I Added The God into Minecraft... (insane)
This video Dash, Ruby and Cam explore the world of THE GOD in Minecraft... With insane events, and even crazier scares, can they survive before the god gets them? Watch to the end to find out!
#Roblox #Dash
This video Dash, Ruby and Cam explore the world of THE GOD in Minecraft... With insane events, and even crazier scares, can they survive before the god gets them? Watch to the end to find out!
#Roblox #Dash
00:00Today we're gonna be surviving one of minecraft's scariest mods. It is called the God
00:06Well, apparently it's like a super scary monster that comes out if you're behaving bad
00:11You guys see how we have a karma bar in the top left of our screen
00:14Yeah, what is that right now? All of our karma bars are at a hundred
00:17I'm pretty sure whenever it hits zero then the God spawns and then he hunts us down
00:24Yep, yep, exactly. That's what the God looks like. I'm pretty sure but anyways, I think this video
00:29We should try to get our karma bar all the way down to zero to see what the God looks like
00:34What do you mean I think it sounds like a great idea I want to see this guy
00:40Well, apparently if you get your karma bar all the way to zero he comes out and then gives you 30 seconds to hide
00:46And then he hunts you down
00:50As it just sounds like a normal game I hide and seek what are you scared?
00:54I don't know. It sounds like a fun game of hide-and-seek to me
00:57I wonder if your karma can go up and down
00:59It probably can go up every time you do a good deed or something. Well, what's good? And what's bad?
01:04This is a Minecraft and wait, hold on guys. I think we just did something good. It said God is pleased with your karma
01:09Oh, maybe it's cuz I just crafted some wooden planks and then I said behave yourself
01:13Okay, I think so far we're on the good side of God's radar so far
01:17I think he likes us but
01:19Apparently to make your karma go down you have to go around and do bad things like killing animals guys. Come check this out
01:26Apparently, I mean we're killing just innocent things that you know, we're just living here doing their business
01:30Let me go ahead and test it out real quick. I'm gonna kill this sheep. Uh, take that
01:34My karma bar is now at 99
01:38Oh wait, I think we have a shared karma bar that's rough that's gonna be rough for you guys
01:45Wait, hold on do I lose more karma if I kill a different animal like a horse or what about a bee?
01:50Wait, is a bee even gonna lose any karma? Bees are pretty small animals
01:53Let me just kill this guy real quick. Oh bees don't even lose any karma
02:01I'm killing this pig Oh 98% is not good. There's a bunch of horses here. What's gonna happen? I don't know
02:07Let's see if the horse loses more karma. Oh the horse didn't lose any karma. I guess that horse was pretty evil himself
02:16Okay, but guys there's actually sort of a secret life hack in this game animals lose one karma every time you kill them
02:22But if you kill a villager you lose 10 karma, so keep you away from villages. Got it. No, no
02:27We need to go find a village
02:29I'm pretty sure every village has more than 10 villagers
02:31So all we got to do is find one village kill 10 of those guys and then we can see what the God looks like
02:35I don't think we should do that. What if I go mine down some trees? Is that gonna be bad?
02:39You know deforestation. Oh wait guys. There's a village. Oh
02:44Oh, yes. All right, who's in and who's out? I'm out. I don't think I have a choice Ruby get in here
02:49We need to kill some villagers
02:59Hope so, but anyways, where are these villagers at Oh target acquired?
03:03All right time to go down and do some murdering is not a good idea
03:07Wait, wait, hold on. Let's try stealing from the villagers first
03:09Let's see if this is gonna lose karma stealing hay bales from the villagers. All right
03:13Mmm, looks like stealing hay bales doesn't lose any karma so far
03:17I wonder if we lose karma from killing the iron gullet. I want to test that out Ruby
03:21Did you just get an eye of ender?
