• el mes pasado
Today, Johnny must save the world and turn into the strongest elemental! Can he do it? Watch to the end to find out!

#minecraft #minecraftmod #johnny
00:00Johnny you better get out there do your chores
00:03But daddy, I want to play fortnight. No, don't but but me mister
00:08Okay, you wait to the very last minute to go out there and pick all the weeds and now guess what?
00:12You're stuck out there doing it. You're not playing fortnight. They do up. They came out. You're not playing it daddy
00:16This isn't fair. What about Gooby and Daisy? They need to come outside and help me. They've been doing their chores
00:22Room any Gooby does not do chores. Look at him. No, he did it. He did it
00:26I've been telling him after he does every chore. He has to come and grab me. Oh, this is so stupid daddy
00:31I don't even know what I need to do. Okay, you want me to tell you what to do?
00:35Yeah, okay. You have to go out there. You see all those weeds get the home out of the ground
00:39All right, you gotta make them good. You gotta replant
00:42Get bread. It looks like a lot of weeds daddy. Oh, it gets even worse. Come here. Follow me
00:46Let's see how much damage you gotta do. You gotta do this whole entire field. Oh my god
00:51Yeah, it's pretty big it's like five acres of just weeds I can't do all this tell Gooby and Daisy to help me
00:58No, you they don't have to help you. They did their chores. They are they already did their work you help me
01:03You haven't done anything you do something
01:11See see they're being good kids. Oh, right daddy. I guess anything's worth it for a fortnight
01:18There you go, there you go feel the rhythm
01:27I'll join you in the second game. All right, do not start a second game without me you guys can game you guys can
01:33He's gonna be here for a long time. Yeah, daddy. Look how quick I go. Okay. No, you're breaking the ground
01:38You can't break the ground. Okay, daddy. Okay go when you're done you come inside and tell me you're done
01:43Okay, daddy just get away from me make sure you really get out over there in the middle
01:47You probably start there in the middle and then you know work your way out
01:50Don't tell me what to do. I will tell you what to do do it. However, I want to do it
01:54I have fun so stupid ridiculous. Oh my god. Look how many weeds I need to do
01:59This is gonna take me longer than five years. Look at this. I mean, how does he even get this bed?
02:05I think my daddy's just a bad garden owner. You know, we had this in the front of our house
02:10I guess I'll just keep going and keep destroying all these stupid weeds. What is that? Oh my god
02:17What the what that just happened? Oh, oh what that there's fire everywhere. Did I just get hit by a
02:23Meteor what the heck are these items in my inventory fire orb and holographic this what just happened to me?
02:44No, why'd you guys so big? Oh
02:48My goodness look at me guys, I look like elemental or something
02:56Yeah, wait try to pick me up
02:58Anything I touch goes on fire. Hey, what'd you do? This is all your fault Johnny
03:06Daddy, you don't understand. I didn't do anything
03:08I was picking weeds and then all sudden I looked up and bang a big meteor hit me
03:13What are the chances of that? Okay, you definitely you definitely doing something you you had some foot and steel on you didn't you?
03:19No, daddy. I didn't do this
03:26What he's not super
03:34Well, I do have this weird fire orb item, let's see what it does
03:43My gosh daddy check it out. Oh stop. Stop. I need water. I need water. Yo, I actually have superpowers guys
03:51Check that out
03:53Let's see, what does this one do? Yeah, we place it down. Um guys, what is that an alien saucer an alien something?
04:01Oh my god, you were right Daisy
04:04There's a big alien head
04:07People I am an elemental alien. Oh my god guys. It's talking to us. No go back in
04:15That was really scary
04:20There's a reason why you look like this could be he was really scary, I don't want to talk to him
04:25I guess
04:26We'll turn it back on. What do you want from us alien? Why would you turn off this button?
04:32Because you look really scary and sound really scary. Duh. I need to give you information
04:38About your new origin story. I don't want it. Bye
04:43Johnny this is ridiculous. Daddy. He's scary. He's not from this earth. It doesn't matter. Okay?
