• 2 days ago
BATTLE STRONG - Hollywood Action War Movie - English Movie - Superhit Hollywood Action Film
00:00:30Ah, oh, oh, oh.
00:00:44Come on.
00:00:45Yeah, come on.
00:00:48Here we go.
00:00:52Oh God!
00:00:54Oh God!
00:01:06I don't know.
00:01:08Do something for me.
00:01:10Anything, baby.
00:01:11Close your eyes.
00:01:15That's it.
00:01:22Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.
00:01:24It's a great mouth.
00:01:28That's it!
00:01:32Oh, god.
00:01:34Oh, god.
00:01:35Oh, god.
00:01:36You like that?
00:01:37You feel me?
00:01:52Where you going?
00:01:53Where you going?
00:01:54Where you going?
00:01:55Something that's, um, very dear to my heart.
00:02:01Something that's very dear to my heart.
00:02:04My mother gave this to me when I was just a little girl.
00:02:08You've seen me with it, right?
00:02:12She said that if I was ever lost or scared,
00:02:16that this would lead me back home.
00:02:18And now I want you to have it.
00:02:24So I want you to promise me that if you ever feel alone,
00:02:27that you're just going to take out this compass
00:02:30and know that I'm always with you.
00:02:35All right, I love you. Come here.
00:02:37I love you, too.
00:02:54School was out.
00:02:57Freedom was upon us.
00:03:00I never thought in a million years
00:03:04that this would ever happen to me.
00:03:07Talk about luck.
00:03:10Hey, you.
00:03:12Hey, beautiful.
00:03:13Miss me?
00:03:16Of course I did.
00:03:18So what are we doing tonight?
00:03:20I don't know. I got to talk to the guys.
00:03:22The guys?
00:03:23I swear, it's like you're all married.
00:03:25We are all married.
00:03:26We're going to get a big house.
00:03:28We're going to have a bunch of wives, a bunch of kids.
00:03:30Ha, ha.
00:03:35Just be ready for tonight, okay?
00:03:37I got to go right now, though. I'm sorry, baby.
00:03:40I'm late. I got to go meet...
00:03:42The guys. I know.
00:03:44You're the best.
00:03:46I love you.
00:03:48I love you, too.
00:03:52I love you, too.
00:03:58One, two.
00:04:00One, two, three, four.
00:04:08Oh, here he is.
00:04:09Hey, Mikey, where the hell have you been?
00:04:13This guy's always late.
00:04:14What the hell are you doing all the time?
00:04:15Hello, Mickey.
00:04:16Good. How you doing?
00:04:17I'm all right.
00:04:18He's in the car. Give it a little whip.
00:04:20Where were you?
00:04:21I was busy.
00:04:22Doing something important.
00:04:23I was taking care of some business.
00:04:25Taking care of some business.
00:04:26What's the lucky guy?
00:04:27You got to stop going out with guys on dates.
00:04:30You guys want the usual?
00:04:32Yeah, that'd be great.
00:04:33Yeah, yeah, that's good.
00:04:34What about you, Vinnie?
00:04:36You're looking a little glum today, sweetie.
00:04:39What's wrong with him?
00:04:40I have the same.
00:04:43I'll be right back with your order.
00:04:47This guy, behave yourself.
00:04:49This is respect.
00:04:50Forget about it.
00:04:53I think, uh...
00:04:56I think I'm going to pop the question tonight.
00:04:59Hey, Scott.
00:05:00You're going to pop the question? Really?
00:05:02Congratulations, Mickey.
00:05:04Yes, congratulations.
00:05:05God bless you.
00:05:06God bless you.
00:05:10What the hell's the matter with you?
00:05:12Hey, Vinnie, snap out of it.
00:05:14Oh, ho, ho, ho.
00:05:15See that look?
00:05:16You got to watch out for that.
00:05:17Oh, is he going to kiss me?
00:05:20Yeah, I'm seeing her tonight.
00:05:23I don't know.
00:05:24We just haven't, um...
00:05:26Speak up, speak up.
00:05:27Give her a kiss.
00:05:28Guys, guys.
00:05:29You know, you know, spit it out, Vinnie.
00:05:31We haven't...
00:05:33Yeah, we haven't.
00:05:34Keep it down.
00:05:35Keep it down.
00:05:36Do me a favor.
00:05:37Keep it down.
00:05:38I've explained so much about you.
00:05:39You didn't know.
00:05:40I mean, I've seen it before.
00:05:41Didn't I tell you that?
00:05:42Have you ever touched it?
00:05:43I've seen the thing.
00:05:44I've touched it.
00:05:45You're lying to me.
00:05:46You have never even touched a pussy.
00:05:49I've seen glimpses of it.
00:05:50I knew it.
00:05:51I knew it.
00:05:52Remember, I told you, Vinnie.
00:05:53I told you.
00:05:56Don't, don't, don't.
00:05:57Hey, sweetheart.
00:05:58Hey, don't.
00:05:59Come here.
00:06:00We got to tell you something.
00:06:01Honey, can't you see I'm working here?
00:06:02This guy here, all right?
00:06:03Can you believe it?
00:06:04He's been with this girl for God knows how long.
00:06:06And he's a virgin.
00:06:07Let's make a deal.
00:06:09I want to tell you something.
00:06:10You want to tell her?
00:06:11You look really nice today.
00:06:12Thanks, honey.
00:06:13Well, virgins are kind of cute to me.
00:06:15Oh, really?
00:06:16Well, then you're in luck, because we have one right here.
00:06:22If things don't work out with you,
00:06:24you know, you should just date me, doll.
00:06:26You just let me know, capiche?
00:06:31I think our friend Vincent over here just went in his pants.
00:06:41It's all right.
00:06:42What the hell's the matter with you?
00:06:43It's all right.
00:06:44It's all right.
00:06:45It's got nothing to do with her, man.
00:06:47You take care of business, all right?
00:06:49Eventually, some girl is going to want to sleep with you.
00:06:51Yeah, don't worry.
00:06:52Don't worry.
00:06:53It's not that, guys.
00:06:54It's not that?
00:06:55What is it?
00:06:56What is it?
00:06:57Your mother didn't make you pancakes this morning.
00:06:58What is this guy picking on me?
00:07:00Can I tell you something serious for once?
00:07:01Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:07:03I'm getting drafted.
00:07:04Walk off.
00:07:05All right?
00:07:06You want to hear that?
00:07:07I got drafted this morning.
00:07:14I got drafted today.
00:07:17For, like, the Army?
00:07:20What the fuck do you think?
00:07:21Of course the Army.
00:07:23Are you serious?
00:07:25I'm being serious with this.
00:07:29I got this in the mail this morning.
00:07:35What am I going to tell my mom, man?
00:07:38You haven't told anyone yet?
00:07:39I don't know how to.
00:07:41All right, just, we'll think of something here, all right?
00:07:43Mikey, this is not a fucking suggestion.
00:07:45This is a draft card.
00:07:46You understand me?
