Deadliest Cave Attack in Minecraft Hunger Games...
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#minecraft #hungergames #sword4000
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#minecraft #hungergames #sword4000
00:00Today, I put 100 players into this Hunger Games map
00:02and went on a solo killing spree after finding a team of players down in the caves.
00:07But what will happen when one of my victims has a legendary weapon?
00:10And will I be strong enough to be the last player standing?
00:13Well, as I spawned in with only one life, it was time to find out.
00:17There do not seem to be many barrels in the middle there,
00:20so I'm probably not going to rush that way.
00:22I think we also seem to be in a desert.
00:24I might just run straight that way and try and grab a tree.
00:27Three, two, one, let's just go.
00:30Grabbing loot from the middle there is going to be very, very unlikely.
00:33So going away from mid is definitely my best shout.
00:36At least until PvP is off.
00:38I might actually, since this is a, like a Badlands or whatever this is called,
00:41I may be able to find a mineshaft.
00:44Let's just see if we can spot anything over this way.
00:46Looks like there's a village over there.
00:47Okay, this looks perfect.
00:49There are, there's at least one guy going this way.
00:51But there is definitely a village, like a western town over here or something.
00:55Hopefully, this guy is chill.
00:57I mean, neither of us have weapons,
00:59so this guy has no interest in attacking me right now, you would think.
01:02And, oh, there's quite a few people behind us.
01:04Somebody with an iron helmet.
01:05I may try and form an alliance with this guy.
01:08If I can find some loot though, that would be nice.
01:10Is there a chest?
01:11Oh, there's chest.
01:11Okay, food.
01:15Oh, no.
01:15Oh, no.
01:19Okay, there are quite a few people here now,
01:21which isn't great for me.
01:22But, okay, a hay bale and some emeralds and a book.
01:25Is there any decent houses here?
01:27Or is it all just food?
01:29Somebody has already died.
01:31These houses are all replicas.
01:33They've all got just the same loot.
01:34Oh, there was actually oak saplings in there.
01:36I should try and grab some of those.
01:38What is this loot?
01:39This loot is cheeks.
01:40Okay, there are so many people here, but nobody has a weapon.
01:44I'm going to take these oak saplings because later down the line,
01:48those are going to be nice for apples.
01:50It's probably a good choice to grab a plank of wood real quick
01:53and at least get in this house and make a wooden sword.
01:57Okay, crafting table, wooden sword.
02:00Oh, there's a flower.
02:00Do you want a flower?
02:01Yo, Barry.
02:03Yo, you got any food?
02:05Yeah, I've got some food.
02:06I've got something you probably want as well.
02:09Two diamonds?
02:11No, leather pants.
02:13Okay, I'll take your leather pants.
02:14Sure, I can drop you a bit of food.
02:15Take that.
02:16Okay, okay.
02:17There's like 45 of the exact same house right here.
02:21Yeah, we got a mini estate going on here or something.
02:25I think-
02:25Oh, wait.
02:26Oh, it's got food, it's got food.
02:27Yeah, it does have food in the houses.
02:28I got a-
02:29I made a wooden sword, but there was a lot of people that ran here
02:32and there's like almost nothing of value.
02:35Just food on the floor.
02:36Okay, I traded a pair of leather leggings for some food.
02:38I will take it.
02:39This building looks slightly different than the other ones.
02:42I assume though it has already been looted.
02:45Is there people here?
02:46Okay, some more food.
02:51Anything else upstairs?
02:54Not really.
02:57Okay, just more food.
02:58You know what?
02:58I'm gonna take food because there's a lot of people complaining
03:01in chat about not having food.
03:03I may just get out of here.
03:04Oh god, that was a full and a half.
03:07I may just get out of here and see if I can get down and get gear
03:11because if people are going to be struggling for food,
03:14I may be able to pick off a lot of people if I can gear up fairly quickly.
03:17Now, I do have hay bales and there are trees up here.
03:20Maybe I'll go to these trees.
03:22Could I get like an apple maybe or something?
03:24An apple would be really nice.
03:29I should actually grab-
03:29Oh, there's-
03:30Oh, there's caves.
03:31There's big caves there.
03:33Okay, a couple more pieces of wood.
03:34I'm gonna run to this mountain and just see if I can get inside of a cave.
03:38I'm pretty sure I saw a mine shaft back that way,
03:41which, I mean, those webs would be kind of nice from the mine shaft,
03:44but also just finding some iron, maybe even getting some diamonds right now,
03:47and just getting the advanced pickaxe straight away so I can gear up
03:51is going to be very, very important.
03:53Oh, there's people here.
03:54Okay, they have gear and they are running this way,
03:59which is not a good sign.
04:00Although, I do have quite a lot of food,
04:01so hopefully, I can just outrun them for now.
04:05There's a guy here.
04:06I could try and team up with this guy maybe.
04:13Don't run at me.
04:14Don't run at me like that.
04:15I'm a huge fan.
04:16I'm a huge fan.
04:17Oh, my God.
04:18You have food.
04:19I do have some food.
04:20Do you want to stick with me?
04:21Well, get- get seeds.
04:23Get seeds.
04:23I've got food.
04:23I've got food.
04:24Don't worry.
04:25Yeah, yeah.
04:26Don't worry about it.
04:26I got- I got food.
04:27I got food.
04:28Oh, my God.
04:29My life.
04:29Come this way.
04:30Come this way.
04:30Let's make a farm.
04:31Come- No!
04:32We need to get gear.
04:33We're not making a farm.
04:35Okay, this guy's making a farm.
04:36Okay, I'm not gonna kill him because he's a big fan,
04:38but I'm not sitting on the surface making a farm right now when I have no gear.
04:43I'm gonna get just right in this cave here.
04:45Let's get another crafting table made.
04:49Wooden pickaxe.
04:49Oh, there's gold right here.
04:51I don't have an iron pickaxe, so I can't mine it,
04:53but I can at least make a stone pickaxe.
04:55That's progress.
04:56Okay, we got a stone axe as well and a stone sword.
04:59Okay, this gold here, I cannot grab.
05:02I'm not gonna be able to get that.
05:02So honestly, I'm just gonna mine straight down.
05:05I got hay bales, so I can clutch this if I fall into a huge cave.
05:10And because of the biome we're in,
05:12I have a feeling that I could fall into a dripstone cave,
05:15which is a slight issue.
05:16But I'm just gonna go straight down and see what I can grab.
05:18Okay, some coal here.
05:19That's a good start.
05:22The guy I just saw in chat making a farm is begging for me to come back.
05:25Yet, he is trying to make a farm on the surface.
05:28Is he kidding me?
05:29He's just gonna get killed.
05:30I'm gonna see in chat that he dies at any minute.
05:32Oh, iron.
05:33Okay, two pieces, three pieces, four pieces.
05:37All right.
05:38So if I get...
05:40Oh, actually, no.
05:40If I find diamonds, I'm kind of cut still because I need six iron in that case.
05:46Okay, a bit more iron here.
05:47Okay, we're getting something.
05:48We're getting something.
05:49That's for sure.
05:52My pickaxe is actually gonna break.
05:54They'll leave the crafting table up there.
05:56What am I doing?
05:58Okay, there goes one pickaxe.
06:00I can make another one if needed.
06:02I'm gonna- I may as well use the wooden one though.
