• 2 days ago
Are the elite really gathering in secret to eat mermaids? No. Of course not.

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00:00The leader eating mermaids and I know what they taste like.
00:02Today we are talking about mermaid eating parties.
00:04Yes, there is a conspiracy theory that claims the most elite members of society
00:08are gathering right now where we aren't looking to have dinner parties where they eat mermaids.
00:12I mean, this is basically the plot to a horror movie.
00:14Anyway, this theory was initially popularized on TikTok this month.
00:17March of 2025, so it's fresh, much like they prefer their meat.
00:21No, I'm just kidding, I'm not sure what their favorite form of preparation is.
00:23The story this year started on March 4th, when TikToker Jaylee2.07 posted a video
00:28recounting this story about a company that catches mermaids.
00:31I guess this TikToker knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy
00:34who was released from prison.
00:35There's this company run by this guy named Captain Burgess.
00:37I don't know, it sounds like a Wattpad fanfiction.
00:39Regardless, his friend Landon agrees to work for this charter
00:42because he needs work right out of prison.
00:43And before long, on a fishing expedition during a storm, they're netting humanoid fish.
00:47And Landon says that she sounds like she's begging for her life.
00:50And eventually the crew brings the mermaids to this warehouse
00:52filled with wealthy people who eat her.
00:54Pretty sure we're getting information from some dude who's just really mad
00:56his screenplay won't get adopted in Hollywood.
00:58Because of this story, many other TikTokers started sharing their experiences.
01:01Like Tiff's Ghost Talk, who claims she received an email
01:04from someone who allegedly attended an elite mermaid eating party.
01:06Many other TikTokers would catch wind of the story and add on to it.
01:09Quote, eating mermaids is all they have left.
01:11End quote, said Scare Bear Zero.
01:12Hollywood is a place of degeneracy.
01:14This would spread and spread.
01:15And on other social media websites, people would add their own opinions.
01:18Some people on r slash conspiracy wondering if maybe mermaid is just code word for child.
01:22Now look, this conspiracy theory is ridiculous.
01:24But as much as everyone wants to throw this fish back into the water, it is kind of fun.
01:27I mean, it's been a while since we've had a stupid conspiracy theory get back into rotation.
01:30We need more.
01:31I want stories about people eating Bigfoot meat, okay?
01:33I want to fry up some Loch Ness Monster fish sticks, a Mothman roast.
