Direktur Utama (Dirut) PT Pertamina (Persero), Simon Aloysius Mantiri, menyatakan pihaknya terus melakukan langkah responsif dalam menangani kasus dugaan korupsi tata kelola minyak mentah dan produk kilang Pertamina. Untuk itu, pihaknya sudah membentuk Crisis Center yang bertujuan untuk mengintegrasikan informasi dan koordinasi lintas sub holding serta memiliki personel yang siaga memonitor setiap eskalasi potensi risiko bisnis.
00:00Pertamina Persero, Simon Aloysius Mantiri, stated that the party continues to take a responsive step in dealing with cases of corruption charges in the management of raw oil and pertamina waste products.
00:18For that, the party has formed a crisis center aimed at integrating information and cross-subholding coordination, and has personnel who are ready to monitor every escalation of potential business risks.
00:31Simon admitted that cases of corruption charges in the management of raw oil and pertamina waste products have made the image of Pertamina in the community worse.
00:39Simon asked for a second chance so that Pertamina can work harder and more transparently in order to regain the trust of the community.
01:09Pertamina has brought conflicts in the community and gave us a chance to work hard and regain trust and pride.