Fortnite just keeps adding more and more mythics to the game, so today we go for all of them (especially the new ones!) We also find out something crazy about one of the old mythics...
Use code tomato because it's cool (Epic Partner)
Music from epidemicsound
Use code tomato because it's cool (Epic Partner)
Music from epidemicsound
00:00Since Fortnite decided to add new Mythics to the game, it's that time again.
00:04The new Mythic Only Challenge.
00:06We're going to see if the current lineup of Mythics is good enough to get us a dub.
00:11The Mythic meta this season has really been shaken up.
00:15Some Mythics are gone, we've got brand new ones,
00:18and there might even be some secret ones we don't know about.
00:21Welcome to the brand new Mythic Only Challenge.
00:24Obviously my goal is to get the brand new Mythics, but also I want a full inventory.
00:29And that requires going to Vaults, going to Black Markets,
00:33going to Armored Vans, going to the Floating Island.
00:36There's a lot of Mythics this game.
00:37First of all, our Vault is open, which allows us to get two Dilbits.
00:42Which according to my calculations, is two Mythics.
00:45Spoiler alert, that's good.
00:47So the update a few days ago dropped two brand new Mythics.
00:51We think there might actually be more.
00:54But we know that we have a Mythic Outlaw Shotgun and a Mythic Puppet Dump.
00:58Let's head over to the Black Market and see what's there.
01:01I'm pretty sure it's the Outlaw, but it might not be it.
01:03I don't know.
01:04Bitter! Let's go, bro!
01:08No, take your time with your shields, it's fine.
01:10Not like we're in a rush or anything.
01:12So the reason everything's different is because the two brand new Mythics
01:16actually replaced old Mythics in the Black Markets.
01:19The Puppet Dump Shotgun replaced the Sentinel Pump.
01:22Now, does that mean the Sentinel Pump is not in the game anymore?
01:26Or does that just mean it's been cycled into something else?
01:29Do the Armored Vans have it, etc?
01:31Okay, this is weird.
01:32So this is the Mythic Sniper.
01:34So where's the Outlaw Shotgun?
01:37Where's the Outlaw, Vader?
01:39Hey, it's me from the future!
01:41Turns out there's way more Mythics than we thought.
01:44The back rooms in the Black Market are not quite open yet,
01:47but when they do, they will have the Midas Drum Gun,
01:51Brutus' Minigun,
01:53and also the Outlaw Shotgun.
01:55So that answers our question.
01:57However, I still gotta find that Sentinel Pump,
02:01and it's in a spot you will never expect.
02:03Stay tuned.
02:05Okay, well, first of all, I know where the Puppet Dump is,
02:07and that's at Crime City.
02:08Let's go over there.
02:09So this means that the Armored Vans might actually drop different things now.
02:13I'm so confused, dude.
02:14Doesn't matter, I'm getting five Mythics.
02:17We got this.
02:18Ah, Vader's so bad at driving.
02:19Looks like there's been players here, which is bad.
02:22I'm here to take their Mythics.
02:25Look out, Vader!
02:27Oh no.
02:28Don't die!
02:30There's one.
02:35Oh, that was scary!
02:39All right, what do we got?
02:40We got a Mythic Puppet Dump.
02:41Excuse me, bud.
02:42That's two Mythics, my friends.
02:44We'll also grab this.
02:46All right, we gotta get out of here fast.
02:47So I feel like our best way of finding different Mythics is going to be the Armored Vans.
02:51Before this update, they used to drop either the Suppressed Pistol,
02:55the Twinfire,
02:58Oh, Striker Burst.
02:58I feel like things are gonna be different now, though.
03:00Oh good, I'm getting shot.
03:02I'm also bad at driving.
03:05Oh, I'm bad.
03:06But it's fine, I have the Puppet Dump.
03:11This is not very good, obviously, at far ranges.
03:15Hold on, give me a second.
03:18All right, let's get to the Armored Van.
03:19We need more Mythics.
03:20Well, if it isn't the Armored Van.
03:22Vader, take out the driver.
03:25Fine, I'll do it.
03:27All right, the moment of truth.
03:28What's gonna be in here?
03:30Is it gonna be an old Mythic, or has it been updated to contain brand new ones?
03:34It might even have the Sentinel Pump that got removed,
03:37or it could have the brand new Outlaw, since the black markets don't.
03:41The vault is open, and the...
03:44Wait, what?
03:45Oh, oh, interesting.
03:47Wait, oh, never mind.
03:47I thought that was the Mythic.
03:48Okay, hold on.
03:49So we've got the Twinfire Shotgun, and also a Chug Jug.
03:53Interesting, and also the Rocket Drill.
03:54So these things did get updated to have the new items, but it still has the Twinfire.
04:00So my question is, where the heck's the Outlaw?
04:04There's one more van we can get to.
04:05Vader, you're going the wrong way.
04:07It's in the store, but we might be able to reach it.
04:08Oh, probably not.
04:09Okay, well, the good news is, we've got three Mythics.
04:12Can we get five?
04:14Floating Island time.
04:16Oops, sorry, Bush.
04:17According to my calculations, Shogun X still has the Hollow Twister.
04:22Oh, hi, players.
04:23Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, get out of here.
04:25Yeah, that's what I thought.
04:27You better leave.
04:28I'm extremely nervous.
04:29I want to take out Shogun X and leave right now.
04:31I just see this Mythic.
04:33Why must you have so much health?
04:35And why must you teleport so much?
04:38All right, Shogun X is down.
