En un reciente evento en Escobar, se desató una controversia entre la prensa y las celebridades presentes. Luis Perdomo, encargado de prensa, fue criticado por el trato hacia los medios, quienes se sintieron aislados y sin acceso a entrevistas prometidas. La situación escaló cuando Alfonso, un cronista presente, relató las dificultades para cubrir el evento debido a restricciones impuestas.
00:00I'm Luis Pardomo, connected.
00:02Oh, Luisito!
00:04There he is, controlling the camera.
00:06Luis, how are you? Good evening.
00:08Hi Angel, how are you?
00:10How are you? How are you all?
00:12How are the little angels?
00:14Good, marvelous, divine.
00:16What's going on with Janina?
00:18Let's clear everything up here, with the Gazebo Gate,
00:20that's driving me crazy. What's going on?
00:22What's bothering you?
00:24First, I want to clear something up.
00:26I didn't see anything, but when they started to send me messages,
00:28no, but listen, they told me that Capristo
00:30said that I did something to Callejón.
00:32Yes, yes.
00:34Repeat Capristo.
00:36I also have the best with you.
00:38Yes, I can tell.
00:40Callejón, who doesn't tell me anything,
00:42who came to ask me for the job,
00:44and when we were about to set up a project,
00:46then he never came again,
00:48because they had offered him to do a show,
00:50and he had a movie, I think.
00:52And the radio shut down.
00:54To me, what...
00:56The radio shut down, guys.
00:58I found out a day before, Radio Top.
01:00Ah, but Capristo put you in charge of the radio.
01:02No, what they tell me is that
01:04you were desperate to receive that sum of money,
01:06where Callejón was going to do
01:08this radio show
01:10with a very well-known speaker,
01:12and that you were...
01:16No, Alejandro Bersello.
01:18Well, Alejandro, right?
01:20Can I call him Alejandro?
01:22Can I finish?
01:24No, no, no.
01:26But do you know why, Jimmy?
01:28Because I'm not going to let them say
01:30that I wanted to charge.
01:32Because, on the contrary,
01:34she wanted to come...
01:36But you gave her the money for the space, or not?
01:38No, they didn't talk to me.
01:40I was in charge of programming
01:42of that radio, of content.
01:44I only evaluated the programs,
01:46and then they went to another department.
01:48That was never discussed with me.
01:50Well, okay, it's good that you clarified it.
01:52The radio disappeared.
01:54Let's see, it's not there anymore.
01:56Now, in the Dial104.9,
01:58it's the most...
02:00Since November.
02:02One day, we couldn't say goodbye
02:04to the air, so look how good.
02:06It's okay.
02:08It's the fact that they had told me
02:10that you were in a hurry to receive the money,
02:12because, well, coincidentally,
02:14the other day, the radio disappeared.
02:16Well, let's go to topic 2.
02:18No, but I want it to be well clarified.
02:20I want it very well clarified.
02:22Radio topic clarified.
02:24Janina Gacebo.
02:26Why did you say it was pejorative?
02:28Where did you hear her talk on the radio?
02:30No, she...
02:32Well, first I want to clarify that with Janina
02:34everything is fine, but what's going on?
02:36Stop, stop, stop.
02:38You did a live, you dedicated it to me,
02:40and you screwed me up, love.
02:42You never criticized me.
02:44I don't deserve this.
02:46No, but you know why?
02:48When it comes to the game, everything is fine,
02:50but when it comes to work, because you don't know
02:52the effort there is.
02:54Luisito, I was walking to my house, very calm,
02:56and the people who were at the event
02:58started sending me videos and telling me
03:00what was happening.
03:02I didn't criticize the event,
03:04I didn't criticize the organization.
03:06I told the personal situation of Wanda Nara,
03:08who is not your representative, or anything.
03:10No, you said, Jani, Jani, I don't want to fight,
03:12but you said, first, that she ate a little cheese.
03:14I'll take care of Catherine.
03:16No, this is your problem.
03:18Listen to what she says.
03:20I told her that the sponsor,
03:22this was told to me by Wanda,
03:24the sponsor of the event,
03:26which was the casino that I'm not going to name,
03:28put $150,000 or $140,000
03:30and that Wanda didn't get
03:32a fucking peso,
03:34that she's not even charging the gifts.