06:05If mine- Oh, we got some redstone.
06:06Okay, I just need to make sure I keep track of where all of these ores are
06:09because if I do get the advanced pickaxe,
06:11I can turn all of these redstones straight into diamonds.
06:15There's gotta be a cave around here somewhere.
06:16There's a little bit more iron here.
06:18Maybe I'm just gonna have to strip mine.
06:20This is, uh, I feel like I'm back in the old days.
06:23Let's make a stone pickaxe with, with granite.
06:26God, that still gets me every time.
06:29And I'll make an andesite furnace.
06:31Finally, the use- useless blocks in Minecraft have purpose.
06:34Okay, the sea counters look like they're opening up below me.
06:37So, I'm gonna grab my furnace,
06:40and my crafting table,
06:42and I'm gonna see if I can sweat my way into a cave.
06:45Because there's like 200 over this way.
06:47And I am only at minus five right now, minus six.
06:50So I can go down a lot deeper.
06:52Wait, can I hear water?
06:53I think I can hear water.
06:59Now, please tell me I can see two diamonds somewhere here.
07:05There has to be at least two in this cave.
07:07Okay, there's one.
07:09There's at least one.
07:10Please be two.
07:12Please be two.
07:15If this is two, I've got the advanced pickaxe.
07:18All right, let's get an iron pickaxe made.
07:21Grab both of these.
07:23Iron, diamonds, bang.
07:26Okay, right.
07:27Full diamond is not going to take very long now.
07:30Quite a few people are dying, which is slightly worrying.
07:32Hopefully though, I'm one of the only players that has made decent progress.
07:36Which I doubt I am, but I'm trying to keep it optimistic here.
07:39I'm still without a teammate.
07:40I was chill with a couple people back at that village,
07:42but it was every man for themselves back there.
07:44And I had to, I had to stick with my own gut and get down in this cave quick.
07:48That guy at the farm.
07:49God knows what he's doing.
07:50Oh, what is this?
07:52Oh god, there's mobs here.
07:54Oh, it's just zombies.
07:56Is that a chest?
07:57There's not even any point in fighting these things.
07:59There's nothing here.
08:00Any chest above?
08:02Or is it just a spawner?
08:03Nope, it's just a spawner.
08:09Oh my god, there's so many zombies down here trying to steal all my stuff.
08:13They've all stole my lapis.
08:14Okay, there's a diamond here that luckily they haven't taken.
08:17How many diamonds are we on now?
08:18We're on eight.
08:18That's pretty good.
08:19If I can at least get chest plate and leggings,
08:21then I actually might just go up a little bit earlier.
08:24Someone just said in chat they saw a player on the ground.
08:27I hope.
08:28I really, really hope that isn't me.
08:32Another diamond there.
08:33One more and I can make-
08:34There we go.
08:36I can make at least a chest plate and leggings now.
08:39Two more and I can get a sword,
08:40which would be even better, to be honest,
08:42because I'm still rocking a stone axe.
08:44Well, there we go.
08:44We got it.
08:45And I may even just grab some diamonds here.
08:47Hopefully get some extra diamonds from these.
08:50Oh, unfortunately not.
08:54Okay, I changed my mind and grabbed enough for a full set
08:57and a diamond sword, which is like perfect.
08:59Now I don't need any more diamonds.
09:00So I'm gonna go straight back over to the crafting table,
09:03craft everything I need,
09:04and then I'm gonna see-
09:06I reckon there's probably someone nearby, to be honest.
09:08I think I could maybe pick off an easy kill,
09:11especially if I'm in full diamond.
09:12I did actually get some carrots as well,
09:14so I could make some golden carrots,
09:17which will also be really helpful.
09:19So let's just get that full set of diamond armor made.
09:22Let's get a diamond sword up in here.
09:26Hell yeah, the leather leggings have been retired.
09:28Let's just make 10 quick golden carrots,
09:30just because food is still kind of rare.
09:32And then I can now start heading up to the surface
09:35and see if I can spot any players.
09:36Although, I'll grab this gold just before I do.
09:39If I had an apple, it would be really, really nice.
09:42Oh, there's a skull biome down here.
09:45I wonder if there is an ancient city.
09:48I should maybe go for a legendary weapon, to be honest.
09:51Getting into the nether wouldn't be a bad shout.
09:54This goes way deeper.
09:57Oh my.
10:01Okay, this is an easy kill.
10:06Yo, sword, sword.
10:07I'm sorry.
10:08Chill, chill, chill, chill.
10:08I'm sorry, man.
10:09No, no, no, no.
10:09No, I didn't.
10:10Oh, you, you did.
10:12Whoa, whoa, whoa.
10:13I'm sorry, man.
10:13You got no gear.
10:14Don't jump in that lava.
10:15Hold on, hold on.
10:16Don't jump in that lava.
10:16Hold on, hold on.
10:17Okay, I'm waiting.
10:18I'm waiting.
10:18Actually, that's kind of-
10:19Go on.
10:19Okay, hold on.
10:19Go on.
10:20I'm waiting.
10:20How about this?
10:20How about this?
10:21I can kill you right now.
10:21Come on.
10:22I have two other teammates.
10:23Spit it out.
10:23I have two other teammates.
10:23Spit it out.
10:24Stand still.
10:24Stand still.
10:26Stand still?
10:26Okay, honestly, I'm gonna have-
10:27I'm not gonna kill you.
10:28You're on hard for hard?
10:29Okay, I'll let you live right now.
10:31I'll be deadass.
10:32Like, I got two carrots to my name.
10:33Okay, I actually got an advanced pickaxe though.
10:35How much gold you got?
10:36Uh, legit?
10:37You want me to be so deadass for you?
10:39I want you to be very, very deadass for me right now.
10:42I got you.
10:42Here you go, man.
10:45Okay, do you know what?
10:46I'll take that.
10:46I'll take that.
10:51I mean, not really.
10:52Like, we haven't created a group or anything.
10:56Because I saw you just kind of sat down here on your own.
11:00I mean, yeah.
11:01You could believe me.
11:02You might not.
11:02Like, I'll be honest, bro.
11:04We're not like-
11:06How can I word this?
11:07Let's see here.
11:08I'm currently-
11:09We're kind of like teamed, but we haven't created a group.
11:12Oh, I didn't x-ray for these.
11:14I promise you.
11:15Yeah, you're lying here, man.
11:17I'm not lying.
11:18Oh my-
11:19Hold up.
11:20Hold up.
11:21This is a crazy diamond vein.
11:22What the f-
11:24This is like a nine vein.
11:25Hey, hey, stop typing to your friends there.
11:27I can hear you.
11:28No, I tried.
11:29You know, I tried to do this last matches.
11:30I'll be honest.
11:31Like, but, you know, that just-
11:34Can I eat?
11:35You can eat.
11:36You can eat.
11:37If you would be down to take me to your two teammates and allow me to kill them,
11:42I will give you full diamond gear.
11:44Okay, you know what?
11:44Since we're already such just great friends, you know,
11:48I just got DM'd.
11:50Team up with Sword.
11:51We'll dip.
11:52No, I want to kill them though.
11:54Okay, but like at the same time, they were nice to me.
11:56I was nice to them.
11:57You know, like that's emotional attachment.
12:00Like, you get that, right?
12:01Emotional attachment here.
