Ilim o Amal - Episode 11
Naimat e Iftar | Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv
#IlimoAmal #ShaneRamzan #aryqtv
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Naimat e Iftar | Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv
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00:00The month of mercy, the ship of greatness, the cradle of life, the soul of Mecca, Medina
00:11All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and to the righteous.
00:15And peace and blessings be upon His Messenger, the Noble Prophet.
00:19I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the accursed.
00:23In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
00:26Verily, if you are grateful, I will surely increase you, and if you are ungrateful, Verily, My punishment is severe.
00:32Sadaqallah Moulana al-Azeem.
00:34Respected viewers,
00:37According to the program Ilm o Amal, our topic today is the superiority of gratitude.
00:44The status of those who are grateful, the honor of those who are grateful,
00:51and whether gratitude is among the rewards of God.
00:55Respected viewers,
00:57The reality of gratitude is the conception and expression of blessings.
01:02That is, to understand the blessing that Allah has bestowed,
01:07and then to be grateful to Allah for it.
01:11While ungratefulness is to forget the blessing and hide it.
01:16And ungratefulness leads to disbelief.
01:21In Surah Majeed Furqan-e-Hameed, as I have recited the Holy Qur'an,
01:25the Creator has said,
01:28If you are grateful, I will surely increase you.
01:32That is, if you are ungrateful, I will surely increase you.
01:36And if you are ungrateful, Verily, My punishment is severe.
01:40Allahu Akbar.
01:42Hazrat Sayyidina Ibn-e-Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, narrates,
01:48The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said,
01:52The one who has obtained four things,
01:55he has obtained the goodness of this world and the Hereafter.
01:58What is the first?
02:00A grateful heart.
02:02The second?
02:04A tongue that remembers Allah.
02:06The third?
02:08A body that is patient on the test.
02:11The fourth?
02:13A wife who is not treacherous in herself and her husband's wealth.
02:20These are the four things.
02:22What is the first among them?
02:25A grateful heart.
02:27That is, a person who is grateful to his Lord for the blessings of Allah.
02:34And, dear viewers, the easiest way to be grateful is
02:39to understand the blessings of Allah.
02:42The first thing is to understand that Allah has given me eyes to see,
02:49ears to hear,
02:51tongue to speak,
02:54hands to hold,
02:56feet to walk,
02:58clothes to wear,
03:13Allahu Akbar Kabeera.
03:15It is said,
03:16Before five things,
03:18know the blessings of Allah.
03:20O Prophet of Allah, what are they?
03:22The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said,
03:26Before illness,
03:29know the blessings of health.
03:32If you know the blessings, you will be grateful.
03:37Before busyness,
03:39know the blessings of leisure.
03:42Before old age,
03:44know the blessings of youth.
03:49before fatigue,
03:51know the blessings of happiness.
03:54And before death, know the blessings of life.
03:58And to be grateful,
04:00this is also a very beautiful style that the Sufis have taught us.
04:04My Qibla scholar,
04:06Tajdar-e-Sahoochak Sharif,
04:10he used to say,
04:12that the first thing to be grateful for,
04:14is to see the people whom Allah has given you,
04:16and after that,
04:18to see those people whom Allah has not given you.
04:22If you have eyes,
04:24then you will value your eyes,
04:26when you look at a blind person.
04:28If he had eyes,
04:30what benefit would he take from it?
04:32If he does not have eyes,
04:34what benefit would he take from it?
04:36If you look at a mute person,
04:38who does not have a tongue,
04:40then you will value the tongue,
04:42which Allah has given you,
04:44and you will be grateful for it.
04:46And after that,
04:48if you look at a person,
04:50whose ears are deaf,
04:52he cannot hear,
04:54when we look at him,
04:56then we should be grateful to Allah,
04:58that Allah has given us ears.
05:00We can hear.
05:02Allah is Great.
05:04That is why,
05:06to sit with those people,
05:08whose tongues are grateful,
05:10is a great blessing.
05:12Not everyone gets it.
05:14This is the work of the Sufis,
05:16or the scholars and jurists,
05:18who have fear,
05:20that on whose tongues,
05:22the habit of thanking Allah,
05:24is very rare.
05:26O Allah,
05:28You are the Most Merciful.
05:30O Allah, You are the Most Gracious.
05:32O Allah, You are the Most Merciful.
05:34O Allah, You are the Most Gracious.
05:36O Allah, You are the Most Merciful.
05:38O Allah, You have bestowed favours upon me.
05:40O Allah, You have bestowed favours upon me.
05:42So, all these things,
05:44and the favours Allah has bestowed upon the Prophets,
05:46what method did the Prophets follow?
05:48May I be sacrificed.