03:36And I said, poor Wanda,
03:38she had a bad time, she went alone,
03:40ate two cheeses and didn't charge.
03:42It's a joke, daddy, I didn't say there was no food.
03:44She ate two cheeses because I saw it.
03:46But let's see, but why are you angry
03:48when someone who was there
03:50says that it wasn't like that?
03:52Because she ate more.
03:54No, but beyond the food.
03:56I didn't mess with Catherine.
03:58Wanda didn't get angry.
04:00Wanda was in the truck,
04:02as we were all, because the gas stations
04:04couldn't breathe the heat.
04:06Not because they were used to air conditioning.
04:08There was an orange alert in the afternoon.
04:10Then there was a wind alert at night.
04:12Be careful with the weather.
04:14The whole show didn't happen
04:16as announced, as Pepe said.
04:18He didn't sing anything,
04:20the situation was uncomfortable.
04:22What happened to Wanda?
04:24Why did she get angry, Luis?
04:26She wasn't angry, Angel.
04:28That's what I'm saying.
04:30People say she was angry,
04:32that she left the stage badly
04:34and they saw her get angry in the car
04:36and they filmed her.
04:38Janina, I understand you,
04:40but you're paying attention
04:42to someone from the audience
04:44and not to the person next to you.
04:46It's more honest to the audience
04:48than to the organization.
04:50Didn't you say she had to sing
04:52and she didn't?
04:54Why didn't she sing her repertoire?
04:56No, guys,
04:58Wanda wasn't going to sing.
05:00In fact, she said she got a panic attack.
05:02No, I didn't say that.
05:04That's for the audience.
05:06She was going to sing just one song.
05:08And she didn't sing it.
05:10She didn't have much to sing.
05:12And why did they remove her from the flyer?
05:14That's what she sang.
05:16Back to the press issue.
05:18Alfonso was there
05:20and he was the only press agent
05:22because there were no press people.
05:24So why do they say
05:26they mistreated the press?
05:28If Alfonso was there alone
05:30and I credited him.
05:32I have the video of the notaries
05:34getting very angry
05:36I know it's not true.
05:38I know it's true.
05:40It didn't happen.
05:42I'm in charge of all the events.
05:44I have the video.
05:46Luisito, why did they remove Wanda
05:48from the flyer?
05:50It's weird to say it's true.
05:52I don't believe it.
05:54Let's get to the facts.
05:56There was a flyer with the face
05:58of Elegante and Wanda.
06:00Four days later, Wanda was removed
06:02from the lineup.
06:04They removed her name
06:06and stopped announcing her
06:08as part of the festival.
06:10It's weird.
06:12It was just one day.
06:14The flyer was missing Wanda
06:16because something happened
06:18in the middle of something
06:20Wanda had to do somewhere else
06:22and then she could change it.
06:24Luis, what do you do with them?
06:26I'm the host.
06:28I'm the host of the events.
06:30You're the organizer.
06:32I've done shows with you.
06:40I'm also an actor
06:42at the Barista School
06:44where she rehearsed.
06:48I've known you my whole life.
06:50You're a laborer.
06:52Why do you deny it?
06:54I'm the producer
06:56of One Blood Music
06:58with Maxil Brother and Lourdes D.
07:00I'm the host of the events.
07:02I'm also in charge
07:04of the dressing room.
07:08I know you're a laborer.
07:10We never talked about you.
07:12I never talked about you
07:14as a host.
07:16I never criticized the show.
07:18I just told people
07:20what happened.
07:22Why don't you call me?
07:24What do you have to do with
07:26Wanda being angry?
07:28The cheese and the soda
07:30bother her.
07:32It's not your fault
07:34if there's 40 kilos of cheese
07:36and a poor girl eats two pieces.
07:38It's her responsibility.
07:40I'm not responsible
07:42for not having two cheeses.
07:44Why would I call you
07:46if I believe my source?
07:48What bothered me the most
07:50was that people always talk
07:52about Elian.