04:48There's a reason why you're really small and ugly. Hmm. Maybe you could tell me how I turned into this
04:55Maybe if you have more power. Oh, yeah. Okay. I'm gonna turn it back on. Okay, you could talk more
05:00Please knock it off earth being I have to tell you some important information
05:06Okay, geez, just say it. My planet was destroyed by the
05:11Elemental king and now he has decided to destroy your world
05:17Dangerous that's actually really scary. Okay. What else does he have to say? He will summon earthquakes make volcanoes erupt
05:24And cause tidal waves until the planet is destroyed. Oh
05:29Okay, I'm turning him off
05:37What if you're making him mad right now, he's gonna come down and put down another meteorite daddy
05:41What about the elemental king? He's not scary. Now. We have a scary person to deal with
05:46Well, maybe he can give us a solution this weird elemental alien. Hmm. Okay. Good idea
05:50Turn back on this is getting very ridiculous earth beings. I am here to help you and you keep turning me off
05:59Yeah, we need help stopping elemental king
06:01I have turned you into an elemental being like me as you grow older
06:06You will gain the power to defeat him. Your first power is in the east on a pirate ship
06:12Also, here's some armor to help you on your quest. Oh my god. Look at this guy's fire suits
06:24Think I don't need any armor cuz I'm super strong cuz I'm a mental
06:29Why do I look fat look like a firefighter? Aha. It's probably for the elements more like a fat fight. Oh
06:35fight with fat
06:38That's not funny. Let's see how good that armor really is
06:43Actually, no it is doing something I'm not burning to death. Oh nice. Maybe you are a firefighter protects me from you
06:48Okay, mr. Alien. Thank you very much for the information
06:51We're gonna go to the pirate ship now, and I'm just gonna break this and take this along with me. Okay, guys
06:56Let's go east. That's where he said to go. Okay, I think east is that way
07:02The way Johnny's going. All right, there we go. See my sense of direction is so good. What do you mean?
07:07I was the one that told you
07:19Okay, guys, I think I found something over here
07:26There it is, it's exactly what the alien was talking about far away and it's in water
07:32Okay, I have an idea everyone start mining some wood. We got to get boats to over there. What? Yep. We need both daddy
07:39I'm not swimming another boat. Did you want to swim? What could I happen? Someone's boat? I'm kind of lazy
07:45If you don't make your own boat, I'm hitting you with this fireball just give me the wood
07:49Try to make a boat here. I'm trying to make a boat. You stole that way. You literally stole that
08:00Ridiculous because you stole my wood so much work to get that boat
08:02I did actually nothing. All right, looks like everyone has their own boat everyone in come on. Whoa guys. Look at this ship
08:09This thing is huge
08:12Daddy what are you doing? I don't know how to roll this thing. Oh my god
08:24Guys the cracker just spawned in
08:29Daddy are you okay? No, I'm not. Okay
08:33That crackin looks very angry daddy. I got you made him with some fireballs. Oh
08:39Something I'm missing. Where are you right here daddy? I'm shooting at him. You need to go higher higher higher
08:45Yeah, yeah, okay. He's too far daddy. I think I scared him off
08:51I'm coming. I'm coming. How'd you get up there? I just built a little bit. You just climb up the right here
08:59Wow, there's loot all over this ship guys. Yeah, I got a sword. I got a lot of food
09:05See a little chest
09:07If you see any chests that open them up and try to get some loot from them. Oh my god
09:12Yo guys, I just found some more orbs over here. Oh my god. I think these were for me earth orb and water orb
09:19Yo, this one shoots like a dart that good goobie see let me see what this one does
09:29Yo, the earth orbs stones everyone around me that's so sick well go use it on that crack and I think the Kraken's back
09:39Oh gosh, where is it? Where are you stupid Kraken like this? Yeah, I take my water orb fight water with water
09:48What are you doing is that a cannon
09:51Oh my god, it's actually gonna work. No, it's not gonna work. It can't work. It was a dud
10:02You absolutely with
10:05I'll do the actual damage you guys pretend to do damage that almost it ever shot that one to the right almost it
10:11Johnny watch me or shoot that thing. Sorry daddy. No guys. I'm fighting in the water. I'm crazy daddy. Be careful
10:17What are you doing?
10:20Okay, well I'll keep shooting it from far we gotta play the jaws music and I'm the shark good luck daddy
10:26Bring it closer to us. If you can
10:54My god, it looks like I've grown up a little bit
10:57It must have been when I got these new powers and we killed the Kraken like a toddler now. Oh my goodness
11:03Let's go. I'm getting stronger and bigger
11:07Wait, I want to show us something. Are you like file proof? Um, I don't know gooby. Try it
11:12Okay, I'm gonna set you on file. Oh, no. I mean I kind of am I take a little bit of damage
11:18But not nearly as much as a regular human
11:22Yeah, I'm not full fire I have some ice I have some wind and I have some earth
11:27It's pretty cool. I wish I was like a little bit of file or something
11:32Whoa, you got you got bigger daddy. I'm growing up like a big boy. Not in a good way
11:36I think you got fatter. No, I did not get fatter. What are you talking about?