03:25What the heck wait what's going on I think if you have good karma then maybe you get special rewards
03:31I think the God likes me or something. Oh what that's lame. Hold on Ruby come sleep in this bed real quick
03:35What's the sleeping for just do it just go sleep in that bed. Okay. All right. Have you slept in it?
03:40Have you set your respawn point?
03:42All right. I want to test something. Ah, let's see if I lose any karma from this
03:46What I didn't lose any karma
03:48I would set him immediately to zero. Okay, but it's starting to become dark. That's gonna be a perfect time to spawn in the gods
03:54So anyways, let's get to the murdering. Oh
03:57The karma bar just went down by 10
04:01Wait, that was 15 I wasn't even paying that much attention. All right, let's kill this other guy over here
04:05Uh, take that. There we go. Whoo. It's going down fast guys. Oh, what about a baby? What if I kill the baby?
04:12Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. This might lose us even more karma. Come here, baby villager. I need to get you. He's so fast
04:18They got only attacks you and we survive is your guys's karma bars going down, too
04:22Yeah, well, then I think he's probably gonna attack all of us now get over here. You baby. Yo, why is it so fat?
04:27There we go problem solved
04:31We only have 53 karma laughs. Okay. Okay, maybe before we spawn this guy in we should get a little bit geared up
04:36Let's go get a little bit of iron armor and stuff cuz I want to try fighting it
04:41I'm pretty sure we can still kill the iron golem and not lose karma. Actually, let's find out. Where's this iron golem guy?
04:49We should kill the iron golem so that we can get iron and so that we can test out if we lose karma
04:56Found him target acquired. Let's go get him. All right, get over here iron golem
05:01It's time for you to meet your end, but I want to fight him on flat land
05:04So he doesn't try attacking me. Let's see. Maybe this area could be good. All right, let me punch him and
05:09All right, iron golem. It's time to go. Let's do this
05:13This thing has a lot of health so maybe since it's such a big creature
05:17It's gonna lose a lot of karma
05:20Here we go, just gonna keep stabbing it with this axe. Come on. Oh, that was minus 10 karma
05:27We lost 10 karma, but that was plus 5 iron. I think that was kind of a W trade
05:34All right, but before we do that I'm gonna go ahead and make a shield
05:37I think a shield is gonna be super duper useful. And what the did you guys see that? Did you guys just get?
05:43You guys saw that right?
05:45Guys, I just got jump-scared a creepy image showed up on my screen for a second and it played a scary sound
05:50Hold on. I think that's gonna happen to you guys soon, too
05:56Guys it was just a little jump-scare. It wasn't anything bad. Anyways, there's a shield for one of you
06:00I'm gonna go ahead and make another one
06:02Yes, you did Ruby. You were my accomplice
06:05What's the word for like someone who sits next to someone when they do a crime? I don't know but taking take that shield
06:12I don't even think that's a crime for sitting next to a criminal
06:15I'm pretty sure you can't do that sitting next to a criminal and not reporting it. It's pretty bad
06:19It makes you just as bad as a criminal
06:20What if you don't know if they're a criminal or not? You can't just assume that everybody's a criminal. That's wrong
06:24That's true. Well guys, you clearly saw me killed like five villagers
06:31I've warned you multiple times that this is a horrible idea
06:34So I think this is a great idea
06:36But anyways, we need to go get some iron cuz I do not want to fight this god thingy without any armor
06:40He just sounds very powerful. It's just his name. It looks like there's a cave over here. Yeah, that one looks pretty good
06:45Let's just head over to it and hope for the best
06:50Whoo, wait, wait, wait, this cave actually looks kind of insane. It's a big giant ravine
06:57Anything over here I see a little bit of coal the cave continues over here
