
06:56So, Shruthi is trying to find the right path and take the right steps.
07:01Shruthi says that it is her goal to organize stalls for her favorite clothes in her free time.