00:07:47They're not asking me.
00:07:48They're telling me.
00:07:49Hey, Vinny.
00:07:50We're going to think of something, all right?
00:07:51We're going to think of something.
00:07:52Yeah, we're going to think of something.
00:07:53What are we going to think about?
00:07:54Listen, guys, I just wanted to tell you, you know, like,
00:07:57thank you, you know?
00:07:59I'll miss you guys.
00:08:00Hey, listen.
00:08:01Stop talking like that, all right?
00:08:02Listen, we grew up together, all right?
00:08:04We're like family.
00:08:05Yeah, don't talk like that anymore.
00:08:06Listen, listen, think, think, think, think.
00:08:08We're going to figure something out here, all right?
00:08:10What am I going to do, Mikey?
00:08:14What am I going to do?
00:08:15This is not me, man.
00:08:16This is not me.
00:08:17We could put you in a car, and we'll sneak you across the border.
00:08:20I will drive you to Canada.
00:08:21Vinny, you can hide out.
00:08:23Who wants to go to Canada?
00:08:25I'm going with you.
00:08:34Mikey, I love you.
00:08:35You're like a brother to me.
00:08:37You got a life here.
00:08:38No, I ain't got nothing, man.
00:08:39You got a life here.
00:08:40Don't be stupid.
00:08:41Vinny, no.
00:08:42Listen, we grew up together.
00:08:43We're like family, all right?
00:08:44You're like my brother.
00:08:45And you're not going there on your own.
00:08:54Are you?
00:08:55You do that for me.
00:08:57Who's going to watch your back?
00:08:59Are you serious right now?
00:09:00You kidding me?
00:09:01We're going together?
00:09:02We're going together, huh?
00:09:08What are you looking at me for?
00:09:10What are you looking at me for?
00:09:15All right, forget about it.
00:09:16I'll come, too.
00:09:18You need someone to take care of your ass.
00:09:21You come, too.
00:09:23No, you're not in.
00:09:25You're going to have your head so far up his ass,
00:09:27you need someone to watch out.
00:09:28And I'll shoot them little goose when you guys are doing nothing.
00:09:32You know you wouldn't do it.
00:09:33I'd end up shooting you in the ass.
00:09:35And I'd shoot you just for cause.
00:09:39Just make sure I'm not with Becky when you do it, huh?
00:09:44God bless you, Mickey.
00:10:05What's up?
00:10:07I love you.
00:10:09I love you, too.
00:10:11So much.
00:10:12I do, too.
00:10:19You know I want to be with you, right?
00:10:22I want to be with you, too.
00:10:26I want to be with you.
00:10:31Be with you.
00:10:34I never felt like this before.
00:10:38Me neither.
00:10:39Not with anyone.
00:10:42I love you.
00:10:52I have to tell you something.
00:11:01Vinnie got a draft card today.
00:11:03He did?
00:11:04Yeah, he did.
00:11:07He's going into the war.
00:11:09That's awful.
00:11:15He must be really upset about it.
00:11:17Yeah, I mean, can you imagine Vinnie in the war?
00:11:20I mean, I think I'm the one that taught him to tie his shoelaces.
00:11:23Your shoelaces are always untied.
00:11:26The kid's a mess.
00:11:27I know, he is.
00:11:38I told him I was going with him.
00:11:44Because he's my brother.
00:11:46He's my family, and I...
00:11:49I can't risk losing him.
00:11:50I can't...
00:11:51Can you imagine seeing him out there in the middle of the war?
00:11:53I mean, like...
00:11:55Why would you go?
00:11:57I'll be there to...
00:11:58I'm like...
00:11:59I'm like his brother.
00:12:00I'm going to take care of him out there.
00:12:02Tommy's coming too.
00:12:03We're going to look after each other.
00:12:04We're going to take care of each other out there, so...
00:12:07What about me?
00:12:08You can't just leave like that.
00:12:11I know.
00:12:12I know.
00:12:13I'm sorry.
00:12:14I'm sorry.
00:12:15I didn't...
00:12:16I wasn't planning on this.
00:12:17This just happened...
00:12:18I promised that we would spend the whole summer together.
00:12:21Baby, I promised.
00:12:22We have some time.
00:12:23We're going to spend a lot of time together, but...
00:12:24I want to spend time after the summer together.
00:12:27I do too.
00:12:28I really do.
00:12:29I don't want to go.
00:12:31Baby, I don't want to go.
00:12:33I don't want to be here anymore.
00:12:34I want you to take me home.
00:12:35Mary, listen to me.
00:12:37No, I want to go home.
00:12:40I want to go home.
00:12:41Listen to me.
00:12:42I'm sorry, Mary, but I have to go.
00:12:43No, you don't.
00:12:44I have to.
00:12:45No, you don't.
00:12:46Yes, I do.
00:12:48I can't leave him there.
00:12:49I can't leave him by himself there.
00:12:51Tommy's coming.
00:12:52We're going to look after each other.
00:12:54You're not me.
00:12:55What am I to you?
00:12:58I love you so much.
00:13:00You are everything to me.
00:13:01I love you too, and that's why you should stay.
00:13:04I don't want to go, Mary.
00:13:06I don't want to go, but I have to.
00:13:09You understand?
00:13:10Do you understand that?
00:13:11He's my family.
00:13:12He's my brother, and I have to go.
00:13:15I love you.
00:13:21I promise you that it's all going to work out somehow, okay?
00:13:27Everything's going to work out, okay?
00:13:29I believe you.
00:13:31Everything's going to be fine.
00:13:36I want to be with you forever.
00:13:39I do too.
00:13:41You do?
00:13:43You do?
00:13:45Yeah, I do.
00:13:55Back before you know it, blink of an eye, pick up right where we left off.
00:14:02To a ticker tape parade and a hero's welcome.
00:14:13To a ticker tape parade and a hero's welcome.
00:14:43To a ticker tape parade and a hero's welcome.
00:15:43I've been loving you for some time now, when I saw you I lost my mind, you didn't notice
00:16:01and that's a shame baby, if I don't make a move I'm the one to blame.
00:16:09I wake, every night time, I can't sleep, nothing feels right.
00:16:18You don't even know, how I love you so.
00:16:29I see you around.
00:16:40549,000 soldiers served in Vietnam in the year 1969.
00:16:48549,000 goodbyes.
00:16:53Hey let's go! Hey Mikey let's go!
00:16:57That's my cue.
00:17:01549,000 promises to come home.
00:17:10549,000 promises to come home.
00:17:22Hey come on I see you.
00:17:24You're gonna get warm.
00:17:25You alright?
00:17:26I see you.
00:17:27We'll see you later huh?
00:17:30Hey what do you want?
00:17:31What do you want a fucking parade?
00:17:32Get in the car.
00:17:33Come back when you get home time alright?
00:17:37Mikey let's go.
00:17:45Alright don't worry, we'll make sure you can tuck him in at night alright?
00:17:48Hey man we'll see you soon.
