• 2 days ago
PokerGO: Daniel Negreanu DOMINATES Final Table Like You've Never Seen Before!
00:00Welcome back to the 2025 PGT Mixed Games. It is time for the Event 6 Final Table, a $15,000 buy-in Dealers' Choice event,
00:13headlined by none other than Boca Hall of Famer Daniel Negreanu in search of his first ever Dealers' Choice title.
00:22He's come close before on numerous occasions. Let's see if he can close it out today.
00:26My name is Rem Perenkema, Donnie Peters alongside me in the booth, and joining us, special guest Kevin Gerhardt,
00:32four-time WSB Bracewell winner, an expert when it comes to all these games in rotation.
00:38Here's a look at the lineup. Max Coleman on top, he is our chip leader. Nick Shulman, aspiring Boca Hall of Fame member,
00:45is the short stack. Brazil is represented as well. Vamos in the chat if you're with us.
00:50From Brazil, Yuri Dvoretsky representing. The final seven guarantee $39,000, $292,500 up top,
00:58and of course, a boatload of PGT points in the race for the million-dollar PGT Championship.
01:05Now, let's get these cards in the air and find out whether Negreanu can battle his way through this tough lineup.
01:15We saw Limit Omaha high yesterday. That's a game that's also in the mix.
01:20You have to be really a master of all trades, and if someone calls a game and sees that you don't really know what you're doing,
01:27that game will continue to get called until you are out of the tournament.
01:32Negreanu springing into action immediately. Picks up aces with the suit, got the 4-5 to go along with it.
01:38Really nice prospects here in this game of high-low, and look at that.
01:42Already basically a million in the middle as we go to the flop.
01:454-6 jack. Negreanu's high chances have some good equity here.
01:59Yeah, Negreanu playing ace-5 for the low. Miller also playing ace-5 for the low.
02:05Seven of diamonds on the turn. Negreanu with 4-5, also with a straight draw here.
02:137-5 gives Miller a different straight draw. River is the four of clubs.
02:19Negreanu, three-quarters here.
02:23Yeah, the check back on the turn is really giving Miller some respect, calling three bets out of the big blind for something like an ace-deuce or ace-three.
02:32We can see that Negreanu is getting three-quarters off this pot.
02:41I got a four and ace-five.
02:46And Negreanu getting some additional value on the river. Might look like a tough bet to make there on the river.
02:52Yeah, I think with having a four and blocking a five for the straight,
02:58you could definitely get called by something exactly like Miller had to get three-quarters.
03:03I don't think you're scooping very often with the way the preflop action went,
03:08but he did get maximum value from his good aces at the poker table.
03:16Yeah, it takes so much paying attention to every single piece of information you can get from your opponents.
03:25If they show you something, say in Viducy, that is just not something that you agree with or the way you would play the hand,
03:32you're going to pick Viducy every single time to get their chips.
03:37Negreanu picks up aces for the second time in just three hands.
03:42This time suited again with 5-3 along with it.
03:46These are incredible aces.
03:51Hot start for Negreanu Dillon-Smith in the big blind with queens.
03:56Gets out of the way, doesn't want to get involved.
03:59It's definitely a reasonable hand to continue for $100,000, but you really are only looking for a queen on the flop.
04:05It's very disciplined and he wants to keep his stack as high as possible for the big bet games
04:10where he probably has an edge against the rest of this lineup.
04:14Look at how wonderful this flop connects with Negreanu's low possibilities.
04:207 on the turn gives him the nut low.
04:24Sternheimer of course drawing to the nut flush on an unpaired board.
04:28But this has potential to be quite painful for Sternheimer who knows that Negreanu is likely to be on a strong low already.
04:38Yeah, this is an amazing board for Daniel.
04:41He picks up the nut flush draw on the turn in hearts to go along with his full wheel wrap.
04:47Cannot lose the low and a complete brick on the end.
04:52Negreanu with a scooper here.
04:56As you can see, nothing for Sternheimer.
04:59And when I say nothing, I really mean it. This is like absolutely nothing.
