• 2 years ago
00:00 This is my Minecraft dollhouse.
00:01 But what if this dollhouse could be brought to life?
00:04 Thanks to my new mod,
00:05 that dream is about to become reality
00:08 and my friends are going to be locked inside
00:10 for a whole day.
00:11 From helping them cook to making their rooms
00:14 and even who visits.
00:15 I control everything that goes on in their little house.
00:18 What's it like playing with a living dollhouse in Minecraft?
00:21 Let's find out.
00:23 Also, be sure to like and subscribe.
00:25 (bell dings)
00:26 (screams)
00:27 - I finished it, my little dollhouse.
00:30 Oh, look how pretty it is.
00:31 It's so realistic.
00:32 (screams)
00:33 - Apple!
00:34 Apple!
00:35 - Apple!
00:36 - Apple, Apple.
00:37 - What's happening to you?
00:38 - Um.
00:39 - Oh, there you are.
00:39 - Wait.
00:40 - Who let you in my house?
00:41 - Uh, yeah, no need to worry about that.
00:43 What's this?
00:44 - What are you doing?
00:45 - Oh, this is my dollhouse.
00:47 Isn't it cute?
00:48 Look, I'm gonna play dolls today.
00:49 (gasps)
00:50 Do you guys wanna play with me?
00:50 - Dolls are for girls!
00:52 - Yeah!
00:52 And babies.
00:53 - What?
00:54 - And baby girls!
00:55 - Woo, yeah!
00:56 - Eww!
00:57 - You're playing with dolls?
00:59 - Yeah!
01:00 - You guys can play with me too.
01:01 - Oh, you know what?
01:02 - No, no, no, no.
01:03 I don't wanna play with dolls.
01:04 - Oh, you don't wanna play with dolls?
01:06 - No, I'm not a baby or a girl.
01:08 - You know what?
01:09 That's perfectly understandable.
01:10 And you know what?
01:11 How about this?
01:11 Let's go outside and we can go get some creepers
01:15 and make some TNT and stuff like that.
01:17 - I like that, yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:18 Creepers, that's what I like.
01:19 - Here's where we can go do some adventuring,
01:20 fishing,
01:21 - I'm fishing.
01:22 - I'm fishing.
01:23 - Maybe build a whole new house together.
01:26 - Maybe just live for the rest of our lives out in the woods.
01:28 - You know what?
01:29 You know what?
01:30 How about this?
01:31 Before we go out,
01:31 I just wanted you guys to try this potion, okay?
01:33 - Okay.
01:34 - It's a very special potion.
01:36 - What, what, what?
01:37 - And I think you'll enjoy it.
01:38 - How is it a special potion?
01:39 - Just trust me, just trust me.
01:41 It's worth it.
01:41 - Uh, whoa!
01:42 - Okay, wait, wait, hang on.
01:43 What's this potion doing?
01:45 What's this potion doing?
01:46 What's this potion doing?
01:47 - There we go.
01:48 (laughs)
01:50 (doorbell rings)
01:51 Oh, do I have some visitors coming here?
01:54 Hello?
01:55 - Visitors.
01:56 - What happened here?
01:57 - Where are we?
01:58 - I don't know.
01:59 - Oh, this is lovely.
02:00 - And why am I dressed like this?
02:02 - Why are you dressed like my grandpa?
02:03 - Oh, hi!
02:04 Look at you little people in there.
02:07 - Oh no!
02:07 - Appleau, did you two finally grow?
02:11 (dramatic music)
02:11 - Right?
02:12 (coughs)
02:14 - You're just so huge.
02:15 - Well, thank you, but also, you know what?
02:17 Just, don't touch me.
02:19 - What?
02:20 - Fire!
02:21 - All right.
02:21 - Fire!
02:22 - Look, see, since you guys think that dolls
02:24 are for babies and nobody else can play with them,
02:26 I've decided to make you guys dolls.