00:17:49Yeah see you in a bit, we'll have him back up for a little time.
00:17:52And he'll probably kick us out for being ugly.
00:17:55Your wife loves you.
00:17:57She kisses.
00:17:58That's your wife.
00:18:00The thing about luck is,
00:18:03you don't know you had it,
00:18:06until after it's gone.
00:18:15Here you go boys.
00:18:16Here you go boys.
00:18:17Here you go, thanks so much for coming with me guys.
00:18:20I told you before, if I get shot with them over there,
00:18:22I don't have enough socks Mikey.
00:18:47And so it went on.
00:18:50We made our plans.
00:18:52Vinny got laid.
00:18:54Tommy was still an asshole.
00:18:58And just like a bunch of ready made tin toy soldiers,
00:19:02we were processed,
00:19:05and shipped out.
00:19:07And war,
00:19:09would be just an adventurous interlude.
00:19:12A brief chapter,
00:19:14in our long,
00:19:53Hey, how come you ain't eating?
00:19:58I ain't hungry.
00:20:00Here, have some of mine.
00:20:05Like my mother sometimes, you know that?
00:20:09Who else was going to let you know which end of that rifle is the dangerous one?
00:20:16You want another one, right?
00:20:19Hey, how's Mary doing?
00:20:22You heard from her?
00:20:28Yeah, she's good.
00:20:32She's pregnant.
00:20:49You're going to be a daddy?
00:20:51You're going to be a daddy?
00:20:52You're going to be a daddy?
00:20:53Look at you.
00:20:55All grown up.
00:20:56Can you believe that?
00:20:57Congratulations, Mickey.
00:20:59I'm going to be a father.
00:21:03I'm going to be a father.
00:21:05I'm so sorry, Mickey.
00:21:09Damn, I'm so sorry.
00:21:11What are you talking about?
00:21:12I got you in this shit hole, man.
00:21:14You and Tommy, man, you shouldn't be here.
00:21:16This is my fight.
00:21:19I just want you to know that you should be at home with your wife and your kid, you know?
00:21:28No, man, we're in this together.
00:21:31So if you make it out all right, man.
00:21:44In the middle of the bloodiest time of the war, we saw too many of us fall.
00:21:51We were looking for the big fight, the highest kills.
00:21:56But the VC knew it.
00:21:58Their platoon stayed small, moved constantly, used their own signals against us, ambushed us, then disappeared.
00:22:08But if we did catch up to them, we had a score to settle.
00:22:14And we were fucking pissed.
00:22:16Holy shit.
00:22:36Look what we got here, fellas.
00:22:45Go ahead.
00:22:47Pull it.
00:22:49Pull the fucking thing.
00:22:55Pull it.
00:22:57Pull it, motherfucker.
00:23:00Pull it.
00:23:05Looks like we got ourselves a acquittal, guys.
00:23:11Pull it.
00:23:14Baptize his ass, Quibbs.
00:23:18You know what we do to quitters, huh?
00:23:19Go ahead.
00:23:30Yeah, baptize that motherfucker.
00:23:31Go ahead.
00:23:34Yeah, how do you like that, huh?
00:23:36How do you like that?
00:23:38When people ask me about the war, I don't know what to say.
00:23:44Go ahead. Earn your stripes, baby.
00:23:48Get in his mouth. Get in his fucking mouth.
00:23:50Yeah, you motherfucker.
00:23:52I could tell them about the VC.
00:23:55I could say how you lose your humanity.
00:23:58How do you like that?
00:23:59How I witnessed it firsthand.
00:24:02How it still haunts me today.
00:24:04How we did our duty.
00:24:06Served our country.
00:24:08Honored our last brothers.
00:24:11Shut the fuck up!
00:24:14But did we really?
00:24:16I don't know.
00:24:19What the fuck is going on here?
00:24:23But I do know
00:24:25that anybody that wasn't there
00:24:28would never understand it.
00:24:35Get the fuck out.
00:25:52Tommy, Tommy!
00:25:56Tommy, why move?
00:25:58Move in!
00:26:00Go, go, go!
00:26:13Go, go, go!
00:26:15Go, go, go!
00:26:35I see it.
00:26:49Echo 3, this is Blue.
00:26:52Blackbird, do you read me?
00:26:53Echo, move it out there.
00:26:54Get the fuck out!
00:26:55Taking the contact.
00:26:56I appreciate it.
00:26:57Do you hear me now?
00:26:59I repeat.
00:27:01I need a medic back here!
00:27:04We got men down!
00:27:05Do you copy?
00:27:07You all right, all right?
00:27:08You okay?
00:27:09Who the fuck is behind me?
00:27:10Here, here, here.
00:27:11You're looking good.
00:27:12All right?
00:27:13It's nothing.
00:27:14It's like the time you fell off the porch.
00:27:15Remember that?
00:27:16All right?
00:27:17Stay with me, okay?
00:27:18Stay with me.
00:27:19Stay with me.
00:27:20You're looking good, all right, buddy?
00:27:21I don't want to die.
00:27:22You're not going to die.
00:27:23All right?
00:27:24Stay with me.
00:27:25Stay with me, okay?
00:27:26Fucking Joe DiMaggio, right?
00:27:27Here, here, here.
00:27:29All right?
00:27:30I fucking hate...
00:27:31I fucking hate Joe DiMaggio.
00:27:32Let's go, let's go!
00:27:33We got to go!
00:27:42I'm sorry!
00:27:43I'm sorry!
00:27:44I'm sorry!
00:27:45I'm sorry!
00:27:46I'm sorry!
00:27:47Hang in there, okay, buddy?
00:27:48You're looking good, all right?
00:27:49You're looking good.
00:27:50Stay with me.
00:27:51Look at me.
00:27:52Look at me.
00:27:53Stay with me, okay?
00:27:54Stay with me.
00:27:55Stay with me.
00:27:56Come on, we got to go!
00:27:57Let's go!
00:27:58Move out!
00:27:59Move out!
00:28:00We got to get him out of here!
00:28:01Come on, let's go!
00:28:02Let's go!
00:28:04Let's move!
00:28:10Get him up!
00:28:14That was the last time I ever saw Tommy.
00:28:20I knew every expression he ever made.
00:28:24But after that day,
00:28:26I could never get that look on his face out of my head.
00:28:31I told the guys in my platoon,
00:28:34I don't know if he made it to heaven,
00:28:37but if Tommy ever saw the devil,
00:28:39he'd look him right in the face,
00:28:41and he'd tell him, go fuck yourself.
00:28:44They nodded,
00:28:48and toasted to my friend.
00:28:50Of course, that false bravado came from a fear.
00:28:54A fear that grew inside each and every one of us.
00:28:57Something we'd never be able to say out loud.
00:29:00Never be able to name or put a face to.
00:29:04But there it was.
00:29:07And it never went away.
00:30:16There was no hero's welcome for us.
00:30:19There were protests in the street.
00:30:24We served our country,
00:30:25and they hated us for it.