07:00There's probably some iron over this way. This cave is actually just massive. There's got to be iron somewhere
07:05I see some iron
07:07The cave continues really deep down this way. Okay, I think I'm just gonna keep exploring this part
07:11I'm getting a little bit of coal right now because we're gonna need this to smell all of the iron once we actually get it
07:15All right, let's go down here
07:17How much iron should we get cuz we're gonna need a lot if we want to survive
07:20Yeah, hold on a second a skeleton just dropped from the ceiling
07:25Wait, actually do we I think we did look our karma bar just wait, it's a 47 it went up
07:30Oh, yes. Okay, we can we can we could survive Ruby. We just gotta find monsters and kill
07:34Guys, that's boring. Do not kill all the monsters. Just let them let them be
07:40We're not gonna die we're gonna survive this thing. Okay, there's three of us versus one scary monster. It'll be easy
07:46You're blind. Oh, it must be because of that bad karma
07:49For 30 seconds, and I can't see I have not found a single piece of iron in this cave yet. This is insane
07:55Oh, I just fell in lava. Okay, you know what? Maybe I deserve that one iron. Finally
08:00I don't know where any of you guys are. I can't see anything
08:04Wait, wait, wait guys, I just found an even better cave this cave
08:07It's got a straight exit to the surface and it goes really deep and there's a bunch of iron here
08:11I can see through the wall. I'm coming
08:14All right. I just found a single piece of raw iron here, but I'm pretty sure there's more down here in this cave
08:18Yeah, there it is
08:20I've got a grand total of four pieces of rye
08:24I think I'm just gonna try to get a chest plate and pants. I don't need boots in a helmet
08:27We just need the bare minimum to survive this game of what was it?
08:32Yeah, that's gonna be what it's like I think
08:35Against God has to be like full netherite armor. We're so gonna be dead
08:41Whoa, wait guys, there's there's a huge cave over here
08:44We might even be able to find some diamonds in here that now we can get full diamonds
08:48It will be fine
08:48Well diamond is gonna take forever, but I'm gonna go ahead and start smelting the iron that I already have
08:52Let's see. I need to make a fern. I anyone got any cobblestone
08:58Yeah, let's make a couple furnaces so that we can smelt this iron super quickly
09:01I've already got 15 pieces. So I think that's enough armor for me. Do you guys have enough? Wow
09:05I'm gonna collect some right now though. All right. I just made one furnace gonna start smelting this iron now
09:10All right, looking good. This cave is huge. Wait, if this creeper blows up by himself, huh? He doesn't increase my karma
09:16All right, we have to blow up all the creepers
09:18I made some extra furnaces just in case
09:23Wait, there's so much iron in this cave Ruby. You should get in on this get some iron
09:27I'm just gonna keep mining it. I already have enough for myself, but I'll grab some extra
09:30Oh, I just found diamonds, but I don't have an iron pickaxe
09:34If there's three diamonds in that diamond vein, I'm gonna make a diamond axe
09:38That's probably gonna increase our likelihood of survival. You want to fight back? Do you guys hear that? Hold on? Oh, you're what?
09:44I just heard a creepy sound. I think God is definitely targeting me for something
09:47I probably did something wrong probably cuz you're the only one that's gotten bad karma. Wait, it's like a song
09:52What am I hearing right now? Oh, I just ended
09:56Maybe he was maybe he was I don't know. Maybe he does like me
10:01I was kind of a scary sound though. I feel like I'm gonna get jump-scared soon
10:04But anyways, let me go get this diamond. I think it's very much the opposite if he's only playing songs for Dash
10:09I don't think he would like you if he was doing that
10:12I don't know
10:12Do you not play songs for people who you like, you know, like love songs people make love songs for people they like
10:17So that's like a common thing that happens all the time that he was playing or was it a creepy song?
