After days of intense scrutiny and pressure, the Chief Minister has launched an inquiry into executive promotions awarded while Michael Murphy was Commissioner of Police. Lead by a veteran supreme court judge, the Government and senior police will be hoping the probe restores confidence in the force - once and for all.
00:00In lockstep with the territories acting top cop after days of pressure, a commitment from
00:08the Chief Minister.
00:09We have engaged Justice Blow, a Tasmanian former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
00:16of Tasmania, to undertake an independent inquiry in conjunction with OCPE to look at the promotions
00:25that have taken place since August 2023.
00:28Examining all appointments from the rank of superintendent and above, it's a broad-reaching
00:33independent inquiry which, despite calls all week, the Chief Minister hasn't been ready
00:38to commit to.
00:39It wasn't off the table and I've just been methodically working through things.
00:44Resistance too from Acting Commissioner Martin Dole on Monday.
00:47I don't believe it's necessary, I don't believe there's any evidence of wrongdoing in relation
00:51to any of those appointments.
00:54Two days later, with Justice Blow's inquiries already underway, the position of the police
00:59was clarified.
01:00Acting Commissioner Martin Dole has thrown his full support behind cooperating as a police
01:06force with this important inquiry.
01:09And while there is no suggestion of any wrongdoing by Mr Dole or other police officers, the investigation
01:14places him front and centre in a book's open examination, probing the circumstances of
01:20his own promotion to the role of Deputy Commissioner under Michael Murphy.
01:24To clear the air on this issue once and for all.
01:27The Chief Minister has not given Justice Blow a deadline for the review.
01:31His findings will be tabled in Parliament.