• 4 minutes ago
A Sydney man who fled Australia after being charged with drug importation offences is now a suspect in the dural caravan plot which police believe to be a terrorism hoax.


00:00This man is, as we've learned today, a suspect in this investigation into that caravan hoax.
00:07And just to remind the audience, that caravan was found in January containing explosives
00:12on the outskirts of Sydney, and it also contained a note referencing the Great Jewish Synagogue,
00:17which is why it was labelled an anti-Semitic potential terror attack.
00:21They have since revealed that they believe it was a hoax, and we've learned today that
00:25a man named Syed Acker, also known as Aaron, he is now a suspect in that investigation
00:32into who was pulling the strings behind all of this.
00:35He was on bail facing serious drug charges from 2022, including importing a commercial
00:40quantity of a border-controlled drug.
00:43And a warrant has been issued by the New South Wales District Court since 2023, when he didn't
00:48show up for his latest court appearance.
00:50Authorities believe he has fled overseas and did so over a year ago.
00:55So they are now investigating whether he has any potential involvement in this criminal
01:00syndicate that they say has been orchestrating these hoax anti-Semitic attacks.
01:05Now obviously him being overseas, they have not been able to question him at this point,
01:09and he has not yet been named on any warrants in relation to the investigation.
