Playing As THE GOD To Troll My Friend in Minecraft…
This video Dash pranks his friends Cam and Ruby by using the morph mod to turn into THE GOD in their Minecraft world! With scares, trolls, and loud noises, can he make them rage quit? Watch to the end to find out!
#Roblox #Dash
This video Dash pranks his friends Cam and Ruby by using the morph mod to turn into THE GOD in their Minecraft world! With scares, trolls, and loud noises, can he make them rage quit? Watch to the end to find out!
#Roblox #Dash
00:00Today my friends are trying to play Minecraft
00:02But what they don't know is that I've secretly joined into their world
00:06And I'm gonna be pranking them as the God now if you don't know what the God is
00:10It's pretty much this really really scary Minecraft mod that recently came out
00:14And I've gone ahead and figured out a way to morph into it all I got to do is run the command slash morph
00:20Myself set God and boom I can literally morph into the God
00:26Do you hear that sound that's the sound that plays whenever I morph into it it is like insanely loud
00:31But anyways um now. I'm the God this is what the Bob looks like it's insanely huge, and it's super terrifying
00:36But uh there's a little bit of a problem
00:38There's not really any way for me to unmorph out of it the only way to unmorph from it is to slash kill so I'm
00:44Gonna have to be super careful with when I decide to morph into God, but anyways for now
00:48Let me go into spectator mode real quick, and I gotta go check out on my friends
00:51I joined their world a little bit late, so I think they already have a bit of progress and oh there
00:56They are there's their house. Whoa they already have a really really nice house
00:59What thought they got diamond armor and everything to all right Ruby. It's time to go for more diamond mining
01:07Wait they had another house too. This is nuts. There's a crazy-looking house. There's no way they just built this oh wait actually hold on
01:13I'm looking on the inside now, and this thing is kind of small what that they've even got their own signs and everything okay?
01:17This is kind of nuts. This is actually kind of nuts come on Ruby
01:20Let's head down into the cave and whoo okay, okay?
01:23It looks like they're going into a cave to go mining. Oh wait wait wait this gives me a perfect idea for what sort of
01:28Narrative I could set up what if I make it look like God is getting mad at them for stealing resources from the earth yeah
01:35Yeah, I can go like you are stealing resources from the earth. You know that's that's really bad
01:39God is gonna get mad at you now all right
01:41There's got to be some more diamonds are in here somewhere anyways
01:43It looks like they're just going deeper and deeper into this cave hmm
01:46I think it's about time we pull out our first prank let me go ahead and just start typing out a command
01:51Slash tell rock pretty much what this command does is let you type anything into chat and make it look like it came from a
01:56Player and ooh, okay first things first
01:58Let's go ahead and type out a slash tell rock command that makes it look like the God has joined the world
02:02It's just gonna say the God has joined the world and then the color is gonna be yellow
02:06So it looks like a normal join message here. We go
02:09Let me go ahead and play that and oh that looks so legit that looks like the God has officially joined their world
02:13Ruby do you see that God has joined the world that's kind of cool
02:18I don't think that's cool Ruby who joined our world we put the whitelist on
02:26Guys it's obviously the God that joined your world the official one look the name doesn't have the name has a space in it
02:33The God you can't put that in a normal minecraft. This is beyond normal minecraft names right here
02:37This is a more. I don't even know what I'm saying at this point, but anyways
02:39It looks like they're just going around mining right now. Oh hold on a second Kim
02:43Just stole some materials from the earth wait Ruby's trying to talk. She said hey in chat
02:47This is a private world. Sorry
02:50Is she really trying to kick out the God that's not gonna work, but the camp is typing in chat, too, okay?
