• yesterday
DEMON ANGELS - Movies Full Movie English - Horror - Michael Teh - Li Jing
00:00:00There was a wild horse. The one riding on it had a bow. And a crown was given to him. He went out as a conqueror so he might conquer.
00:00:26For the great day of their ride has come. And who is able to stand?
00:00:47Another one Gabriel?
00:00:49Give me two.
00:00:55You know those guys I'm playing for?
00:00:59Every day of this week, right wheel. Big tippers.
00:01:15Can I get my juice?
00:01:17Gabriel, my man. Where have you been?
00:01:21I see you're on the non-sleeping diet. Jesus Christ man, you look like shit.
00:01:27It's just a little outside your territory.
00:01:29You my boss now? I've had calls inside of town all week.
00:01:32Jody Martini. No vodka.
00:01:35That's disgusting.
00:01:36I'm on the clock.
00:01:45Hey, I got something for you Antonio.
00:01:47I bought a six pack off you last week. New flavor, new form. You can just try it.
00:02:01That's decent.
00:02:02I'll put you down for three dozen.
00:02:04It's not in the budget.
00:02:09Those are some serious shit kickers, pal.
00:02:11You want to find out first hand?
00:02:13I'm good.
00:02:14Dude, I'm good.
00:02:16I'm good.
00:02:18See this?
00:02:21It's my business.
00:02:23Ever heard of it?
00:02:24Got guts?
00:02:27Number one demon cleaning crew in the state.
00:02:31Why do demons need to be cleaned?
00:02:34That's funny, man.
00:02:36Here's what it is, see.
00:02:37It's for cleaning up demon guts after they die.
00:02:41Demons don't die.
00:02:46Well, that man right there?
00:02:48He would disagree with you.
00:02:50He has killed over one thousand humans himself.
00:02:54You hunt demons?
00:02:57Well, he's retired now, but he used to.
00:03:00Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute.
00:03:02That's a very expensive bottle.
00:03:03Eighty-five, one dollar bottle.
00:03:05Eighty-five, one dollar bill.
00:03:06Watch yourself.
00:03:07You know who you're dealing with?
00:03:08Oh, now, come on.
00:03:10That's fifteen dollars shy of a hundred dollar bill.
00:03:14Eighty-five, okay.
00:03:16Here's eighty-five.
00:03:18That's three dollars.
00:03:22Come on, boy.
00:03:26I turn my back for a second and you change the whole table?
00:03:30Yo, look.
00:03:32I don't know where you're from,
00:03:33frankly, I don't give a damn.
00:03:35Well, where I'm from,
00:03:37we act like a man and when it's time to pay up, we pay up.
00:03:41Well, here's a little something to take home to your wifey.
00:03:46Sort him out, boys.
00:04:04Get him.
00:04:24Bravo, bravo.
00:04:30That's your quarter right here, Spinal Tap.
00:04:52I see you haven't lost your touch.
00:04:57What are you doing here?
00:04:59I haven't seen you in ten years, brother.
00:05:01No, hi, how are you?
00:05:03Nice to see you.
00:05:05Hi, how are you?
00:05:07What the hell are you doing here?
00:05:09I came to bring you back to Zosia.
00:05:12Hear me out.
00:05:14There's no way in hell I'm going back to that place.
00:05:17Eve would want you to do this.
00:05:20What the fuck did you just say?
00:05:25Hold on!
00:05:27You must have a death wish.
00:05:28Eve's the reason I'm here.
00:05:30What are you talking about?
00:05:32Put me down.
00:05:34I have to show you something.
00:05:36I have to show you.
00:05:41Jesus, Gabriel.
00:05:43You've wrinkled my shirt.
00:05:44This is Italian sewing.
00:05:45Show me.
00:05:48Let's go inside.
00:05:53He's appeared yesterday.
00:05:55Before angels.
00:05:56God on the first plane to come and find you.
00:05:58How do I know those are real?
00:06:00Come on.
00:06:02The marks have been appearing on me since I was 18.
00:06:04You know what they look like.
00:06:06I don't want to go back into that world.
00:06:08What about Eve's prophecy?
00:06:10Eve lost a lot of blood.
00:06:12She didn't know what she was seeing.
00:06:15You really believe that?
00:06:17I don't believe anything anymore.
00:06:19Especially anything coming out of your mouth.
00:06:22Well, I assume you still believe in science.
00:06:23What's that?
00:06:25I've been tracking demon movements with my team back in Europe.
00:06:28I've started taking on a concentrated formation.
00:06:35Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:06:37What the hell happened here?
00:06:39Get out of my way, little man.
00:06:47What was that?
00:06:48That was a demon.
00:06:50Well, no shit, dickhead.
00:06:51Who let this dimwit paddle over the pond, huh?
00:06:54Always a pleasure, Warwick.
00:06:57So, where's Antonio?
00:07:01Oh, man.
00:07:03The guys playing pool were demons.
00:07:05And they weren't exploding, they were combusting.