00:30:29The Vietnam War was over for me now.
00:30:33But another battle had just begun.
00:30:36Who needs a damn parade anyway?
00:30:46You remember the men who fell before you in WW2,
00:30:50a real war, I might add.
00:30:53You wanted to see me, sir?
00:30:55You like your job, DePuco?
00:30:58It's DeLuca, sir.
00:31:00Michael DeLuca.
00:31:02I could give a rat's ass.
00:31:06The answer is,
00:31:10You do not like your job.
00:31:12It's people like me who made this country strong.
00:31:16The men who stand up,
00:31:18who make a difference.
00:31:20And I certainly don't want to lose it all
00:31:21to no lazy fucking alcoholic pathetic Goomba piece of shit.
00:31:28Excuse my French.
00:31:31Like yourself.
00:31:34Excuse me, sir,
00:31:36but I fought for this country.
00:31:38I'm cutting your hours.
00:31:40No, sir, wait.
00:31:42Get the hell out of my sight.
00:31:44I need those hours.
00:31:52Yo, Rocky, what's up, buddy?
00:31:54Hey, where you been?
00:31:56Tony, what did I tell you, man?
00:31:58You know what I gotta say?
00:32:00You're welcome, brother.
00:32:02Fuck you, you prick.
00:32:10Yo, what's up? How was work?
00:32:16What's the matter with you?
00:32:17What's the matter with you?
00:32:22Marty cut my hours.
00:32:24Piece of shit.
00:32:26You're telling me.
00:32:28You know what you need to do, right?
00:32:30The next time Marty calls you into his office,
00:32:32you wait until that motherfucker starts giving you one of them, um,
00:32:34how do you call those?
00:32:36I built a man.
00:32:38That's it, that's the one.
00:32:40Well, right when he's done, you get up,
00:32:42say thank you very much,
00:32:44pull your pants down, time to kiss your ass and walk the fuck out.
00:32:47And do it.
00:32:49Yeah, thanks for the tip, Danny.
00:32:51Hey, if it were me, I'd take a shit on his fucking desk,
00:32:53but hey, I just work here, right?
00:32:59I'm getting fucking evicted.
00:33:02I don't know how much longer I can take this low-paying shit, Danny.
00:33:07I can't do it anymore.
00:33:13Well, take it easy.
00:33:15It's all right.
00:33:22Yo, Mikey.
00:33:28What are you doing later, eh?
00:33:30I don't know.
00:33:46Danny, I have a question for you.
00:33:48You heard of an AC?
00:33:50Because this shit ain't working, I swear to God.
00:33:52It is fucking hotter in here than it is outside.
00:33:57Sorry, bro.
00:33:59Been meaning to get that fixed.
00:34:06All right, so this is for real.
00:34:08This is the place?
00:34:12So what kind of work you doing there?
00:34:13Simple shit.
00:34:15You know, plumbing, electrical.
00:34:17Whatever that prick needs, he calls me.
00:34:19Nothing more.
00:34:21Pays me shit.
00:34:23If you want out of this, now's the time.
00:34:25You know that, right?
00:34:27Yeah, I know that.
00:34:32Because you're about to be a fucking rich motherfucker,
00:34:34you understand?
00:34:36Rich motherfucker?
00:34:38That's right.
00:34:40Rich motherfucker.
00:34:43I'm not planning on doing that.
00:34:46There's a safe.
00:35:03Pretty motherfucker barely pays me,
00:35:05but he's sitting on a shitload of cash.
00:35:07Yeah, how do you know that?
00:35:09I hear things.
00:35:11So where is it?
00:35:13Hand me that Allen wrench over there, will you?
00:35:15Tell you the truth.
00:35:17I ain't quite sure.
00:35:21I mean, you ain't quite fucking sure.
00:35:23Hey, hey, lower your goddamn voice.
00:35:25It's here.
00:35:27It's here, all right?
00:35:31They have one of them paintings or some shit.
00:35:33I saw them hide it once.
00:35:37Not sure where, really.
00:35:41Why would they do that?
00:35:45What's so fucking funny, Danny?
00:35:49You're really aiming for the fence with this one.
00:35:51Tell me about it.
00:35:53Guess they figured it'd be a safe place to hide it.
00:35:55Beats the fuck out of me.
00:35:57Old fucking bastard didn't trust me either, I guess.
00:36:00Yeah, I wonder why.
00:36:05There you are, you bastard.
00:36:07Freeze your fucking balls off now, motherfucker.
00:36:13We just have to find him, Mikey.
00:36:15It's as easy as that.
00:36:32Hey, don't think so much.
00:36:34You'll give yourself a fucking aneurysm.
00:36:36Come on.
00:36:44Hey, neighbor.
00:36:51What's with you always showing up out of nowhere?
00:36:53Sometimes it's good to be invisible to assholes,
00:36:55wouldn't you say?
00:36:57I wouldn't know, Houdini.
00:36:59Where are you headed?
00:37:01Drown my sorrows.
00:37:03Want to come?
00:37:05No, I'm good.
00:37:07Come on.
00:37:09Come on.
00:37:11Come on.
00:37:13I got a better idea.
00:37:15Not likely.
00:37:17Meet me at Polly's at 8.
00:37:19Polly's, isn't that a...
00:37:21I hate delis.
00:37:23Touch shit.
00:37:31I heat up.
00:37:34I cool down.
00:37:37I feel like screaming.
00:37:40But I don't make a sound.
00:37:52The way things are,
00:37:54I want to write these moments down.
00:37:59The days are tough and the nights are long.
00:38:03It turns our senses round.
00:38:06So that's it.
00:38:07I won't quit.
00:38:09I'll do the best I can.
00:38:13To me,
00:38:15that's the measure of a man.
00:38:20And I heat up.
00:38:24I cool down.
00:38:27I feel like screaming.
00:38:31But I don't make a sound.
00:38:33I like to come out here.
00:38:34Think about things.
00:38:42Every time I close my eyes,
00:38:45I remember.
00:38:48Every time
00:38:50I wake up at night,
00:38:52I walk the streets,
00:38:54I take the bus,
00:38:56I talk to people,
00:38:58I shake hands,
00:39:00I remember.
00:39:05I need a change, Jane.
00:39:08I need to get out of this fucking town.
00:39:12If I left, would you come with me?
00:39:15Michael, we don't have to run away.
00:39:18You can make a change here.
00:39:21You're right.
00:39:23I can.
00:39:25And tomorrow night,
00:39:27everything is gonna change.
00:39:29Yeah? How's that?
00:39:30I got a break.
00:39:33What kind of break?
00:39:36A new job.
00:39:39Really? Where?
00:39:42At an art gallery.
00:39:46I didn't know you were into art.
00:39:48Yeah, me neither.
00:39:54The one on Washington and Jerry?
00:39:56Yeah, that's the one.
00:39:57That's pretty fancy.
00:39:59How'd you get a job there?
00:40:10What's inside that head of yours?
00:40:27No. Negative.
