(Adnkronos) - “Tre temi importanti: diversity, parità e lavoro. Ovviamente sono complementari, perché resta il divario tra le retribuzioni maschili e femminili del 40%, e anche il fenomeno dell'occupazione femminile al di sotto del 53%, mentre quella maschile supera il 70%. Quindi, tutte le amministrazioni e le aziende private hanno uno strumento anche straordinario che è quello della certificazione a parità, che dà l'opportunità ad aziende ed enti pubblici di garantire le politiche a favore della parità e a favore dell'inclusione.” Ha dichiarato Maria Giovanna De Vivo, Presidente del CUG INPS a margine del convegno “Diversità, pari opportunità e lavoro: diritti e nuove sfide” tenutosi alla sede INPS di Palazzo Wedekind a Roma.
00:00What are the three main themes?
00:04The three main themes are diversity, equality and work.
00:11Obviously, they are complementary because there is still the retributive divide between
00:18the male and female retributions of 40% and also the phenomenon of female employment
00:24in the family below 53% and the male above 70%.
00:28Equality is a theme that also concerns the policies of work and the economy
00:35because fewer women and fewer young people enter the labor market.
00:39This has an impact on birth rates.
00:43In 2020, the average number of children for women was 1.20
00:50only 1.21 in the first seven months of 2024.
00:54In 2023, it was very low, the lowest of all time.
00:58And this obviously also impacts on pension sustainability.
01:03Therefore, all administrations, private companies,
01:08have an extraordinary tool, which is the certification of equality,
01:14which gives companies and public entities the opportunity to guarantee policies
01:19in favor of equality, in favor of inclusion, therefore also for all kinds of diversity,
01:25through this tool that always imposes improvement actions,
01:33sets goals in the system in favor of equality and inclusion,
01:37and there is a continuous monitoring to verify the realization of these goals
01:44for an organization that is moving with the times,
01:47and certainly we must expect an organization that takes into account
01:52the conciliation of work and family, to encourage birth,
01:56that it can have nests, and many other policies,
02:00such as to counteract any form of retributive divide,
02:05that of female empowerment,
02:08and these are all issues that, let's say,
02:13interface these three of work,
02:17therefore to implement active policies, both for women and for young people,
02:23for the impact it has on the economy and also on equality,
02:27which remains one of the priority challenges,
02:30and is among the goals outlined in the 2030 Agenda.
02:34So it is a problem not only in our country, it is a global problem.