00:07:07Well, better spongebobs has no guts.
00:07:11But this is not good for the demon-cleaning business.
00:07:20What did I tell you?
00:07:24What'd I tell you?
00:07:26What'd I tell you?
00:07:27It works!
00:07:28What happened?
00:07:29You don't want to know.
00:07:46I'll be right in.
00:07:50I'll be right in.
00:08:05Oh, my God, I thought I'd never see you again.
00:08:07Well, here I am.
00:08:09What are you doing here?
00:08:19Hello, Hannah.
00:08:24How are you?
00:08:28Where did you get that?
00:08:31This just saved someone from a demon attack.
00:08:36What is it?
00:08:38It's a pulse revival elixir.
00:08:43It's a herbal compound that, when activated,
00:08:45mimics a chemical reaction to jumpstart the heart.
00:08:47Like a defibrillator.
00:08:51What's the activator?
00:08:53It's a chemical that forms when demon poison
00:08:55enters the bloodstream.
00:08:57Are you two hunting again?
00:09:01Not yet.
00:09:03What's going on?
00:09:06The angels have landed.
00:09:08You can't be serious.
00:09:10You do not see them coming?
00:09:13No, I don't scry anymore.
00:09:15They're here.
00:09:18How do you know?
00:09:20They marked me.
00:09:29So what do you need from me?
00:09:31We want you to come to Europe with us.
00:09:33We need to find them before the demons do.
00:09:35You want me to come with you?
00:09:37We need you.
00:09:40How can you trust me?
00:09:43I'm ready.
00:09:45Are you sure?
00:10:06What happened to you in there?
00:10:08I don't know.
00:10:10The demon is at the square.
00:10:15If it wasn't for my vision, Eve would still be here.
00:10:23Hi, honey.
00:10:25I am almost done. Have you finished your homework?
00:10:28Who's that?
00:10:30This is Gabriel and Michael.
00:10:32They are very old friends of mine.
00:10:35This is my daughter, Ivy.
00:10:39Baby, why don't you grab your things and I'll get ready to leave.
00:10:50When are you going?
00:10:52We leave tonight. We have to move quickly.
00:10:54But I can't just leave her.
00:10:56What about her father?
00:10:59He's not around.
00:11:02Is there anyone else?
00:11:04My mother.
00:11:07This is an opportunity to give your daughter a life free from demons.
00:11:12She needn't live a life in fear.
00:11:15I don't know.
00:11:17I can assure you she'll be safe while we're gone.
00:11:20I'll assign a team to stand guard 24 hours.
00:11:23Is that really necessary?
00:11:26If it makes you feel more secure, then yes.
00:11:30We can pick you up after Ty.
00:11:33Ty's going?
00:11:34Of course.
00:11:36I don't know. I need to think about it.
00:11:42It was really good to see you, Gabriel.
00:11:47Goodbye, Michael.
00:11:54Why did you tell her Ty was going?
00:11:57Because he will.
00:11:59We haven't talked to him yet.
00:12:01Minor detail. We'll get him at his club tonight.
00:12:02It's all your fault.
00:12:06She's still angry at you.
00:12:08I told you not to get involved in the first place.
00:12:10It's fine.
00:12:12No, it's not fine.
00:12:14We need Hannah.
00:12:16She'll come around.
00:12:18You don't know that.
00:12:22Where are you going?
00:12:24Nowhere. I'll meet you at Ty's.
00:12:32You know, Gabriel, sooner or later we have to come to some kind of conclusion about these conversations.
00:12:40What are you so hesitant about?
00:12:43I don't trust him.
00:12:46Yeah, that makes sense, but that was also a really long time ago.
00:12:53He had one job.
00:12:55To keep Eve safe, and he couldn't even handle that.
00:12:57Yeah, but sometimes you have to turn around and give somebody another chance.
00:13:06Why would I?
00:13:08Wouldn't he do that for you?
00:13:10His family.
00:13:12Just because we have the same father doesn't make us family.
00:13:17Eve was my family.
00:13:20All these years with all this anger, don't you want to put it behind you?
00:13:25I'd learn to live with the anger.
00:13:27Why change now?
00:13:29Well, it seems like you want to do something.
00:13:33What do you have to gain by staying here?
00:13:36More drinking, more boozing, more gambling, more isolation, no sense of resolve.
00:13:44I'm content with that.
00:13:46I am.
00:13:50Why don't you try to explore the other side?
00:13:52Why don't you try to explore the other side?
00:14:00Let's say he's telling the truth, and I go.
00:14:03The angels have landed.
00:14:05We failed in our mission to keep the demons contained.
00:14:08How would we even stand a chance against the angels?
00:14:12You have to have faith in yourself.
00:14:16Sometimes, you know, small steps are the only way.
00:14:23Say hello to my little friend.
00:14:25Yeah, no.
00:14:27No, you tried that on me and it didn't work.
00:14:29It didn't work?
00:14:33You still smoke?
00:14:37I know how this works.
