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In a leaked new episode her Talk Tuah podcast with FaZe Banks, Haliey Welch explains what really happened with her meme coin.

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00:00This idea got brought to me like months ago, and I was kind of I don't want to do that
00:04I don't know anything about it, and I've never heard the space is a good place to be so I was like
00:07I don't know about it, which we trusted the guy that come to us
00:12He was a friend of I don't know a friend of a friend. I guess you can put him
00:17That was my biggest mistake. Yeah, I probably should have looked into we heard a little bit about him
00:22Apparently he had like a pretty strong network in LA and kind of used that as as leverage to you know
00:28Give himself a vouch, and I think the guy probably more or less overstated his qualifications in
00:35Executing something like this fair to say yes, which is usually the case yeah, that's 99% of the time what happened after that
00:42Well really everything went good, and then I noticed like the day of the launch
00:46He was like a little weird about it like he was pacing around on the porch
00:50And I don't know it just makes you suspicious
00:51And then we finished a podcast that day and then I ended up going in that room over there to get on that live
00:58Where I was like scripted to say this that and the other but put it in my own words
01:02So I've done that and then that's when you got on and you were asking him questions
01:07And he couldn't answer him so I was like okay something's wrong
01:10He can't answer a simple question and then coffee Zilla got on there that scary guy
01:15Let me tell you don't ever want to have a conversation with well see that's how I got brought to me
01:19It was supposed to be done the right way like it was gonna be good
01:21Like half the money it was supposed to go like into my charity
01:24That's really why I agreed to do it just for the simple fact putting money into that
01:29It was a way to like get all my community gathered up together
01:31It was just I don't know it was brought to me in like a positive way like it was gonna be something good and long-term
01:37But it didn't go that route at all
01:41100% of the time the pitch is always gonna be positive. It's where the right guys were the ones etc etc