05:50When Moses,
05:52his people,
05:54were saved from Pharaoh,
05:58was a Prophet,
06:00he saved his people,
06:02from the evil of Pharaoh,
06:04from the wickedness of Pharaoh,
06:06and what did he do?
06:08He fasted,
06:10to thank Allah.
06:12He fasted to thank Allah.
06:14The Prophet,
06:16on the day,
06:18when Allah's special mercy descends,
06:20to celebrate that day as Eid,
06:22to celebrate happiness,
06:24not only to thank Allah,
06:26this was the method of Prophet Mohammad,
06:28it is the way of righteous,
06:30it is theのは𝘪𝘰𝘰𝘧𝘢𝘢𝘸 method,
06:34but to thank Allah,
06:36there are two or three points to worry about.
06:38The Companions used to say,
06:40Allah has bestowed favours on me.
06:42Then, I troublesome to him with opposites,
06:44to trouble him with slandering,
06:46to trouble and grumble is the way,
06:48being troublesome with Allah and offering favours is our way.
06:50I share the message of Allah.
06:52We should talk about blessings, but what is the style taught by the Prophets?
06:58They fast, they bow in front of Allah, they prostrate, they bow their heads.
07:04This Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Adha is also a sign of these things.
07:08And what do we do in the world?
07:12We have certain ways of thanking Allah, which separate us from Shariah, which separate us from principles.
07:22Like in today's world, the season of weddings comes.
07:26At weddings, we have seen how people spend money on the streets.
07:35We have also seen that people throw various things on the streets.
07:43They throw clothes, and many other things.
07:47So, this is something that the viewers should pay attention to.
07:51We have not been taught the style of thanking Allah.
07:54Throwing money on the streets is a form of thanking Allah.
07:57This is a form of disrespecting blessings.
08:00Yes, it is appropriate that you give that money to those who deserve it.
08:06Give it to the poor, to the widows, to the orphans, to the needy.
08:12Give it to the religious schools, where the students get the teachings of the Holy Qur'an.
08:19Give love to those institutions that work for the religion and for the convenience of the people.
08:28Now, it comes in the form of thankful blessings.
08:32Sometimes, we adopt a method that goes into the form of ungrateful blessings.
08:37Grateful blessings and ungrateful blessings.
08:41That is, thanking Allah for His blessings.
08:44And the second is to keep receiving blessings and not to pay attention to them.
08:50And the biggest thing about it is that we think that what has been given to me has no value.
08:57However, wealth, power, position, children, business, house, car, bank balance, property,
09:09bank balance, all these things are in their place.
09:12If we look away from this, then Allah has given us life, which is also a blessing.
09:17And then He has given us a healthy life, which is also a blessing.
09:23Look at those Namazis who have reached the age of old age,
09:26who cannot bend their back and bow down today,
09:30who cannot prostrate on the ground,
09:34and now they have to sit down to perform Namaz by means of a chair.
09:42But young people, those healthy friends, those healthy friends,
09:47Please pay attention to this.
09:50And those people who sit with those who are grateful, they are grateful.
09:54Keep being grateful to what Allah has given you.
10:00This is with the signs of grateful people.
10:04And stay in the desire to pay attention to your real owner.
10:11This is also a way of gratitude.
10:15Gratefulness, appreciation of blessings, understanding of blessings,
10:22after receiving benefits from blessings,
10:26reflecting on it, thinking that you have given me blessings,
10:33Allah, you have blessed me, you have been so kind to me,
10:37and O Allah, you have been kind to me,
10:41and after reflecting that, thank and acknowledge God,
10:45this is why gratitude is so important,
10:47this is the most beautiful and most favorable way to do it.
10:50Counting all these things, you say I am grateful to Allah.
10:52O Allah, you have blessed me with health and wellness,
10:56O Allah, you have blessed me with an eye,
10:59O Allah, you have blessed me with ears,
11:01O Allah, you have blessed me with tongue
11:04O Allah, thank you for giving me health and nothing but success.
11:10Now count these blessings and be thankful and then pray, O Allah,
11:14grant me more of my needs.
11:19So this is an act accepted by Allah, the Lord of Glory.
11:22Allah is very pleased with that person.
11:25May I be sacrificed.
11:27The people of Allah, dear viewers,
11:31and then this blessed month of Ramadan,
11:33makes us very eager to be thankful.
11:38We stay hungry all day.
11:41And when we do Iftar at sunset,
11:46then the drinks we take, the food we eat,
11:50it comes down from our throats.
11:53Then at that time, the hunger of the whole day,
11:57its feeling also increases.
12:00And it is known that what is the relief in eating food.
12:04And then this thing also comes to mind,
12:07there are two poor people who have no food.
12:10So if I become a means for them,
12:13then food reaches two or five people through me.