05:03Whiffing on everything.
05:05The ace six for the low.
05:07Not even an emergency given the way the action has gone.
05:12Yeah, it's really hard for him to call with the way the action went.
05:19There's so much money in there. I mean you are getting 7 to 1 on your call.
05:24He does make the correct fold.
05:27Ace, ace, 3, 5 and a flush draw.
05:30You're getting some hands.
05:32I mean I had ace, ace, 4, 5 and this time ace, ace, 3, 5.
05:35Alright, so don't blink now. Daniel Negreanu in a matter of a few hands.
05:40Now the chip leader in this tournament.
05:42I mean the tournament, not in the game.
05:44The low is the same as the big blind.
05:48The 50k as well.
05:52I have a good story.
06:00I have a good story about that.
06:02You opened and he's all in.
06:04All in here.
06:05Jack 10, 9, 6, 3.
06:07A hand that he cannot draw with.
06:09Negreanu with the initial raiser.
06:11As you can see drawing to a 10, 9, 8.
06:13Which means that he's drawing to a better hand.
06:16Goodness for you.
06:17I was stealing.
06:19Negreanu was using his stack.
06:22Doing my money.
06:24To his advantage and still giving his opponent so much information.
06:27Are you taking one? No?
06:29I might not be.
06:30Oh, I am live. That's crazy.
06:34It is a 2 across.
06:372 across is death for Miller.
06:39Ryan Miller eliminated in 7th place.
06:41Just like that.
06:43Negreanu makes a 10, 9.
06:45That spells the end for Miller.
06:48I mean we're not even an hour in.
06:50And I feel like Negreanu hasn't lost a hand yet.
06:52It is insane.
06:53He is up 3.4 million from his starting stack.
06:56Everyone else is down chips.
06:58Except for Shulman who is up a measly 125,000.
07:02As he decides to shove here.
07:03And Coleman finds the pat 9, 8.
07:07Coleman out of position.
07:09Which is not unimportant.
07:12Shulman did this because he has what we call a convertible hand.
07:15If your opponent is drawing 1, you can stay pat with the jack 7.
07:18And be a slight equity favorite.
07:20If your opponent stays pat in front of you, you can decide to break.
07:24And draw to a 7.
07:26Which most of the time will win the pot.
07:32Coleman doing some math here.
07:33Calculating how much this is going to be for.
07:35And he does make the call.
07:37Good luck.
07:40Coleman is a very big equity favorite.
07:43Coleman announces pat.
07:44Instant draw here for Shulman.
07:46One card to come.
07:47He's got tons of outs.
07:48Can he find one?
07:51A couple of 9s were folded from Daniel too.
07:54So keep that in mind.
07:56So he has like 10 outs to improve his hand.
08:00Just gather myself here, suits wise.
08:03Making sure he knows what suit it is.
08:05Oh, baby.
08:07Nothing across.
08:10It's a club.
08:15There it is.
08:17And Nick Shulman makes a 7-6 to double through Coleman.
08:21He now up to 2 million.
08:24The two biggest stars at the table doing quite well here.
08:28Shulman in his favorite and possibly best game,
08:31finding the double up in the game he called on this orbit.
08:36Negrano still in search of his first dealer's choice title.
08:41This would be a little too egregious to open under the gun with a two-card 4-5.
08:46Oh, my gosh.
08:47He is just putting the pressure on.
08:51Negrano, of course, thinking to himself, first of all,
08:55they're likely to fold.
08:56Second of all, I have three draws.
08:59Shulman's coming in.
09:00This is a monstrous hand.
09:02You have a 2-4-7 with a wheel draw for the five-card hand.
09:07So I suspect Negrano's going to take three.
09:10Shulman's going to take one.
09:12Smith's going to come in there, too, with his 2-5-6.
09:14We're going to get a big pot.
09:16He's just letting Negrano take it.
09:182-3-6 for Coleman, too.
09:23Coleman in the big blind.
09:25Now, this game is limit.
09:27So it gets increasingly expensive to continue drawing,
09:31which is a massive advantage for Negrano.