11:40He definitely did you guys see what you're wearing look how wide you are Daisy it's armor
11:46I can fix that. Can you um, yeah, I need to just grow up a little bit more and then I'll fix it
11:51It's not fat. It's water weight. Literally literally water. Ah, what a good joke gooby. All right. Now, what do we do now?
11:58Um, I don't know daddy. Maybe I place down this together. We could talk to the alien
12:02He could tell us where to go you do that
12:05Mr. Alien wake up. Hi, mr. Alien. We're on the pirate ship and we got a bunch of more items and I grew up
12:12Congratulations seems like you are progressing very well. Okay, but uh, we need to figure out where do we go from here?
12:18The next ability is in the sky temple north from here North. Um, okay
12:24Um, it's gonna be this way. It's actually the other way. No. Oh, okay. That's what I meant to do
12:30Okay that way good luck earth beings
12:34All right, guys, we got our next mission. We have to go that way. All right, let's go north
12:40Oh, yeah, I forgot about that Johnny you can carry us right what no I cannot carry you now that you're bigger
12:46No, what are you talking about? What you're like, uh, the size of an ox
12:50Listen guys, you all need to do your own walking. All right
12:53Oh my goodness be prepared because what if we see the elemental king in this sky base that we're headed towards?
12:59Well, then we're gonna have to try kick his butt. I think you guys forgot about him
13:03Wants to destroy the earth
13:09Don't worry cuz I got a water orb and an earth or ready for him
13:12I got some pumpkin pie you could use to smack people with
13:16All right, guys, I think we finally made it to our destination
13:21No guys
13:26I see some moving objects up here. Oh, I think it's some parkour to get all the way up to the sky
13:32Base. Oh my god. Oh, what if there's a bed where if there's food up there? Okay, I'm going look guys bow and arrows
13:39Everyone take one
13:41Oh gosh weapon finally. Well guys this parkour looks very difficult. Look it's moving. Everything's moving
13:50Phantoms that's why I think that's why we have the bow and arrows
13:55Hit me daddy, what are you doing the phantom you got my way? I'm here stupid phantom. I got one
14:00Oh, this one's dead. Oh
14:04Good shop shooting. All right. Now you just jump here. Oh my god. How are the blocks moving like this?
14:09I just fell using all right guys coming through if I set you on fire. That's my bad. Wow. This is really hard
14:16Oh my gosh, I almost messed up. Oh my gosh, you crazy this part. Oh my god
14:19How am I supposed to do this one? You just gotta jump quick. Yes. Oh my god. I'm actually doing good daddy
14:24What's up? How is this possible? Oh, oh my god. The block just takes you up. That one's really fast
14:30Oh my god, then we need to run across. Oh my gosh. I have to run across one of these. I'm coming daddy
14:34I'm almost next to you
14:36You just fall I died
14:39That last one's so difficult got past it. Oh my god. I think I'm gonna do it. Oh wait. No, it's this one
14:45How is this even possible? Oh
14:47My god
14:48Oh my god. Oh my god guys. I did it. I did it. Yes
14:54I'm almost back guys. There's a bunch of loot up here for us. Oh, I think I think I just got taller as well
15:01Gosh, you're looking right to my eyes. I'm looking right into your eyes. Yes
15:05With these items I grew up daddy. I'm an adult now. I'm a big boy. Oh my gosh. These elytras are so sick
15:12Yep, daddy. We finally got elytras. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. I got my wigs. Are you guys having troubles down there?
