• 20 hours ago
I need to hide as a mob from my friends in #minecraft hide and seek! Will they find me?


00:00This is Morph, Hide and Seek. You've got 30 seconds to hide, guys.
00:04Okay. Off you go.
00:07I've got five lives. Remember, five lives.
00:09Josh, which one are you, Josh?
00:10I'm this one. I'm this one. Here.
00:12Oh, okay. I found Josh.
00:14And you're a cow.
00:15Stop the timer. Stop the timer.
00:16Okay, time starts now.
00:18Okay, Josh, this is actually exciting because we also have, like, proximity chat on.
00:23Yeah, so he can't... I don't think he can hear us right now.
00:25Crap, I'm holding an egg, dude.
00:27What do you want to do to start? How do we...
00:29Well, I think we just kind of play on the fact that Finn is a little bit dumb, you know?
00:33Yeah, but when he gets close, this is bad. When he gets close, he can hear us.
00:37Also, I got to say, it's hard to do the head right. You know what I'm saying?
00:41Like, you don't want to look down because that looks unnatural.
00:44You want to keep the head, like...
00:45Yeah, you want to keep it straight.
00:46Okay, I'm coming!
00:49I'm coming!
00:51And I can hear you guys.
00:53I can hear you over here.
00:56Josh, did you leave me?
00:57I'm in your vicinity, Crainer.
00:59Okay, I'm just going to walk around, okay?
01:01Be quiet!
01:04Who's this pig? Why is he, like, whacking into me?
01:10Crainer, you lost a life already.
01:12I lost a life, but that's okay.
01:14Why did this cow just stare at me weirdly?
01:16He's getting trickier and easier, Josh.
01:17Why did this cow just stare at me?
01:20He's lost two lives already!
01:22Guys, guys, it's okay. It's fine. It's fine.
01:24Look, if a mob looks at me sideways...
01:27I kill it, okay?
01:28Now, where are you guys?
01:30Nowhere and everywhere, Finn.
01:32Oh, so you're talking, and you're actually getting louder as I'm coming towards you this way.
01:38Now, I believe Crainer was a sheep.
01:43Is this you, Crainer?
01:47That wasn't you!
01:49Oh, he was a pig!
01:50Oh, okay.
01:53Hey, Finn!
01:54Okay, it's getting closer. It's getting closer.
01:56It's getting closer over here, guys.
01:57What's, uh...
02:04What's going on?
02:05Crainer, now you sound like you're coming from over here!
02:08You're getting further away, idiot!
02:10No, you're definitely over here somewhere.
02:12What do you mean? You can literally hear that I'm not over there, Finn!
02:15No, but it sounds like you're getting louder!
02:17Keep talking!
02:18Are you sure it sounds like I'm getting louder, bro?
02:22Oh, yeah, now it is.
02:26Josh, where have you been, dude? I haven't heard you in forever!
02:29Hey, Crainer!
02:30You sound far away. Do you know which one I am?
02:33I don't. I don't.
02:36Hey, watch this, Finn. Watch this.
02:40Oh, he just threw an egg at you, dude!
02:42I can see you, Josh!
02:47Are you actually serious? That cow was doing a 360, bro!
02:50How many lives have you got now?
02:52I've lost three lives.
02:55Dude, you came through those lives way too quick!
02:58Okay, okay, alright. I'm just gonna slow it down. It's fine. It's fine.
03:02Why is there a cow on top of this little, um, megalogy?
03:06I think you're overthinking it right now, Finn.
03:08I'm really not trying to hide from you, per se.
03:13Keep saying my sweet nothings!
03:15I don't wanna keep talking too much, okay?
03:17It's gonna give away my position.
03:19Keep talking sweet nothings, baby!
03:22He's throwing eggs at you still, Finn!
03:26Are you right next to me?
03:29And then, uh...
03:31I'll do a turn around.
03:32No, he's looking at F5. Look at him, dude! He's looking behind himself!
03:36I'm looking at F5, but I haven't noticed!
03:38I'm pretty sure I know where you are, okay?
03:43Finn doesn't.
03:46Guys, you're actually messing with my brain right now.
03:48Where are you, guys?
03:51Okay, Josh, I've got a job soon.
03:53I would say just go quiet.
03:55How many lives do you have?
03:57I've got one left!
03:59You know that you die, right?
04:01Yeah, like you lose if you kill another one that is thus.