09:34The thing here, though,
09:35is that a lot will be revealed about the strength of Negrano's hand when the
09:39first draw happens,
09:40which will put Shulman in the driver's seat to apply pressure the other way.
09:46We can see Max actually should fold this hand if he knows what cards are in
09:51his opponent's hand.
09:52The four of spades and the five of spades dead,
09:54which are his two best cards.
09:55He's looking for exactly the seven or eight or nine of spades to continue in
09:59this hand.
10:00That's an amazing fold.
10:01Maybe he just believes Shulman.
10:04Negrano drawing two.
10:07Shulman drawing one.
10:09So if Daniel's drawing two, that means he kept the nine, I would assume.
10:11That's going to be a check for me.
10:12And Negrano with the draw disadvantage here.
10:16Two versus Shulman's one is going to slow down.
10:20And as it is a custom in these games,
10:22when you have the lead or the perceived lead,
10:25you generally want to bet.
10:28Shulman does make a queen biddoogie, queen low,
10:31which not really a showdown hand, but.
10:34It's maybe too much, but of note, if Coleman was in the hand,
10:38he would have caught exactly the eight of spades,
10:40which is the second best card he could have caught.
10:42And he would have had a massive lead in this hand drawing to an eight six
10:46with a, with an eight biddoogie.
10:48So ace is bad in this game.
10:50So Negrano does not find a way to improve.
10:53It is a diamond, but that of course doesn't help him.
10:56And Shulman stays biddoogie.
10:58If that's the way to put it by catching a heart,
11:03but still it's only a king low.
11:04So we're not excited about that.
11:06No, not at all.
11:08Maybe if it was a Jack or a 10, you could,
11:11you could stay patent and hope Negrano doesn't catch up.
11:15So Negrano draws one.
11:18Now just to keep in line with how this game works,
11:20Negrano is looking for a low diamond card.
11:23That's what he's looking for.
11:24Shulman is looking for a low heart.
11:27Yeah, we see all the threes are dead.
11:29So Shulman cannot make a wheel this hand.
11:32Negrano makes a nine eight both ways.
11:38And Shulman catches the ace of spades.
11:41My bet.
11:44We know that the deuce and six of diamonds were dead from previous hands.
11:48The eight of diamonds is the exact perfect card that Negrano could have caught
11:53for him to win this entire pot.
11:55This is crazy.
11:56And stone worst card for Shulman here.
12:00Yeah, he is not happy.
12:01Negrano is still just,
12:03he must've got some sun this morning and it was just,
12:06just running hotter than the sun.
12:09That is crazy.
12:10Nine nine.
12:12Nine nine.
12:13Was I on this episode?
12:14You weren't in the clip.
12:17But you tell me,
12:18are people getting naked?
12:20that might have to be added to the wheel of pain.
12:22We'll talk about it.
12:23Coleman here,
12:24raising with Jax Sternheimer with a pair of sixes in the big blind with
12:27almost nothing left behind.
12:30My brain is going a million miles a minute trying to figure this game out.
12:33I have never really played this before.
12:35Do you just,
12:36you know,
12:37go for broke,
12:38draw three,
12:40a six.
12:41Jax Sternheimer has already put in 200 K of his 325 K to start and is
12:46drawing three to try and hit it exactly a six against Coleman here.
12:50There's sometimes you're,
12:51there's just nothing you can do.
12:52You know that you're behind and you need to improve to make two pair or
12:56three of a kind.
12:58So we've got Jax all in versus sixes Sternheim with three chances.
13:08If Coleman catches a jacket,
13:09it's pretty much over.
13:10That's true.
13:11All right.
13:12So Sternheimer left with a pair of sixes.
13:13Go for it.
13:14Coleman with a pair of Jax will send Sternheimer to the rail and
13:20Philip Sternheimer will be our sixth place finisher as he still sweats the
13:28He's just said he's sweating a three across,
13:29which is a six,
13:30seven or eight and it's a diamond.