04:39What do we got?
04:40What do we got?
04:40We got the Hollow Twister still.
04:41Let's go.
04:42I'll be borrowing that.
04:44I don't even want the medallion.
04:45I don't want people to know where I am.
04:47So I'm out.
04:47See ya.
04:48Four out of five Mythics.
04:51We're doing great, but I still need that fifth one.
04:53I know one of these players have...
04:55Oh, Vader, Vader, no, don't die, bro.
04:57I'm pretty confident that this team has the fifth Mythic that I'm looking for.
05:01We can't take him out yet because Vader has legitimately...
05:03Wow, ow, ow.
05:05Hold on, hold on, hold on.
05:07Let me land.
05:07Take this.
05:10Nope, that's the Chug Jug.
05:11Vader, take this.
05:13All right, here we go.
05:15There's one.
05:16I've got four Mythics and a dream.
05:18I need this fifth.
05:20Oh, no, not interested.
05:23They have the Barrett's Double Down Mythic.
05:25I forgot about that thing.
05:26I'm not gonna lie.
05:27Oh, no, not like this.
05:30Not like this.
05:31Help, Vader.
05:33I hate this gun.
05:35It's so stupid.
05:36It's not even a gun.
05:37It's a baseball bat.
05:38Dude, that is...
05:40Why does it make me take fall damage?
05:43Yes, Vader.
05:44Yes, Vader.
05:45Yes, Vader.
05:47No, Vader.
05:48Yes, Vader.
05:49No, Vader.
05:50The question is, did they have the Outlaw Shotgun?
05:53No, they have a Sentinel Pump.
05:55Where'd they get that?
05:56So I just did a little bit of research.
05:59I found out something about the Sentinel Pump that's very unexpected.
06:03Something I haven't really seen before in Fortnite.
06:05So the Sentinel Pump is available on the train.
06:10Now, I know what you're thinking.
06:11That's not that weird.
06:12Who cares?
06:13Trust me, it is weird.
06:14Especially when I show you where you actually can find it.
06:17Give me a second.
06:18The train's almost here.
06:19Doesn't seem like anyone's really aware of this yet either,
06:21because nobody landed on the train.
06:27So normally, we get mythics from bosses and stuff like that.
06:30What if I told you that the Sentinel Pump is just in a random chest at the train?
06:35I've never seen this before in my life.
06:37The train is open.
06:38Now, check...
06:40Check this out.
06:42That's not it.
06:42Hold on.
06:44There it is!
06:45Mythic enhanced Sentinel Pump shotgun.
06:48I don't understand.
06:57So I just did some math.
06:58And once the back rooms are open, we're going to have 11 mythics in the game.
07:03That's a lot of mythics.
07:05Dare I say, too many mythics.
07:08But now, since I just died grabbing the Sentinel Pump,
07:10I want to try one more game of getting a full inventory.
07:13What is going on?
07:21All right.
07:22Let's try this one more time.
07:23The train is open.
07:25Let me get my Sentinel Pump again.
07:28There it is.
07:29Out of this random epic chest, it has been coded to give you...
07:34Two of them?
07:35I thought they gave me two of them for a second.
07:37All right.
07:38We got the first mythic.
07:38Let's get a bunch more.
07:40There's some action over at Seaport City.
07:42I could steal the dill bits from them.
07:45That would be sick.
07:52I've got a mythic shotgun.
07:54No, no.
07:55You can't leave.
07:55Nice try.
07:56I will be the one.
07:59Didn't mean to do that.
08:00The vault is open.
08:01And we got dill bits.
08:03I will receive every mythic.
08:05I'm bad at driving.
08:06Oh, hey, bud.
08:09See ya.
08:10All right.
08:10I've made it to the black market.
08:12And obviously, now I can purchase a mythic sniper.
08:14And over here, this door right here.
08:16This is what's going to open when the quest is complete.
08:19And I don't know if we can see in there.
08:21But in there is also going to have mythics and exotics.
08:24That is so insane.
08:25All right.
08:26We got our second mythic.
08:27Let's get out of here.
08:30I'm insane.
08:34Oh, that's a player.
08:35Are you sure about that?
08:39All right.
08:40The armored van is officially open.
08:43And we just got the mythic striker.
08:46That's three.
08:47Oh, hi.
08:49How are you?
08:53Everything's fine.
08:54Oh, everything's not fine.
08:56Everything is not fine.
09:02Everything's fine.
09:03Hey, guess what?
09:04I found another armored van.
09:06Hey, guess what?
09:06The mythic's already here.
09:08Which means I am only one...
09:10Oh, I'm stuck.
09:12I am only one mythic away from the full inventory.
09:16Can I do this?
09:17I have one more dill bit.
09:18So I could buy it at the black market.
09:20But there are medallion players there.
09:21I gotta be careful.
09:22They just died.
09:23They dropped it.
09:24Somebody else just took them out.
09:26They just bought some...
09:26There's a car in the way.
09:29Where'd they go?
09:33Let's go.
09:35Suppressed pistol.
09:36Five mythics.
09:38Six mythics.
09:40I am unstoppable.
09:50Holy moly.
09:57I'm so confused.
09:58They had three HP.
09:59I'm just gonna leave.
10:00You guys didn't see any of that.
10:01You didn't see it.
10:01You didn't see it.
10:02You didn't see it.
10:02I got six mythics.
10:03That's the only thing that matters.
10:04Please leave a like and subscribe.
10:05I'm almost at three million.