15:20We just get their elytras and give it to them. That's what I was thinking daddy guys. We got all your loot
15:24All right, we're gonna drop all your loot on you. All right, and then you're gonna use it to fly up here
15:30And some fireworks, there we go fireworks another pair of wings spread that out. Oh daddy. Look over here. Look at these rings
15:37I think we have to go through those using the elytras
15:40Johnny, I'm kind of not sure about that. Maybe we talked to the alien yet. Fine. I'll ask him. Mr
15:45Alien winky winky eggs and bakey. It looks like you have done it. You are finally an adult elemental
15:52Yes, let's go
15:54Now you must try to master all of your powers test those new elytra wings by doing the flying course into the skying temple
16:01Yeah, let me out. Let me ask you. Is it these big rings over here? Yes, it is
16:06In your face daddy get wrecked
16:09Words, you must fly west to reach the volcano where the elemental king lies. Oh my god. Oh gosh. Okay. Thank you. Mr
16:16Alien daddy in your face. I'm the king to lie. It's to tell the truth
16:20Well guys, it looks like we're getting very close to meeting this elemental King
16:25All right, use your wings and get up here cuz look this is where we need to go. I'm just going for it
16:29You do daddy. Oh my gosh. Oh my god. Oh, I see where we need to go. This is very difficult
16:34Okay, I'm kind of doing good right now. I'm not gonna lie. Oh god, I might die. Oh my gosh
16:41Yeah, it does a lot of damage, all right, I'm coming I'm coming
16:49Landed perfect. Nice. Goobie. Wait on you. Oh, what the
16:55Me no goobie. That is cheating. You just skip all over and you still couldn't even land
17:01See you haven't mastered it bro, it's not mastered anything
17:07Very very mass sold. He actually is cheated. Okay, whatever it doesn't matter
17:11I win. Okay. Well now since we mastered this we have to do something right? Well, the alien said we need to fly to the volcano
17:21Fly around he said West where's West? Oh, you're right. So West is okay that if that's north
17:27Okay, this way. Yeah. All right time to leave this village and head to the volcano guys get ready to meet the elemental King
17:35Oh, I'm a little scared of him. Oh, baby
17:38I think we found something guys. Check this place out. Oh god. Oh my god
17:44Yeah. Oh my god. I'm landing right here. Look at this, please. Oh guys guys. Do you see who I see?
17:54Elemental King the one trying to destroy our planet. Oh
17:59Heck no, we are gonna take this guy out. Come on guys. Everyone fly in really cool
18:03Make sure to look really high for the elemental powers
18:06Hi there elemental King, what were you and why have you come here?
18:12Oh, I'm just a crazy elemental that's gonna absolutely destroy you an elemental, huh?
18:18Mm-hmm. You are my subject what elemental King you made me. That's right
18:24I made all of the races of the universe. Well, guess what buddy? You just made something that's gonna actually kill you
18:31So good going don't be this guy is
18:33I'd love to see you try foolish boy. I control all of the elements every planet
18:40I destroy I gain more elemental power. Oh, yeah
18:44Well, how about you have a taste of the aliens go. Mr. Alien. Hello, Johnny
18:53Yes, and he wanted to talk to you I am turning this off wait what where'd he just go oh my gosh
19:01Alien is useless
19:04Not even your allies are willing to face me. Oh, yeah. Well, how about this bow and arrow? Oh
19:11Useless I control the very wind that it flies on sure you do. Okay guys
19:17I think we need to split up everyone circle around him. It's the only way this is a foolish attempt to stop me
19:23Just because of this I will destroy this planet and consume its power
19:28Guys where'd he go? Oh
19:33What is this oh no, no, no, no earth or go hi froze you guys like that
19:45A lot of damage
19:52My minions destroy that kill the minions guys, it's the only way and then we'll kill the elemental king
20:02Don't worry I got this. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Let me freeze them. Let me freeze him elemental change your powers
20:15That's what I'm trying to do you should be frozen now, yes, he can't move
20:21Like that you like that
20:28He's almost dead come on guys just a little bit more
20:37Job guys, that was good teamwork right there
20:42Powers yeah, you don't got nothing daddy. You got nothing
20:49What was that
20:51Gosh, that's embarrassing. Are you kidding me? Okay, that actually was embarrassing
20:55Power of gas now that we killed the elemental king. That means we saved the planet
21:00Let's talk to the alien and tell him what we did. Oh, mr. Alien
21:03Uh, I don't know if you're watching from space, but we just killed the elemental king. Did you really yes, we did
21:11Well, congratulations
21:12Now your planet won't be destroyed and Johnny you could even keep those elemental powers
21:19Let's go
21:20This is gonna be so awesome
21:24Wait until the kids at school see all my cool powers
21:27I'm gonna be the coolest person go to school. Um, yes, I am and any bully that messes with me
21:32Ah said I'm on fire. I did this school on fire. It'll be so worth it now that you have killed my elemental brother
21:40I am the new elemental king and I will come to destroy your world
21:46Wait, what?
21:51Well, if you guys enjoyed watching this video then everyone make sure to leave a like and subscribe right now bye