02:28 And Ian, you're the dad,
02:29 and your wife is very, very mad at you right now.
02:32 - Wait, you got married?
02:33 - What?
02:34 - Your wife?
02:35 - I wasn't invited to the wedding?
02:35 - Come on, I don't have a wife.
02:37 - You do now.
02:38 (dramatic music)
02:38 - Congratulations.
02:39 - Yes!
02:40 - I still can't believe you didn't invite me, man.
02:42 - What?
02:43 - She's very mad.
02:43 - What?
02:44 - What?
02:45 - Why?
02:46 - Maybe she wasn't invited to the wedding either.
02:47 - Why?
02:48 - What did you do, Ian?
02:49 - Honey, sweetie, let's talk about this.
02:51 (laughs)
02:51 - Oh, there she goes.
02:52 - Whoa, this is real awkward.
02:53 - Yeah, I know, this is really awkward.
02:55 And guess what?
02:56 The best part about this is,
02:57 you guys can't get out of the dollhouse
03:02 until you guys admit that playing dolls
03:05 is not just for girls and babies.
03:07 - But it's for babies.
03:08 - No, no, no, no, no.
03:09 I agree, anyone can play with dolls if they want to.
03:13 - Mm-hmm.
03:14 - But no, it's lame,
03:15 and only girls and babies like playing with dolls.
03:18 - Yeah, what do you say?
03:19 (screams)
03:20 (laughs)
03:21 - Why is the hole falling from the ceiling?
03:23 - That's what you get.
03:24 Pierce, admit it, dolls aren't just for babies.
03:25 - Never!
03:26 Absolutely not, they are exclusively for babies.
03:28 - Well, fine, you know what?
03:29 If you want to act like a baby,
03:31 I'm gonna make you a baby.
03:31 - Wait, what?
03:32 - There you go.
03:33 - What do you mean by that?
03:34 - And a, oh.
03:35 (laughs)
03:36 - Why did you do this to me?
03:38 Why did you take my,
03:39 it's my virginity!
03:40 - Uh, Pierce, yeah, um.
03:42 - Yeah, you're a baby.
03:42 - I really can't be doing this.
03:43 Can you please give me something else to wear, please?
03:44 - Fine, you'll act like a baby, you win baby prizes.
03:46 - This is ridiculous, I feel so embarrassed.
03:48 - Well, your mother is bringing you your milk.
03:51 (laughs)
03:51 - Well, I mean, I'd rather parch.
03:53 I've been doing a lot of yelling.
03:54 - Okay, fine, you know what?
03:55 Let me put you in something a little bit better.
03:57 - Is that 2%?
03:57 I do love me some 2%.
03:58 - Here, let me get.
03:59 - Hey, please give me something other than this, please.
04:01 - There we go.
04:02 That should be a little bit better.
04:03 You okay?
04:04 Oh, there you go.
04:05 - I think she's very snug.
04:06 - A little bit more covered up.
04:06 - Very cozy.
04:07 I'll take it, but still a bit.
04:09 - Baby!
04:09 - All right, perfect.
04:10 - Come on!
04:11 - What, what?
04:13 - Yes, I can!
04:14 You can't.
04:15 - Go get three to me!
04:15 Go, go, go!
04:16 (gunshots)
04:17 - Okay, now how do I?
04:18 (laughs)
04:20 - Is he okay?
04:22 - I have all the power here.
04:23 - Is he naked?
04:23 - No, he did not.
04:24 - I did not.
04:25 Oh, I'm so terrible.
04:26 - What?
04:27 - See, this is a special.
04:28 - We gotta find another way out.
04:28 - No, no, no, no, no.
04:29 You see, this is a special dollhouse mod
04:31 that allows me to have you guys in here
04:33 and I can control everything.
04:35 (laughs)
04:37 - Everything?
04:38 - Everything.
04:39 - Everything.
04:39 (laughs)
04:41 Let's have some fun.