12:03Okay, I'm just yapping to you at this point.
12:05You are.
12:06You are.
12:06Yeah, they're that way.
12:08They're that way?
12:09What's their names?
12:10Uh, Supa and It's Raven.
12:13Are they in gear?
12:14Not as far as I know.
12:15Okay, come with me.
12:17I'm gonna take them.
12:18Would you have any bones?
12:19Do you have any apples?
12:20Uh, I don't.
12:22I'm like broke now.
12:24Okay, that's not helpful.
12:25Uh, stay with me.
12:26Yeah, I have a feeling that when they aren't there because they said they'll dip.
12:31Yeah, you're probably just gonna kill me.
12:32If they aren't there, you're dead.
12:34Yeah, for sure.
12:35Yeah, that's the unfortunate part about this situation here.
12:40Well, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt right now.
12:42I heard you.
12:43You called me a dick, which you know what?
12:45Granted, I was about to be if I'd have killed you.
12:47But you see, I've shown my nice side.
12:50Now, I'm gonna have to show my demon arc side when I kill these two.
12:54Are they in gear?
12:55Am I to be expected to fight here?
12:57I don't think so.
12:59Legit, last time I saw, they were like me.
13:03Okay, wait, do you have any wood?
13:04Yeah, I got six.
13:05Okay, can you drop me?
13:06Can you drop me a little bit, please?
13:08I'll just drop you.
13:09I'm gonna actually drop you this.
13:11Oh, yeah, I had a crafting table.
13:13I just tried to place it, but it put wood there.
13:15What the hell?
13:15Oh, thank you.
13:16I just need some sticks because I'm gonna make a diamond hoe.
13:18I'm not like flexing on you because you got no diamonds or anything, but like...
13:21No, no, I got...
13:23If I come up near oak trees, I need to grab them for apples ASAP.
13:26So I can't have time to waste.
13:28Seems like food's an issue for everyone.
13:31Sorry, let me put this into perspective.
13:33Okay, now go ahead.
13:35Okay, would you rather have two hearts or 10 extra hearts?
13:39How am I gonna get two hearts or 10 extra hearts?
13:42You know what?
13:42Actually, how about this?
13:42How about this?
13:43Let me put it in perspective.
13:44Would you like kills or would you like hearts?
13:49In this theoretical question, I'd like kills.
13:51You'd like kills.
13:52Okay, well...
13:54I can't get hearts.
13:55You're asking me a question that's invalid.
13:57Hey, hey, go along with it.
14:00Okay, where the hell are these guys?
14:01I don't see any names.
14:03Would you like me to show you where we were?
14:06I thought that's what you were doing.
14:07You just wandered off and said, follow me.
14:10You pointed this way and said that they were this way.
14:12So I hit the border and then went up.
14:15You have to go down and then you have to go to take a little right.
14:18Nah, we're gonna get there soon.
14:20You have a pickaxe, right?
14:21You have a pickaxe.
14:22We can just build straight up.
14:23Let's build straight up.
14:24Come on, let's go.
14:28Oh, yeah.
14:29I mean, most people just call me Hydro, but you know, it's chill.
14:31I'll call you Hydro.
14:32Ah, thank you.
14:33All right, you should probably crouch though.
14:36Because we're gonna attack two people by the seems of it.
14:39I mean, I'm not attacking.
14:41Oh, you are.
14:42Yo, dog, you see what I'm wearing, right?
14:45You see what I'm wearing, right?
14:46My ass cheeks are just like, they're cold right now.
14:50What has that got to do with anything?
14:53I did not need that bit of information that you just decided to drop on me.
14:57By the way, the border was right next to us.
14:58So if it shrinks, we could be cooked.
15:00Oh, there's wood here.
15:01There's mineshaft.
15:02Please tell me there's cobwebs in here.
15:04Oh, yes, there are.
15:05Let's go make a set of shears.
15:07I'm so chocked.
15:10What are you going on about?
15:12I'm just so chocked, man.
15:14What does chocked even mean?
15:15They said they'll dip, bro.
15:16And you know for a fact they won't be.
15:18Why, did you tell them that we were coming up?
15:20Dog, can I even slap?
15:23You didn't tell them, did you?
15:24No, I didn't.
15:25I was gonna say, surely you have some common sense.
15:28We'll find them.
15:29Don't worry, we'll find them.
15:31Okay, there's gonna be a god apple here though.
15:32Okay, no, there's not.
15:33There's some iron boots for you though.
15:34Oh, thank you.
15:35I have a question.
15:37Okay, ask away, ask away.
15:38Is it possible if I relaunch my client?
15:41No, you cannot leave.
15:43Oh, that's annoying.
15:45It's fine, it's fine.
15:45Don't worry, because you know what?
15:47We're gonna go up in a sec.
15:48We're gonna kill these people.
15:50And then what we're gonna do is we're gonna find the two people.
15:53Or the guy that I found earlier that decided to set up a farm on the surface.
15:58A farm?
15:59Yeah, a farm.
16:00Like a farm, a farm.
16:01You know?
16:02Oh, farm.
16:02Yeah, farm.
16:03Sorry, I gotta drop the American accent on you there.
16:06What is going on with my Minecraft right now?
16:08And you gotta lock in.
16:08We're about to have to put in an absolute performance.
16:11I got no food.
16:12I got boots to my name.
16:14Six diamonds.
16:15Six diamonds?
16:15Look at that.
16:16That's a whole helmet.
16:19Oh, here we go.
16:19Here we go.
16:21My performance is me just lagging there.
16:24Oh my god, you are lagging out like crazy.
16:27Yeah, that's why I asked if I could come on.
16:29There's a village here.
16:30There's a village here.
16:32I hate this.
16:34Oh my god, bro.
16:35You have the worst internet connection I think of all time.
16:38Congratulations, you've just won that award.
16:40You've won the award, Hydro.
16:44This guy, okay.
16:45Right, I'm gonna just mute up whilst I go and loot this.
16:49Because this guy is lagging out like crazy.
16:51Hopefully, this is unlooted and I can grab some loot from this.
16:56This is the same kind of village that I looted earlier.
16:59Okay, the wood has been broken there.
17:02Is there any different houses though?
17:04Or are they all just the same house?
17:07They're all just the same.
17:08Oh, there's more houses down here.
17:10I don't think there's anything good here.
17:12This looks like a trap, to be honest.
17:14Empty chest.
17:16Everything's looted, bro.
17:19Oh, another oak sapling though.
17:20I'll take that.
17:21Okay, where did Hydro go?
17:24He just disappeared.
17:26Did he go back underground?
17:27No way, I'll let this guy get away.
17:29Has he tried to flee from me?
17:31I bet he has.
17:32Can I see his name anywhere?
17:34Oh, there's a mineshaft here.
17:35Okay, do you know what?
17:36Hydro, seem chill.
17:38I'm gonna, I'm gonna trust that he will return to me at some point.
17:41I'm gonna focus on getting webs right now,
17:42and see if maybe I could also find a god apple in this mineshaft.
17:47Well, there's gold down here as well.
17:50Let me, uh, let me just grab this gold.
17:52I'm gonna have to farm some golden apples eventually.
18:00It's Raven.
18:01Is that the guy's-
18:03Was that who he was on about?
18:05I see some guy called It's Raven down below.
18:07Okay, I've still got no golden apples.