02:56Okay, they still think this is a joke. They literally think that I'm messing around
02:59I think I thought we'd go ahead and smite them. Let me just go ahead and do slash summon lightning bolt boom
03:05Right on them while they're underneath in a cave and let me go ahead and type into chat as the God I gotta put
03:10The God and then one of these arrows like this so it looks like a chat message behave yourself boom
03:16I'm just gonna make it say behave yourself. Oh, it talked in yellow text. I forgot to make it white
03:20You know what that's fine the God speaks in yellow text from now on
03:25Understand why he's in our world
03:29Sir can you please leave this is not cheating continue on
03:36Whoa whoa don't report the God that's very bad. Okay. You know what I'm gonna say you stole
03:42Resources from the earth negative one karma points
03:51Yep, yep, that's very bad. That's very very bad
03:54What does that mean brah hold on a second does he not understand?
03:58Okay, you know what let me just go ahead and lay out a full explanation for them every time you do something bad
04:04You lose karma if your karma gets too low I come for you
04:12All right, that looks pretty good every time you do something bad. You lose karma if your karma gets too low I come for you
04:21I didn't see okay. Wait. Wait. I just got another idea for a chat message
04:24Let me go ahead and type in as the God I'm gonna say if you do good
04:29You might go to heaven if you do good you might go to heaven and then and then hold on hold on
04:35I'm also gonna write if you do bad
04:38You will burn away in the nether forever hold on a second there's so many typos in here
04:44The God cannot make typos. I need to fix this you will burn away in the nether forever there
04:49We go if you do bad. You will burn away in the nether forever. Yeah, but like you were just playing normally
04:58Okay, you know what I think I think Ruby's karma points are a little bit too low
05:01I think it's about time we go ahead and give her a little taste of what the God can do
05:05Let me go ahead and do the command slash play sound real quick pretty much this command just lets you play any sound from Minecraft
05:11So, uh, let me fly all the way out over here and let's see what sound effects we've got
05:15Let's do slash play sound and then ooh, we've got a lot of sound effects in the God mod. What is this one?
05:21Scr1 is this like a scare sound effect? Let me just play it for myself real quick. Let's see
05:26What is this gonna sound like? Oh
05:31That's kind of nice. Wait. Wait, does this mod have any effects as well?
05:35Some of these mods they have like effects that you know, they put like they make weird stuff happen on your screen
05:40Okay, it looks like this mod doesn't but we can go ahead and play that scary sound effect
05:44Let me just teleport back to Ruby real quick. And okay, actually, I'm just gonna run it on both of them
05:47This is what you get for having too low karma. Where's the sound effect again? Oh, there it is
05:51I gotta make it play for everyone and boom
05:59That was no normal cave noise if you think that was a normal cave noise then
06:03You're mistaken my friend
06:10Maybe whoa, it looks like they're just going around trying to get all these resources from the earth. This is messed up
06:16You know what? Let me go ahead and go invisible real quick. They're standing at the edge of a border right now
06:20This would be a perfect time to just give them a quick little
06:24It's got what Oh Ruby just did it to herself, but let me give cam a quick little tap
06:30Okay, I'm just gonna break the block below him
06:35Here we go
06:37They both just fell
06:40Wait a second. They're in a skulk by him. Okay, I'm not gonna morph into the God right now
06:44But what if we go ahead and summon a warden on them?
06:47Let me go ahead and type in chat as the God again
06:49And I'm gonna say your karma points are kind of low your karma points are not
06:56Looking too good. Here we go. Let's just say that your karma points are not looking too good
07:05You know what I don't believe that I think I'm gonna summon a warden right up here. All right. Enjoy Oh snap
07:10Hold on. Do they notice it yet?
07:12The wardens coming Ruby. That's a warden
07:18Think the warden gave them the darkness effect. So they're like blind right now
07:30I'm just leaving Ruby alone. Okay, hold on a second. I think that's this that that's a sin in the in the gods books
07:36I'm dropping him off
07:39And oh the that means to do that I'm back at the base
07:46And whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on a second Ruby is just mining into the walls, do you know how
07:51Unenvironmentally friendly that is I gotta I gotta say some messages real quick
07:54I'm gonna say mining away into the earth is not very good and then and then hold on hold on
08:01We got to do negative one karma points
08:03Into the earth is not very good. I should wave negative five karma points. Boom. There you go
08:13It's out of whatever I feel like
08:16No, did she really just called the God a bully doesn't work like that does not work like that at all
08:24Okay, you know what I think we got to play another scary sound effect
08:26Let me go over here next to root actually wait before I go next to Ruby
08:29I want to play the sound effect just for myself so I can test if it sounds good or not
08:32Let's see. What else do we have? We've got what is this one? Wait, wait, what about God colon God? What does this sound like?