04:06No, no, no. I will get you both now, so it's fine. Don't worry about it.
04:09Is that you, Josh?
04:10I'm here.
04:13Do you see?
04:13Did you see that?
04:14Yeah, I saw that. I know exactly which one you are, I just can't show you myself.
04:18That's fine. As long as you know where I am, then I can mess with Finn.
04:21Why are you getting loud and equally not?
04:24I see a smashed window up here.
04:27Right, Josh? That was you.
04:29No, I just had to jump off the building because Finn figured out I was up there.
04:32Oh, you are.
04:33Oh, were you on the building?
04:34Yeah, I was watching you from above.
04:36Okay, I think I know where you are, Krainer.
04:39Are you on the building still?
04:44Are you sure?
04:46Wait, Krainer got killed!
04:48Because I got wheat out and he didn't look at me.
04:52Okay, so am I helping out Finn now?
04:55You got a cow stuck to you.
04:57Why is there a cow on me, dude?
05:01I told you I'd get you, boy.
05:03Is that not Josh up there, that one?
05:05No, I believe no.
05:08I've got loads of meat in my inventory.
05:10Do you want some of my meat?
05:12I don't want any of your meat.
05:13I mean, the last time I saw Josh...
05:15Oh, no, he's right this way, Krainer.
05:18He was a pig the last time I saw him, bro.
05:20What, he's an oinker, is he?
05:22Yeah, he was an oinker.
05:25Like mama, like son.
05:29We haven't done this yet.
05:31And they might not be expecting this.
05:33Oh, oh, oh, shh, shh, shh.
05:36Be quiet.
05:37I can hear you guys.
05:39The thing about Josh is, though, that he can just not talk.
05:42And we can't do that.
05:44Wait, is that him up on the roof?
05:47No, I don't think this is him.
05:48Josh, speak.
05:51I'm not giving away my position.
05:54Okay, no, it's not him because I've got wheat out and they didn't do anything.
05:57This is him. He's right here. This is him.
05:59Where, where?
05:59No, it's not. It's not him.
06:00Here, Krainer, Krainer, let me give you this wheat.
06:02This is him. This is him.
06:06This has got to be him, dude.
06:07Oh, are you sure?
06:13They are so stupid.
06:16Joshy, I'm here to kill you.
06:21Where are you, boy?
06:25Is this you, Josh? Is this you?
06:29Krainer, I think I've got him.
06:33I think this is him. It's him.
06:38Try to pretend to be a stall seller, whatever.
06:41All right, you rascallions, I'm up next.
06:44I will be a chicken.
06:47What about you, Finn? What are you going to be?
06:49I will be...
06:50No, that's not going to work. He's got to find you immediately.
06:54Who would be to do that?
06:55He's an idiot, Josh.
06:57Hey, shut up.
06:58Let's run, Finn. Let's run.
06:59Run for the chicken coop.
07:01You're not allowed to look, Josh.
07:03Yeah, go away, Josh.
07:04I'm counting.
07:07Okay, Finn, you know what I'm thinking?
07:08What are we thinking, bro? What are we thinking?
07:10I think we just kind of like...
07:11No, let's not go there.
07:13No, no, no, no, no, Finn.
07:14If he finds a chicken down here, he'll know immediately.
07:17Yeah, it's too obvious.
07:18But I'm thinking like, isn't there a way to get...
07:20Oh, up here.
07:21And we could also bamboozle him with like leaving doors open.
07:25You guys realize you're so close I can still hear you.
07:28Oh, crap.
07:29No, I didn't realize.
07:31All right.
07:32And are you that chicken with the holding the egg?
07:35I was holding it on accident.
07:38He's down here.
07:40You're holding an egg?
07:41Come on.
07:42No, I'm not getting down there, Josh.
07:44I don't want to be slaughtered.
07:45Oh, you're up on the roof.
07:46You're going to turn me into chicken McNuggets, bro.
07:49I want to make a chicken sandwich with you, boy.
07:51Get down here.
07:52No, I'm not letting you turn me into a sandwich.
07:53Get down here.
07:55Oh, there's an egg on the floor.
07:55What are you, a parkour chicken now?
07:57Yes, I am.
07:59And guess what?
07:59I lay eggs too.
08:01Get down here, chicken boy.
08:02Oh, you can actually lay eggs as a chicken.