18:10So this is risky.
18:12But I might be able to jump this guy.
18:14Was that two names?
18:15There was definitely two names, I swear there was.
18:17I've got webs.
18:18I've got golden carrots.
18:19I've also got full diamond.
18:21So hopefully, they aren't in full diamond,
18:23and I can take full advantage of this opportunity here,
18:26and collect two possibly easy kills.
18:29I just need to try and drop right in on them.
18:31Here we go.
18:32I'm right on their line.
18:33So I should hopefully drop now into their-
18:35As long as this isn't a cave, into their mineshaft.
18:37They are in a line.
18:38They're both in the same line.
18:40Oh, I can hear them.
18:42Oh, here we go.
18:43Uh, he might.
18:47Easy, easy.
18:47I checked.
18:48I checked.
18:48Sword did not kill him.
18:49He was probably getting lower.
18:52Uh, yeah.
18:53Hydro Kinesis.
18:54Oh my.
18:55But is he still-
18:58He's actually unteamed right now.
19:01Which team?
19:02Oh my god.
19:05Let's go.
19:07Come on, Super.
19:12Let's go.
19:13Two easy kills right there.
19:16Holy smokes.
19:19I will stick to my word now.
19:21If I find Hydro,
19:23because I have no idea where he went.
19:24I just wanted to kill his teammates to be honest,
19:25and I'm glad I saw their names on the ground.
19:27If I find Hydro,
19:29I will give him a full set of diamond.
19:31I can actually give him most of this loot.
19:33Another advanced pickaxe,
19:34some more carrots,
19:35some diamond boots.
19:37That's pretty good.
19:39Oh no.
19:39I need to go up quick.
19:41I need to go up very, very quick.
19:43The border was like right here.
19:49I need to build up so fast.
19:51If my screen starts going red,
19:53it's Jover.
19:54I can hear someone.
19:56Oh, gravel.
19:57That's kind of sped this up actually a little bit.
20:00I'm at the terracotta,
20:01which means I'm likely at the surface.
20:03Very, very soon.
20:04The next 10 or 15 blocks,
20:05I should be there.
20:06Hydro, can you destroy this?
20:08No, he's Hydro dead.
20:09He logged on and died.
20:12I let him live for nothing.
20:13I could have killed him.
20:15Oh man.
20:17All right.
20:17Well, I'm still solo then.
20:20The border is actually still pretty far.
20:22That looks like a whole load of oak leaves over there,
20:24which is real nice.
20:26I'm gonna grab a load more cobwebs
20:27before I go and break those leaves for apples,
20:29because I have now nearly four stacks of gold,
20:32which is absolutely insane.
20:34Now, is there a chest in here that I could quickly grab,
20:36or is this just a dead end?
20:38Looks like a dead end.
20:40Let's just focus on getting those leaves for apples
20:42straight away.
20:43The more time I can spend doing that,
20:44the more golden apples I'm going to have
20:46going into this final fight,
20:47which currently I have no enchanted gear for.
20:50So if anybody has enchanted gear,
20:52I am cucked.
20:53I could maybe possibly try and find a teammate
20:56with an enchantment table,
20:58because actually there are a lot of people still alive.
21:00As long as there's no one here collecting leaves,
21:02I should be good.
21:03I don't see anyone.
21:04There's one apple.
21:04That's perfect.
21:05I'm actually just going to make one golden apple straight away,
21:07just in case I get jumped,
21:09because currently I have nothing.
21:12So at least I can heal up once.
21:15All right.
21:15Here we go.
21:16Come on.
21:16Couple apples.
21:17Saplings is nice.
21:19Another apple.
21:22We're getting a few.
21:23We're getting a few.
21:24Two apples.
21:26Another one there.
21:27Another one there.
21:28Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
21:29We could make like a stack-
21:31Not a stack, like half a stack of golden apples
21:33if we get enough apples.
21:35Currently on seven,
21:36after only a few trees as well,
21:37which is real good.
21:38Maybe going for these bushes is the better choice,
21:40just because they're more accessible.
21:41Luckily, I think I might have-
21:43Considering everyone was complaining about no food,
21:45no trees or anything,
21:47nobody has seemed to find this forest,
21:49which is really good for me,
21:50because I can get all of these apples,
21:52and there's nobody here trying to kill me at the same time.
21:54We've got 14 apples.
21:55That is real good.
21:57Let's get a golden apple stack going.
21:59Hell yeah!
22:0015 golden apples now.
22:02And I've still got a stack and a half of gold.
22:06Is that names?
22:07No, I thought I saw names there for a second.
22:09I got scared.
22:10Although, there was a crafting table there,
22:12and that isn't mine,
22:12so there definitely was people around here then.
22:14That's for sure.
22:15Let's get some more golden apples going.
22:17Five more.
22:18And we've still got enough gold for seven more apples.
22:21So let's just grab the last few that I need.
22:23It's actually kind of crazy that I'm still solo.
22:25I'm not gonna lie.
22:26Usually, I would have found a teammate by now,
22:28but there's just like no one here.
22:32A few more apples.
22:33How many am I on?
22:34That's pretty good.
22:37Eight apples, which means I can use all of my gold.
22:4126 golden apples.
22:43That is insane.
22:44I won't lie.
22:45Now, I do want to check how far the border is,
22:47because the border was-
22:49Oh, there's two people here.
22:50Oh, I can take this.
22:51I can definitely take this.
22:54Hey guys!
22:58Ah, shoot.
23:02Leon's on the left there.
23:04We could team to kill these guys.
23:06Are you solo?
23:07What did you just shoot?
23:08What did you blow up?
23:10I didn't realize I could right-click this sword.
23:12What is it?
23:13Widow sword.
23:14Oh, you crafted Legendary.
23:16Oh my god.
23:16This guy's got-
23:18Sounded like I'm going through his TV.
23:21I'll try and cut him off.
23:23Wait, shoot that sword.
23:23Shoot the sword.
23:27Oh my god.
23:28Oh my-
23:31The poor guy.
23:32He just launched him into the sky.
23:34Holy shit.
23:35I need apples.
23:36You had apples?
23:37Okay, nice.
23:37I've got-
23:37I have so much gold.
23:39There's quite a lot of like bushes in this forest here.
23:42You could just get hella apples from.
23:44Oh yeah.
23:44Um, wait.
23:45Let me um-
23:46Teams create.
23:48Teams invite Leon Lion.
23:50Let's make a team.
23:50Where did this guy's teammate go?
23:52He ran this way.
23:52We might still be able to hunt him down.
23:53Uh, maybe.
23:55I have two stacks of gold though.
23:57How many golden apples do you want?
23:59Uh, four.
24:00I got four from a strike.
24:01I have 26 right now.
24:03Oh damn.
24:03I got the advanced pickaxe.
24:04I killed a couple people that were down in the mine.
24:06So I did all right for myself.
24:08I'd say we should just get rid of the-
24:09Get away from the border a little bit.
24:10Well, let's-
24:11Let's get these apples first.
24:12Wait, wait, wait.
24:13I have an E table.
24:14Oh, you do?
24:15Oh, perfect.
24:17I'll take some lapis if you don't have-
24:18Yeah, I got some.
24:19I got some.
24:20Thank you very much.
24:21Protection one.
24:22Let's get sharpness on my sword hopefully.
