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(Adnkronos) - “Abbiamo sostenuto l'istituzione della Giornata nazionale per la promozione del neuro sviluppo che si celebra l'11 maggio. Per l'occasione i servizi di neuropsichiatria infantile saranno aperti in tutte le regioni per diffondere una maggiore consapevolezza dei pazienti e per promuovere le strategie di neuro sviluppo”. Così Maria Antonella Costantino - past president Società italiana di neuropsichiatria infantile e adolescenza (Sinpia) intervenendo all’evento

‘One brain, one health’, durante il quale è stato presentato un primo bilancio della strategia italiana per la salute del cervello 2024-2031. La presentazione del bilancio, svoltasi a Roma, si è tenuta durante la settimana mondiale del cervello 2025, che si conclude il 16 marzo.


00:00Simpia is facing a lot of different strategies, one of the main strategies is the National Day for the Promotion of Neurosurgery on May 11th,
00:19a day in which, in addition to a national webinar open to the public of all ages and types and interests,
00:29there are the services of children's neuropsychiatry open in all regions, in such a way as to, how to say,
00:37spread on one side a greater knowledge of services that can sometimes scare the population when there is a need for help,
00:48but at the same time spread the strategies of promotion of neurodevelopment,
00:54therefore all those things that, from conception to the first years of life, to childhood and then adolescence,
01:02help the development of the brain and mind and a good development of children's adaptive functions,
01:08therefore from pregnancy care, to breastfeeding, to early speech reading in the very young,
01:18to then all the modalities to support a good cognitive development, non-competitive,
01:25the development of skills, of affective education and therefore of management, knowledge of emotions,
01:34a non-competitive but cooperative learning, and many other aspects of this kind.