13:31So he knows that he's live,
13:32but he's a two to one underdog to make the six.
13:35He's going real deep,
13:38sweating both sides.
13:39Switch to the top.
13:41He's looking for the PIP in the middle.
13:42All right.
13:44Sternheimer collecting $53,625 for finishing in sixth place.
13:49We are now down to the final five.
13:52And despite knocking the player out,
13:54Coleman still only on 725,000 chips because Negrano is the king of the
14:00castle here at the final table of this event.
14:03So the graphic does say pot lid Omaha,
14:07but that's because we don't have a different Omaha graphic.
14:10It's limit,
14:13limit Omaha,
14:15high only.
14:17Shulman as the second shortest stack picks up a monster in,
14:20in limit Omaha.
14:21High does not care about ICM.
14:23ICM is for poor people.
14:24Good luck,
14:26Let's go.
14:27All right.
14:28Negrano makes the call.
14:29Shulman with only probability.
14:31I'm full.
14:32A small bet.
14:34See the equities are just so close.
14:36In this game,
14:37both players flopping a king.
14:38Got it.
14:39What is it?
14:40King four.
14:43I got it for now.
14:44You're not like,
14:45he says,
14:46I got it.
14:47He's like,
14:48you just got it.
14:49You got it.
14:55Negrano on our front with Kings and fours.
14:57Shulman needs oxygen and some cards because he's about to be out of this
15:04Unless he hits one of those out to the top of your screen.
15:06It's funny.
15:07I made Kings and tens,
15:08but it's good for him.
15:11Nine Jack.
15:12Clean picks up a much bigger draw or do snow.
15:16You have Kings and tens.
15:19All right.
15:21One of those cards on the river.
15:22There you go,
15:24And it's an ace on the river.
15:25Shulman hits Broadway survives and can come up for some air.
15:29But I think it's just going to be so hard for Smith and Coleman to call
15:34Does take advantage.
15:37It's probably good enough.
15:40Wanting to call,
15:41looking at just one card.
15:43Just make sure that the other one isn't a deuce,
15:47I guess,
15:48but Coleman doesn't call Smith all in and at risk.
15:51Jack eight versus ace King,
15:53nine 75.
15:56All right,
15:57here comes the flop.
15:58Can Smith survive again?
16:00it looks unlikely.
16:01Coleman pairs his ace.
16:02There are some backdoor options,
16:04but not a whole lot here for Smith.
16:06Turn card.
16:07Six of spades.
16:08And that'll do it.
16:09Dylan Smith eliminated in fifth place.
16:12What a roller coaster.
16:13It's a good one.
16:14It's a good one.
16:15It's a good one.
16:16It's a good one.
16:17It's a good one.
16:18It's a good one.
16:19It's a good one.
16:20It's a good one.
16:21It's a good one.
16:22It's a good one.
16:23It's a good one.
16:24What a roller coaster.
16:25I believe he doubled up about four or five times,
16:27but still got short time and time again.
16:29He will collect $73,125 for his efforts.
16:34And look at Zivilevsky.
16:36What a way to ladder now into the final four with just 300,000 chips.
16:43anything reasonable in the ground is all in can put showman in such a,
16:46such an ICM cage.
16:49A little acting.
16:59I wonder if he's trying to balance his range of being reasonable hands.
17:04And now he's giving showman a chance to just call,
17:07draw to make his hand and then decide if he wants to put more money in
17:10there instead of Nick, just being all in to start.
17:13So in a way,
17:15Nagrano should have just jammed to make this decision a lot more polarizing.
17:18I think so.
17:19I think Nagrano jams here and it's a lot, a lot harder for Nick.
17:23Oh my gosh.
17:24Nick pairs his three.
17:25Nagrano ends up with Jack 10, nine, again, making a hand.
17:28And I mean, this is getting ridiculous.
17:31And showman's not going anywhere pre-draw.
17:33He has to put his money in with a hand this strong.
17:36Nagrano just failed to knock out another player.
17:41Now Nagrano's goal is to get everyone down to one big bet.
17:45And end it four ways.