24:24Uh, yep.
24:25There we go.
24:26What's up with you?
24:27Did you just rush nether on your own and now you're-
24:29You just went for the wither sword?
24:30I saw two people in the nether,
24:31but they didn't seem too much interested in teaming.
24:34Did you have the wither sword at that point?
24:36Or were they just like not approaching?
24:37Like, how did they play it?
24:38No, I was just half diamond going into the nether
24:40and then I mine quartz for more diamonds.
24:43I'm actually-
24:44Let me just make a-
24:45Oh, I can make an anvil if you want.
24:47I have one.
24:47I have one.
24:48Oh, perfect.
24:49Let me make another diamond chestplate and combine it.
24:51Uh, protection one.
24:52There we go.
24:53Oh, I see people down there.
24:54Wait, where, where, where, where, where, where?
24:57Oh, yeah, yeah.
24:57Let's push these.
24:58Let's push these.
24:59Oh, okay.
25:00Wait, are there any more bushes that we can grab?
25:02Oh, they're going to be out of the border soon.
25:03Um, I've got nine apples if you want to craft golden apples.
25:06Take those.
25:07They are kind of geared, I won't lie.
25:09Wait, wait, let me make a couple more diamond swords.
25:12How many XP levels are you on?
25:13I am on 10.
25:15Okay, wait, you may need to combine a sword for me in a second.
25:17Sharpness one.
25:19Sharpness one.
25:20Come on, one more sharp one.
25:23Can you combine those two together, and then those two together,
25:25and I get sharp three?
25:27Oh, yeah.
25:27It was perfectly enough.
25:29Hell, yeah.
25:29Okay, right.
25:30Sharp three is going to do a lot of damage.
25:32I have two net red scraps.
25:34What's the sharpness on the wither sword?
25:35Have you enchanted it?
25:36Sharp three, sharp three.
25:37Oh, nice.
25:38Okay, right.
25:38I say we push this, to be honest.
25:39I think we could probably take this.
25:41Who is it?
25:42Is it still there?
25:42I think it was Chris, you know, because he said MF in chat.
25:45Well, I can launch one of them.
25:46Oh, they're going to run.
25:47Oh, wait.
25:47You can hit him with, hit him with it, hit him with it if you can.
25:50I'll try.
25:53Oh, unlucky.
25:54Okay, go right.
25:55I wouldn't mind grabbing this tree over here, so I can make a boat.
25:58I need a few boats.
26:00The border seems to be pushing, like, a lot of people this way now.
26:02So obviously...
26:03Oh, there's mid.
26:03That's mid right there anyway.
26:05Okay, let me just grab a couple boats,
26:07because there is a river here, so people are probably going to try and escape.
26:09Did you not have any teammates at all, then?
26:11You were just completely solo the whole time.
26:13Well, I saw Elemental early, and then I kind of lost him,
26:15but I didn't want to team with him again.
26:17Fair enough.
26:18I saw Badabo really early on, and who else?
26:23Oh, yeah, you were in the village, weren't you?
26:24Not Slinky.
26:25I was in the where?
26:26I saw a village.
26:27I saw Badabo in a village.
26:28Yeah, yeah.
26:29I was in a village right at the start, yeah.
26:30I still have one Wither Skull, but I don't think you have any, do you?
26:34No, I've got nothing.
26:34I've not even been to the Nether, bro.
26:36I've got 41 raw gold.
26:38I've got five gold there as well, if you want to take that.
26:41Yeah, I have no apples left, but...
26:43I mean, I actually...
26:44There's a guy looking at us.
26:45Where is he?
26:46He was this way.
26:47Okay, we can go and have a look.
26:48Yeah, I see his boat.
26:49Oh, yeah.
26:50Yeah, yeah, yeah.
26:53It's actually kind of OP.
26:54Let's see if we can cut him off.
26:59Oh, drift around.
27:00Oh, fuck.
27:03Oh, you're not going far.
27:05Shoot him with it.
27:05Oh, no.
27:08Wait, what?
27:08Oh, my God.
27:09That was a weird, like, trajectory of that thing.
27:12Who's placing blocks?
27:14What do you mean, placing blocks?
27:15I hear no one.
27:16No, like, who places blocks in the fucking river?
27:20Man, don't worry about the blocks.
27:21Worry about your life.
27:23Yeah, I know.
27:25The blocks prevented me from leaving here.
27:27Try and hit him with it if you can, Leon.
27:28Don't hit me, though.
27:30Nah, don't hit me, though.
27:32How did I miss that hit?
27:33I'm so bad.
27:34I don't know, bro.
27:35Oh, I right-clicked.
27:36Oh, Leon, you didn't join the team.
27:38Oh, I thought I did.
27:39That's okay.
27:40That's for murder right here.
27:41Okay, I'm gonna see if I can flank right and turn.
27:44You might have taken the Hunger Games part
27:46a bit too literally this time.
27:48You got a golden apple.
27:48There's hella trees.
27:49Food has been easy this game.
27:51There was no trees.
27:52There was no food on my part of the map, bro.
27:54Oh, that's just RNG.
27:56I know.
27:59Come on, man.
28:01Not my boat.
28:02Oh, I wither.
28:03Okay, that's perfect.
28:04Yes, nice.
28:05That wither real saved us there.
28:07That was beautiful.
28:08Okay, there's a water bucket.
28:09Hella gold as well.
28:10I'm gonna take this gold in case we kill anyone with apples later on.
28:13All right, join the team, Leon.
28:14What the hell are you doing?
28:16Sorry, I misspelled 21.
28:18How do you miss?
28:19It's two letters.
28:20They're two numbers.
28:21Yeah, I wrote slash teams join two.
28:26Oh, okay.
28:26Yeah, don't join team two.
28:28Okay, we could try and see if there's anybody at mid.
28:31I reckon though, I think as the border stopped moving, I think so.
28:34I can see it.
28:34I think there's probably people up this hill, right?
28:36They're probably gonna be trying to-
28:37Yeah, I can literally see a guy right there.
28:39I was gonna say they're probably trying to look over mid.
28:42Oh, there's more people.
28:43There's a full iron.
28:44How many golden apples are you on now?
28:47Damn, okay.
28:48How many you got?
28:49I got 26.
28:50But you had like four a minute ago.
28:51You've upgraded pretty quickly.
28:54Where did he go?
28:55Oh, he's up here.
28:56Right, he should be fine.
28:57Okay, if we can jump these guys,
29:00we should have a pretty decent chance of taking them down.
29:02Especially because we both have sharp three.
29:04And he has a sharp three netherite as well, which is crazy.
29:10Oh, what?
29:13Come here!
29:16Oh, I'm sorry, but you're full iron.
29:17You're an easier kill, unfortunately.
29:23Oh, there's one.
29:24Just one shot.
29:28Yeah, because I was already fighting him.
29:30Oh, no.
29:30Oh, no.
29:31Oh, no.
29:33Oh, no.
29:34I don't want to fight those guys.
29:38Sorry, I was on the wrong side of the map this whole time.
29:40Everybody seems to have been saying that.
29:42Everyone seems to be out of food.
29:45Well, I have food.
29:46There was just no trees.
29:48There was a bunch of trees.
29:50I do not want to fight these guys.
29:51No, I was on the wrong side of the map though.