07:54You said there were
07:56people saying
07:58that Elian had surgery
08:00a week ago.
08:02What can we say?
08:04It's his job.
08:06What would have happened
08:08if he hadn't been on the show?
08:10It's his job.
08:12It's his job.
08:14It's his job.
08:16It's his job.
08:18It's his job.
08:20It's his job.
08:22It's his job.
08:24That's why she's so angry.
08:26She's an artist and she does shows.
08:28If she feels bad,
08:30or she had surgery or appendicitis,
08:32she just doesn't go and changes it.
08:34She's so angry.
08:36I'm not angry.
08:38I wasn't talking about you.
08:40I was talking about you.
08:42She's so angry.
08:44I was talking about you.
08:46Being an MC.
08:48I know you love to go on LaM
08:50and ask Mariana to criticize you.
08:52I never talked about your job, never, never.
08:57I do want to tell you that Wanda was not well, that she got angry with Elegante, that she left alone, and that she was with Carlos del Orto.
09:04It's a problem of mine.
09:05Listen to me, what was Janina in the video that you just said?
09:08I already told you.
09:10Let's see it, please.
09:11We can see it now.
09:12It's very short, the notary with the cameraman getting angry, there it goes.
09:16There it is.
09:17It's all angry.
09:18It's the intruders who are going to get angry.
09:19It's true, call him, talk to him.
09:21It's our friend Alfonso, call Alfonso too, please.
09:23Yes, they promised him the note and they didn't give it to him, and the guy stole it.
09:26And the guy is working, he has to take it.
09:28Well, let's see what Wanda has to say about this.
09:30It depends, of course.
09:31Stop, stop.
09:32Clarify, Luis, what happened with Alfonso?
09:33There it is.
09:34Let's see, this is not done, because one never reveals the source, but here ...
09:38I didn't reveal the source, I'm showing a video of a person who recorded it.
09:42Let's see, I just told you.
09:43Ah, you're going to say it now, isn't it that there was no press?
09:47Let's see, Janina, do you hear me?
09:51Janina, did you hear me?
09:52What did I just say?
09:53That the only person who was there was Alfonso.
09:55And who is the one they just showed me?
09:57It wasn't Alfonso.
09:58Alfonso, Alfonso.
09:59It wasn't Alfonso.
10:00Pedro Alfonso.
10:02It wasn't Alfonso.
10:04But Alfonso is a press, Luis.
10:05You've been a journalist all your life.
10:06I thought it was a killer streaming, coward.
10:09But no, no, no.
10:10Let's see, guys, you have a problem.
10:12You don't know what to say, dad.
10:13I just said.
10:14No, a lot.
10:15The only media was Alfonso.
10:16And he talked to me.
10:17And I told him, they're not going to give notes.
10:20Do you want to come and cover and do your job?
10:22Let's see if you can get something from me.
10:24But why didn't they want to give notes, Luis?
10:26Because they are fighting, dear.
10:28But who is fighting?
10:29But they were separated, the notes.
10:31No, in the Choripan de la Compañera they gave notes to everyone.
10:34They are fighting.
10:35Don't scream, you whores.
10:36He handles both or he handles one alone?
10:38Who does he handle?
10:39Who does he handle?
10:40Elegante handles it.
10:41When he introduces it.
10:42No, he's an animator.
10:43I don't handle anyone.
10:44I'm in the production.
10:45Who do you represent?
10:47I'm part of the team and I'm always with the press because I know and because I'm in the press.
10:52But if I ask you for a note with Wanda, have you authorized her to give it to me?
10:58No, they have to talk to Maxi.
11:00But when there are events that Maxi, the brother, is in another position, they give it to me.
11:08And on Friday he had it.
11:10No masks.
11:11No masks.
11:13Look, I make the faces I want.
11:15The person who was there told me how it was.
11:17The one who gave me the order was not born.
11:23I have the best.
11:24Don't you need a panelist?
11:25But to cover 250,000 dollars?
11:27That's what I'm asking.
11:28It's more, Shani, remember how well we got along.
11:32Shanina, remember how well we got along when we were dancing, when my friend Dippy was dancing.
11:38Who was dancing to tell me that?
