• yesterday
IHSG +1,55% ke 6.647,447 di sesi I Rabu (12/3). IDX Sektor Teknologi +5,71%, DCII +9,99% kembali ARA dan new ATH di tengah kenaikan kinerja di 2024. IDX Sektor Barang Baku +0,79%, AMMN +3,24% bangkit usai terpapar sentimen royalti minerba. IDX Sektor Keuangan +0,75%, BBRI +2,11%, BMRI +2,11%, BBNI +1,80%, dan BBCA +1,68% kembali ke Rp9.000 per saham usai pastikan bagi dividen 2024 di Rp300 per saham. Sementara IDX Sektor Properti dan Real Estate -0,88%, PANI -2,01%.

Dari global, Bursa ekuitas Wall Street melorot, Selasa, menambah aksi jual terbesar dalam beberapa bulan, karena investor khawatir tentang dampak ancaman tarif terbaru terhadap ekonomi global.


00:00Thank you for staying with us and in this segment, we will review how the trade is going throughout the day.
00:12There is good news coming from the Samkabungan family, which has strengthened significantly and has been traded again at the level of 6,600.
00:19And we remind you again that you can still participate on WhatsApp Interactive at 0812 8788 3723 as shown on the television screen and later.
00:30And right now, we are connected via Zoom with Mrs. Liza Kamelia Suryanata, who is the Head of Research at the Indonesian Security Council.
00:37We will go straight to her. Good afternoon, Mrs. Liza. How are you?
00:42Hello, good afternoon, Mr. David. I'm fine, thank you.
00:45Thank you too, Mrs. Liza, for taking the time to be on IDX Channel.
00:49There is good news coming from the Samkabungan family, which has strengthened significantly and has been traded again at the level of 6,600.
01:00Interestingly, the global negative sentiment has not decreased, but the Samkabungan family is still going strong.
01:07What is your analysis, especially from your side?
01:12Yes, last night, we still noted a red trend, a negative position.
01:20But maybe there is a little silver lining in terms of what we can take from the condition of the Trump tariff, which often changes.
01:31So yesterday, after he was able to claim to double the tariff for Canada, because the Ontario governor was able to threaten to increase the tariff by 25 percent,
01:45the electricity from Canada that was sent to the US.
01:49As for the price of metals that will be exchanged for the tariff, such as copper, including gold, because this is an uncertain situation that is getting worse.
02:04And there is also a sentiment from the white military, which also threatens to increase the price of crude oil.
02:18So all those combinations on top of that, it turns out to be beneficial for the Indonesian market.
02:28In our perspective, this is a market that is rich in commodities.
02:34So because of the sentiment of commodities, it seems that we have a reason to be able to make a technical rebound, especially from stocks that have been depreciated for a long time,
02:48have been far in the support area, at least we have a little positive sentiment to enter.
02:57Okay, but looking at the movement of the Indekar Gas Amkabungan in the last few days, Mrs. Liza,
03:02strengthened significantly, then again experienced a fairly deep correction.
03:06Is this condition still pictured, not from the technical position today, or maybe it does experience a weakness,
03:12but the weakness is more limited and the support from Indekar Gas Amkabungan to continue the next strengthening is still maintained?
03:22Okay, to be honest, Indekar Gas Amkabungan is still in a downward trend.
03:28Thankfully, even though we are in the red, but we can still be maintained above one very important support,
03:37which is MA10 and it is at 6525.
03:41Today, the focus is to close above a fairly critical resistance, which is 6630.
03:53If we can close above 6630, then tomorrow we still have a chance to go up again to 6700 or 6870.
04:07Okay, from the sentiment side, actually, market players are still waiting for the release of inflation data.
04:13If I'm not mistaken, it will be released this evening in West Indonesia.
04:17With various projections of US inflation data, will this affect Indekar Gas Amkabungan, both in the short and medium term?
04:27Yes, of course, Mr. David.
04:30Because according to the consensus of the US, Indekar Gas Amkabungan is expected to be a little bit weak,
04:38both in the short term and in the long term.
04:42Well, they are also in the middle of the sentiment towards the recession.
04:51So, if the inflation can be controlled and then the interest rate problem can be eased a little bit.
05:02So, these two issues can be eased a little bit.
05:09I think this will also be a perfect timing for Dow Jones, which has fallen quite deep, to bounce back.
05:19So, Dow Jones is also in the middle of a battle right now.
05:26If they fall even lower than 41,000, let's say 41,200,
05:36this may be deeper.
05:39The consolidation potential can reach 40,000.
05:42But I see, that's why I'm waiting for economic data that is quite important tonight.
05:48If they can achieve a technical rebound, then there is no possibility that they can go up to 42,800.
05:58Okay, from the stock side, Samsung is proud to be a supporter today.
06:04In addition to DCEI and technology, today it is proud to be a compact rebound.
06:09In the middle of the sentiment of dividends.
06:11Today, RUPS BBCA divided the dividend at IDR 300 per share.
06:15IDR 50 has been divided by the interim and only IDR 250 left.
06:19Meanwhile, BBRI, BBNI, and BMRI will only do RUPS at IDR 23, IDR 24, and IDR 25 in March 2025.
06:28How do you see the sentiment of dividends on the movement of the PICAP banking sector throughout today's trade?
06:36Okay, for BCA, the dividend pay-off ratio is quite in line with expectations.
06:43Around 68% is okay.
06:45And in terms of yield, if I'm not mistaken, it is around 3%.
06:50This is quite helpful to the trend of the price of BCA stocks,
06:55which has been in a downward trend since October last year.
07:00Hopefully, if the market is more bullish, stronger,
07:08the next level that BCA has to try to break through is around IDR 9,300.
07:15After IDR 9,300, BCA is unlikely to return to IDR 10,000.
07:22With other stocks such as BBRI, Bang Mandiri, and friends,
07:27if I look at BBRI today, it seems that it needs a stronger reason
07:36to be able to break through to the level of IDR 3,920, which is the highest level today.
07:43Because that is exactly the resistance of the middle class.
07:47With the hope that BBRI can quickly reach the level of IDR 4,350-4,500.
08:04Okay, a brief summary for BBRI and BBNI, is the technical position the same?
08:11Bang Mandiri, the resistance is around IDR 4,950-5,000,
08:23but you maintain the support so that it does not go below IDR 4,600.
08:31While for BBNI, it should be an average up.
08:39If BBNI can reach above IDR 4,600, then the closest market is around IDR 4,800 or IDR 5,000.
08:49And the support is expected to be firm at around IDR 4,300-1,400.
08:57Analysis from SAMSAM, the biggest bank in Pemirsa today,
09:01the trend is quite fast, the average strength is above 2%.
09:04After experiencing quite a deep correction and the sentiment that there is a dividend,
09:08it seems to provide significant strength for BBRI.
09:11And again, the decision to invest is still in the hands of Pemirsa IDR Channel.
09:16Mrs. Liza, we will not go into details,
09:18later we will try to see what SAMSAM chooses to invest,
09:21especially in the middle of the strengthening of the middle class throughout this period.
09:25And Pemirsa, we will be right back.