04:41 - Your wife looks like she wants to make some dinner,
04:43 so come on, come on, baby.
04:45 - Baby, come on.
04:46 (screams)
04:47 - Freedom!
04:48 (bell dings)
04:49 - No, no.
04:49 - Son, that's not how you escape the dollhouse,
04:52 unfortunately.
04:52 - All righty now, are you guys making dinner in there?
04:56 - We're trying.
04:57 - Are you making dinner for baby?
05:00 - I want cake.
05:01 - I want cake.
05:02 - Cake?
05:03 - Baby and I want cake.
05:04 - No, no, no, no, no.
05:05 You do not have cake for dinner.
05:06 Not in my house.
05:07 We're gonna make you a nice, healthy--
05:08 - Oh, I want cake.
05:10 I want it now.
05:11 - What do we have?
05:12 - Give me cake.
05:12 (laughs)
05:13 - This is a dollhouse.
05:14 How are we supposed to--
05:15 - I'm hungry.
05:17 - Raw beef?
05:18 - Baby hungry.
05:18 - We don't even have a real oven.
05:19 - Oh, there's a furnace?
05:20 Look, look, look, look, look.
05:21 I can open the furnace, see?
05:22 Right there.
05:23 - It's not a real furnace.
05:24 - Well, you don't get a furnace.
05:25 I'm taking your furnace away.
05:26 I took it away.
05:27 - I'm hungry.
05:28 (laughs)
05:31 - Sweetie, sweetie, no.
05:32 Stop it, stop it, sweetie.
05:33 - Oh, she thinks you took the furnace away.
05:34 - Dad, you're in trouble.
05:36 - I did not take the furnace away.
05:38 - Uh-oh.
05:38 - Dad, stop taking the furnace.
05:39 - Guys, guys, guys, the house is on fire.
05:41 - Oh, wait, what?
05:42 - Dad, the house is on fire.
05:43 You're in bad luck.
05:44 - Are you guys having fun?
05:46 - No.
05:47 - Why are you giving him cakes?
05:48 He does not deserve cake yet.
05:49 - I mean, I actually do deserve cake,
05:51 but I still agree that something is very off
05:53 about all this.
05:54 - Ooh, don't mind if I do.
05:56 Yeah, I'll have some more cake.
05:57 Here we go.
05:58 - Here I'm out.
05:59 - Uh-oh.
06:00 - Oh, hello.
06:01 - Wait, what?
06:01 - Oh, what's that?
06:02 - Hey.
06:03 - Oh, pretty.
06:04 - Hey, what's going on?
06:05 - Guys, guys, guys, this is my new dollhouse.
06:07 - Okay, look how pretty it is.
06:09 - Is that KC and Noi?
06:11 - I love it.
06:11 - Pierce and Sam.
06:12 - It's so awesome.
06:13 - Maybe they can save us.
06:14 - It's so realistic.
06:15 - Isn't it?
06:16 - Look inside, look inside.
06:17 - Help!
06:18 - Pierce?
06:19 - Oh, hi Pierce.
06:20 - Hey!
06:21 - Whoa, you have Pierce and Ian models.
06:23 That's so cute.
06:25 - Please, let us out.
06:26 - I'm gonna push the little doll.
06:27 - You know what's great about that?
06:28 - Yeah.
06:29 - Guys, you can actually be adopted.
06:30 That's actually Ian and Pierce.
06:32 They're in there and they're having a blast.
06:34 - What?
06:35 - That's so cool.
06:36 - Oh, I can be a real doll?
06:38 - Yeah, oh my gosh.
06:39 - Oh, that is so cool.
06:41 - All right.
06:42 - Can we try, can we try, can we try?
06:44 - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
06:44 - I wanna try, I wanna try.
06:45 - Here, hold still, hold still.
06:47 I will make you guys into dolls.
06:48 Ready?
06:49 Here we go.
06:50 (laughing)
06:51 (screaming)
06:53 - Oh, there we go.