00:14:39I guess maybe you did then.
00:14:42Close your eyes.
00:14:44I'm going to count backwards from three to one.
00:14:57You can open your eyes now.
00:15:02Nothing's changed.
00:15:04How do you know?
00:15:07You got to keep your eyes open and you have to face your fears.
00:15:13But things are never going to change.
00:15:23He'll be in the back.
00:15:25Where were you?
00:15:27What held you up?
00:15:29You're lucky I'm here, though.
00:15:39Oh, you did that just for me?
00:15:42You want me to move these guys?
00:15:47These guys right here.
00:15:49They are my boys!
00:15:50Talking about the plan for the past.
00:15:53Good to see you guys.
00:15:55Nice place you got here, Ty.
00:15:58Not too shabby, huh?
00:16:01I'm opening one up in New York this fall.
00:16:04Franchising, baby.
00:16:06Hey, got my own energy drink, too.
00:16:13All these years perfecting demon deckers paid off.
00:16:17Oh no, man. This shit won't kill you. It gives you a mean buzz, though.
00:16:21Maybe it's time to get back into the daiquiri business.
00:16:25Hold on.
00:16:27Are you saying what I think you're saying?
00:16:31I thought you retired.
00:16:33That's why the team broke up.
00:16:36The angels have landed.
00:16:41Are you sure?
00:16:43Have you seen them?
00:16:45Not yet. Are you ready to jump back in?
00:17:01So, are you in?
00:17:05Let's do this shit!
00:17:07The team is back! Come on!
00:17:10Fucking shit!
00:17:35Everything alright?
00:17:45You're not real. You're an hallucination.
00:17:48Maybe you're seeing me because you want to see me.
00:17:51Why would I want to see you?
00:17:53Because you're seeing other things that aren't real, so you want me to make sense of it.
00:17:59I don't know what's real and what's not anymore.
00:18:01That's because your eyes are open. You're finally seeing clearly.
00:18:06What the hell does that even mean?
00:18:09That's all up to you, pal.
00:18:14Uh, where did you get the stained glass window in?
00:18:17Ages ago, when I renovated the second floor. Why?
00:18:21No reason.
00:18:24Come on. I want to introduce you to my team.
00:18:39The Zoshen Monastery.
00:18:41The Zoshen Monastery.
00:18:44What are we doing here?
00:18:46We'll see.
00:19:11The Zoshen Monastery.
00:19:19Guys, this is Dominic.
00:19:40Wow. That's cool.
00:20:11Guys, I'd like to introduce you to Lola. Hunter and tracking specialist.
00:20:18This screen is tracking the movement of the demons.
00:20:22On the left side is the demon demographic from last week.
00:20:26This is how they are today.
00:20:28They've shifted since yesterday.
00:20:30We know some of these demon troops are surrounded by the angels.
00:20:34We just don't know which ones.
00:20:36How do the demons know where they're going?
00:20:38They don't.
00:20:40It's a magnetic force.
00:20:42Newton's name, folks.
00:20:44Newton's a specialist in metallurgy and magnetism.
00:20:47Say what?
00:20:49What does that have to do with demon formation?
00:20:51That's a good question.
00:20:53Good question.
00:20:55Remember this one? Huh?
00:20:59I love that-
00:21:00Hey, don't touch!
00:21:03Let's get back to business.
00:21:05Let's say the particles on this board are demons, right?
00:21:07They're the demons.
00:21:09These other ones are angels.
00:21:12These are the meteorites.
00:21:14So the demons are drawn to the chemical composition of the angels.
00:21:18Are you a scientist?
00:21:22Traditional or new age?
00:21:24Newton, can we stay on track?
00:21:26Track, right. That's right.
00:21:28Okay, so when the angels landed, the meteorites also hit.
00:21:31Is that a coincidence?
00:21:33Coincidence? No coincidence with that.
00:21:34I think it's a configuration of tactics.
00:21:38Preparing for battle.
00:21:40So the angels and the meteorites are interchangeable.
00:21:45That's why you come in.
00:21:49What's your specialty?
00:21:51I'm a psychic.
00:21:55I'm not psychic exactly.
00:21:57I have visions.
00:21:59So you see things.
00:22:01What sort of things?
00:22:02Places, events.
00:22:04Sometimes they are symbolic.
00:22:06Have you seen anything like this?
00:22:09These are new.
00:22:17Now, listen.
00:22:19When they bite, they puncture.
00:22:21And if they puncture, they're dead.
00:22:24Not necessarily.
00:22:26We saw someone come back to life after taking one of Hannah's elixirs.
00:22:32What does that mean?
00:22:34Some demon has disappeared off the grid.
00:22:37That's odd.
00:22:39We better get moving.
00:22:48Here you go.
00:22:50Back at you.
00:22:52You like that? All right.
00:23:03Can I come in?
00:23:05Hi. Sure.
00:23:08What's that?
00:23:10This is a time-release herbal stimulant.