17:46And even if showman were, if he finds a fold here, which I would guess,
17:49I mean, he's still ahead of Coleman and Uri.
17:52It's like, he's still ahead of them in chips.
17:55This is crazy.
17:56This is crazy.
17:57And he knows next hand, like you said, Kevin, Coleman's all in,
18:00except for 25K.
18:01He's got to commit 250 of his 275.
18:04So this is another wild spot.
18:10Once again, Nagrano with, I mean, slightly the worst draw,
18:13but showman has a monstrous draw that just didn't come to anything.
18:18He knows Nagrano would jam every single card that he catches here,
18:21but are you beating fours, fives, sixes, sevens, eights?
18:25It's just, there's so many more cards in the deck that beat you than not.
18:29And do we want to gamble when we do have the other two players covered?
18:33I don't think so.
18:35I feel like you're bluffing, Chino.
18:36What do you like, bro?
18:38It really feels that way to me, but.
18:41Oh my God.
18:42Is this phone a friend?
18:44What is this?
18:45I'm surprised you didn't run over.
18:46Nick, let me swipe your cards.
18:47He might still be doing that.
18:50Chino Ream in the house as always, leading the Ph.D. Mixed Game standings.
18:55Notice Nagrano, who's sometimes talkative.
18:57It all happened so fast, and now here we are.
19:01I just kind of wanted to be funny.
19:03It's just min fives there.
19:05Heavens to Betsy.
19:06It's okay.
19:07It happens.
19:08I wonder if that's specifically because, you know, Nick probably can read people.
19:13You kind of have to.
19:16Every time I feel like it doesn't matter.
19:20It doesn't matter.
19:24Jack, buddy.
19:25Good hand.
19:26Two threes.
19:27Good hand.
19:28Happy to hear that.
19:29He has 91% of the chips.
19:31There's no more vacuuming left to be done.
19:33He has 91% of the chips.
19:35All right, Daniel.
19:36All in.
19:38I mean, that's enough.
19:40Five yellow chips would have been enough to put every other player all in.
19:45And Yuri's in such a tough spot here, too,
19:47because he knows Coleman is basically all in except for a quarter.
19:51He has to fold almost anything.
19:52Shulman has to fold.
19:53Oh, my God.
19:54He has a hand, too.
19:56He has, like, the worst hand that you would ever call with here,
20:00and he just has to do it.
20:03There were some situations.
20:08Donnie, I don't know if Tim Duckworth is tracking stats on this.
20:12Coleman is going to make the call here, by the way.
20:14Drawing two.
20:17Pretty good one.
20:20Drawing two, eight, nine, six, five.
20:22Seven for Daniel, for sure.
20:24Oh, my God.
20:25There it is.
20:26There it is.
20:28He makes a 9-7, and that is it for Max Coleman.
20:32Coleman busted in fourth place.
20:36He was second in chips for a while there,
20:38but this tournament just belongs to Daniel Negreanu until otherwise declared.
20:44Coleman collecting 97,500.
20:46And look at Zivilevsky.
20:48I don't think he's won a hand today.
20:51All right, Zivilevsky will be all in with a bunch of garbage.
20:57Negreanu has to call 100K here.
21:00Not quads.
21:01Oh, he only has to call 50K.
21:03Oh, 50K.
21:04Now I have to decide.
21:06All right.
21:08Negreanu tossing two, I guess.
21:10I think it's draw two and draw three.
21:16This is just ridiculous.
21:17I don't think Yuri should have looked at his hand
21:19because maybe now he gives off some sort of tell to Daniel.
21:24Well, Negreanu is thinking.
21:28I actually like that a lot because it's so hard to have anything.
21:32Don't make a pair and you win.
21:35Just don't pair and you're good.
21:37All right, so Negreanu with ace-king, standing pat,
21:42and Zivilevsky pairs his fours, and that is it.
21:46The Brazilian pro squeezed his way into the top three,
21:52gets eliminated,
21:55taken home $131,000.
21:58What odds does Shulman have to win this heads up?