29:52Like, I went to the other side, so there was like no trees on that side.
30:05I know you're weak.
30:06I think I'm on full health.
30:08Are you really?
30:10Yeah, I know.
30:11I am.
30:12All right, I'm actually gonna leave him
30:13because splitting up from Leon right now is a horrible, horrible choice.
30:16I'm just gonna run straight back over here and see if I can see Leon.
30:20Is that-
30:20Is he fighting them?
30:22That's not Leon, right?
30:23This is some other guy.
30:24Can I clean this kill?
30:25Oh, my god.
30:26Why are there so many teams?
30:27Stay out of this.
30:29Stay out of the sword.
30:30I'm Batman.
30:33I tried to just web those guys.
30:36There's so many people here.
30:37Oh, Leon!
30:37Here you are!
30:38Oh, my god.
30:38I just tried to just web her and steal a random kill.
30:40Yo, I reckon we could take these guys here.
30:43We can try, yeah.
30:44Let's just push it.
30:45Remember, use that sword.
30:46It's not the only sword you've got.
30:48You're not using another one, right?
30:50No, no, no.
30:51It's a bad decision.
30:51Using an axe is a bad decision.
30:53That's a bad decision.
30:54He's got the legendary!
30:55Oh, my god!
31:00Oh, I just jumped over that web.
31:10Sword improving your P.E.P.
31:12Not really.
31:12I just missed eight consecutive hits.
31:14This is tragic.
31:17Yeah, same.
31:22Not gapped for a while, eh?
31:23Oh, my-
31:23Oh, no.
31:24Oh, no.
31:25Oh, that was incredibly close.
31:30I think you should be fighting somebody else.
31:34My teammate's fighting yours.
31:38You're dying there, Shining!
31:48Get me away from that border!
31:50Where's Leon gone?
31:51Where did Leon go?
31:51Yo, Leon, you good?
31:52Why is he playing hero?
31:53What the hell?
31:55He's getting third parties.
31:57Yo, Sword, look.
31:58There's cake behind you.
32:02I'm sorry, I gotta-
32:03Stop fucking running, man!
32:04You're actually worse than cake!
32:06Holy shit!
32:09I need to do that, man.
32:10I'm terrible right now.
32:14He says that as he put him in a combo.
32:16Oh, my god.
32:16Oh, no.
32:17Oh, no.
32:19Oh, no.
32:21Holy shit, I'm getting smacked up!
32:29Oh, no.
32:30Yo, Leon, Leon, come here, come here.
32:31Yo, I killed one.
32:32I killed one.
32:33Okay, nice.
32:33Zybas is actually way better than I thought he was.
32:35Oh, they totally want me, but I killed them.
32:37Okay, nice.
32:38I'm just gonna grab this spare helmet here.
32:40Boots, helmet, nice.
32:42Let's just hold off here.
32:43Hold here, Leon, come here.
32:45He can't see us.
32:47I can see you.
32:48Come on, you want some of this?
32:50What the hell is going on?
32:51Come here, Joker.
32:53Oh, no.
32:54They do a lot of damage.
32:55I hope you get with us.
32:56There's somebody under me.
32:56Yo, what's up with you?
32:58Oh, my god, it's Ronan.
32:59What is happening?
32:59It's Ronan.
33:00What did you get?
33:02Oh, wait, I'm behind you.
33:03Leon, Leon, please help!
33:04Leon, please help!
33:04Oh, hell no!
33:05I missed a sword for a thousand.
33:06Oh, hell no!
33:06Oh, wait, what?
33:08Let me help you!
33:09I need to heal.
33:10Oh, there's damage now.
33:11Ronan, oh, Leon.
33:15Oh, my god, how I feel about this.
33:19I'm feeling great about it.
33:20I'm so good at it.
33:20No, no, no.
33:23Yeah, this guy's dead.
33:24This guy's dead.
33:24Come on, guys!
33:25Yes, nice!
33:26Oh, my god.
33:28I swapped the loot!
33:29Oh, I don't think...
33:30Oh, this guy just stole everything from that kill.
33:32Am I good to go?
33:34Oh, hell no!
33:35Oh, hell no!
33:37Kill TimTam.
33:37Kill TimTam.
33:39They tried to kill me earlier.
33:41It's a 1v1, it's a 1v1.
33:42This is what you get for being a traitor, LeonLion.
33:45Get off the casino!
33:461v1, he says!
33:47It's not a 1v1 anymore.
33:50Should we help him?
33:51Wait, I have no loot!
33:52Yo, yo, yo.
33:53I need loot.
33:56Yo, Leon, I could do with some help here.
33:58I'm good.
33:59I'm getting off by another team.
34:01Try to...
34:02The room is alone.
34:03The room is completely alone.
34:04Oh, my god, Woodzee, I'm dead.
34:06Oh, casino!
34:10Oh, no, no, no.
34:11Oh, no.
34:15You have weapons unfair!
34:21I got you!
34:22Get off!
34:23Try to get him with the wither.
34:23Try to get him with the wither.
34:24I got you!
34:25Oh, um, well, this is awkward.
34:28Yes, okay, he's got to be dead here.
34:29I think Leon's about to get a nice kill.
34:31I got you, El Casino!
34:32I got you!
34:33You get off of him!
34:34Nice, nice, nice, nice!
34:35Okay, did he have any gaps?
34:36Can we grab that spare gear?
34:37We'll get it in the end.
34:37He had apples, he had apples, he had apples.
34:39Okay, nice.
34:41Yeah, two apples.
34:42Wait, Leon, Leon, Leon.
34:43I've got...
34:44Wait, uh...
34:45Did you have any oak saplings?
34:46Uh, no.
34:47I had some earlier, but I dropped them, sadly.
34:50Okay, I got a bit of spare gear.
34:51There's got to be oak saplings on the floor here somewhere.
34:53Oh, there's people there.
34:54We can...
34:55El Casino's out of, uh, heals, by the way.
34:56We should push him.
34:57Do we know each other?
34:58Oh, he's here!
35:00No, no, no!
35:00Kill him, kill him, kill him!
35:02Nice one, nice one!
35:03Okay, back up, back up, back up, Leon.
35:04Back up.
35:05Wait, I don't hear the punch of foot.
35:07Oh, no, there's hella loot there.
35:08Oh, yo, they're swooping the loot!
35:10Don't interact.
35:11Oh, my God.
35:11No, no, no!
35:12Leon, come this way.
35:13Where did Leon go?
35:14I got the good one.
35:15Okay, come this way, come this way.
35:16Oh, yes!
35:17Bro, come here, come here, come here.
35:19Please tell me one of these drops a sapling.
35:21Sapling, please.
35:22Sapling, sapling, please.
35:23Okay, an apple.
35:25Come on, please give me a sapling.
35:29No sapling!
35:31Is there any more trees?
35:32There's a tree over there!
35:33There's a tree over there.
35:34Okay, let me get the anvil quickly.
35:35I've got two stacks of gold if I can cook it.
35:37But I'm still rusty.
35:38First game of the day.
35:39I'm not...
35:40I'm not playing great.
35:41Oh, that's like the last bit of the tree there.
35:44Surely we get at least one apple from that.
35:47Oh, not one apple, one sapling.
35:49I do actually have six apples anyway.
35:50So that's kind of good.
35:52But I've got 22 bones.