00:23:13When released, it counteracts the sedation I go under when I scry.
00:23:17Breaks me out of my trance.
00:23:19Controls how long I stay under for.
00:23:23Why do you have that?
00:23:25I realized the longer I stayed in my visions, the more inaccurate they became.
00:23:29I think I got lost in them so they became convoluted.
00:23:33You figured that out for yourself?
00:23:35It took me two years to develop the formula.
00:23:38Still a work in progress.
00:23:40Why'd you do it?
00:23:42I thought you stopped scrying.
00:23:46I did.
00:23:48But I wanted to make sure if I ever had to do it again,
00:23:51it would be as accurate as possible.
00:23:54And less dangerous.
00:23:56Are you sure you're okay to do this?
00:24:00I'm sure.
00:25:10You two stand guard.
00:25:27Does this look familiar, Hannah?
00:26:25Did you see that?
00:26:28Something's over there.
00:26:30Lola, picking anything up?
00:26:36No, nothing.
00:26:38Something is up there.
00:26:40You two stay back.
00:26:45I'm going this way.
00:26:50What's wrong?
00:26:52It's getting colder.
00:26:55Yeah, you're right.
00:26:57That's not good.
00:27:46God, I always loved it when you got rough with me.
00:27:56Hello, darling.
00:27:58What a pleasant surprise.
00:28:00Yeah, I wouldn't say pleasant.
00:28:03I'm not surprised.
00:28:07What are you doing here?
00:28:14Last I heard, you've come to us.
00:28:16What are you talking about?
00:28:24Denounce your faith.
00:28:28Turn on your demon-hunting hat.
00:28:31Throne in the town.
00:28:34There's a difference between not hunting demons and protecting them.
00:28:42But is there really?
00:28:45What is this place?
00:28:49A safe house.
00:28:51A safe house for demons.
00:28:53Isn't that cute?
00:28:55Not as cute as your ragtag team you've got going on down there.
00:29:02Where are the demons?
00:29:04About to lunch.
00:29:08Where's the angel?
00:29:10I have no idea.
00:29:13What you're talking about.
00:29:18Goddamn it.
00:29:20Goddamn it.
00:29:37Can I see your gun?
00:29:42What do you mean no?
00:29:43You have your own gun, man.
00:29:47That makes sense.
00:29:55Let's go.
00:30:32I wouldn't do that if I were you.
00:30:35I have many more of those I can release on a whim.
00:30:42Been a while, friends.
00:30:44As much as I love a reunion, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
00:30:50Where is the angel?
00:30:53I told Gabriel already.
00:30:56I have no idea what you're talking about.
00:30:59Come on, Valentina.
00:31:01Hannah had a vision.
00:31:04And how are those working out for you?
00:31:07I'm going to ask you one last time.
00:31:10Where is the angel?
00:31:12I told you.
00:31:14I protect demons.
00:31:16Not angels.
00:31:18Have a look yourself.
00:31:21I could put an end to this right now.
00:31:23You could.
00:31:25But you and your friends wouldn't get five feet away from here with my demons on guard.
00:31:29So we are in a little predicament now, aren't we?
00:31:32You wouldn't do that.
00:31:34You wouldn't be so sure if I were you.
00:31:37You have another option.
00:31:39What's that?
00:31:41Get rid of these losers.
00:31:43And join me.
00:31:46Together, we'll be unstoppable.
00:31:50You don't know what you're missing.
00:31:52I'll take my chances.
00:31:56There is nothing here.
00:31:59Let's go.
00:32:09I'll be back for you.
00:32:10Don't make promises you can't keep.
00:32:15What did V have to say?
00:32:17Nothing much.
00:32:19Who was that?
00:32:21That was Valentina.
00:32:23She used to be part of our team.
00:32:25Until she switched sides.
00:32:27And you failed to see her in your delusion?
00:32:31Same thing.
00:32:33Why didn't your senses pick up the demons?
00:32:35The senses are thermal.
00:32:36Below certain temperature, they don't even show up this way.
00:32:39Could have told us that a little earlier.
00:32:49Come in.
00:33:01I was wondering.
00:33:02Did you see Valentina in your vision?
00:33:06I would have told you guys if I did.
00:33:11Why? What's wrong?
00:33:13I've been looking for her since she left the team.
00:33:16Yeah, well.
00:33:18Maybe she sensed we were here and summoned us.
00:33:21Could she do that?
00:33:23I don't know.
00:33:24It's been a while since I've done this.
00:33:25I'm a little rusty.
00:33:29Why are you really here?
00:33:32I want to talk.
00:33:35Not interested.
00:33:37Please, let me explain.
00:33:40Just do me a favor and stay away from me.
00:33:58I still love you, Hannah.
00:34:04But I love you.
00:34:19I love you.
00:34:28What are you doing?
00:34:32You again.
00:34:33Recalibrating the artillery.
00:34:35Come again?
00:34:36Did you hear what I said?
00:34:38Recalibrating the artillery.