00:40:30We hurt too many companies.
00:40:36You look amazing.
00:40:58My life before the war now feels like a distant dream.
00:41:03When your every day is kill or be killed,
00:41:06there's almost a comfort to the simplicity of it.
00:41:12And then you come back,
00:41:14and it's almost as if war
00:41:17made more sense than it does over here.
00:41:21I knew guys that kept going back to them.
00:41:25I thought they were crazy.
00:41:27But once I got back,
00:41:29I finally understood why.
00:41:33You come back to a world
00:41:35you can no longer remember.
00:41:42Dear Michael,
00:41:45I hope this letter finds you in good health.
00:41:49I can't pretend to imagine
00:41:52why you've been through this last few months.
00:41:55Enclosed is a picture of your newborn son,
00:42:05We couldn't bring ourselves to give you this news earlier,
00:42:09and it saddens me to tell you this, Michael.
00:42:15Mary died giving birth to your son.
00:42:20Complications of childbirth.
00:42:25He needs you now more than ever with her gone.
00:42:30And we need you as well.
00:42:35He's here with us.
00:42:37We're waiting for you.
00:42:39Hardship discharge.
00:42:43I guess they didn't need me anymore.
00:42:47But that didn't matter.
00:42:49I had a son to look after now.
00:42:53Mary's parents were taking care of her.
00:42:56I was there for her.
00:42:58I was there for her.
00:43:00I was there for her.
00:43:02I was there for her.
00:43:04I was there for her.
00:43:06Mary's parents were taking care of him for me.
00:43:11So I was going home.
00:43:12I was going home.
00:44:30Would you like to hold your son?
00:44:55My son.
00:45:18Don't worry. Father's here.
00:45:19Everything's going to be all right.
00:45:43I can't find it.
00:45:48I can't find it.
00:45:53My compass.
00:45:59I can't find my compass, man.
00:46:13I'm sorry.
00:46:14I'm sorry, man.
00:46:28Leave it at the door.
00:46:40Sorry for waking you.
00:46:44Don't worry about it.
00:46:45I needed to get a head start on cleaning anyway.
00:46:48I can see that.
00:47:00Oh, you like that?
00:47:02I brought groceries, you know.
00:47:04I owe you one, Michie.
00:47:05I owe you one, Michie.
00:47:10This is a historic moment.
00:47:12The arrival of the North Vietnamese regular army in Saigon.
00:47:17Right in the middle of Saigon.
00:47:19Just after 12 o'clock.
00:47:21Just after noon.
00:47:22Here they are pouring down the main avenue.
00:47:24This war's going to be over soon.
00:47:26This war is never going to be over.
00:47:29Seriously, Michael.
00:47:30It's just a matter of time.
00:47:34Thanks for breakfast, but I gotta get going.
00:47:39You barely ate.
00:47:40I'll finish it later.
00:47:42Michael, listen.
00:47:45A few of us are getting together later.
00:47:47Well, I completely understand if you don't want to come, but...
00:47:51I guess what I'm trying to say is...
00:47:54Spit it out, Jane.
00:47:56There's a protest.
00:48:02Just come by.
00:48:04Hear it out.
00:48:05See how you feel.
00:48:08Just think about it.
00:48:22You should let your hair down more, you know.
00:48:30Four days, you hear me? Four days.
00:48:33Hey, Mr. Mortetti.
00:48:35Nice to hear you this morning.
00:48:37Fuck off.
00:48:39What was all that about?
00:48:41I think I made a friend.
00:48:43Oh, really?
00:48:45Let's see.
00:48:46Jane, please.
00:48:49Looks like you got it all figured out, don't you?
00:48:51What, like you?
00:48:52Like me.
00:48:53Give me a break.
00:48:54No, what about me?
00:48:55Why don't you go back out there and fight for shit that doesn't exist?
00:48:58At least I stand for something.
00:49:02You stand for nothing.
00:49:05But yourself.
00:49:08Not true.
00:49:38They talk about the horrors of war.
00:49:41But that's just what it is.
00:49:44Just talk.
00:49:47If you've ever seen it,
00:49:50you don't talk about it.
00:49:53Because there is no talk.
00:49:57There aren't any words to describe it right.
00:50:01Because it's not words.
00:50:04It's images of your friends getting shot up.
00:50:09It's sounds of their screams and the deathly silence afterwards.
00:50:15It's smells of their stench and rotting flesh.
00:50:23It's bloodstains.
00:50:26You can't ever wash away.
00:50:56It's bloodstains.
00:51:26It's bloodstains.
00:51:27It's bloodstains.
00:51:28It's bloodstains.
00:51:29It's bloodstains.
00:51:30It's bloodstains.
00:51:31It's bloodstains.
00:51:32It's bloodstains.
00:51:33It's bloodstains.
00:51:34It's bloodstains.
00:51:35It's bloodstains.
00:51:36It's bloodstains.
00:51:37It's bloodstains.
00:51:38It's bloodstains.
00:51:39It's bloodstains.
00:51:40It's bloodstains.
00:51:41It's bloodstains.
00:51:42It's bloodstains.
00:51:43It's bloodstains.
00:51:44It's bloodstains.
00:51:45It's bloodstains.
00:51:46It's bloodstains.
00:51:47It's bloodstains.
00:51:48It's bloodstains.
00:51:49It's bloodstains.
00:51:50It's bloodstains.
00:51:51It's bloodstains.
00:51:52It's bloodstains.
00:51:53It's bloodstains.
00:51:54It's bloodstains.
00:51:55It's bloodstains.
00:51:56It's bloodstains.
00:51:57It's bloodstains.
00:51:58It's bloodstains.
00:51:59It's bloodstains.
00:52:00It's bloodstains.
00:52:01It's bloodstains.
00:52:02It's bloodstains.
00:52:03It's bloodstains.
00:52:04It's bloodstains.
00:52:05It's bloodstains.
00:52:06It's bloodstains.
00:52:07It's bloodstains.
00:52:08It's bloodstains.
00:52:09It's bloodstains.
00:52:10It's bloodstains.
00:52:11It's bloodstains.
00:52:12It's bloodstains.
00:52:13It's bloodstains.
00:52:14It's bloodstains.
00:52:15It's bloodstains.
00:52:16It's bloodstains.
00:52:17It's bloodstains.
00:52:18It's bloodstains.
00:52:19It's bloodstains.
00:52:20Where the fuck have you been?
00:52:21Who the fuck is this?
00:52:22Okay, sorry.
00:52:23Joe, nice to meet you.
00:52:26I meant to tell you, but...
00:52:27You meant to tell me?
00:52:29Is there a problem here?
00:52:30No, there's no problem.
00:52:31Yeah, there's a fucking goddamn problem.
00:52:32Who the fuck is this?
00:52:33Look, I'm not going to get in your way, all right?
00:52:34No, this is...
00:52:35Shut up.
00:52:36This is Joe.
00:52:37He's my kid sister's boyfriend, all right?
00:52:38You're out of your fucking mind.