08:41Okay, this sounds this sounds interesting. I'm not gonna lie. This one sounds too long though. Oh wait. No, it's slowing down. It's slowing down
08:49Okay, what am I hearing? This is and I don't like this actually wait. It just cut off. It wasn't that long
08:55You know what? Let's go play this one
08:56I'm gonna stand right next to Ruby over here. And then let me go ahead and get the command change it to target everyone in
09:06Wait, wait, wait, wait, hold on
09:07We gotta make it look like unlucky stuff is happening next to Ruby now now that her karma points are low
09:12Let's just summon a bunch of creepers. I just grabbed a bunch of creeper eggs
09:15I'm just gonna some summon a bunch here. There we go
09:19Okay, okay, I'm gonna put in chat your karma points are awfully low
09:26Brah you cannot don't don't don't worry about that. And okay, here we go. She's gonna notice all the creepers
09:31Oh, wait, all the creepers dispersed. There's only like four of them here now. I gotta spawn more. I need more. I need more
09:35There we go
09:36Ruby what is going on down here? Why is there a million creepers? And wait, wait, I can even make the creepers huge
09:44Now the creepers are massive. Oh, they both just died. I wasn't expecting that. All right back to the base now
09:49Let's go see what they're up to now. Ooh, their base is right over here. I flew up to it perfectly
09:53Um, let's never do that again. Oh, no, it seems like the lower our karma points go from that weird
09:59God guy the worse our luck gets
10:04You know what, I think their karma points are getting a little too low
10:07I think I'm just gonna start a couple of fires around their house real quick Ruby. There's fire outside
10:14Because there's fire outside this is what happens when you don't do good
10:21This is what happens when you don't what do you mean?
10:23We were just playing normal minecraft and then you joined
10:26Oh, I think we need to build a moat or something around our house to protect it. Wait, wait, wait
10:31Hold on a second. I want to say some scary stuff in chat
10:32What if I make it say one more mistake and I'm coming after you and then let's go ahead and make this message red
10:40And let's also put some scary characters around it just like this. Hold on a second
10:44I'm typing out the command right now on my second monitor. Okay, boom just got it
10:48All right. Now, let me paste it in here. And all right, if I type this in one more mistake and I'm coming after you
10:52Oh, yes, it's looking scary. Now. Let's play another one of those scary sounds, too
10:58Now now's the time to build them out. Whoa, wait a second dirt
11:02Are they is Ruby doing deforestation right here and Kim is digging into the ground again. Okay, this is this is very bad
11:08This calls for something this calls for something. You know what I gotta put in chat again
11:12Let's just go ahead and change up our last message. That's it. Your karma is too low
11:17That's it. Your karma is too low yet Ruby. Help me build this moat and then let's play another sound
11:21What is this one scare sound to something's happening?
11:26It's just like a long scream
11:30Wait, I'm pretty sure there's a sound effect in here
11:32That's like a song that says like God is coming. Is it this one angel song?
11:36Maybe I need to play this one. Let me go up next to both of my friends real quick
11:39And you know, they're they're split apart from each other. You know, that's fine
11:42I can just make the command run for everyone if I do slash execute at everyone and then run this play sound command
11:47There we go. Now this should play for everyone. All right, uh, this wasn't the sound I was expecting. What was that?