00:34:39It's a combination of human skeleton and demon interior.
00:34:42It's a metallic alloy.
00:34:43It's in order to destroy them all.
00:34:49Whatever you say, man.
00:34:53Just tell me what to do and I will get the job done.
00:34:57What do you think?
00:34:58It's not bad.
00:35:10Fucking shit!
00:35:13I told you not to touch anything!
00:35:19Listen, listen.
00:35:20It's fingerprint activating.
00:35:22You're lucky.
00:35:23You're very lucky.
00:35:25Because the rest of the people that touch that,
00:35:27they have paralysis for the rest of their lives.
00:35:32You're lucky.
00:35:33It's Dominic's piece.
00:35:34I have an override.
00:35:37That guy.
00:35:39That guy really does not want me to touch his weapon, huh?
00:35:42That's right.
00:35:45Don't think about it.
00:35:46Don't even think about it.
00:35:53What did that come from?
00:35:55I've never seen that.
00:35:56Now that's something I recognize.
00:35:59That belongs to Gabriel.
00:36:03You'll learn.
00:36:06You'll learn, my friend.
00:36:17You'll learn.
00:36:18You'll learn.
00:36:49I'm lost.
00:37:14We need to head to Warsaw.
00:37:16How do you know?
00:37:17The angel wasn't in the theater.
00:37:19The theater was showing us which direction to go.
00:37:21What do you mean?
00:37:23There's a statue pointing directly towards Warslaw.
00:37:25The only way to get there is over Mount Bataar.
00:37:28That trial has been closed for years.
00:37:30It's not safe to cross.
00:37:31Can't we go across it?
00:37:33That would take an extra day and possibly two.
00:37:35We don't have that kind of time.
00:37:37No. It's too dangerous.
00:37:39What is this place?
00:37:40It's an isolated town deep in the mountains.
00:37:42It used to be inhabited by demons years ago.
00:37:45We haven't been there, but a few hunters have.
00:37:49I know a second trail straight through the mountain.
00:37:51I haven't used it, but it's possible.
00:37:55That's what we'll take.
00:38:00Pack it in, team.
00:38:15Let's go.
00:38:31What's on your spike?
00:38:35It's a serpent.
00:38:37Why is that?
00:38:39I use it in my rituals.
00:38:42What kind of rituals?
00:38:45You were an exorcist?
00:39:01I command you, demon! Get out of that body!
00:39:04I banish you to hell!
00:39:09I command you, demon! Get out of that body!
00:39:14I command you, demon! Get out of that body!
00:39:21Is that why you become a hunter?
00:39:23To track down the ones that were free?
00:39:27Something like that.
00:39:31Where did Ty go?
00:39:33He's picking up ammo.
00:39:43What's that?
00:39:44What's that?
00:39:46Who's there?
00:39:54Thank you, demon!
00:40:06There you are!
00:40:08You're dead!
00:40:10You're dead!
00:40:11There you are!
00:40:17Dance, yeah!
00:40:18Come on, come on.
00:40:19Dance, dance.
00:40:20Come on, dance.
00:40:21Dance with me.
00:40:22Come on, dance.
00:40:25Yeah, yeah.
00:40:29Hey, demon, you dropped something!
00:40:32One punch with a glass jaw, demon!
00:40:36You're nothing.
00:40:37Nothing, bro.
00:40:42Come on.
00:41:02In approximately three hours, there's a dam we can cross.
00:41:06Around that time, we'll lose service and won't be able to track any demons.
00:41:09Or, where they might attack us.
00:41:12After that, we can cut through the mountain.
00:41:15And Warthog's located somewhere in this canyon.
00:41:19There's no exact coordinates?
00:41:22Once we get into the canyon, we should be able to locate it.
00:41:26Ready, team?
00:41:27Let's do this shit!
00:41:41The dam is about to collapse!
00:41:44The only other route is the trail over Mount Patah.
00:41:46We'll have to pass through the Durging Caves.
00:41:48No way.
00:41:49It's way too dangerous.
00:41:50We're taking that trail.
00:42:09Oh, shit!
00:42:39Oh, shit!
00:43:09Oh, shit!
00:43:39Oh, shit!
00:43:57Hold on, guys.
00:44:01We need to stop for a second.
00:44:02You okay?
00:44:10I think it's going to storm.
00:44:13What do you mean?
00:44:16Those are some nasty clouds.
00:44:22Those are clouds.
00:44:35Give me your hand!
00:44:36Give me your hand, Dominic!
00:44:40Come on!
00:44:43Right here!
00:45:08I told you we should not have come this way,
00:45:10and none of you will listen.
00:45:12Lola, we didn't know.
00:45:16Because your vision didn't mean shit.
00:45:20And none of you know what you're doing.
00:45:26Where are you going?
00:45:28I'm going back.
00:45:30I'm going around.
00:45:31We need to stay together.
00:45:36I have never asked to be part of this team.
00:45:39And we would have finished this job without them, Michael.