00:52:39Danny, what are you doing to me?
00:52:40Come on, look, I'm not going to get in your way.
00:52:41Joey, do me a favor, will you?
00:52:43Shut the fuck up.
00:52:44Shut the fuck up.
00:52:45Shut the fuck up.
00:52:46You're out of your fucking mind.
00:52:53You told me it was amazing.
00:53:05And we're out?
00:53:06Nothing's changed.
00:53:07Nothing's changed.
00:53:08He's just going to be a lookout.
00:53:09A lookout?
00:53:10That's right.
00:53:11Believe me, we might need him.
00:53:12Fucking Christ.
00:53:13I'm not going to get in your way.
00:53:14I know you're not going to get in our way.
00:53:15Let me fucking hug you, you stupid fuck!
00:53:17Shut the fuck up!
00:53:18Shut up.
00:53:24Alright, nice to meet you.
00:53:27Alright, one big family reunion.
00:53:29Alright, okay.
00:53:30Hey, look.
00:53:31Anything happens with this kid,
00:53:34it's on you.
00:53:35Fuck that!
00:53:37It's on him!
00:53:38You know that, don't you?
00:53:41Yeah, Danny, I can shoot.
00:53:42Can we do this? I'm ready.
00:54:10Where do we start?
00:54:11Check the desk over there, there must be a key somewhere.
00:54:13A key?
00:54:14I thought you said they hid it!
00:54:16That's what I said!
00:54:17Then how do you know?
00:54:18We need a goddamn key!
00:54:19Hey, shut the fuck up and help me, will you?
00:54:21Danny, I swear to Christ it better be here.
00:54:23I don't want your voice.
00:54:24Guys, guys!
00:54:26Shit, I think I heard something.
00:54:41Is someone down there?
00:54:44Who is it?
00:54:48Don't you fucking move, bitch!
00:54:52Don't fuck with me!
00:54:53I'm asking you again, where the fuck is it?
00:54:59Goddamn it, shut the fucking bitch up right now!
00:55:02Let's be cool, man!
00:55:04I got it, I got it!
00:55:05Don't do it!
00:55:07Keep looking, Danny!
00:55:08Don't do it!
00:55:09Don't do it!
00:55:10Don't do it!
00:55:11Don't do it!
00:55:13Keep looking, Danny!
00:55:15Shut up, lady!
00:55:20Shut up, lady!
00:55:22You have no idea the consequences.
00:55:25Shut up, lady!
00:55:26Shut up!
00:55:27Shut up!
00:55:28Take it easy, kid!
00:55:29You have no idea who you're trying to take from.
00:55:32You're not gonna get away.
00:55:36Black Manta.
00:55:38Where is it, man?
00:55:39There ain't nothing here, man.
00:55:40There ain't nothing here!
00:55:41What do we do, man?
00:55:42It's here!
00:55:43It's here!
00:55:44Where the fuck is it?
00:55:45I'll take you!
00:55:46You're speaking!
00:55:48Fuck you, Danny!
00:55:53Kid, I told you to take it easy!
00:55:55You made me do it!
00:55:57You see?
00:55:58Goddamn it, everybody shut the fuck up!
00:56:00I can't hear myself think!
00:56:03All right, fuck it.
00:56:04That's it, fuck it.
00:56:05We gotta move.
00:56:06You hear me?
00:56:07You hear me?
00:56:08I said fuck it!
00:56:09Let's go!
00:56:31I'm not gonna say it again.
00:56:34You fucking cheapskate.
00:56:36No more playing around.
00:56:39She dies if we don't find nothing, you understand?
00:56:45Do you understand?
00:56:49Shut up!
00:56:51Danny, don't do this.
00:56:53Shut up!
00:56:54Shut the fuck up!
00:56:55What are you doing?
00:56:56Joe, do it!
00:56:59What are you doing?
00:57:00No, no, no!
00:57:01Hold on!
00:57:02Hold on!
00:57:07You gonna tell me?
00:57:08Where the fuck is it?
00:57:10Come on!
00:57:11Tell me!
00:57:15That's it?
00:57:16Take me to it!
00:57:18Go with him!
00:57:20You lucky bitch.
00:57:21Hurry up, man!
00:57:22We gotta move!
00:57:26Hurry up, man!
00:57:27We gotta move!
00:57:28Let's go!
00:57:31We gotta move!
00:57:32Let's go!
00:57:35What are you standing around for?
00:57:36A little help, would ya?
00:57:45Don't look at her!
00:57:46Don't look at her!
00:57:47She's dead already!
00:57:49Eyes front, bitch!
00:57:50Eyes front!
00:57:51Let's go, Joe!
00:57:52What's happening?
00:57:54Open the safe!
00:57:55Yeah, yeah, yeah!
00:57:56I'm opening!
00:57:57I'm opening!
00:57:58It's here?
00:57:59It's here?
00:58:01It's here!
00:58:02Yeah, yeah, yeah!
00:58:07What are you doing?
00:58:08Stop this!
00:58:14You fucking told her!
00:58:16Open it now!
00:58:17Don't do this!
00:58:19Jane, leave now!
00:58:22Michael, get her the fuck out of here, man!
00:58:24Please, go home.
00:58:26Yeah, yeah, yeah!
00:58:27I think we got something!
00:58:30It's too late.
00:58:32It's too late.
00:58:33Get the fuck out of here, man!
00:58:34Open it up!
00:58:35Yeah, I'm opening!
00:58:36I'm opening!
00:58:40You got it?
00:58:41I think we got something!
00:58:43Move it!
00:58:53Oh, shit!
00:59:21I can't do that.
00:59:22Leave now.
00:59:25I can't do that, man.
00:59:26Listen to me!
00:59:31Michael, just forget it!
00:59:32It's gonna be all right.
00:59:34I'm gonna count to three.
00:59:37It's gonna be all right.
00:59:41I'm not leaving without that!
00:59:44Michael, stop!
01:00:02Jackpot, motherfucker.
01:00:08Grab whatever you can!
01:00:10Do you fucking hear me?
01:00:11Let's get out of here, man!
01:00:14You're gonna be okay.
01:00:16Did you fucking hear me?
01:00:17Let's go!
01:00:18It's okay!
01:00:19Let's just leave and forget any of this ever happened!
01:00:21So you're gonna listen to this bitch now, eh?
01:00:31Day after day I hear you yap, yap, yap.
01:00:33Blah, blah, blah.
01:00:34You can't pay shit.
01:00:35That you ain't worth shit!
01:00:37I go ahead and offer you shit,
01:00:39and you push out on me like a little bitch?
01:00:44Don't listen to this psycho!
01:00:45Shut the fuck up!
01:00:46Fuck you, Danny!
01:00:48Fuck me?
01:00:49Yeah, fuck you!
01:00:52Fuck you, bitch!
01:01:01Fuck you!
01:01:02Fuck you!
01:01:03Fuck you!
01:01:04Fuck you!
01:01:05Fuck you!