08:04Press shift and you can lay eggs.
08:07Oh, yeah.
08:11Finn, he's after me.
08:13Where did you go?
08:14Run, Finn, run.
08:16It's all good, Josh.
08:20I didn't realize chickens could sprint like this.
08:26Hey, little guy.
08:27Let me live.
08:28Let me live.
08:29All right.
08:30You better stand still.
08:30We can discuss our terms.
08:32Let me live.
08:33We can discuss terms.
08:34You're not going to escape from me.
08:35I hit a crater.
08:36I'll show you where a crater is.
08:38You don't even know where I am, Finn.
08:40He's over here.
08:42No, he's not.
08:42You're trying to get away from me, Finn.
08:46You're the worst chicken I've ever seen in my life.
08:48You can't see me.
08:49Okay, all right.
08:50Let's discuss some terms and conditions.
08:53What do you have to offer me?
08:56All right.
08:57I'll tell you what.
08:58I've got him.
08:58He just pooped an egg out.
09:00You want it back?
09:01There you go.
09:02All right.
09:03I can show you where a crater is.
09:04All right.
09:04He doesn't know where I am.
09:06He's one of these chickens.
09:07You've just run the wrong way.
09:08Okay, Finn's the dumb one.
09:10So I'm going to see if I can get crater first.
09:11That's mean, dude.
09:15He's messing you up, bro.
09:21No, Finn.
09:21He's supposed to do...
09:22I'm playing a game with Josh here.
09:24Can you stay out of it?
09:25Josh, where are you going, dude?
09:28You're not these two chickens, are you?
09:30You're clearly not listening after my voice, Josh.
09:31Wait, that isn't you guys.
09:34Where are you?
09:34Where did you go, Josh?
09:36I feel like this is one of you.
09:37I might use a life up here.
09:42Nice one, boy.
09:44Nice one!
09:45Hey, you forgot your egg.
09:49Weird that you just ran away like that.
09:51Hey, dude, you forgot your egg again.
09:53Josh, look at this.
09:55Here you go.
09:55You forgot it.
09:57Oh, you picked it up.
09:58That's good.
09:59Good that...
10:04Finn, you are the least convincing chicken I've ever seen in my life.
10:07It's all good.
10:08I can't kill you.
10:11Damn you, Josh!
10:13Sorry, buddy.
10:14I gave you way too many chances there.
10:16Give me an axe.
10:17No, I only get an axe.
10:18You can just follow me.
10:19Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck.
10:21I hear a clucking.
10:22Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck.
10:23Hey, good looking.
10:24What's clucking?
10:26If the chicken is a clucking, don't come a knocking.
10:30He's definitely in this area.
10:31Does that mean he's in the house?
10:32Yeah, he's in it.
10:32If the chickens are clucking, don't come a knocking.
10:37Finn, you're not allowed to do that.
10:38You're not allowed to do that.
10:39Oh, I have to just help you.
10:40Okay, okay.
10:40Yeah, yeah, yeah.
10:41I have to be the one that kills them.
10:42Hey, I saved us a life there at least.
10:44A life?
10:45Yeah, that was cheating.
10:47Oh, what?
10:48That's using up a life.
10:49We've only got three left.
10:50Bro, I didn't know that.
10:52Well, that's the rules.
10:53Why did that sheep just do a 360?
10:55They kind of do that sometimes.
10:56And he just looked at us as well.
10:58Yeah, I don't...
11:00Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck.
11:01That looks fine to me.
11:03I'm still a freaking chicken, Finn.
11:05I don't know if you are though.
11:06He's not loud enough.
11:08You could be sending us off the...
11:10You're not just out here, are you?
11:13I wouldn't be.
11:14Why would I be out here?
11:17This one looking real odd.
11:19Keep talking, Craner.
11:21Oh, maybe not.
11:21That was like a weird spin.
11:22Why does this one look like two chickens inside itself?
11:26I mean, it could just be...
11:27It could just need a diet or something.
11:29This one looks like it's two chickens.
11:31Like someone had messed...
11:33It kind of looks like someone's been so stupid
11:35that they messed up the trigger bar.
11:36He's running! He's running!
11:38He's running!
11:39Cluck, cluck, mother trucker!
11:42Cluck, cluck!
11:45You guys, you're not supposed to look at my messed up barf, bro.
11:49It's not my fault.
11:50I'll take your bread as well.