22:01Put a number on it, Donnie, right now before the first hand.
22:0535 to 1.
22:07I mean, I don't know.
22:09It is insane.
22:10It's going to be very, very hard.
22:11First prize in this event.
22:13Well, it might be over right here.
22:15Negreanu dealt a pat hand, going to shove a lot of different hands.
22:20Oh, no.
22:21I mean, Shulman only had 75K back.
22:24I'm taking four.
22:25It's a no-limit single draw, right?
22:27I'm going to take four.
22:28All right, so four-card draw for Shulman.
22:31Got a jack to beat.
22:32Got a jack?
22:34Oh, my God.
22:35You know, I could have drawn three to the seven queen.
22:37Oh, sick.
22:38You know what I'm saying?
22:40Okay, here we go.
22:41All right, so let's see if Shulman can pull off the first of many
22:44miracles needed here.
22:46I mean, this would be a miracle.
22:48This would be an absolute miracle if he draws four.
22:50I have a good feeling about you this hand.
22:51About me?
22:52I feel like you're a right away where, okay.
22:57All right, we're still live.
22:58You're in the game.
22:59He swatted a three across.
23:01Yes, sir.
23:03It just keeps coming off.
23:04No way.
23:06Always been very lucky at low ball, very, my whole life.
23:09Oh, baby.
23:10Let's go.
23:11Let's play a little longer.
23:14Giving the four across.
23:15He makes the jack.
23:17Oh, my God.
23:19Shulman makes it.
23:20Let's go.
23:21Jack seven after drawing four.
23:23As if this final table needed anything else.
23:26Draw four versus a pat.
23:29And he just rips it off.
23:30You didn't take the queen.
23:32How much you got now?
23:33Like 600, 700?
23:34No, no.
23:35Granu is choosing a new game now, and Shulman has the button.
23:39Okay, here you go, sir.
23:40Let's just do PLO.
23:44Granu just wants to run it.
23:45Time for some flips.
23:46Time for some flips.
23:48It doesn't matter.
23:49We're flipping in PLO anyways.
23:51Let's go, boys.
23:53All right, we are flipping indeed.
23:56Turn them up, boys.
23:57Wow, what a hand from Granu.
23:59I mean, you have queen jack six.
24:02Yeah, you're right, though.
24:03I was just hoping to be a little more alive.
24:05I didn't see that.
24:06I had the six.
24:07I have jack six, too, and you got bigger cards.
24:08It's PLO.
24:09I need the wolf pack.
24:10We know the wolf pack is the middle cards in the deck.
24:13Ace of hearts is it?
24:14You got too much out there.
24:15It's just five.
24:16Five totally.
24:17All right, so Shulman looking to get back up to a million.
24:22Apologies again for the graphics,
24:23but it doesn't really matter all that much yet.
24:27Let's see if Shulman can survive another one.
24:29Jack 10, seven, six versus ace queen jack six.
24:33Granu, heavy favorite.
24:34I don't want to lose this one.
24:35I've decided.
24:36The first one was fine, but I think I'm over it.
24:38I like that.
24:39That's a heavy favorite in PLO.
24:41Ace, eight, nine, two hearts.
24:43Buddy, you have the rat.
24:44And the six.
24:45You're a favorite.
24:46And the spades.
24:48The ace was like such a good one, but not with the rest of it.
24:51It's 50-50 here.
24:52Any eliminators?
24:53Fever is an eliminator.
24:55An ace on the turn.
24:56Ten is not good for me.
24:57Ace on the turn is like.
24:58Annoying, super annoying.
25:00You're a big helper.
25:01All right, Shulman still.
25:04There it is.
25:05Double up.
25:06I just have to fade a ten.
25:07Oh, a ten.
25:08I didn't even see that.
25:09All right, so Shulman looking for his second double up.
25:12He's whistling.
25:14Oh, boy.
25:16That was an early whistle.
25:17He whistled himself into a ten.
25:19Keep it low.
25:23Waiting for the river.
25:24Okay, graphics are back.
25:25They're down to three outs to close it out.