00:45:43You messed up.
00:45:50Don't follow me.
00:45:54How much longer until we hit the other side?
00:45:57Twenty-three clicks.
00:45:58Let's get going before it gets dark.
00:46:13Let's go.
00:46:31Very good, gentlemen.
00:46:34My pleasure.
00:46:35My name is Jen.
00:46:37Hi, Jen.
00:46:38Let me know what else I can do for you.
00:46:48Nothing. Almost locked.
00:46:50What do you mean?
00:46:51Well, when I asked you, the shrug set off.
00:46:53It gives me the runaround.
00:46:55They could be protecting someone.
00:46:58Maybe they're demons.
00:47:00No, not that one at least.
00:47:01Slipped him a daiquiri and nothing happened.
00:47:03Oh, nice work.
00:47:06They're scared to talk because of the demons.
00:47:11We have to find them.
00:47:12Hey, maybe you can help us.
00:47:13Do you know which direction Warslock is in?
00:47:16Never heard of it.
00:47:18Is there a place to stay in the area?
00:47:20There's an inn around the back.
00:47:22Guys, I'm exhausted.
00:47:23I'm going to call it.
00:47:25I'll check in and see you later.
00:47:32Cheers, bro.
00:47:37I need a room, please.
00:47:40This room is good room.
00:47:42This room is also good room.
00:47:44Any room's fine.
00:47:57I'm going to call it as well, gents.
00:48:01That's the plan.
00:48:21You alright?
00:48:27I'm sad, man.
00:48:30I miss Dominic.
00:48:32He was my brother, my soldier.
00:48:36You should see his face when I put the demon daiquiri to work.
00:48:41That was awesome.
00:48:45It reminds me about you and me when we started out.
00:48:49That instant friendship we had.
00:48:54Getting ourselves into trouble all the time.
00:48:57And getting us out of it.
00:49:00Most of the time.
00:49:05What happened?
00:49:06We had a vision.
00:49:08How are we going to change the world?
00:49:10And then you disappeared.
00:49:16I can see the spark inside you.
00:49:20You still got it.
00:49:25Order one for me.
00:49:26Just come to the bedroom, alright?
00:49:31I brought you guys some vodka to warm you up.
00:49:35Where did your friend go?
00:49:37He'll be back.
00:49:41You okay?
00:49:43Look down.
00:49:46Wanna talk about it?
00:49:48I'd rather not.
00:49:52Let me see your hands.
00:50:04Your heart line is very deep.
00:50:10Your lifeline is weak.
00:50:15Do you wanna go somewhere for a more private reading?
00:50:23I think I better get going.
00:50:26What about your shot?
00:50:28I'm good.
00:50:41Hey, where did my friends go?
00:50:48I guess it's just me and you now.
00:50:56Be careful.
00:50:58It's strong.
00:51:00Oh yeah?
00:51:03I love strong.
00:51:04I love strong.
00:51:09I got better stuff in the back.
00:51:13Want me to show you?
00:51:16Be my guest.
00:51:29Bring the fresh towel.
00:52:31Come on!
00:52:34Come on!
00:53:05Knock, knock, knock.
00:53:15I think we found our first angel.
00:53:20What happened to you two?
00:53:22Don't ask.
00:53:29I'm not feeling so good.
00:53:30I think I...
00:53:32I need to sit down.
00:53:36Is it a bit hot in here?
00:53:39What's happening?
00:54:01Yes, I can!
00:54:03Ty, stop!
00:54:05We need them all together.
00:54:08Fucking psycho bitch!
00:54:14You think I'm going to get some fucking crazy angel STD shit?
00:54:24God damn it!
00:54:28God damn it!
00:54:30You okay?
00:54:32Fucking angel shit!
00:54:34Psycho bitch!
00:54:36I told you it was strong.
00:54:40You want to see something strong?
00:54:42I'm going to show you strong!
00:54:44You fucking weird fucking angel!
00:54:52Safe to assume he's on horse lock?
00:54:53That's definitely the angel.
00:54:59You think guys, the angel's going to try to kill me now?
00:55:03If you want to touch an easy target.
00:55:05Come on, man.
00:55:08So, what now?
00:55:10We need to figure out where the rest of them are.
00:55:15Hannah, we'll leave you to the scry.
00:55:18You tell us what you can.
00:55:20I'll watch guard over her.
00:55:21I need you to get your strength back.
00:55:23That's only the first one.
00:55:25Sorry, man.
00:55:27I lost it.
00:55:29It's alright.
00:55:34Come on, you piece of shit!
00:55:43Are you going to be okay?
00:55:47I think so.
00:55:49You're still bleeding.
00:55:52I can do that.
00:55:54I know.
00:55:56You want to.
00:56:05Not for that.
00:56:08For not listening to me when I asked you to stay away.
00:56:15When I left before,
00:56:17I had to.
00:56:18For your safety.
00:56:20Believe me.
00:56:23I know.
00:56:30I better get ready for bed.
