• 16 hours ago
Kamar Dagang dan Industri (Kadin) siap all out untuk mendukung dan mewujudkan swasembada pangan nasional. Ketua umum Kadin Indonesia, Anindya Bakrie, menegaskan kolaborasi memperkuat ekosistem pertanian guna mewujudkan cita-cita swasembada pangan nasional harus dilakukan aktif bersama dunia usaha.


00:00In the meantime, Pemirsa Kamar Dagang and Industri are ready all out to support and create a national food bridge.
00:12Indonesia's Chairperson, Anindya Bakri, stressed,
00:15the collaboration to strengthen the agricultural ecosystem to realize the goals of the national food bridge should be actively carried out with the business world.
00:24Kadin will join to build a strong food security ecosystem and build human resources in the agricultural sector.
00:31Kadin says it is difficult to achieve 8% economic growth without a large contribution from the agricultural sector.
00:38For that, it is important to build cooperation between the business world and the government to support food security and national economic growth.
00:48I am aware that the focus of President Prabowo's program is in the food sector.
00:52In addition to the bridge, energy security, and also hillarization.
00:56Here, 80% of the key energy or the program is there.
01:01And we are very grateful, Mr. Minister.
01:04We will all out.
01:05We will inform this not only to the central Kadin, but also to the provincial and regional Kadin.
01:12And we will also tell our friends in the association, sir, so that they can support your program.
01:17Because if the Ministry of Agriculture is successful, yes.
01:21Yes, of course, in an effort to achieve food security, various strategies must be carried out.
01:26As such, various steps must also be carried out.
01:28Then, a number of parties must be invited to cooperate.
01:31So that the task or the task of the government to achieve food security can be easier.
01:36And of course, more parties can help.
01:39So that the ecosystem of achieving food security can be easier to achieve.
01:42That's right.
01:43As mentioned earlier, the agricultural sector will contribute a very significant contribution to boost economic growth by 8%.
01:50But we look forward to whether the strategy of strengthening cooperation between Kadin and the agricultural sector
01:56has really calculated what the strengthening of cooperation will be like.
02:00Until then, it is optimistic to reach 8% or something.
02:03And also related to Kadin or the all-out business world for the agricultural sector itself.
02:09We look forward to it.
02:10Don't let there be any more gaps that are thought of.
02:12Don't just benefit the interests of the business world.
02:15But also really feel the prosperity of the farmers directly.
02:19That's right.