11:42Yes, that's why I liked you.
11:44I don't know since when you've been dedicating yourself to me.
11:46You are hanging yourself from the Turkish novel that you have nothing to do with.
11:50No, not Turkish.
11:52And what the hell are you doing here?
11:54No, I called him.
11:56I wanted to talk to him.
11:57No, but there was Mariana talking about me.
11:58Let me clarify about Gacebo.
11:59Everything started with a Gacebo.
12:00Yes, yes.
12:01The Turkish novel.
12:02They were two sticks.
12:03How much did you know?
12:04Alfonso wrote me here, not Pedro, but Alfonso, the screenwriter.
12:08Yes, the screenwriter.
12:09And he told me, I was an angel for intruders to cover.
12:12They locked us up in a corral and they didn't let us get to Wanda elegantly.
12:16Come on!
12:17In a corral?
12:18Come on!
12:19Oh, the animals are great.
12:20But you see, but you see.
12:21Accuses you.
12:22You said there was no press, macho.
12:24I got hot.
12:25But you see, you look crazy, Shanina.
12:27I'm crazy.
12:28I'm crazy, but I'm telling the truth.
12:32Tell Alfonso to tell you how many were in the corral.
12:35He tells me, we saw Wanda arrive.
12:37We called her and she didn't even look at us.
12:39How bad, how bad.
12:41We came to play without the notes.
12:43Angel, ask him.
12:44Did you see?
12:45He said you were going to have a note.
12:46Of course.
12:47But you said, Shanina, there was no press.
12:49You are a liar.
12:51No, Shanina.
12:52I repeat.
12:53Give me the tape, Gonzalito.
12:54How do I rewind?
12:55Come on, come on.
12:59How do I rewind?
13:00For me, Shanina.
13:01Yes, I'm from that time.
13:03How do I rewind?
13:04Look, five minutes ago he said there was no press.
13:07He said there was no press.
13:09He said there was one.
13:10Alfonso said there was one from the organization.
13:13No, but he told Alfonso that he was not going to give him a note.
13:17I don't know.
13:18No, no.
13:19Before he said there was no press.
13:20Shanina, the beginning of the new program is still wrong.
13:22It seems to me.
13:23I'm nervous.
13:24What did he say?
13:25What did he say?
13:26The beginning of the new program is wrong.
13:28The truth is not.
13:29I'm nervous because I'm coherent and I'm honest.
13:31Not like you guys who invent.
13:33No, but I don't know.
13:34Let's see if I'm answering you all with truths.
13:36You are labyrinthine.
13:37You are labyrinthine, sorry.
13:38You are labyrinthine.
13:39We are going to continue.
13:40Labyrinthine, I love it.
13:41We are going to continue investigating the subject because I have Alfonso online.
13:46Let's see.
13:48Make order.
13:49Make order.
13:50Alfonso, how are you?
13:51Good evening.
13:53How are you, Angel?
13:54How are you?
13:55Welcome to LAM.
13:57Thank you for attending us.
13:58What happened?
13:59Tell me what you were writing to me.
14:00It was all a bit strange because when we went to accredit, there were different types of bracelets.
14:06A bracelet for each sector, let's say.
14:11They gave us a white bracelet that was to go with the public.
14:14Inside a corral where they sold things and where people were handled.
14:21Then there was a bracelet ...
14:23Call Max the brother.
14:28Why are we talking to Alfonso?
14:29Max will come later.
14:31So what else?
14:32There was a bracelet that was to go with the artists, like Wanda, Elegante and the bands that played.
14:44We didn't have the possibility to get close to the figure.
14:49It started badly from there.
14:51Once we entered this corral where the public was, we were isolated.
14:57We already depended on the artists.
15:00We depended on the goodwill of Wanda or Elegante.
15:03Well, Wanda arrived.
15:05We started to talk.
15:06Hello, Wanda.
15:07Well, we came to Escobar to look for you, Wanda.
15:09Hello, Wanda.
15:10Clearly, he didn't even want to look at us.
15:12He didn't listen to us, but he didn't even look at us.
15:13How ugly.
15:14You are working and you go for the notes.
15:16Alfonso, a question.