06:54 - Oh, there's our pierce.
06:56 - Where are they?
06:57 Okay, we gotta find them.
06:58 - Are you guys, Noi, KC, you guys can come back.
07:00 - Oh, I know where they are.
07:01 - Where?
07:02 - Oh my gosh.
07:03 - Oh.
07:03 - Oh, cool.
07:04 - Wow, it's so pretty.
07:06 - I told you guys to get out while you can.
07:08 - Yeah, why didn't you listen to us?
07:10 - He didn't say anything.
07:11 - Oh, honey, stop giving everyone cake.
07:13 - All right, so Noi, KC, you guys are the brother
07:17 and the sister and Ian's the dad and that's the wife
07:20 and Pierce is the baby.
07:21 - What?
07:22 Yeah, baby, whatever, cake, yeah.
07:24 - The baby brother.
07:25 - Okay, so doll houses are, are they for babies still, baby?
07:29 - Yes, of course they're for babies.
07:32 What could you possibly think?
07:34 - Where are my stuff?
07:35 - Get out of here, you idiot.
07:36 (screaming)
07:38 - Hey, kids, dad's got to get out of the way.
07:41 - Now I'm glad I joined the track team.
07:44 - This does not prove you correct.
07:46 - All right, kids, your mother and I have been talking,
07:49 mostly me, because she doesn't say a word.
07:51 - Yeah, I thought so.
07:52 - But we think it's time that you took on
07:54 some responsibility.
07:56 We have a house to take care of and so if you're gonna live
08:00 under this roof, you're gonna have to pull your weight
08:02 and do some chores.
08:03 - Boo!
08:04 I don't wanna do chores, that's not boring.
08:07 - Yeah, I know, I know chores are boring,
08:09 that's why you're all gonna do them and me as the dad,
08:11 I don't do them and my job is to make sure you do do them
08:15 so they get done and you build character.
08:17 - That sounds dumb.
08:18 - We already do that at school.
08:19 - Oh, we're on agreement.
08:21 Now, KC, you are going to plant the crops.
08:25 Noi, you're going to go fishing, you know,
08:29 get us some food or a bed, I don't know.
08:32 - Hey, dad, dad, dad, question.
08:34 - Not so bad.
08:35 - I'm baby, can I be excused?
08:36 - Yeah, yeah, go take a nap, eat some more cake.
08:39 - I don't even think I'm a baby.
08:42 - All right, baby.
08:43 - Family dog.
08:46 - We got--
08:47 - Time to go fishing.
08:49 - Hey, give me your book, give me your book.
08:50 - Dance, we got a dog.
08:51 - What?
08:52 - Woohoo!
08:53 - Oh, you didn't talk to your wife about it, she's mad.
08:56 - Listen, listen, I understand you take care
08:58 of all the finances and all the everything around here,
09:01 I don't do much, but listen, we can afford a dog,
09:04 especially since it doesn't really cost anything,
09:06 since it's a dog.
09:07 - At least you only have one dog, right?
09:09 - I think, hang on, what's that barking?
09:13 Kids, how's the chores going?
09:15 Doggies!
09:16 - Oh, no, we--
09:17 - Doggies!
09:18 - Do we have fish in our pond? - Doggies!
09:21 - Hold on, I wanna pet one of your doggies.
09:23 - Wait, no, the crops are disappearing!
09:25 - Oh, no, baby! - Oh, no!
09:27 - Oh, no! - Oh, no!
09:28 - Doggies, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
09:30 - Doggies, doggies, doggies!
09:30 - Doggies, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
09:31 - Doggies! - Doggies!
09:32 - Doggies, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
09:33 - Uh-oh, they don't like me now.
09:34 - I'm just a baby!
09:36 - Okay, something's going on up there.
09:39 Okay, all right, so this family meeting,
09:42 I've called together, you know,
09:43 as the owner of the dollhouse,
09:45 because it is important that you, Ian, as dad,
09:49 and Alex's mom go on a date.