25:27Can he find it?
25:28It's not there.
25:30Shulman doubles up a second time.
25:31Okay, we're not done yet.
25:33As you, in the World Series to Galfond.
25:35I believe it.
25:37I have five, yeah.
25:38Got what I was waiting for.
25:40You got the fours.
25:41All right, Shulman all in.
25:43Queen, five, four, four.
25:45Nine, seven, six, three.
25:48Four, Negronu.
25:50Fair fight.
25:51You think you're going to lose this one?
25:53I feel like you think you are.
25:54I really thought I was going to lose the one that I folded that I should call.
25:57So, this I kind of feel like I'm going to win, to be honest.
26:01Because I just, I don't want to trust the deck stuff too much.
26:04But I knew I was going to lose.
26:05I think I'll hit like a seven or a nine.
26:07Ace, nine, Badugi versus you.
26:13All right, here comes the flop.
26:15Shulman's tournament life on the line yet again.
26:17And that is quite all right.
26:19Dead on the flop.
26:23Dead on the flop.
26:24The lock is starting to turn.
26:26And the button, and it's my game now?
26:28You can only do so much with two bigs.
26:31It's going to be hard to put a check raising on six and really outplay.
26:34Oh, I'm not trying to do any of that.
26:36Just want to hit hands as always.
26:39All right, seven card stud is the name of the game.
26:41Haven't seen this one today.
26:43And Shulman finds split kings versus DeGuarda with split tens.
26:47And is the luck really starting to turn here?
26:50Because if Shulman takes this thing all the way to seventh,
26:53which is very likely given the fact that we are heads up and both players have a pair,
26:57then all of a sudden we're looking at a really, really exciting match here.
27:02And look at the cards being shown here.
27:05I can't believe this is a real hand.
27:07This is insane.
27:08The start stud.
27:09Shulman just called.
27:10He didn't even complete it on third street.
27:13And we're going to just rip it in here, so it seems.
27:17Three bets on fourth street.
27:21DeGuarda thinking his ten is going to be good.
27:24Quite a few amounts of it.
27:26And he picks up a gut shot straight draw along with it.
27:28Everything is so even.
27:30Another 50-50.
27:31Wanted to trap you up.
27:32I had the tens to start.
27:34I was just getting fancy.
27:36Yeah, that money gets in all day.
27:39I think I can hit this one.
27:40Yes, I think it gets in with the split tens playing heads up stud.
27:43You have a straight draw and tens.
27:46This is ridiculous.
27:47I have a lonely pair of kings.
27:49Pair of kings.
27:50Could you manage a small?
27:52Thank you very much.
27:53Just for a sec.
27:54No, take your time, by the way.
27:55I just want you to show it first.
27:56Yeah, of course.
27:57Don't show us.
27:58Let them squeeze it.
27:59You might not need to look.
28:01Donnie and Kevin both blocking the screen.
28:06And the kings for Schulman hold up 3.7 million to 6.1 million.
28:12Oh, my gosh.
28:13Well, this is something.
28:14And we're playing three more heads of stud.
28:16You know, what is it?
28:17Like four?
28:18Is it four in a row?
28:19You know, it's a lot.
28:23The fact that he started off his heads up battle by drawing four
28:25and making his hand to survive in no limit deuce
28:28is just insane to begin with.
28:31This whole final table has been like one of those ones
28:33we're going to look back on in a couple years and be like,
28:36do you remember this?
28:37And then it's going to be like, do you remember when this happened?
28:39Do you remember when this happened?
28:40But do you remember when this happened?
28:42Like it's one of those final tables.
28:44It's been absolutely outrageous.
28:50If Schulman wins this,
28:51do we submit this to the Global Poker Awards for final table performance?
28:55Why can't it be final table performance for the way Daniel has
28:58pulled this thing over?
28:59I mean, this has been insane.
29:05We already got hand of the year locked up with the Keating hand.
29:08Oh, yeah.
29:09From high stakes poker, right?
29:10Why don't we get final table performance of the year locked up as well?