11:54Wait, that was angel song good. Oh, I think the one that I'm looking for is God come. This is the one that I need
11:59Oh, yes this one
12:01This one says God is coming. Yes. This is the sound effect I need
12:04There's a song playing there's people chanting
12:09Ruby ruby ruby. Where are you? Where are you time set midnight? Let's start
12:15Let's summon some lightning bolts on their house
12:18Ruby lightning summoning on the house. Ruby. We're just gonna summon a bunch of lighting. That's it
12:22Your karma is too low and then for the grand finale
12:26I need to go here and then let me go ahead and run the command to morph into God. Here we go
12:30Here we go. I'm gonna morph into the God now and I am in let's go
12:33All right time to start pulling up. No, no, no
12:41Hey guys
12:43Well, the whole I think our moat is not gonna work since I'm literally God I can do a lot of stuff
12:48What if I just go ahead and do a quick slash slash replace near 50? Oh planks with dirt. Oh
12:55Okay, our house is made out of dirt. What is happening?
13:00What if I just go here slash slash replace near everything that isn't air with some
13:06Hmm black concrete. There we go. Oh, that was a lot of blocks
13:13Now summon some more lightning bolts summon a little bit of TNT to while we're at it I'm in TNT
13:21Hold on hold on and now let me go ahead and type in the chat
13:24I'll ask them if they want one more chance. Let's see. Let's see. Let's see
13:27Do you want one more chance dot dot dot? Do you want one more chance?
13:34Okay, okay, okay, but hold on let me type in but if you do evil again
13:39I will come for you even harder next time. This is actually such a good prank right now. I'm going crazy
13:50All right, Ruby said she's sorry, you know what I think I accept the apology
13:54Let me go ahead and just quickly go into spectator mode. So I disappear. Oh
13:58Why did I just fall through the world? You know what? That's fine. I needed to kill to unmorph anyways
14:02And now let me go. Where's their house at again? I think it's this way. Wait, wait, let me just teleport to them
14:06I'm just gonna slash slash undo everything. I just did slash slash undo slash time set day
14:11All right, everything can be friendly again
14:13But if they make one more mistake that I'm coming after them our house is still made out of dirt
14:17Oh, yeah. Hold on. I forgot to do that. Let me undo that. There you go. Okay, everything's perfectly fine
14:21I guess we were forgiven. We can't do anything bad. So that means we can't do anything. Yep. Yep. You can't do anything
14:27No, no, you can do stuff. Hold on. Let me go and type in the chat again
14:29I'm gonna type in the yellow text this time. So it looks friendly. You have been forgiven. There we go. You have been forgiven
14:36Oh, does that mean that we can do whatever you want? Whoa? Whoa, hold on. You can't do whatever you want
14:42Did you not remember what I said like two seconds ago Ruby? I don't think we could do whatever we want
14:45I'm just gonna go around and plant some trees. I'm pretty much done with mining. Oh
14:50Planting trees, that's that's pretty good for the earth. You know what?
14:53I think I think God approves planting trees plus one karma point. Boom. There you go
15:02Oh, that's rough, but I'm waiting for them to make a little mistake as soon as they make one more mistake
15:07I'm gonna go all out. I'm pretty sure I can actually summon other the gods
15:11I'm pretty sure I can get a spawning and just spawn as many of them as I want
15:14So next time they make so next time they mess up. That's what I'm doing. Anyways, it looks like they're doing pretty good
15:18Let me go ahead and play some more friendly sound effects like that one that I played earlier by accident
15:22What was it called again? I think yeah this one angel song. Good. There you go. You guys have been forgiven. Yay
15:28Songs playing
15:29Yep. Yep. It's very nice
15:34Hold on hold on I gotta make everything look friendly now Ruby said is farming. Okay. Hmm. What do I think about farming?