01:01:06Fuck you!
01:01:07Fuck you!
01:01:08Fuck you!
01:01:09Fuck you!
01:01:10Fuck you!
01:01:11Fuck you!
01:01:12Fuck you!
01:01:13Fuck you!
01:01:14Fuck you!
01:01:15Fuck you!
01:01:16Fuck you!
01:01:17Fuck you!
01:01:18Fuck you!
01:01:19Fuck you!
01:01:20Fuck you!
01:01:21Fuck you!
01:01:22Fuck you!
01:01:23Fuck you!
01:01:24Fuck you!
01:01:25Fuck you!
01:01:26Fuck you!
01:01:27Fuck you!
01:01:28Fuck you!
01:01:29Fuck you!
01:01:30Fuck you!
01:01:31Fuck you!
01:01:32Fuck you!
01:01:33Fuck you!
01:01:34Fuck you!
01:01:35Fuck you!
01:01:36Fuck you!
01:01:37Fuck you!
01:01:38Fuck you!
01:01:39Fuck you!
01:01:40Fuck you!
01:01:41Fuck you!
01:01:42Fuck you!
01:01:43Fuck you!
01:01:44Fuck you!
01:01:45Fuck you!
01:01:46Fuck you!
01:01:47Fuck you!
01:01:48Fuck you!
01:01:49Fuck you!
01:01:50Fuck you!
01:01:51Fuck you!
01:01:52Fuck you!
01:01:53Fuck you!
01:01:54Fuck you!
01:01:55Fuck you!
01:01:56Fuck you!
01:01:57Fuck you!
01:01:58Fuck you!
01:01:59Fuck you!
01:02:00Fuck you!
01:02:01Fuck you!
01:02:02Fuck you!
01:02:03Fuck you!
01:02:04Fuck you!
01:02:05Fuck you!
01:02:06Fuck you!
01:02:07Fuck you!
01:02:08Fuck you!
01:02:09Fuck you!
01:02:10Fuck you!
01:02:11Fuck you!
01:02:12Fuck you!
01:02:13Fuck you!
01:02:14Fuck you!
01:02:15Fuck you!
01:02:16Fuck you!
01:02:17Fuck you!
01:02:18Fuck you!
01:02:19Fuck you!
01:02:20Fuck you!
01:02:21Fuck you!
01:02:22Fuck you!
01:02:23Fuck you!
01:02:24Fuck you!
01:02:25Fuck you!
01:02:26Fuck you!
01:02:27Fuck you!
01:02:28Fuck you!
01:02:29Fuck you!
01:02:30Fuck you!
01:02:31Fuck you!
01:02:32Fuck you!
01:02:33Fuck you!
01:02:34Fuck you!
01:02:35Fuck you!
01:02:36Fuck you!
01:02:37Fuck you!
01:02:38Fuck you!
01:02:39Fuck you!
01:02:40Fuck you!
01:02:41Fuck you!
01:02:42Fuck you!
01:02:43Fuck you!
01:02:44Fuck you!
01:02:45Fuck you!
01:02:46Fuck you!
01:02:47Fuck you!
01:02:48Fuck you!
01:02:49Fuck you!
01:02:50Fuck you!
01:02:51Fuck you!
01:02:52Fuck you!
01:02:53Fuck you!
01:02:54Fuck you!
01:02:55Fuck you!
01:02:56Fuck you!
01:02:57Fuck you!
01:02:58Fuck you!
01:02:59Fuck you!
01:03:00Fuck you!
01:03:01Fuck you!
01:03:02Fuck you!
01:03:03Fuck you!
01:03:04Fuck you!
01:03:05Fuck you!
01:03:06Fuck you!
01:03:07Fuck you!
01:03:08Fuck you!
01:03:09Fuck you!
01:03:10Fuck you!
01:03:11Fuck you!
01:03:12Fuck you!
01:03:13Fuck you!
01:03:14Fuck you!
01:03:15Fuck you!
01:03:16Fuck you!
01:03:17Fuck you!
01:03:18Fuck you!
01:03:19Fuck you!
01:03:20Fuck you!
01:03:21Fuck you!
01:03:22Fuck you!
01:03:23Fuck you!
01:03:24Fuck you!
01:03:25Fuck you!
01:03:26Fuck you!
01:03:27Fuck you!
01:03:28Fuck you!
01:03:29Fuck you!
01:03:30Fuck you!
01:03:31Fuck you!
01:03:32Fuck you!
01:03:33Fuck you!
01:03:34Fuck you!
01:03:35Fuck you!
01:03:36Fuck you!
01:03:37Fuck you!
01:03:38Fuck you!
01:03:39Fuck you!
01:03:40Fuck you!
01:03:41Fuck you!
01:03:42Fuck you!
01:03:43Fuck you!
01:03:44Fuck you!
01:03:45Fuck you!
01:03:46Fuck you!
01:03:47Fuck you!
01:03:48Fuck you!
01:03:49Fuck you!
01:03:50Fuck you!
01:03:51Fuck you!
01:03:52Fuck you!
01:03:53Fuck you!
01:03:54Fuck you!
01:03:55Fuck you!
01:03:56Fuck you!
01:03:57Fuck you!
01:03:58Fuck you!
01:03:59Fuck you!
01:04:00Fuck you!
01:04:01Fuck you!
01:04:02Fuck you!
01:04:03Fuck you!
01:04:04Fuck you!
01:04:05Fuck you!
01:04:06Fuck you!
01:04:07Fuck you!
01:04:08Fuck you!
01:04:09Fuck you!
01:04:10Fuck you!
01:04:11Fuck you!
01:04:12Fuck you!
01:04:13Fuck you!
01:04:14Fuck you!
01:04:15Fuck you!
01:04:16Fuck you!
01:04:17Fuck you!
01:04:18Fuck you!
01:04:19Fuck you!
01:04:20Fuck you!
01:04:21Fuck you!
01:04:22Fuck you!
01:04:23Fuck you!
01:04:24Fuck you!
01:04:25Fuck you!
01:04:26Fuck you!
01:04:27Fuck you!
01:04:28Fuck you!
01:04:29Fuck you!
01:04:30Fuck you!
01:04:31Fuck you!
01:04:32Fuck you!
01:04:33Fuck you!
01:04:34Fuck you!
01:04:35Fuck you!
01:04:36Fuck you!
01:04:37Fuck you!
01:04:38Fuck you!
01:04:39Fuck you!
01:04:40Fuck you!
01:04:41Fuck you!
01:04:42Fuck you!
01:04:43Fuck you!
01:04:44Fuck you!
01:04:45Fuck you!
01:04:46Fuck you!
01:04:47Fuck you!
01:04:48Fuck you!
01:04:49Fuck you!
01:04:50Fuck you!
01:04:51Fuck you!
01:04:52Fuck you!
01:04:53Sometimes, you find that some things start searching for you.
01:05:24Fuck you!
01:05:25Fuck you!
01:05:26Fuck you!
01:05:27Fuck you!