09:51 - What? - Yeah!
09:52 - What?
09:52 - Ew, I don't wanna think about a parent being romantic.
09:55 - Yeah, the thing is that-- - Yeah, cooties!
09:59 - You have to take her on a date,
10:00 or she's gonna get mad that you don't know how to romance.
10:03 See, she's mad.
10:03 - What? - Ooh!
10:05 - Ooh, that's a nice sword.
10:06 - Fine, all right, okay, but what are the kids doing
10:10 while we're away?
10:11 - Also, she's mad that your dog pooped.
10:13 - Huh? - Ew!
10:14 - Hey, kids, we're gonna go on a date.
10:18 Someone take care of the dog.
10:19 And no parties!
10:20 - No parties? - Yes, sir, not it!
10:21 - Wait, no parties?
10:23 - No parties! - Aw!
10:25 - What, well, can I invite my friends over?
10:28 - No!
10:28 - No party, we're just hanging out!
10:31 - It's okay, hey, hey, look, look, look.
10:33 - What? - Up here, it's okay,
10:34 you guys, all right, look, look, look.
10:35 I can help you, I'll get you guys some friends, okay?
10:37 Not too many, I'll just get you a few friends.
10:39 There's a friend. - Wait, but aren't,
10:41 why are we gonna get in trouble?
10:42 - Why?
10:43 - No, no, no, it's fine, it's fine, trust me.
10:45 You won't get in too much trouble.
10:46 - Do you have to get the weirdo from Mad Class, though?
10:47 - Well, I mean, I'm not gonna get in trouble,
10:48 'cause I'm baby! (laughs)
10:51 Baby's not a big responsibility.
10:52 - That's right, here, let me actually--
10:55 - I can do whatever I want.
10:56 - You're not baby no more, this is the baby switch.
10:59 - What? - All right, you--
11:01 - What, hey!
11:02 - Now you're a teenager, I'm little bro, you grew up!
11:04 - No, actually, I changed the story.
11:07 He's the big bro now, he's bigger than you.
11:08 - Why do I suddenly feel like I'm embarrassed by things,
11:10 including these two?
11:11 (silly noises)
11:12 - What, no! (laughs)
11:15 - Cringing!
11:16 - You're a total dork anyway.
11:18 - Who's sorry, you?
11:19 Dorker!
11:20 - Well, you're dorker-esque.
11:22 - You gotta get me outta here.
11:24 - Shut up! - She's been
11:24 sharpening her sword.
11:25 - Oh, okay, here, here's the dog poop.
11:27 (laughs)
11:30 - Yes, dear, I'll clean up the dog poop.
11:32 - Okay, oh, you guys are having a party!
11:35 Look at that!
11:36 - No, we are not having a party!
11:37 I am now apparently in charge!
11:38 - No, I just know you're having a party!
11:40 - I am apparently in charge,
11:42 and I need to make sure that you two
11:43 aren't causing any trouble to the house, all right?
11:46 I guess.
11:47 - Come on, you're the one who causes all the trouble
11:49 when you throw a party.
11:50 You're the reason we can't have parties anymore.
11:52 - When I throw parties, it's cool.
11:54 When you throw parties, we get in trouble.
11:57 - We didn't get to throw any parties,
11:58 'cause you threw that really big one at one time
12:00 that caused Dad to get so mad
12:01 he won't let us have fun anymore.
12:02 - Oh no, why did the mirror just start
12:03 a fire in the kitchen again?
12:04 - Oh no! - Oh no!
12:06 - Oh, there's a fire!
12:07 - Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
12:08 - Piss!
12:09 - Dad, stop, stop, stop, stop.
12:10 - Piss, why, why, Nick?
12:11 - Your houses are not just for babies.
12:13 - Well, now that I'm not a baby,
12:15 I very much enjoy myself, so no!
12:18 Apparently it's only for babies,
12:19 'cause babies have the best time, all right?