11:51Okay, it is my turn.
11:53Go hide.
11:56Ooh, a sheep, huh, Josh?
11:58No, I...
11:59Okay, fine, Finn.
12:00Wait, no, there's no cats on the map.
12:03All right, Finn, I want you to come with me.
12:04Craner, you gotta look down.
12:0530 seconds, guys.
12:05Finn, come with me.
12:06Come with me, come with me, come with me.
12:08Okay, all right.
12:09You need to...
12:10An important part of this plan, though.
12:12Don't stand near me.
12:13Don't stand near me.
12:14I need to do...
12:15Do this.
12:16Do this.
12:18And then follow me, follow me.
12:20I found this earlier.
12:21Shut the...
12:22Shut this.
12:22All right.
12:23Come on, come on now.
12:24Whoa, bro!
12:25Yeah, it's a party!
12:27What the heck is going on in here, dude?
12:29It's a party, dude!
12:34Ooh, I hear you guys already.
12:36No, you don't.
12:37You suck.
12:37Yeah, I do.
12:38You suck.
12:39No, you suck.
12:40No, you suck.
12:41No, you suck.
12:42What the heck is happening, guys?
12:44He doesn't know.
12:45Oh, what is...
12:46There's stuff in this.
12:48Yeah, I think someone's been playing here.
12:49What the heck?
12:50Why are you running away from me?
12:52Oh, a bucket of lava.
12:54Oh, we can use that as well.
12:58That's good.
12:58He's gonna get so angry.
13:00I've got, like, wood as well.
13:02Okay, all right.
13:03Oh, I just hear him shout.
13:05He does not know where we are.
13:07If we stay in here, we could just kill...
13:08He could kill the other ones by accident.
13:12He won't know if we're in this.
13:14Where are you, Finn?
13:15You're, like, under me or something.
13:17I've lost track of you, dude.
13:18I'm here.
13:19Here, look.
13:20Here, I'm jumping.
13:21I'm nowhere near you.
13:23Where are you?
13:23Guys, have you found something that's, like, a secret or something?
13:27Nah, nah, nah.
13:28We're just chilling with the homies.
13:29Yeah, we're just with the...
13:31Yeah, you know, having a party, babes.
13:33But why did you guys get lava?
13:35Who said that?
13:36No one said anything about lava, bro.
13:38No, the Achievement said it.
13:39I saw an Achievement.
13:40Nah, dude.
13:42Just because you've achieved nothing in your life.
13:44Yeah, you're thinking out of the box.
13:47Imagine not knowing where we are.
13:49Oh, I know where you are.
13:52Say bye, Crainer.
13:53See you later.
13:55Okay, seriously, guys.
13:56You found something, and I don't appreciate that it's in my round.
14:01This guy is such an idiot.
14:02Oh, my God.
14:03I killed something.
14:04I just jumped in front of him.
14:05I didn't really...
14:05Oh, he's also alive.
14:07I can see you.
14:07I can see your name tag, dude.
14:09Hey, bro, what are you doing?
14:10So you guys are in the ground.
14:13No, we're not in the ground.
14:14We've not dug anything.
14:16No, Crainer, I can hear you digging.
14:18We haven't dug anything.
14:19What are you doing, my boy?
14:20What are you doing, my guy?
14:20So you found a way to go underground that I don't know about.
14:24Oh, bro's a rocket scientist.
14:26Crainer, we're close.
14:28What the heck is happening?
14:30Crainer, Crainer.
14:32I'm confident we can tease him and get away with it.
14:34Josh, Josh, where are you?
14:35Where are you?
14:36Jump, jump.
14:36I can't.
14:37I'm not sure.
14:38This is me.
14:39Oh, that's you?
14:40Oh, okay.
14:41So I'm thinking we tease him, if you know what I mean.
14:45I don't like you guys.
14:47You know what?
14:47I might just go away and not play.
14:51We can't get out, Josh.
14:52Well, it would be just as effective.
14:53Josh, we can't get out.
14:54You can't get out of the thing where you are hiding it.
14:58Okay, I can do it.
14:59I can do it.
14:59Don't worry.
15:00Just make sure we stay down below.
15:02Crainer, just walk around a bit.
15:04You're literally so stupid.
15:06I'm not.
15:07You guys find cheats in my realm.
15:09We're not.
15:10You're getting further away.
