• 7 hours ago
Getting into and around civic became a little trickier last night, with light rail construction closing another part of London Circuit off to the general public, for two years. While similar closure on the western side prompted complaints, some business owners in this latest no-go-zone, says it is short-term pain for long-term gain.


00:00Running the Rat Race in Civic now requires even more planning and patience.
00:08With London Circuit East from Northbourne Avenue to Theatre Lane the latest road closed
00:13due to construction work for Light Rail Stage 2A.
00:17That's to facilitate some fairly substantial utility works in the area and ultimately it
00:22will be a beautification of the streetscape.
00:24Buses and pedestrians still have access.
00:27Businesses are still open.
00:28We want to make sure that people are attracted to the space and also can get around and do
00:32the things they normally do in the area.
00:34With a more than 60 year history at Bailey's Corner, Janine Florest is no stranger to challenging
00:41It will be a positive thing at the end because we'll have a far more modernised area to work
00:46from and draw from.
00:48Ms Batley expects her established customer base and online presence will help.
00:53So we've just had to make changes to our operational day to day plans so that we can
00:59actually get around this whole thing but we are hoping it will be less than two years.
01:04Her biggest complaints, limited warning from the ACT Government with exact details of the
01:10closures and access for delivery vehicles now via the bus interchange and a relocated
01:16loading zone.
01:17We do use the loading zone out the front five to ten times a day.
01:21People have to travel a distance to be able to get to the store with all of our supplies.
01:27Others at Bailey's Corner are less concerned.
01:30There's been a lot of consultation from the Government.
01:32There's been a lot of meetings and just a lot of information.
01:36Mr Jakubasek insists businesses like his offering a specialised service will be fine.
01:43Our idea always is that if a customer wants to find you because you provide a service
01:48that they want, they will find a way to find you.
01:51The ACT Government says it's looking at marketing campaigns and enhanced security like CCTV
01:57and lighting to let Canberrans know the area is a safe and inviting place to be.