10:21I don't know. It was like in a different language. I can't tell it might have been
10:27Maybe maybe or like Greek, you know is do they speak Latin? I'm not too sure. Ah creeper
10:32Oh Ruby, that was you falling down behind me. I thought that was a creeper behind me
10:38Oh, yeah, I have a little bit of bread here I'll do a good deed. There you go
10:41Hopefully that doesn't increase my karma
10:45Finally I have enough iron to survive. I only have one diamond though. I want to find two more so I can make an axe
10:53Yeah, I don't think this part of the cave is any good maybe if we go down deeper this way any diamonds here
11:03I don't think this is where we came from. I think this area is completely new
11:06There's got to be diamonds around here though. This thing is huge
11:09Yep, yep, I'm gonna try not to kill a single one
11:12What if we run out of villagers to decrease our karma and then we have to go find another village
11:18Wait, also, there's a lot of raw iron blocks over here. We should grab these. These are kind of good
11:23Anyways, I'm looking at this cave. There's gotta be more diamond Ruby. How did you die to a skeleton?
11:28Wait, our karma just went up 51 now. I found more diamonds. Yes. All right. I have no clue where I am right now
11:35I'm like really really deep in this cave, but hopefully there's at least two diamonds here so I can craft an axe
11:40Let me just kill this skeleton. I'm just gonna have to take the karma hit at this point. Just just take I don't even care that
11:44I'm killing you anymore. I'll go kill some villagers and lose all this karma instantly and no there was only one
11:49I wait, do you guys see that? Oh, oh, there's two diamonds here. But did you see in chat? It said why?
11:57Wait guys a redstone torch got placed behind me. Ooh, that's kind of scary
12:02Yeah, so maybe it's probably best if we start turning around guys. It's an infinite redstone torch whenever I break it it spawns back
12:08Oh, I think this was God's doing
12:11And it just disappeared. Uh, okay. I don't like the fact that I'm all alone down here. Let's um, let me come back to the furnaces
12:24Hey, both of you better not be stealing any of my iron I put a lot of stuff in that furnace
12:28I have yours in my inventory. Oh more diamonds. All right, I'm coming up
12:33I'm only gonna use the diamonds for crafting an axe. I don't have enough for armor
12:38All right. Well, there's some diamonds up here, but I can't really reach them. How am I supposed to get up there?
12:42I need some mine. Wait, I can just pick up some blocks of this creeper exploded. Thank you. You're in minecraft. You can build up
12:47Yeah, but it's kind of annoying, you know, I have to build up and get some blocks to do that
12:51Alrighty, let me mind this diamond. Ooh, there's two it's a two-vein. Which way did you go down? All right
12:56I've not got five diamonds. I can make a sword in and oh, there's another diamond. Hold on. Let me get that
13:01There we are. All right, I can make two axes. Which way did you go down?
13:04Did you go like the big way or did he go like to this tiny little spaghetti area over here?
13:09Uh, I don't know but I'm at half a heart. I did not set my spawn point at a village
13:13I don't know where you are. So I can't help. How did I get down to? Okay, I died
13:17Well, at least I'm up on the surface now, but I should be able to find my way back to you guys pretty quick
13:22All right, all right, I'm coming back I think I found my way back in the cave that we started at
13:27Yep, there's definitely the spot there's dirt blocks placed here. Those are not naturally spawning crafting table. That's a good sign
13:33Hey, there you guys are. All right. Where's my iron at right here? There's your 11 iron 11
13:37I put way more than 11 in that furnace. I put 15. That's however much was in there whenever I got here
13:42I'm taking all this other stuff. But anyways, I've got more iron. I'm just gonna shove this in the furnace. Let's smoke
13:46Let's get this smelting as quick as possible
13:48And then it's time to head off and go murder some more villagers and wait what you guys heard that, right?
13:53I think Ruby is like a good child. Did you hear that? She got like sparkly sound effects
14:00I don't know. That was weird. Was it just me or was there like a red particle over here?
14:06Maybe but we gotta go change that here Ruby take this diamond axe. We're gonna need to go kill some villagers with this
14:11I'm not gonna do anything. Why it's good. It's for the greater good. No, it's bad. That's why the karma is going down
14:18That's what karma means, bro. Oh
14:21Did you guys see that? Did you guys hear that? I like your boots. What?