12:18If I set up a kitchen, people benefit from it,
12:22then this also comes in gratitude.
12:27After the thirst of the whole day,
12:30after taking drinks,
12:32if I make arrangements for water somewhere,
12:37if I set up a cold water source,
12:40in today's time, through a water cooler,
12:44Allah grants this ability to some people.
12:47So make arrangements.
12:49So this also comes in gratitude.
12:51Then Allah is pleased with the fact that
12:54I gave blessings to this person.
12:56He distributed my blessings among people.
13:00I gave blessings to him.
13:02He received my blessings.
13:04And after that, he distributed those blessings among people.
13:08There are two things in this.
13:10One is that the blessing that is being distributed,
13:13it comes on him first.
13:15Now that gift has been increased.
13:18That gift has been increased.
13:21That he is my servant,
13:23he is grateful,
13:25he is grateful,
13:27he receives blessings.
13:29After receiving those blessings,
13:31he does not sit on those blessings.
13:34Rather, he distributes them among my people.
13:38Among my people,
13:40in a different way,
13:43whoever needs it,
13:45whoever deserves it,
13:47Allah is pleased with that person.
13:50And this is also a way of expressing gratitude.
13:54Secondly, Allah has given us clothes.
13:57We should keep it in our pockets.
13:59We should keep it safely in our teeth.
14:02And this too,
14:04using Allah's blessings is also a form of gratitude.
14:08But how should our attitude be in that?
14:11We should be grateful to Allah.
14:13But how should our attitude be after receiving the blessings?
14:17So in attitude, humility,
14:21this is very important.
14:23Appreciating the blessings is also a form of gratitude.
14:27And after receiving the blessings,
14:29being humble,
14:30being humble,
14:32being humble,
14:33this is also a form of gratitude.
14:35And after receiving the blessings,
14:37becoming arrogant,
14:39and arrogant.
14:41Becoming arrogant.
14:43This leads to disbelief in the blessings.
14:47This is the reason for distance from the blessings.
14:50We receive the blessings,
14:53but we are unable to be grateful to Allah.
14:59worshipping is also a form of Allah's blessings.
15:02And this is a very big blessing.
15:04I think this is the life of all blessings.
15:08That Allah has given us the opportunity.
15:10Being able to do this is also a blessing.
15:14And we should worship,
15:16do Riyazat,
15:26all of these are blessings.
15:28let's say,
15:29we get something for a few fasts,
15:32and it's gone.
15:34It's a dress.
15:35Even if it's not expensive,
15:36it can still be used.
15:38Even if the bank balance is low,
15:40it can still be used.
15:43not bowing down in front of Allah,
15:46not prostrating in front of Allah,
15:49staying away from worship,
15:51this is not enough.
15:54this is also a blessing.
15:56The love of the Prophet is also a blessing.
16:00The love and companionship of the Prophet's family is also a blessing.
16:06The love of the Companions of the Prophet is also a blessing.
16:10And the companionship of the scholars is also a blessing.
16:16be thankful to your Lord for all these blessings.
16:20It's not a blessing if you have money in your pocket.
16:24It's not a blessing if you only have children.
16:27It's not a blessing if you only have respect.
16:32Every moment is a blessing.
16:34Whatever Allah has given to people,
16:37people benefit from it.
16:39This is a blessing.
16:40And to be thankful to your Lord for every blessing,
16:44this is a great blessing.
16:46This is also a great blessing.
16:49And Allah says,
16:50the one who is thankful to me,
16:52I keep on giving him more.
16:55I don't close the door on him.
16:58The abundance of blessings is common.
17:01And it becomes the reason for his comfort and peace.
17:04But that person,
17:05for the sake of my pleasure,
17:07doesn't hide those blessings.
17:10He doesn't save them.
17:12Rather, he distributes those blessings among people.
17:15That's why, dear viewers,
17:17be thankful.
17:19Be thankful to your tongue.
17:22And what I read in the beginning of Hadith-e-Pak,
17:25the first act that is accepted by Allah,
17:28is the tongue that is thankful.
17:31O Allah, I am thankful to you.
17:33O Allah, I am thankful to you.
17:35I am thankful to you in every situation.
17:37I am thankful to you for the pain.
17:39The pain is also a reward of Allah for the believers.
17:42So, it is necessary to be thankful to Allah for this too.
17:45So, dear viewers,
17:47come and make it your habit,
17:49make it your custom,
17:50and become thankful to Allah.
17:52Allah loves thankful people.
17:55And surely,
17:57Allah has mercy on those
17:59who discuss His blessings
18:01and are thankful for those blessings.
18:03Till tomorrow,
18:05I take your leave.
18:06Allah Hafiz.
18:09Translation by Zainab salman
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