• 4 hours ago


00:00Sheldon, it's me.
00:07Look, I know you're mad, but I have to write a statement that says a physics community is close to a breakthrough.
00:11And since you actually believe that, I could really use your help.
00:14Sorry, I can't.
00:15Come on, don't be like that.
00:17I can't, because I think you were right.
00:21Look, not all science pans out.
00:25We've been hoping supersymmetry was true for decades, and finally we've built the Large Hadron Collider,
00:31which is supposed to prove it by finding these new particles, but it hasn't.
00:35Maybe supersymmetry, our last big idea, is simply wrong.
00:40Well, that sounds awful.
00:43Now I get why everyone hates me.
00:47On the bright side, after working together for 15 years, you finally get to hear me say you were right.
00:55Yeah, you did.
00:58How's it feel?
01:00Keith and I might be unemployed. Bittersweet.
01:04Okay, so you guys are upset because the collider thing disproved your theories?
01:08It's worse than that. It hasn't found anything in years, so we don't know if we're right, we don't know if we're wrong, we don't know where to go next.
01:15All I know is it looks like a tongue-kissed avatar.
01:21Come on, you guys are physicists. Okay, you're always going to be physicists.
01:25And sure, sometimes the physics is hard, but isn't that what makes it boring?
01:33Hey, we're here. What's going on?
01:36Okay, as far as I can see, science is dead because Leonard killed it,
01:40and I don't know who the Romulans are, but those guys know how to party.
01:45So what do you want us to do?
01:47I don't know. You're scientists. Cheer them up.
01:49Cheer them up? Do you even know what a scientist is?
01:54But we don't need to be cheered up. It just turns out that physics is exactly like Lost.
01:58Started out great and turns out just a big old waste of time.
02:03Boo-hoo. You know what you sound like? Babies. Two whiny babies.
02:08There's nothing worse than being stuck with two whiny babies.
02:27Oh my God, I'm going to have two babies.
02:30No, babies are great. You're lucky to have two babies.
02:33I mean, look at me. I'm all alone. I'm never going to have babies.
02:36Because you can't make a baby watching Netflix with your dog.
02:45Thanks for coming.