35:54Yeah, yeah.
35:55I have a stack.
35:57Come on, first one's gonna drop it.
35:59Oh, okay.
36:00Close enough, man.
36:01Close enough.
36:01We're gonna get one.
36:02I feel it.
36:03No way, bro.
36:05I was getting so many before.
36:06I had like 50.
36:07I got one apple.
36:08Oh, sapling, sapling, got one.
36:09Here we go.
36:10Oh, nice, nice, nice.
36:12I'm only getting apples.
36:14I mean, that's not the worst thing in the world.
36:15There's another apple there.
36:16Okay, right.
36:17I can bone meal a tree a few times.
36:20Yo, it's just eating everything.
36:21Well, maybe it might not be able to grow here.
36:24Oh, there you go.
36:25Oh, I need an extra helmet.
36:26My helmet is so low.
36:28Uh, I have a few spare helmets.
36:29Take one of these.
36:31Oh, thanks.
36:33Okay, there's someone there.
36:34Scyther is alone.
36:35There's somebody to our left as well.
36:37I don't know who that is though.
36:38Oh, my bad.
36:40Okay, I'm gonna make a few more golden apples.
36:43Oh, yeah.
36:43I didn't even think about getting another sapling.
36:45It's kind of important.
36:46I have one spare now.
36:47So I think we should not run out of trees.
36:49Yeah, we should be good.
36:50I can only make one more apple anyway.
36:52I have a stack of gold still.
36:55Okay, another sapling, but no apple.
36:57Come on.
37:04I got another sapling.
37:06Yeah, there's a few more down here.
37:07Just put one down there.
37:09Okay, one more apple.
37:10Come on, it's all we need.
37:12There we go.
37:14Okay, there's still a lot of people left.
37:15I won't lie.
37:16Oh, yeah.
37:17Especially for the size of the border right now.
37:19Okay, how much gold do you have left?
37:21Half a stack.
37:22There's another apple there.
37:24Another apple there.
37:24Oh, damn.
37:25She's got like three in a row.
37:27I see Arty building a house out of netherrack.
37:30We could jump him.
37:31I've got four more apples.
37:32Take those.
37:33How many gaps you got now?
37:35I have 22, so we should be pretty equal.
37:38I do have two stacks of raw gold that I can cook up as well
37:41if we needed needed like desperately.
37:43Yeah, I mean, I have blaze rods that can be used to smelt as well.
37:46Can they?
37:47Yeah, I think so.
37:48What could we make here?
37:50Do you have any feathers?
37:51Uh, nope.
37:51I have a wither skull and two ancient debris scraps.
37:54Ooh, how much blaze rods?
37:56Uh, half a stack basically.
37:58Follow me into the portal down here.
38:01If we can get two debris, I can make the warhammer.
38:04We just need two debris real quick.
38:06Oh, there's people up there.
38:08Up where?
38:09Wait, do you reckon they've got debris?
38:11We could push him.
38:11Let's push him.
38:12Oh, it's Barry as well.
38:13They're going this way.
38:14They're going this way.
38:15Oh, they might have a portal up there though.
38:17Okay, we might be able to sneak up on Barry and Gib here
38:20and get two pretty easy kills.
38:23Oh, they've got the warhammer as well.
38:25They ain't slick with it.
38:26Let's die for the portal.
38:27Die for the portal.
38:28They've seen us for sure.
38:29He's got the warhammer.
38:30He's got it.
38:31Block him.
38:31Block him.
38:32Block it.
38:32Block it.
38:32Block it.
38:32Block it.
38:33Yo, get through the portal.
38:35Yo, let's go guys.
38:37That's exactly what I want.
38:39Holy shit.
38:41Leon, I wouldn't mind a hand here.
38:43I can't see anything, Leon.
38:45I'm completely blind.
38:47No, I can't.
38:48Oh, yes.
38:50Wait, where'd the side go?
38:50Hold on.
38:51Yeah, you're back.
38:51I'm here.
38:52Yeah, he hit me with it.
38:53He hit me with it.
38:56Don't let it burn in the thing.
38:57Oh, is this Gib?
38:59Oh, he died.
39:04You good?
39:04Yeah, I'm good.
39:06He's lucky doing like no damage.
39:07Actually, you know, he's smacking me up.
39:08Okay, there we go.
39:09Oh, he had debris as well.
39:10He had debris.
39:10What gear was this?
39:11Oh, I picked up the Warhammer.
39:13You got the Warhammer?
39:14Okay, could you drop me that?
39:15Wait, take it.
39:16Take it.
39:18Hell yeah.
39:19Okay, wait.
39:20I got-
39:20Gib had some debris.
39:21Did Barry have any debris?
39:22I didn't pick up anything.
39:24I still have my two scraps.
39:26Okay, if we can get one scrap,
39:27I can make this Warhammer sharp three.
39:29Yeah, that would be pretty good.
39:30Yeah, that'd be real good.
39:31Okay, right.
39:32I'm just gonna mine straight down real quick
39:33and see if I can grab some debris.
39:35That Warhammer is gonna be huge.
39:36I feel it.
39:37That's kind of what we came for
39:38and I got it anyway for free.
39:40Pretty nice.
39:40Wait, how much food do you have?
39:42Uh, 55 potatoes.
39:45Okay, are they cooked?
39:47Okay, could you drop me a few?
39:48Yeah, take.
39:50All right, we have the Warhammer.
39:52This is the first time the Warhammer
39:54I've ever used it.
39:56Wait, how many advanced pickaxes do you have?
39:58Because I think if you combine
39:59two advanced pickaxes, they insta-break.
40:01I mean, I could make another one maybe.
40:03I don't have the diamonds.
40:04I have two.
40:04I have two.
40:05I can try.
40:08Is it insta-break?
40:10Oh, nice!
40:11Just see if you can find some debris then.
40:13Oh, you're getting diamonds from those.
40:14Well, actually, yeah.
40:15Make another, uh,
40:15make another advanced pickaxe
40:17if you have the diamonds.
40:18I forgot about the extra ores.
40:21I've got seven levels.
40:22There's gotta be some debris down here, bro.
40:24Come on.
40:25One piece is all I need.
40:26Wait, this is a Netherite sword, right?
40:28Yeah, it is.
40:32Do you have an anvil?
40:33Uh, I do.
40:34Uh, here.
40:38There's gotta be some, uh,
40:39debris around here, surely.
40:41Come on.
40:42One piece is all I need.
40:45Oh, here we go.
40:45Here we go.
40:45I got one.
40:46I got one.
40:47Okay, right.
40:48So we just need to head back and cook.
40:49Oh, got two.
40:51I don't need it.
40:52Oh, okay.
40:52Right, yeah.
40:53Get those down.
40:53Let's cook this up.
40:54Then I can upgrade my sword.
40:57As soon as I can upgrade my sword,
40:59which all it requires,
41:00is a lovely little smithing table.
41:02Do you have four wood?
41:03I have a bunch more, yeah.
41:06Do you have four gold as well?
41:07I do have...
41:09Damn, we've got everything.
41:11Netherite ingot.
41:12Smithing table.
41:14Upgrade that to netherite.
41:16And now the anvil, if you have it.
41:17Uh, where did we leave it?
41:19It might be back here.
41:20And then,
41:21netherite sword.
41:22Oh, I need four levels.