12:21 - What a brat.
12:22 - What, hey!
12:23 (groaning)
12:25 (laughing)
12:26 - You might wanna clean that up, bro.
12:27 Mom's gonna be real mad when she gets home.
12:29 - Hey, hey, Dad, what about it?
12:30 - Dad, do you hear some loud music coming from our house?
12:34 I think we should go back home and check.
12:35 - Uh-oh, you guys are in trouble.
12:36 Your parents are coming back.
12:37 You better get everyone out of the house!
12:38 - I tried!
12:39 - Oh no, there's somebody!
12:40 - Get out, get out, get out!
12:41 - Somebody's coming out!
12:42 - Everybody, goodbye, goodbye!
12:42 - Oh no!
12:43 - Get out!
12:44 - Get out!
12:45 - Oh no, get out!
12:46 - Get out of the back of the home!
12:47 - All right, start wiping them out, guys.
12:48 This is the time.
12:49 - You can go wherever you want.
12:51 You're not welcome here.
12:52 - Get out.
12:53 - Get into a home!
12:53 - Get out of the way!
12:54 - What is going on?
12:56 - Guys!
12:57 - No, no, no, there's something!
12:59 There's something going on!
13:00 - Get out of the house on fire!
13:01 - Who's this guy?
13:01 - I don't know!
13:02 - I'm Mark!
13:03 - Get out of the way!
13:04 - Nobody!
13:05 - You're weird!
13:06 - Out of the house.
13:06 - You know what happened, too,
13:07 while you guys were gone?
13:08 - What?
13:09 - What?
13:10 - She took her boyfriend over.
13:11 See, uh.
13:12 - She did it, why not?
13:13 - Wait, what?
13:14 No, I didn't!
13:15 - Young lady!
13:16 - No, I didn't!
13:17 - I did!
13:18 - Oh!
13:18 - Zane!
13:19 - Oh, look at the pretty flowers!
13:22 - Oh, you got a boyfriend.
13:26 - Zane, you show off.
13:28 - This version of Zane is actually a doll.
13:31 So he's like your mom.
13:33 - Get out of the house!
13:34 - Hey, no, you can't do that!
13:36 - Don't hit my bro like that!
13:38 - Hey, stay out of here!
13:39 I don't wanna see your edginess.
13:41 - No, no, no!
13:42 - Honey, honey, no, no.
13:44 Honey, no, no!
13:45 (laughing)
13:47 - Thanks, Mom, you're the best!
13:48 - Party time, guys, let's do it!
13:51 (cheering)
13:53 - You still haven't cleaned up the poop.
13:54 - Never!
13:55 - All right, you guys gotta put the babies to bed.
13:57 - Yeah, they are in bed.
13:58 Go to sleep!
13:59 - Night to you, too, Dad.
14:01 - Yeah, jeez.
14:02 - Jeez.
14:02 - Get in your bed, get in your bed.
14:04 - But this isn't a bed, this is just a crib.
14:06 Oh, it's so soft.
14:08 - Not on form that you grew up too fast.
14:10 (laughing)
14:12 - That's a bed.
14:13 - Okay.
14:14 - You know what?
14:15 I'm gonna have some fun with this.
14:17 Maybe get rid of this in that room
14:19 and this in that room.
14:22 No lamps, spooky time.
14:25 Spooky door opening.
14:26 - It's just dark now, I can sleep.
14:27 (laughing)
14:28 - Oh my God!
14:29 - All right, all the lights are going off.
14:32 - Thanks for getting the lights, honey.
14:34 - Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
14:36 That's not what I wanted.
14:37 How about this?
14:38 Maybe put that in there.
14:40 Spooky.
14:41 (screaming)
14:41 - What is that sound?
14:43 - Wait, what's happening?
14:44 What is this?
14:44 - Dad, turn the TV down.
14:46 - No, it's too loud.