15:40That's a good question. You know, you have to farm to eat. So I'll say yes. There you go farming is approved
15:48Yep. Yep, you can farm you can farm just make sure not to destroy all of the grass and dirt around here
15:53Otherwise that might be a bit too far. It looks like cam is still building a moat though. Interesting
15:57Does he really think a moat is gonna help? I don't think a moat is gonna defend against anything
16:03Okay, okay, you know what it looks like they're just building a bunch of stuff right now
16:06I'm gonna go out over here and set up the next prank. I've got a pretty good idea for what I want to do
16:10This is gonna be kind of complicated. But um, let me go invisible real quick and set it up
16:14All right, first things first. I'm gonna give myself a bunch of command blocks and here's the plan
16:18I want to be able to run a command and then have a bunch of the gods spawn around them
16:22So, um, let's just put one command block over here and then inside of it. We'll just put the command summon the God
16:29There we go. We'll put that command down over there and then ooh, let's put a daylight sensor on top of it
16:33I'm pretty sure the way that daylight sensors work is that whenever it's daytime. Yep
16:38They do that and then if I click it it becomes a nighttime sensor
16:41So now whenever it becomes nighttime, it outputs a redstone signal. All right, this is gonna be perfect
16:45Let's just grab some of these nighttime sensors and put them on top of our command block so that whenever it turns night
16:51Whatever command we have inside of here is gonna activate
16:54So let's just put some in the God and then let's make the God summon like 50 blocks above the command block
16:58Just like that. All right, this one's perfect. Now. We just gotta set the daylight sensor to night mode
17:02And all right, this setup is looking good
17:04Let me go ahead and just copy this little setup with slash slash copy and then let's go ahead and paste these all around my friend's
17:11House so we can have another one over here slash slash paste. Boom. We got the nighttime sensor with the command
17:16So as soon as I run the command to make it nighttime
17:18All of these should go off and we should just have a bunch of gods around my friend's house. There we go
17:23We got one there. I'm just gonna go spectator mode and just put them all around the house
17:26Let's put another one down right over here. There we go. This is awesome. We're just putting down God spawners everywhere
17:32All right, that's looking good. We can have another one down right here. And all right, I think this should be pretty good
17:37They're gonna be surrounding the entire house. All right, next up. We need some scary sound effects. That's gonna be very important
17:42It looks like so far. They're just farming though. They're not doing anything bad
17:44I need to make my friends do something bad after so that I have a reason for doing all this
17:47Anyways, let's go inside of this cave right below their house. And let's put down a couple more command blocks with a button
17:53Let's put down a bunch of command blocks right over here
17:56Connect them all up with some redstone and then we can have a button right here to activate it all now inside of these
18:00Command blocks for the first one. Let's do slash time set midnight
18:04So that all of the daylight sensors go off next up. Let's do slash execute at
18:09Everyone this is gonna play the command for everyone and then we're gonna run the command
18:13Mmm, what was the name of the one that we had earlier at the one that played the song?
18:16I think it was God come. Yeah, it was that one. It was that one
18:20So we'll put that there run that sound for everyone in the next command
18:23Let's go ahead and put another place on command except this time. Let's play the scary jump scare sound
18:27All right, that looks good. And then finally in the last command block. What do we do in the last command block?
18:31Oh, I know. What if we put some scary text?
18:33Let me go ahead and grab the text command again and paste it in here except let's change the text to say
18:39What should it say? What about just you messed up big time?
18:43That's pretty scary. And ooh, we can even make this command a repeating command block so that it just spans the text in chat
18:48We'll do that in a second. Let's just edit this text over here
18:51I gotta delete all the old text and then we'll put in you messed up big time. All right, this is looking pretty good
18:56Now let's just set this command to repeating pretty much
18:58This is gonna make the command block spam every second 20 times a second whenever there's a redstone signal
19:03So, um, anyways, I think this setup looks good
19:06Now we just need to go get my friends to do something bad and then all of these command blocks that we've set up should
19:11Work. Oh, it looks like they built a nice little bridge for themselves. Hmm. Okay, how do we convince them to do something bad?