41:25Mine some of the gold and quartz nearby.
41:27If I find one...
41:28Oh, here we go.
41:29I was gonna say one quartz vein
41:30should probably get me to eight.
41:31It looks like it probably is going to,
41:32because I'm already at six.
41:35Oh, so close.
41:36Okay, here we go.
41:36Here we go.
41:37Come on.
41:38No, so close.
41:40There we go.
41:41There we are.
41:44Okay, eight.
41:45So now...
41:46Where did the anvil go?
41:48Here we go.
41:49I picked it up this time.
41:51Titan's warhammer,
41:52netherite sword,
41:53sharp three titan's warhammer.
41:54Hell yeah.
41:55Right, let's go back to the, uh, overworld.
41:57All right.
41:59Time to dominate.
42:00Let go.
42:02Watch us spawn right inside them.
42:05Oh, nevermind.
42:06Oh, we got trapped.
42:08Who's that there?
42:09There's two people.
42:09Zybass, Chris.
42:11Okay, we could just try this.
42:13How many webs do you want?
42:14Uh, 26.
42:15Okay, we drop me,
42:16drop me a few, drop me a few.
42:17Oh, they're gonna get this kill.
42:18Okay, he's dead.
42:18Right, let's push this.
42:19Let's push it.
42:20Clean it up.
42:21How did that miss?
42:22Yo, what beam just came out of this?
42:24What is that thing?
42:25Wait, teammate.
42:26Careful, careful, careful, careful.
42:28What the hell is that?
42:29What is that thing?
42:33Titan's warhammer.
42:36Oh my god.
42:37Leon, you sit on it.
42:38He's just, okay.
42:40Oh, what is that?
42:41Look out for Leon's sword.
42:45Look out for Leon's sword.
42:53Yo, yo, dip, dip, dip, dip, dip, dip.
42:55Yo, this cooldown's way longer than 60 seconds.
42:57I thought it was 30.
42:59Yes, nice.
43:01Get that kill.
43:02Uh, where's all these golden carrots here?
43:04I need those.
43:05Yes, 22 golden carrots.
43:07No way they had golden carrots.
43:09Bro, no one had food.
43:10I don't blame them, to be honest.
43:12Okay, there's people running left.
43:14Uh, I say we go for the people on the left.
43:16Oh, he's aiming with me.
43:17Oh, you are?
43:18Yeah, yeah.
43:20I think this is the people that just ran away.
43:21Yeah, it is.
43:22Yeah, let's try and finish them off.
43:24The board is still shrinking.
43:25I'm not able to hit something here.
43:26Where is everyone?
43:28Yo, yo, go up, go up.
43:29They're all over here.
43:31Sokka, I don't care who you lead us to.
43:32I'm going to focus you.
43:34What did I do?
43:37I've already been fighting you, so it makes sense.
43:39No, I hit you one time.
43:42One time too many.
43:43I'm friendly, I'm friendly.
43:44Okay, what the...
43:46No, no, no, no.
43:47Don't look at me like that, Warhammer.
43:49Yo, chill, chill, bro.
43:51Oh, I'm so close.
43:52Wait, can you boost me, Leon?
43:54Don't boost him.
43:56Can you boost me?
44:00That did not work.
44:01I can't see none.
44:02Oh, it did work.
44:03Just didn't do the effect.
44:04Come on, there we go.
44:06He's going to be low.
44:17Yes, nice, perfect, perfect.
44:19Okay, let's take these, let's take these.
44:21Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait.
44:22I need to grab this water for a second.
44:24I don't have water buckets anymore.
44:26I've got a few if you need.
44:28Wait, did he have any decent gear?
44:29Oh, he might've had, actually.
44:31Get spare gear, for sure.
44:33P1, I mean, it's not bad.
44:34I'll take it.
44:35Hey guys, there's a few people behind you.
44:36Don't mind us, we're nice people.
44:41Whoa, attacking the friendly fisherman, man.
44:42Friendly fisherman doesn't exist.
44:45Leave him alone, leave him alone.
44:48Will, evacuate, evacuate the premises.
44:50Evacuate the premises.
44:51I'm evacuating, I'm evacuating.
44:53Evacuate the premises, where were you?
44:56Will, they're shooting me.
44:58Will, they're hitting me.
45:00I can't see anything, Will.
45:02Oh, no.
45:04Oh, no, we're not safe.
45:07That knockback is trash.
45:10Tell me the strats on how to get this consistently.
45:13Do you have a fire sword every game?
45:15I don't, I don't have a fire sword.
45:17She's got me dead, she's got me dead, she's got me dead.
45:21Nice, good stuff.
45:22Get the fire sword, get the fire sword.
45:24There's people coming.
45:25I got it.
45:26Okay, let's see if we can clean up.
45:28Oh, there's elemental here.
45:29Who's there?
45:30Come over here.
45:31You guys wouldn't know me.
45:32Why do you guys want me so bad?
45:34I'm the solo.
45:35No one else is fighting right now.
45:37Yeah, but why me?
45:38I'm the solo.
45:39It doesn't matter who he's gonna be.
45:40He's gonna be someone.
45:41We gotta fight someone.
45:43Gonna lurk in another team.
45:46But he will both have fun with this.
45:47Oh, a completely original team there.
45:55Oh my god.
45:56Okay, then I'm fighting this.
45:58Leon, you, you poisoned.
46:03But you just fucking almost killed me.
46:06T. T. T. T. T. T. T. T. T. T. T. T. T. T. T. T. T. T. T.
46:09Oh my god, Monty.
46:10Oh my god, you saved Monty.
46:13It's it's you guys.
46:16Where are you guys going?
46:17Thank you, thank you.
46:21I'm fine.
46:28That doesn't actually restore my saturation.
46:31You can send one to the other.
46:32I'm fine.
46:32I'm fine.
46:35bro you don't understand what situation i'm in
46:42oh my god you do so much damage
46:47the friendly fishermen don't deserve this you know you joined an enemy team what do you mean
46:52i don't know
47:03yo why are there five teams on top
47:06leon where'd you go oh you're here you're here
47:10he's eating bread he's eating bread together yeah i'm full i'm a fisherman
47:33oh no oh my god that was too close oh i think you want to help me
47:40it's robot dead oh dear that with this was crazy i don't know i can't even see my house
47:45this is so good
47:51i'm lagging oh no guys who are we fighting who do we fight
48:05yeah you could help you know if i get webbed one more time actually i will but uh yeah
48:15where are we fighting though oh sorry anyone oh my god watch out watch out
48:19okay all right let's see battle where you at
48:26where is my
48:31can we get more
48:31oh my god what's
48:34yo where are all these people this guy's stuck this guy's stuck
48:40i may be stuck i may be stuck
48:46oh what the hell i'm literally oh yes
49:01what is that what the fuck
49:09why is that a thing that's all p bro it's beautiful
49:20hold on
49:24leon you good no wrong way then my teammate go oh my god guys little guys
49:28come on oh he's got double edge he's got the ledge
49:33oh my god help rt you need to help no rt
49:38i get like crazy holy shit
49:40german i'm sorry yeah i respect that guy yeah thank jjq for that one
49:46wasn't it elemental who had fire oh i have resistance oh all right all right oh i'm
49:51caught i'm caught i'm caught i'm caught oh nine no no no oh oh shit he has a backup