15:18I promised you the interview with them, didn't I?
15:20No one said you promised anything.
15:22Why do you hang up on all the topics?
15:24I said they treated the press badly.
15:26Don't say you promised.
15:28I told him, I told him, come if you want to cover the event.
15:32But I don't think they give notes.
15:34Yes or no?
15:35I want you to answer me that.
15:36Let's see.
15:37Then, what Luis tells me,
15:40I really saw you like in another,
15:43as if you were thinking and organizing yourself for when Elegante arrives.
15:48But you told me that he hasn't arrived yet.
15:52I told you, well, when he arrives, we'll do notes, I don't know what.
15:55I had the feeling that, I don't know what you told me, but like nothing.
15:59You had other things in your head.
16:01Tell the truth.
16:02Alfonso, were you the only notary?
16:06Yes, we were.
16:08One note.
16:09You can't give a note to intruders.
16:11A guy who is working and you hang up on him.
16:14They sent him to the corral of the people.
16:16Two assholes that if you don't do press, no one remembers that you exist.
16:19When did intruders start?
16:21It doesn't matter, but it may be that they didn't fit you.
16:23Wasn't it that there was more press and I said that there was only one?
16:26And now they say, why didn't you give it to one?
16:28But they realize that I don't lie.
16:30But if no one blames you, why did you get into what doesn't belong to you?
16:33I said that Wanda and Elegante were two rude people who don't give notes.
16:37What do you get from Elegante's whistle?
16:39You like him for that, David, please.
16:41Elian wasn't going to give a note because he was in a lot of pain and he wanted to comply only with that.
16:46When he sang naked, he didn't feel the pain, dear, he was loose.
16:49But no, he wanted to comply with the people.
16:53He's a womanizer.
16:56Let's say that everything you say is true, that it is understood that Elegante is weak, his back hurts,
17:01Wanda is in one, she is coming, she doesn't want to come, and she wants to go to the championship.
17:04Why can't you get closer?
17:06With a lot of education and say, hey guys, thank you for waiting for us in this field,
17:11you are in a lot of heat, you must have bitten your mouth.
17:14Orange alert.
17:16Because the camera turns on.
17:18Because the word humility doesn't appear.
17:20Thank you for coming.
17:22Do you want me to answer?
17:26First, since there was no press sector, because there was no press,
17:32we put Alfonso on the VIP list of guests.
17:37But it wasn't the people's list.
17:40There it is, but do you see, Barbie, what happens?
17:42That list was private, there were guests and family.
17:48Ah, now yes.
17:50For me that's fine.
17:52Tell me, are you going to put him on the VIP list?
17:54But of course, the press treats her well, they live from the press.
17:58I don't want to be talking to my boyfriend there.
18:02It's a lack of respect, Alfonso.
18:04I don't think it's bad.
18:06I defend Rubro, we are different.
18:08Charina, for a long time, I understand, and it's good, that's why I got on very well.
18:13Why don't you put him in your dressing room?
18:16What are you going to put him in the dressing room?
18:18You don't know me.
18:20I respect the press.
18:22The press sends him to bring the news.
18:24I respect him, but I don't put him in my dressing room.
18:26Wait, go back.
18:28And if Alfonso didn't want to be in a Wanda, he wanted a note, dear.
18:31Maybe he wanted to touch his dick.
18:37Excuse me, I have a question about another topic.
18:39Do you know what Wanda's tits were for, the ones she sent for the photos?
18:42No, no idea.
18:44As you were there at that time.
18:46No, I wasn't there.
18:48I don't talk about that.
18:50But you could have heard something.
18:52Wanda put it on Instagram.
18:54Wanda's tits were for Elegante.
18:56No, the only thing I can tell you is to prepare all the streamings.
18:59Because Elegante's streaming program is coming.
19:04Always Luzu.
19:06Nico Chiatto, you lose the views.
19:08He's leaving the country, look, Granado.
19:11Pérez, led by Elegante, Lourdes V, Luis Perdomo and more people.
19:16He's making fun of me, dear.
19:18His tits, his tits.
19:20What's his name, Luisito?
19:25The Eurydice of the Eurydice is his name.