19:15What if I spawn like a cow in their house and then they kill it Ruby bridge is almost done
19:21I'm not gonna lie. Yeah, so far the God is gonna be happy with you guys
19:24I need to get them to do something bad. Hmm. What could they do? Hmm. There's gotta be something I could do
19:29Okay, what what are the bad things that God doesn't like I gotta think for a second
19:33I guess God isn't gonna like um, I don't know killing innocent animals
19:39But how am I gonna get them to kill an innocent animal? Oh, wait a second
19:42I got an idea anger is one of the sins or something. I'm pretty sure that God doesn't like
19:47What if I make them get angry at each other? I just gotta make them think that the other person did something wrong
19:52Wait, they're looking in their chest right now
19:53What if I just go in and steal a bunch of stuff from one of their chests then they're gonna think that the other
19:58Person did it. Let me just make myself invisible real quick. And all right, let's go inside of the house
20:03I'm just gonna go into Ruby's chest real quick and steal all of her iron tools. Boom
20:07There we go. All the iron missing and the bread. I'm taking the bread, too
20:15Here we go, this is a start of the anger
20:18We just need to get Ruby to get angry at cam and then cam to get angry at Ruby and then that's gonna be enough
20:22Of a thing
20:26No, I've only got my tools on me wait, hold on let me steal stuff from cams chest, too
20:30I'm gonna steal cams diamond. Boom. Have you seen my diamond that I had?
20:34Now came is gonna think that Ruby stole his diamond and Ruby's gonna think that cam stole her tools
20:39It should start a big fight
20:41Give me my tools back. I don't have your tools. Give me back my diamond, bro. That's mine. Hold on
20:47Hold on. I gotta warn them. I gotta warn them
20:51Inventory don't don't don't anger is a sin. Well, Ruby won't give me back my things
20:58You know what Ruby it looks like they're getting too mad, you know what I think it's time we go to the command blocks
21:04All right. I'm just gonna hit the command and then run up to the surface. Here we go. Boom. I just hit it
21:08Here we go. Oh, oh the gods have spawned time. Oh, here we go. Here we go. The sound effect isn't working though
21:13I gotta play the sound. I gotta play the sound for everyone right now Ruby
21:15Hold on. Hold on. Let me get the command ready. Let me get the command ready this time. Here we go
21:21The sound effect is playing
21:29Yeah, there's a lot of them inside I'm hiding in bed, let's go ahead and do the black concrete thing again
21:35There we go. No beds allowed. All the beds have been turned to black. Everything's made out of black concrete and I can't see anything
21:41Okay. Okay. Now, let me go ahead and just summon a bunch of lightning. Let me do slash summon lightning. There we go
21:47Let's make these repeating command blocks and up. They don't need redstone. Also always active. Just put a bunch of these around here. Oh
21:54Yes, things are going things are going great
21:57Wait, where are they? Where is Ruby right now? Oh, there's just a normal world. Oh wait, this gives you an idea
22:01What if I now transport them all to the nether to burn forever?
22:05Like I said earlier to do that. I can just do slash execute in the nether run teleports
22:12Everyone just like that. And all right, they should teleport everyone to the nether
22:17Ruby we're in the nether
22:19And then the real god mod just said good job. Okay, that's actually hilarious Ruby. I got an idea
22:24I'm not staying in the nether forever. I'm getting out of here. Bye. No escape the cameras blow himself up
22:29Nope, not happening. Not happening everyone back to the nether and I respawn back in the nether in the exact same spot Ruby
22:35Do you have another bed?
22:37And you know what, I think now would be a perfect time to morph into the god again slash morph myself
22:42Into oh, how do I run the command again God? There we go
22:52Are they trying to kill me not gonna work not happening. You guys are now stuck in the nether forever
22:58You know what? I'm gonna play the scary sound effect again. I'm gone. I'm gone. What was it again this one? Oh, yeah
23:05Get over here. Oh what the two people what is happening? Okay, I just died. You know what?
23:09I think that was a pretty good run though. I think it's time
23:12I go admit to them that it was me the whole time. Let me go back over to their house. Oh, okay
23:16It's going crazy here. Let me go back over here and just teleport everyone to me real quick and then unmute my mic
23:21Hey guys
23:24It was me the whole time I was the God every time we get a world bro
23:29To this was a nice world
23:32That was a good prank though. I'm not gonna lie. I put more effort in my prank than you guys put in your world
23:39Why can't you just like prank something else and not us man, it was a good break you have to admit, okay
23:47The prank I'm leaving now I pulled out all the command block tricks for that one
23:51That was pretty crazy
23:52And if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now