14:48 (screaming)
14:50 - That is not a TV.
14:54 - What?
14:55 - What is happening in our house?
14:58 - Shit.
14:59 - Get rid of these bad people.
15:01 (screaming)
15:03 - More fire, I guess?
15:05 - I changed my mind, we're not friends.
15:08 - What?
15:09 - Pierce, you're grown up, so it's time
15:12 that you helped how to be the man of the house.
15:14 - Nope, nope, no, I think you're the man of the house.
15:16 I'm gonna be making you sleep.
15:18 Have fun, I'm gonna hide in the bathroom.
15:20 - More fire.
15:20 - No, you can't take my sister.
15:22 (screaming)
15:23 (laughing)
15:24 - All right, kids, I locked the basement.
15:26 I locked the doors.
15:27 We're okay.
15:28 - What do we do now?
15:29 This is getting a little too weird, man.
15:32 - Well, I think--
15:33 - I don't like it.
15:33 It's spooky.
15:35 - Hang on, what is this?
15:37 - Is that how you bought the house, so cheap, dad?
15:40 - Whoa, what is this?
15:41 - Hey, what are you guys doing over there?
15:43 I didn't--
15:43 - Oh, nothing, just admiring this thing
15:46 you put in our house.
15:47 It's super cool.
15:49 - I'm sure it would interest you, though.
15:51 - Wait, what?
15:52 What thing are you putting in the house?
15:52 - It would interest you, yeah, of course not.
15:54 Just us dolls will take care of this.
15:56 Don't you worry about that.
15:57 - What is this thing you guys looking at?
15:58 I wanna see.
15:59 - This is for family only.
16:01 - Wow, look at what it does when I do this.
16:03 (laughing)
16:04 - That's really cool.
16:05 - That's so cool.
16:06 - That's not fair.
16:07 I wanna see what that is.
16:08 - You know what?
16:09 - I think we could stay down in this basement.
16:10 - Hey, dolls.
16:11 - Yeah, honestly, we could do this.
16:14 - Guys, can I be in the family?
16:16 - Hang on a sec, family meeting.
16:19 - Okay, okay, okay.
16:20 (whispering)
16:21 - Okay, okay.
16:23 As the patriarch and leader of this family--
16:25 - I don't know what that means.
16:27 - Your mother said that you could come in, yes.
16:28 (cheering)
16:33 - Welcome to the family, other sister.
16:35 - And then I'm gonna drink some of this.
16:37 (gasping)
16:38 I'm here.
16:39 (gasping)
16:40 I made it in.
16:40 Guys, guys.
16:41 (cheering)
16:44 - Hey, nooses.
16:46 - Come on down.
16:47 - Oh, family, oh my gosh.
16:48 Hey, this is what it looks like.
16:50 Oh, cool.
16:50 - Yep, welcome.
16:51 - Very cool.
16:52 - I'm so cute.
16:53 - Yes, yes.
16:54 Your mother brought you some cookies.
16:56 - Oh, thank you.
16:57 Okay, now what do we do?
16:57 - Well, we gotta come see what's in the basement.
16:59 - Yeah, yeah, yeah, come on.
17:01 - I wanna try the basement.
17:02 - Oh, you're going with the sisters.
17:04 Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go.
17:06 It's right over here.
17:06 And, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
17:09 Fooled you.
17:10 - Can you shoot me?
17:11 - Yes.
17:11 - Yeah, now get us out.
17:12 We wanna get out.
17:13 - You're in here with us,
17:14 so if you're gonna get out, you gotta let us out.
17:17 - Yeah, that's all right.
17:17 - All right, let me show you the way out.
17:19 Come here.
17:20 If you come over this way.
17:21 - Yes.
17:22 - And you open the door.
17:23 I can't get you out
17:25 because I didn't bring any more potions.
17:27 - What?
17:28 - What?
17:29 - What?
17:30 - Not even for yourself?
17:31 I thought we were gonna have fun forever
17:32 and be in the dollhouse.