15:12Well, it's hard to hear the sound.
15:15You keep going to the same places over and over.
15:18Look around a bit.
15:24What the heck?
15:24Oh, I think he's found the entrance.
15:26I think you're right.
15:27What the hell?
15:31What is this?
15:34What the hell is this place?
15:37Guys, I'm Crainer.
15:38See you later, buddy.
15:40See you later, Crainer.
15:41See you later.
15:43Oh my.
15:43What do I do?
15:45That was so good.
15:46Oh my god.
15:47Let's get out of here.
15:48Let's get out of here.
15:49Bye, Crainer.
15:49Love you.
15:52What a schmuck.
15:53What a guy.
15:54What a guy.
15:56Let's celebrate our victory there.
15:58Yeah, the bar.
15:59Ooh, Bacardi, please.
16:00Oh no.
16:01Okay, I'm going to have to find a way out now since you guys are trapping me in with lava.
16:07What the hell is this place?
16:09What am I finding?
16:14You know what?
16:15I am not going to be bullied by these two schmuckies.
16:19Oh, look.
16:20Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.
16:22Oh, I see him.
16:22I see him.
16:22I see him walking around.
16:24Is he out?
16:24Is he out?
16:26Just be careful.
16:27Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
16:27I can put the lava on the stairs so he can't get out.
16:29No, no, no.
16:31Is anybody around to celebrate the fact that I made it out of the burning hell hole you put me in?
16:38What the hell are you doing now?
16:41Wait, I've disappeared.
16:42Hold on.
16:42Hold on.
16:43I need to change again.
16:44It's this.
16:46Oh, hey, Crainer.
16:48Hey, Crainer.
16:49Fancy seeing you here.
16:54Josh, don't be alive!
16:56Don't be alive!
16:57Why are you not dying?
17:00I'm hitting you!
17:03I was like a fox pig.
17:05Finally, dude.
17:06Jesus, that was the worst thing I've ever had happen to me.
17:10Okay, I actually somehow managed to get away.
17:12Oh, you got past the lava.
17:15Why did you have to make that the worst thing I've ever experienced in my life, man?
17:18That was so funny, right?
17:20Wait, you didn't get Josh?
17:22No, I was mostly focused on the half fox half pig that I found.
17:26Bro, he literally was in there, my guy.
17:28He's gone now.
17:29Well, you know, I thought I would let him run.
17:31He's a bit of a noob.
17:33Let's see if he's still in here.
17:34He's not in here anymore, Finn.
17:36Why would he be in here?
17:37He's gone.
17:38Okay, let's try to find Josh now, then.
17:47Why are these animals doing 360 spins?
17:50I don't know.
17:51I guess they just kind of do that, Finn.
17:52That really, like, puts me off, you know?
17:54Joshie, let's go over this way.
17:56Oh, he's over this way.
17:58Keep saying stuff.
18:00Hello, where are you, darling?
18:02I'm coming to get you.
18:04Ja, Josh.
18:05He should be here.
18:09Is he German?
18:10What's going on?
18:10Ja, Joshie, where are you?
18:12You losers!
18:14I have schnitzel for my darling boy!
18:17Where is he?
18:18He's playing good.
18:18He's playing good.
18:21Is he in the water?
18:21Is that a hidden?
18:24No, he's a bit further away.
18:25We're getting further away.
18:25Sounds like he is in the water.
18:29Which way is he, dude?
18:32Say it again.
18:35Oh, trolls are over here.
18:36Yeah, yeah.
18:37Say it again.
18:47Bro, he's gone further away again.
18:53He's doing something with his voice
18:55that makes him sound far away, I feel like.
18:57Is he yelling, like, away from the microphone?
19:01No, he is, he is, he is!
19:03He's such a little gannet!
19:05Joshie, where are you, darling?
19:09I've got schnitzel ready and formed for you.
19:11I've got schnitzel for you too, I guess.
19:13I don't want it, I don't want it, keep it.
19:15Craner, he's here, he's with me.
19:18Is he the spinning pig?
19:20No, they spin sometimes, they do that.
19:22So where is he?
19:23Guy, I'll be honest, you guys suck.
19:25I've been walking around you for ages.
19:28I also haven't moved in a long time.
19:33That's you, Josh!
19:36I found him!
19:38I found him!
19:41He put the ladder!
19:42He put the llama on himself!
19:46That's brilliant.