19:27I love it.
19:31Wait, wait.
19:33They want to go as guests.
19:36I would never envy a person who treats people like you treat people who are going to cover.
19:41I send you a huge kiss.
19:43Fefe, imitate him tomorrow.
19:45Ochoa, better treat well you, not me.
19:49That when we always went dancing, you thought it was, I don't know, Piquín.
19:54Winner, my love.
19:56You didn't look at anyone.
19:58You believed him.
20:00You believed him.
20:03The rings didn't fall off.
20:05I did a green teletubbie.
20:07I did everything.
20:08Dancing, I worked like you.
20:10On camera, Ochoa.
20:12And that out of camera is different?
20:14What he's telling you is out of camera, Pepe.
20:17But I don't know who he is.
20:18I've just seen him for the first time in my life.
20:20He knows you because I know him.
20:22I love that you draw conclusions from people from a distance.
20:26You realize how the person is from a distance.
20:28There's the problem.
20:29When you don't make a mess, they say there's no trajectory.
20:33I didn't say anything about that.
20:35I don't know why you're offended.
20:37I'll throw you one from Ángel that he shouldn't remember either.
20:43Bye, thank you.
20:48Look, I have few thumbs.
20:50I only warn you.
20:51I did a night tour.
20:55Ángel made notes for a program by Laura Uspal.
20:58La Linterna?
21:00Ah, yes, yes, yes.
21:02They made notes and went to events.
21:06Yes, and what's up?
21:07And what's up with that?
21:08No, but that's why I have years of being in the media.
21:11What are you talking about?
21:13It's okay, maybe accumulating years is not a merit.
21:15Of course.
21:16I founded Bunker.
21:17No, guys.
21:18I'm leaving.
21:19Barbie founded Bunker.
21:20Don't tell me, don't tell me, Pepe.
21:23Those things.
21:25I'm not going to tell you anything.
21:27The hairy wig doesn't let you hear.
21:31No, if it's his hair, don't say that.
21:33Pepe, please.
21:34Pepe, don't talk about bodies.
21:36Locate yourself.
21:37Locate yourself.
21:40That you have a hairy wig.
21:42No, Pepe.
21:45It's your hair.
21:46Are the braids yours?
21:47It's the hair of that year that you have.
21:50You wash it?
21:51One part is mine and the other part is a lie, guys.
21:53Like Tini.
21:54Like all television, practically.
21:57Like Tini.
21:58Practically all TV.
21:59Stop, Pepe, I didn't greet you.
22:00What happened?
22:01I was left with that.
22:02What is that?
22:04What is that?
22:05Look, look, look.
22:06Look at the mustache.
22:08Look at the mustache from top to bottom.
22:09What did this boy tell me?
22:10He didn't think it was nice.
22:11No, he didn't know you.
22:12No, because maybe he entered places where not many people could enter and he felt ...
22:19Marcelo's dressing room also entered.
22:21Because producer.
22:22I have a company.
22:23I dedicate myself to social networks.
22:24Marcelo came and hired me to do all the dancing social networks.
22:28These are all.
22:29These are all old people who work as businessmen.
22:31I used to work with a team of five or six people and I was paid attentively.
22:35I didn't know that.
22:36I can't stand you anymore, Pepe.
22:37Do you know Marissa O'Hanley?
22:39Excuse me.
22:40Yes, Marissa.
22:41Because she was the only one who spoke well of you.
22:42I hate Marissa.
22:43Me too.
22:44No, no.
22:45Marissa, first of all, I have years and years of interviews, of meetings.
22:50I have interviews with people I love very much and also with NASA, with feudal Italy.
22:55Don't tell her that, nanny.
22:57Don't tell me that, nanny.
22:58Nanny only.
22:59With Marcella.
23:00With Xanina too.
23:01I don't have drama with Xanina.
23:02I don't agree.
23:03Let's see, Xanina, we have a viral video.
23:04We have a viral video in Martín Fierro.
23:05You forget the rap.
23:06Send me the viral video.
23:07Send it.
23:08So we can pass it.
23:09Do you know the video of Elegante that declared love?
23:39She declared love and you asked her if she would do it.