29:12Oh, wow.
29:13Three clubs ace high versus three diamonds.
29:16Punish, Daniel.
29:19It's going to come over the top.
29:23You're not very happy if you're nicking this spot.
29:26Getting raised by a five?
29:29You're thinking, you know, pocket pair of some variety.
29:33You know your equity with three low diamonds that don't make a straight.
29:36Oh, fourth diamond for Schulman.
29:39Is this where we just press?
29:43Negrano pairs his eight, by the way.
29:47Yeah, much less likely Schulman has an eight.
29:5250-50 again.
29:54Schulman looking for a diamond.
29:57Instead catches a four, makes at least a pair,
29:59which offers him some emergency outs towards two pair,
30:02which in stud high can often be enough.
30:07Negrano continues applying the pressure.
30:13Schulman still 55% equity in this hand.
30:17Don't forget about the fact that a four, a deuce, an eight, a jack, a diamond.
30:22I was just going to say, this would be a sexy raise.
30:24Like such a good spot to put in the raise.
30:27Maybe deny some equity to Negrano.
30:30Schulman just looking to get it in with pair and flush draw.
30:32Schulman finds the raise and makes eights and fours somehow.
30:38Gets another bet in.
30:43Negrano trying to find out what is going on here.
30:50This is ridiculous.
30:54There's so many cards that Negrano needs that are dead in Schulman's hand.
31:00Just to make two pair.
31:05Negrano does make the call.
31:07Schulman 84% here with 3.7 million chips in the middle.
31:12Ace, eight, six, five for Negrano.
31:17Schulman's card hits the reader and he gets the check mark.
31:20The scanner picks up on the signal.
31:22Negrano does not improve.
31:24Schulman with eights and fours holds on to the winner here.
31:39Do we check call and save 200K?
31:40That's the question.
31:42Or do we bet with the chance of having to call all in for 200K?
31:49It's really, really dicey.
31:51I really like going for value here.
31:53Schulman bets 400,000.
31:58Negrano calls it off.
32:00Even more for Schulman after getting maximum value.
32:05The stacks are basically tied.
32:11What a nice hand for Schulman.
32:13Ace, queen, seven, three double suited on the button for Schulman.
32:17Might see some fireworks here.
32:21He announces a pot-sized raise.
32:23And this gets expensive fast.
32:25And Negrano finds ace, ace, king, queen.
32:28And comes right over the top.
32:30Doesn't waste any time.
32:34I'm sorry.
32:35What has happened?
32:37Oh, my gosh.
32:39This is insanity.
32:42This is the world we're living in.
32:44Of course.
32:45All in call, yep.
32:52You got two suits.
32:53Look at this hand.
32:56Got the primo in again.
32:58I'm just kidding.
33:00I got the what?
33:01I can't believe this hand.
33:05That would be a fitting way for you to win today.
33:07Ace, ace, king, queen.
33:08This was good hand day.
33:10I'd be good with it.
33:11I saw so many of those I folded an ace in three bigs.
33:14I said it must be double suited.
33:16Yeah, yeah, yeah.
33:18I was just waiting for that Schulman reaction when Negrano tables an ace.
33:23But it is now or never for Nick Schulman.
33:26Super aggressive.
33:28I'm done with the sweats.
33:30I'm shaking inside.
33:32You're comfortable.
33:34You're free rolling.
33:36I don't like how we both have ace, queen.
33:38I need some fours.
33:41Is there a sweat available?
33:43Negrano a favorite here to close it out.
33:45And we see 6-5-6 on the flop.
33:48Schulman looking for a four and a four only.
33:54Stay on Negrano.
33:56On the brink of closing it out.
33:58Schulman looking for a sweat.
34:00It's the deuce of clubs on the turn.
34:03Schulman once again looking for a four and a four only.
34:07Or Negrano will take this thing down after one of the most dominating performances in PGT history.
34:14Big Schulman versus Daniel Negrano.
34:17You know how stressful it is?
34:19I lost a helmet like that too, remember?
34:21What a way to end it here today.