00:56:32You know where to find me if you need me.
00:56:36Good night, Hannah.
00:56:48Good night.
00:57:18Good night.
00:58:12Don't fall asleep.
00:58:14Oh, God.
00:58:16You again.
00:58:17Can we talk?
00:58:19Not really.
00:58:21Why didn't you take the shot?
00:58:23I didn't want to.
00:58:25You always want the shot.
00:58:27Yeah, well, today, I didn't.
00:58:29Take the shot!
00:58:31Take the shot!
00:58:35It's Hannah.
00:58:37Come in.
00:58:40How are you holding up?
00:58:42I'm holding.
00:58:44Do you want a smidge?
00:58:45No, thank you.
00:58:47Did you scry?
00:58:49Yeah, I saw a marketplace with a well.
00:58:54There's some villages surrounding Warstock.
00:58:57Did you have Michael check the tracking?
00:59:00No, not yet.
00:59:02Okay, I'll get with him.
00:59:04You should get some rest.
00:59:08What's wrong?
00:59:13It's about Ivy.
00:59:15I found her a drawing Ivy did at school.
00:59:19It was a picture of her dad laying on the ground, dead.
00:59:26He had wings.
00:59:29She has visions, too?
00:59:31I don't want her to have to use them like I did.
00:59:34I will do whatever it takes to make sure that doesn't happen.
00:59:37You're not in this alone.
00:59:41I know.
00:59:43I'm really glad you came back into my life.
00:59:48Me too.
01:00:12What happened here?
01:00:43It wasn't like this last week.
01:00:59Or do you want to sleep again?
01:01:07When I got here last week, I saw you.
01:01:10When I got here last week, there were lots of people.
01:01:16It was like a festival or something.
01:01:19People dancing.
01:01:22And then these two guys started fighting over a girl.
01:01:26And things got violent.
01:01:31What do you mean?
01:01:33Everyone started fighting everyone.
01:01:35You mean killing each other?
01:02:05This is Isabel.
01:02:16Put her down!
01:02:17Take her down!
01:02:18Come on!
01:02:19Put her down!
01:02:21Take her down now!
01:02:23I'm going to shoot her!
01:02:32Looks like we found the second angel.
01:02:36Come on.
01:02:49I think we should move it. It's not safe here.
01:02:57Come on.
01:03:12Oh my God, Dominic!
01:03:14How did you...
01:03:17I thought you were a girl.
01:03:19How did you get here?
01:03:21I don't know.
01:03:24You're shaking.
01:03:26Are you okay?
01:03:28I'm so thirsty.
01:03:30Can we have some water, please?
01:03:33I'm so thirsty.
01:03:34Can we have some water, please?
01:03:50Have you seen Michael or the others?
01:03:55Looks like there was some activities here.
01:04:02Dominic, are you okay?
01:04:03Dominic, are you alright?
01:04:05Are you okay?
01:04:06I feel dizzy.
01:04:16Would you like some more water?
01:04:50What are you doing?
01:04:52She was hungry, man.
01:04:54I like marshmallows.
01:04:58Come on.
01:04:59You told me not to kill her.
01:05:01The girl gotta eat.
01:05:03She's not a girl.
01:05:05She's an angel.
01:05:06A demon angel.
01:05:07Remember that.
01:05:14Put it in your pants.
01:05:28It's dark.
01:05:29I know.
01:05:30As soon as we sat down to rest, you were out cold.
01:05:34I shouldn't have slept that long.
01:05:35No, you needed it.
01:05:37And I needed time to scry.
01:05:39What did it show?
01:05:43It didn't work.
01:05:45Has it happened before?
01:05:46No, I don't know what's going on.
01:05:49Hannah, tell him about your theory.
01:05:52What theory?
01:05:54In the Bible, they speak of the four horsemen.
01:05:58They were part of the seven seals that came to signify Judgment Day.
01:06:03Some say that was to be the end of days.
01:06:06Four horsemen, four angels.
01:06:09The white horse brought disease and plague.
01:06:12Think of Jem as the white horse.
01:06:15She poisoned Ty.
01:06:18And when we found Isabel, the town was killing each other.
01:06:21She's the red horse.
01:06:23We brought war.
01:06:28What are the next two?
01:06:29Black and pale.
01:06:32What does the black one do?
01:06:35And the pale?
01:06:44Guys, I'm going to secure the area.
01:06:48Are you going to do that?
01:06:50Are you going to do that?
01:06:53We'll be trapped.
01:06:58You two get some rest.
01:07:00Ty and I will take turns standing guard.
01:07:06Take my long coat.
01:08:09Even I'll take upstairs.
01:08:14Trust me.
01:08:16Protect her with my life.
01:08:54It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
01:09:01Four angels will come.
01:09:05Dark angels.
01:09:10To lead the demons.
01:09:13And destroy humanity.
01:09:21I love you.
01:09:27You're up early.
01:09:29Yeah. I need to scry again.
01:09:32No luck last night?