23:40It's true but the video is for Elegante I think.
23:41Sure, damn me.
23:42You brought the crazy back.
23:43On the contrary.
23:44Marissa, we have a viral video because Elegante declared love me.
23:45He likes the old woman, Elegante.
23:47What old woman?
23:48I was in another show and there was a person that we had to leave.
23:56Why? What happened?
23:58Ah, there was a problem.
24:00A first lady.
24:03I'm scared.
24:04No, that's enough, guys.
24:09Fatima, please.
24:10No, send him via WhatsApp.
24:13Come on, Luis.
24:16Don't leave us with these intrigues.
24:17Fabiola, of course.
24:19We have a video.
24:21I told you, Millet.
24:22Did you have problems with Millet?
24:23Ah, Millet.
24:24No, you got us out.
24:27I don't understand.
24:28Wait, you're mixing everything up.
24:29I don't understand.
24:30Let's rewind.
24:31We arrived, Elian didn't give us notes.
24:33He chose to give you a note.
24:35And suddenly, they said no because Millet was coming.
24:38And we left.
24:39So, we prefer Millet to you.
24:41What a mistake.
24:43No, no, no.
24:44I remember now.
24:45That day, Millet was coming as a guest.
24:47We did the hand-to-hand.
24:48I think it was the only time he came to this show.
24:50And Elegante came to another show.
24:53And he sent himself here.
24:54He wanted to get in.
24:55No, he sent himself.
24:56We already had another show.
24:57It's the production.
24:58Dolores can do it.
25:00Dolores is a crook.
25:01No, no.
25:02Dolores is with Alfonso.
25:04She's a fraud.
25:05No, no.
25:06We don't know her.
25:07She's a fraud.
25:08No, no.
25:09I love her, Dolores.
25:10I love her, Dolores.
25:11I send you a kiss.
25:13No, it's a joke.
25:15It's a joke.
25:16It's a joke.
25:17Dolores Divino is working here in Intruder.
25:19And she's on vacation.
25:20She's doing great.
25:21She's doing great.
25:22She's doing great.
25:23Well, you're a fraud.
25:25You're a crook.
25:27I have viral videos.
25:29Do you have a problem with Barbie?
25:31No, no.
25:32With Barbie...
25:36Look at the camera.
25:38Which camera?
25:39Barbie didn't have a store in Ramos Mejia?
25:47It was another man.
25:48What are you talking about, Willy?
25:50It was another fat guy.
25:51It's very similar.
25:52I don't go to Ramos Mejia.
25:54He's not a businessman.
25:55He's not a businessman.
25:57He's not a Barbie.
25:58He's not a Barbie.
25:59No, no.
26:00He was a fraud.
26:01He was a fraud.
26:02He wanted to show off.
26:03He was a fraud.
26:04He was a fraud.
26:05He was a fraud.
26:06He was a fraud.
26:13In serio familias millonaria propiedades como la de marissa
26:19Arriba de la cancha
26:24Come on dusty fruit up our domo con la barra de la otra travesti
26:32La cacho sera
26:37Una broma
26:41La conozco de la noche
26:47La bunker america
26:56Y bueno porque todos tienen mala memoria acuerdo en segundo de gran hermano que será una temporada memorable con
27:03El gran hermano Carlos Pato
27:05Lo que pasa es que todos conocen de Carlos Evaristo
27:07No, Carlos Evaristo no, el chino volpato era el director ahi
27:09Yo no estaba ahi
27:11Me parece que te fallan los datos
27:13No, no, no, no
27:15En serio Luis si yo te conozco te digo, te reconozco
27:17A donde hicieron temporada
27:19Ustedes no iban a estudiar teatro a lo de Evaristo
27:21No, no, Gustavo iba a estudiar teatro a lo de Evaristo
27:23Yo no
27:25No, y se ensayo ahi tambien mucho tiempo
27:27En algún momento se ensayo
27:29Para que tenes algo para decir de Conti tambien
27:31De quien?
