Pelaku usaha Industri Hasil Tembakau tanah air meminta pemerintah untuk memberikan regulasi yang adil dan transparan, demi kelangsungan industri. Regulasi yang berlaku dikhawatirkan akan berdampak pada masa depan industri yang menjadi tumpuan 6 juta tenaga kerja.
00:05TANAH AIR INDUSTRIES employees ask the government to provide fair and transparent regulations for the continuity of the industry.
00:11The regulations are pressing, worried that it will have an impact on the future of the industry, which is the backbone of 6 million workers.
00:25The tobacco industry is facing various challenges due to regulations that are considered to suppress the continuity of this sector.
00:33According to the General Director of the Indonesian Tobacco Association or AMTI, Budiaman Mudara,
00:39one of the regulations is the Government Regulation No. 28 of 2024
00:44on the Ministerial Regulation on Health and Implementation of Regional Regulations
00:48on areas without tobacco that are considered too excessive and threaten the ecosystem of farmers.
00:53Budiaman estimates that the government needs to maintain a balance between regulation and protection of IHT
00:58which is the focus of the search for about 6 million workers.
01:03Regulations that are too pressing are worried could hamper the achievement of the target in the future of the Prabowo government.
01:10It should be noted that tobacco is not an illegal product.
01:16It's not like narcotics.
01:18Maybe you still remember that in the Health Law, tobacco is considered as a narcotic.
01:25We need to react fast so that the tobacco market can be developed.
01:39We should be grateful that they are not afraid of us.
01:45The goal of this sector is to win.
01:49The tobacco market needs to be healthy.
01:53The people need to be healthy.
01:56AMTI notes that throughout 2024, IHT has contributed Rp. 216.9 trillion to the country's tobacco production
02:03which accounts for more than 10% of the total national tax revenue.
02:07With this huge contribution, AMTI boosts the production of tobacco,
02:11full of support through fair and balanced policies,
02:15not a policy that actually diminishes growth.
02:18Reported by Syateen Riputan, IDXJ.