01:05:28Fuck you!
01:05:29Fuck you!
01:05:30Fuck you!
01:05:31Fuck you!
01:05:32Fuck you!
01:05:33Fuck you!
01:05:34Fuck you!
01:05:35Fuck you!
01:05:36Fuck you!
01:05:37Fuck you!
01:05:38Fuck you!
01:05:39Fuck you!
01:05:40Fuck you!
01:05:41Fuck you!
01:05:42Fuck you!
01:05:43Fuck you!
01:05:44Fuck you!
01:05:45Fuck you!
01:05:46Fuck you!
01:05:47Fuck you!
01:05:48Fuck you!
01:05:49Fuck you!
01:05:50Fuck you!
01:05:51Fuck you!
01:05:52Fuck you!
01:05:53Fuck you!
01:05:54Fuck you!
01:05:55Fuck you!
01:05:56Fuck you!
01:05:58Fuck you!
01:05:59Fuck you, motherfuckers!
01:06:00Fuck you!
01:06:01Fuck you!
01:06:02Fly away, motherfucker!
01:06:03Fuck you!
01:06:04Fuck you, motherfuckers!
01:06:05Just come on, let's go.
01:06:06Yeah, just come to me, bitch.
01:06:07Keep coming over.
01:06:08Come on, you motherfuckers.
01:06:09Come on, man.
01:06:10The call is getting closer.
01:06:11You better be washing that shit, motherfucker.
01:06:12My window's clean.
01:06:13That's him.
01:06:14That's him, though, man.
01:06:15No, man.
01:06:16You having yourself some sort of problem now?
01:06:21I'm gonna need you to back the fuck up from that car.
01:06:27Do it, faggot.
01:06:28You got a problem here?
01:06:29Listen to me, boy.
01:06:31Fucking not.
01:06:32Turn it around.
01:06:33What the fuck?
01:06:36I said turn the ass around, boy.
01:06:41What the fuck?
01:06:42Is this some sort of fucking comedy show, huh?
01:06:44What the fuck is so funny with you, bitch?
01:06:48What the fuck's the matter with you?
01:06:49Motherfucker, I'll give you something to laugh at.
01:06:50I'll give you something to giggle.
01:06:51It's a fucking lube, Lord.
01:06:52You want to know?
01:06:53Tell me, boy.
01:06:54You fucking tell me.
01:06:55There ain't nothing.
01:06:57That you can do to me.
01:06:58The hell hasn't already done.
01:06:59What the fuck?
01:07:00He's talking dirty.
01:07:01What the fuck?
01:07:03Let's get him now, boy.
01:07:31Sure, I needed help.
01:07:34A little support.
01:07:37In the end, I just needed the water to stop.
01:07:43Mickey, Mickey.
01:07:45I love you.
01:07:46You're like a brother to me.
01:07:47You've got a life here.
01:07:48You can't even go together?
01:07:50We've got a life here.
01:07:50We can't go together, huh?
01:07:52Would you like to hold your son?
01:07:54Mike, I will finish him quickly.
01:08:01I just hope you make it out all right.
01:08:03I know you make a wonderful father.
01:08:05Come back to us.
01:08:08Move out, move out!
01:08:10We've got to get him out of here!
01:08:11Get in!
01:08:12Oh my God, I'm so sorry!
01:08:15Get in!
01:08:18I can't find my compass, man.
01:08:24He's here with us.
01:08:26We're waiting for you.
01:09:17Phone ringing.
01:09:33Is anybody there?
01:09:34Who is it, baby?
01:09:36I don't know, no one's answering.
01:09:49Is that you?
01:10:17Is that you?
01:10:23Are you coming?
01:10:30I'll make it clear.
01:10:32If you're coming,
01:10:36Anyway, yeah.
01:10:38And if you're coming,
01:10:40I'll make it clear.
01:10:43And if you're comin',
01:10:44I'm outta here.
01:10:45I'm out of here.
01:11:05I can't find it.
01:11:10I can't find it.
01:11:15My compass.
01:11:20Vinny, I can't find my compass, man.
01:11:26Hey, Ricky. I got it, man.
01:11:51Vinny, no!
01:12:05When I was a little boy,
01:12:08my mother gave this to me.
01:12:12And she told me
01:12:14that if I was ever lost or scared,
01:12:18that this would lead me back home.
01:12:21And now,
01:12:22I want you to have it.
01:12:25And if you ever feel alone,
01:12:28you just take out this compass
01:12:30and know that I'm always with you.
01:12:34Because I love you very much, my son.
01:12:44This is Jacob.
01:12:46You're not going to believe this.
01:12:49We found your father.
01:12:52Here's the address.
01:13:14My mother used to say,
01:13:17you either bend
01:13:19or you break.
01:13:23And when you break,
01:13:27you grow stronger
01:13:29in the broken places.
01:13:33And sometimes
01:13:35you grow stronger
01:13:37in the broken places.
01:13:40And sometimes
01:13:42you don't.
01:13:45But if you can last,
01:13:49if you can stick it out,
01:13:53time has a funny way
01:13:57of curing
01:13:59even the incurable.
01:14:03And then sometimes,
01:14:06when we're standing on the precipice,
01:14:09staring into the abyss of it all,
01:14:14life can offer us
01:14:17even just a glimmer of hope.
01:14:23Take it.
01:14:25It's worth it.
01:14:28And then maybe,
01:14:30just maybe,
01:14:33you can have some peace.
01:14:35You can have some peace,
01:14:38my friend.
01:15:05I love you.
01:15:07I love you.
01:15:09I love you.
01:15:11I love you.
01:15:13I love you.
01:15:15I love you.
01:15:17I love you.
01:15:19I love you.
01:15:21I love you.
01:15:23I love you.
01:15:25I love you.
01:15:27I love you.
01:15:29I love you.
01:15:31I love you.
01:15:33I love you.
01:15:35I love you.
01:15:37I love you.
01:15:39I love you.
01:15:41I love you.
01:15:43I love you.
01:15:45I love you.
01:15:47I love you.
01:15:49I love you.
01:15:51I love you.
01:15:53I love you.
01:15:55I love you.
01:15:57I love you.
01:15:59I love you.
01:16:01I love you.
01:16:03I love you.
01:16:05I love you.
01:16:07I love you.
01:16:09I love you.
01:16:11I love you.
01:16:13I love you.
01:16:15I love you.
01:16:17I love you.
01:16:19I love you.
01:16:21I love you.
01:16:23I love you.
01:16:25I love you.
01:16:27I love you.
01:16:29I love you.
01:16:31I love you.
01:16:33I love you.
01:16:35I love you.
01:16:37I love you.
01:16:39I love you.
01:16:41I love you.
01:16:43I love you.
01:16:45I love you.
01:16:47I love you.
01:16:49I love you.
01:16:51I love you.
01:16:53I love you.
01:16:55I love you.
01:16:57I love you.
01:16:59I love you.
01:17:01I love you.
01:17:03I love you.