14:27No, there's actually unfair he likes your boots, but he doesn't like my diamond armor
14:31You've literally killed like seven people in cold blood. Yeah, but we all have shared karma
14:36I thought if he hates me, he should hate all of you guys
14:41Yeah, yeah, okay, you don't have to rub it. I rub it in. Okay, that's that's cool. That's cool
14:47It look like normal boots. I don't get why he likes them so much. I made boots to God
14:50Look at my boots. My boots are pretty sick
14:52What okay, you know what? I've already got enough stuff. Let me go ahead and grab that
14:56Wait, you just said I do not like your boots. Yo, okay guys, we gotta go
15:03I think God likes how uh, how the how misbehaved you are
15:07Is this the actual God is someone pranking us Kim? Are you pranking us? Oh, I can't make those weird messages pop up
15:14Okay. Okay guys new plan. We're not only gonna go kill these villagers. We're also gonna burn their homes
15:18I thought you were gonna say that we're going to the nether. Nope. We're not going to the nether
15:21I made this Flintstones deal specifically for the single purpose of burning down villagers houses
15:25But anyways, it's time to head back up to the village. Our karma bar is at 53% right now
15:29It's about to get real real scary. Not a good idea. I feel like as soon as this happens, we're gonna die
15:36I'm actually curious to see what this guy looks like. We've been hyping him up so much. Hopefully he's cool
15:40He has angel wings as a mustache like the thing in the top corner. And anyways, I found the village
15:45It's over here on the way there. Let's kill some animals just in case we don't have enough villagers a little pig
15:50Do I get extra points if I cook him? Ah, come here pig. I gotta burn you
15:53There we go. Burn the pig and kill the pig what I didn't even lose a single karma point there. Okay, that's rigged
15:58I'm gonna burn these trees down
16:01Guys I just got a random status effect. Did you wait you got a random status effect? What what effect regeneration three brah?
16:09Okay, your karma is actually just good
16:12You must have just not done anything bad. But anyways, I'm at the village. It's time to get real
16:16Let's go ahead and kill some villagers. Ah, my karma bar is now at 38% Ah delightful. Oh boy two more villagers
16:22Yes, we're already down to 29% is perfect any villagers here. Okay, where are all these villagers at? I don't see any villagers
16:28I'm just gonna start burning their houses instead
16:31Villagers come out big bad. Dash is coming for you. Uh, take that villager. Yes another one down
16:38Just gotta kill one more villager anyone here. Okay, no one's home
16:46Well, we're about to find out what he's gonna do about it
16:49I think there's a few village houses up here that I haven't touched yet. So I'm ahead to those ones
16:55I found a villager in here. All right, I'm not even gonna kill that zombie
16:58I'm just gonna step right inside in this villagers house. And hey guys, it's time for you to die. Oh
17:06Yes, here we go guys it's time to play hide-and-seek wait, do you guys hear that?
17:11It's saying God is coming
17:14Wait, what? Okay, what do we have? Where do we hide? What's the plan? What's the plan?
17:18In this game in this game over here over here
17:22Wait, I can't even mine. Um, anyone have any blocks we gotta build
17:28That's horrible, hold on. Hold on. Um, I'm gonna get in this corner over here. I'm gonna build up I can't even place blocks
17:35Guys, we can't break or place blocks
17:38I'm just gonna stay in this cave. I think this is our safest spot. We got to protect this cave
17:4410 seconds left t-minus 10 seconds till takeoff everyone get your food get your bread get all your stuff ready
17:51God is here. Wait, what?
17:55Same same same what's going on?