01:09:33No. Not exactly.
01:09:37It'll come.
01:09:41I'm going to take a walk.
01:09:42See what the rest of the trail looks like.
01:10:15Oh my god.
01:11:01What's going on?
01:11:03Isabella Lecter.
01:11:04Trying to escape.
01:11:08I saw the river in my vision.
01:11:18What's your name?
01:11:21Are you lost?
01:11:24Where are your parents?
01:11:28Something's wrong.
01:11:31Poor girl.
01:11:32Look at her.
01:11:34Seems like she didn't eat in weeks.
01:11:40This dog is a very, very mean dog.
01:11:45Are you hungry?
01:11:46I have some food.
01:12:00I only packed this yesterday.
01:12:01This is just...
01:12:06Ty! Stop!
01:12:08Don't let her touch you!
01:12:09Don't let her touch anything!
01:12:15Don't let her touch anything!
01:12:46Don't let her touch you!
01:12:47Don't let her touch anything!
01:12:48Don't let her touch anything!
01:12:49Don't let her touch anything!
01:12:50Don't let her touch anything!
01:12:51Don't let her touch anything!
01:12:52Don't let her touch anything!
01:12:53Don't let her touch anything!
01:12:54Don't let her touch anything!
01:12:55Don't let her touch anything!
01:12:56Don't let her touch anything!
01:12:57Don't let her touch anything!
01:12:58Don't let her touch anything!
01:12:59Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:00Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:01Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:02Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:03Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:04Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:05Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:06Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:07Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:08Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:09Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:10Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:11Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:12Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:13Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:14Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:15Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:16Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:17Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:18Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:19Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:20Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:21Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:22Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:23Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:24Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:25Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:26Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:27Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:28Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:29Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:30Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:31Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:32Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:33Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:34Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:35Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:36Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:37Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:38Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:39Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:40Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:41Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:42Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:43Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:44Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:45Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:46Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:47Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:48Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:49Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:50Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:51Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:52Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:53Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:54Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:55Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:56Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:57Don't let her touch anything!
01:13:59Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:00Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:01Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:02Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:03Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:04Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:05Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:06Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:07Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:08Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:09Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:10Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:11Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:12Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:13Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:14Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:15Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:16Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:17Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:18Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:19Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:20Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:21Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:22Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:23Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:24Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:25Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:26Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:27Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:28Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:29Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:30Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:31Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:32Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:33Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:34Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:35Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:36Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:37Don't let her touch anything!
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01:14:48Don't let her touch anything!
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01:14:57Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:58Don't let her touch anything!
01:14:59Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:00Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:01Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:02Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:03Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:04Don't let her touch anything!
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01:15:06Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:07Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:08Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:09Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:10Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:11Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:12Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:13Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:14Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:15Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:16Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:17Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:18Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:19Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:20Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:21Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:22Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:23Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:24Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:25Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:26Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:27Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:28Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:29Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:30Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:31Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:32Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:33Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:34Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:35Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:36Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:37Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:38Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:39Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:40Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:41Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:42Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:43Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:44Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:45Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:46Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:47Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:48Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:49Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:50Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:51Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:52Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:53Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:54Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:55Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:56Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:57Don't let her touch anything!
01:15:58Don't let her touch anything!
01:16:00The light isn't in the past.
01:16:02It's in the future.
01:16:03You should go back.
01:16:16Hello, Gabriel.
01:16:20Here you are.
01:16:22Back where you started.
01:16:32It all comes full circle.
01:16:34Yes, it does.
01:16:36And I must thank you for circling all my angels all back home to me.
01:16:44You should have taken me up on my offer.
01:17:11Sorry, ma'am.
01:17:14There's only room for you.
01:17:20What are you doing?
01:17:25The destiny of the demon takeover was already written.
01:17:30You and I were on the wrong path.
01:17:35I must thank you, though.
01:17:39I couldn't have found all the angels on my own.
01:17:43And with them, I can lead my own demon army and have eternal life.
01:17:51I just had to prove my allegiance to him.
01:17:56That was simple.
01:17:59I made a sacrifice.
01:18:02I love you, Gabriel.
01:18:05Don't leave me.
01:18:07Don't leave me.
01:18:09Ian, don't!
01:18:21You killed Ian!
01:19:07Come on.
01:19:10Come on!
01:20:51I don't only have an army, Gabriel.
01:20:54I have a kingdom.
01:20:59Welcome home.
01:21:00Make yourself comfortable.
01:21:03You're here for eternity.
01:21:15Go ahead.
01:21:17Try me.
01:21:21Let's go!
01:21:51I've been waiting for you.
01:22:21I'm so sorry about your loss.
01:22:36Did you know Gabriel?
01:22:39He was quite a guy.
01:22:41We spent a lot of time together.
01:22:42He was quite a philosopher, believe it or not.
01:22:48Yeah, he was.
01:22:49He had a funny way of looking at life.
01:22:52Not a great way to show it.
01:22:54That's interesting.
01:22:59I guess I'm now happy that he's in a better place.
01:23:03What's your name?
01:23:08I'm Hannah.
01:23:11I know.
01:23:13This is for, uh, for you.
01:23:45Mommy, look!
01:23:47It's beautiful, Ivy.
01:23:49Don't go too fast, sweetheart.
01:23:56I'll never be dead.
01:23:58As long as she's alive.