17:33 - Oh my goodness.
17:34 - That's very creepy and short-sighted.
17:37 - You know what?
17:38 Actually, we can get out, Pierce,
17:38 if you actually admit that dollhouses are not just for babies.
17:42 - Nope, nope, still can't do it.
17:46 Sorry.
17:47 - Admit it, Pierce.
17:49 - Come on, Edgar, stand up and just admit it.
17:51 - Well, I am too macho.
17:53 I can't do it.
17:54 - And you know what?
17:55 As your father, young lady, you're grounded.
17:57 - Oh.
17:58 - Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
17:59 (gunshot)
18:00 - What?
18:01 (laughing)
18:02 - We may have to leave.
18:03 - Aphmau, Aphmau.
18:04 - Zane?
18:05 - Wait, Aphmau, I have a question.
18:07 I need to borrow something.
18:08 - Wait, where is she?
18:10 - Maybe Zane can let us out of here.
18:11 - Zane, over here, this way.
18:13 - Zane, Zane, please.
18:15 Oh, please end this nightmare, please.
18:17 - Look here.
18:17 - Dollhouse?
18:18 - Uh-oh.
18:19 - Guys, he can't hear us.
18:20 - Oh boy.
18:21 - I forgot he can't hear us.
18:22 - Zane.
18:22 - Zane can't.
18:23 - Wow.
18:24 - Here, let me try again.
18:25 Zane.
18:26 - Wow, and look at these dolls.
18:28 They're so realistic.
18:29 - Zane.
18:29 - Oh, Zane, Zane, this is not.
18:30 - No, it's working again.
18:32 - Oh no.
18:33 - I'm sure Aphmau wouldn't mind
18:34 if I just played with this for a little bit.
18:36 - No, no, see, see, guys, guys.
18:38 Zane, Zane, Zane.
18:38 - Wait, wait, wait.
18:39 - It's okay.
18:40 - I don't see any horses, though.
18:41 We definitely need to add some horses.
18:43 - Horses?
18:44 - Put a horse in the house.
18:44 - That's not so bad.
18:45 - No, no.
18:46 - No, get out, Zane.
18:47 - It's okay, guys, guys, guys.
18:48 Guys, guys, guys, listen to me.
18:50 Zane will not do anything crazy.
18:51 He won't start fires.
18:52 He's just gonna put horses everywhere, all right?
18:54 - Oh, just look at it.
18:56 Hey, hey, get off that horse, you.
18:57 Get off that horse.
18:58 (screaming)
19:00 - Horse on fire.
19:02 - No, no, no.
19:03 - What is happening?
19:04 - The horse is there and there and there.
19:06 - What are these horses doing in our house?
19:08 - I'm sure they'd really like one of these.
19:09 - I'm just gonna play with the dog.
19:11 - Giant Zane, wait, what?
19:12 - Wait, what?
19:13 - Hold on.
19:14 - What, what, what?
19:14 - Wait a minute.
19:15 - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
19:18 - This is great.
19:19 I gotta get me one of these.
19:20 - This is the proper.
19:21 - Okay, I thought, I thought Zane
19:23 was gonna be super nice,
19:24 but I guess everyone goes a little crazy
19:26 when they get that power up with dogs.
19:27 - So many fires through here.
19:28 - Oh, so many fires.
19:29 What are we gonna do?
19:31 - I'm gonna hide in here.
19:32 - I wanna go back to being a baby.
19:35 - I'm scared, Mom.
19:36 - This is why I wanna go off to college.
19:38 - At least Zane won't find us in here, all right?
19:40 - Oh, hey, I see two more in here.
19:41 (screaming)
19:42 - Oh, oh, we just have to move this wall here.
19:45 - Oh no, oh no, oh no.
19:47 - You know where the real laugh now is?
19:48 - Oh no.
19:49 Oh no.
19:50 - Oh no.
19:52 No! Too bad!