17:59I'm going outside. I want to see if that's God up there. Wait, you can see him. I can't see him
18:06I'm blind. I can't see anything
18:10Wait, where are you guys? I don't even see anything
18:13I'm over to the left. I can't turn to look away from him. Okay. Okay. I'm walking to my left
18:19Yeah, keep going up the mountain. Keep going up the mountain right here. I'm blind though
18:22I can't see I can only see like two blocks in front of me. What is this blind? It's gonna work. Oh
18:27Guys my blindness just wore off. That's him. He just killed me
18:32What that was it? You said too long and killed you in our karmas reset
18:38Wait, wait, wait, hold on. I just came back. Is he just gone? That was it the entire time. He's just gone now
18:44And now our karma is reset back to a hundred percent. What happens if I kill a sheep? Okay
18:51You didn't kill you guys. I was the only one I guess it's because you had such bad karma
18:55I guess that makes sense. I did kill all those animals. I wanted to try axing him though
18:58I wanted to fight him. He was like a final boss. It was literally God
19:06Yeah, let's try bringing him back, all right, let's go kill some more villagers you guys are crazy
19:09I don't think it's that terrible. I want to talk to him. His song was cool
19:13The song was cool, but I I don't know villagers. All righty. Let's do it again. Here we go
19:1915 there has to be more creative ways to get less karma gotta be more stuff we can do maybe if we like
19:24Hmm, I don't know. Um, what if we go to the end and respawn the ender dragon since technically the ender dragons like a bad guy
19:33Alright, well, I guess for now that's just gonna be killing more villagers. Let me kill that guy. What is it?
19:42Probably good since nether mobs are like technically evil
19:45Wait, hold on Ruby, I think your karma score is going down. I'm hearing something
19:51Snap it's happening to you guys. Now. Let me go ahead and kill this villager. We're already down to 25%
19:56We just gotta go kill a few more. I think this village may have been ran dry
20:01I'm right here in front of you. If this village has no more villagers, then it's time to go kill some animals
20:08Wait, hold on I found one more villager. I think this is gonna take us down to 10 karma
20:12Now we just gotta kill 10 animals
20:15This is not good
20:17Seems like sheep do the trick pretty good. They give you negative one karma pretty consistently. I'm just gonna target these sheep
20:25Maybe they have all that wool woolly animals. Anyways guys, I'm doing all the killing right now
20:30I haven't seen you guys kill a single animal yet, cuz I don't want to I don't want it
20:33I don't want to displease God. All right, fine. I'll do it all then
20:36Let me go around and kill this guy. Ooh, the cows give you negative two. I think that's kind of good and all right
20:41He's coming back
20:43Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna go all the way up this mountain I want to go see where he spawned it
20:47I want to go look at him. Ooh, the song is happening again
20:51And then right at the end of the song it says God is here
20:57Yeah, yeah, let's go to the same spot where it spawned last time. Oh, I forgot we can't place or break blocks
21:02Oh, we got a parkour pretty much an adventure. Okay. Okay. Just gotta go all the way up to here
21:07He spawned right on this big rock thing. It's getting louder and louder the closer we get to the spawn
21:13over time
21:14Here we go. Here we go
21:18Guys it's like a solar eclipse. I want to get a good view. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go
21:22He's here. He's here. We made it to the top of the mountain. I don't see anything
21:30Wait, I see him. He's right here. Look at him. Look at how big his wings look. Oh, I see him guys
21:37He's a giant eyeball cube
21:41Don't think I can fight him. I'm literally standing next to him. I can't fight him. I'm freezing. I'm hearing some weird sounds
21:46I don't hear the friendly song anymore. It sounds scary now
21:49The song was friendly compared to this I hear a bunch of screaming
21:56I don't know. I'm gonna try talking to him. Hi. Oh, he just killed me. Okay. Wow
22:02I don't know. Maybe we have to like set up a trap for him and that's the only way to defeat him
22:06Like random locations and wait, did he not kill you guys was I the only one who died again? Yeah, bro
22:11This guy's a hater like you so much. Wait, actually, I know you made him dislike you
22:16Yeah, you killed like every animal ever
22:18That was pretty crazy
22:19And if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now