27:33De Conti
27:37No, un genio por favor
27:39Si, te faja
27:41La persona que se lleva mal conmigo es porque tiene un mambo
27:45Y Alfonso que nos colgó
27:47Cuando hable mal de este hombre
27:49El esta colgado hace 4 dias
27:51Los quesos
27:53Yo no lo noto bien
27:55Estoy con la mecha corta
27:57Pelotudo ese es no
28:01Luis Perdomo
28:03Luisito hace una semana que me estan diciendo contestale al fondo de olla
28:05Bueno esta bien
28:07Ya ni idea
28:09Tuviste el placer de que yo te responda
28:11Me dedicas videos en Instagram yo jamas te nombre
28:15Ah bien lo veo perfecto no te enojes tanto
28:17Se ha quedado muy aclarado
28:19Es enfatica
28:27Decile a Luis Perdomo que le diga a Elian
28:29No se
28:31Que paguen los dos acolchados y almohadas
28:33Que les pase cuando cayo en cana
28:35Si dale
28:37Ariel de farandula show
28:39Te digo es un mensaje de una persona
28:41Un genio
28:43Que hable con Elian yo no soy Elian
28:45Que debe dos acolchados y dos almohadas
28:47Estaba en cana
28:49Dos acolchados y almohadas
28:51Que les pasamos cuando cayo en cana
28:53Que los devuelvas
28:55Un ridiculo
28:57Primero que es un ridiculo
28:59Deja de criticar gente que labura
29:03Pepe no esta bueno que vos
29:05Siendo productor y prensa
29:07Diga sabes cuando estaba en cana
29:09Dos acolchados y dos almohadas
29:11No fue un momento bueno
29:13Y me parece que eso
29:15No te este pasando
29:17Te este pasando un mensaje
29:19Si quieres pasarlo
29:21Pasalo por primero
29:23Yo la perusa me la aguanto con vos
29:25Yo la perusa me la aguanto con vos
29:27Yo la perusa me la aguanto con ustedes
29:29La verdad no me gusta
29:31No para vos
29:33Pero hablame de mi
29:35No me hables de elegante
29:37Yo estoy respondiendo de mi
29:39No estas respondiendo de vos
29:41Porque vos te subiste
29:43A lo que yo dije de Wanda y elegante
29:45No hablaba de vos y vos te subiste
29:47Yo me subi a la produccion
29:49Yo me subi a la produccion
29:51Yo me subi a la produccion
29:53Yo me subi a la produccion
29:55Yo me subi a la produccion
29:57Yo me subi a la produccion
29:59Yo me subi a la produccion
30:01Yo me subi a la produccion
30:03Yo me subi a la produccion
30:05Yo me subi a la produccion
30:07Yo me subi a la produccion
30:09Yo me subi a la produccion
30:11Yo me subi a la produccion
30:13Yo me subi a la produccion
30:15Yo me subi a la produccion
30:17Yo me subi a la produccion
30:19Yo me subi a la produccion
30:21Yo me subi a la produccion
30:23Yo me subi a la produccion
30:25Yo me subi a la produccion
30:27Yo me subi a la produccion
30:29Yo me subi a la produccion
30:31Yo me subi a la produccion
30:33Yo me subi a la produccion
30:35Yo me subi a la produccion
30:37Yo me subi a la produccion
30:39Yo me subi a la produccion
30:41Yo me subi a la produccion
30:43Yo me subi a la produccion
30:45Yo me subi a la produccion
30:47Si, porque en ese momento
30:49se empezó a armar
30:51la banda y la produccion
30:53de Damaris
30:55y eran las mismas personas
30:57Osea Luis
30:59vos decís que esa noche
31:01ellos no estaban peleados
31:03están más enamorados que nunca, están bien
31:05que todo lo que dijo Gianni está mal
31:07Gracias Nasa
31:09A lo que dijo Giannina
31:13lo que yo me sentí tocado
31:15respecto a la relación de Elian
31:17y de Wanda
31:19que respondan ellos
31:21No, es más
31:23yo los veo bárbaros y subí videos
31:25cuando yo subí el video
31:27del catering para
31:29mojarle la orejita a Giannina
31:31que dijo que había dos quesitos
31:33se los veían junto a los dos
31:35Yo dije que comió dos quesos
31:37no dije que había dos quesos
31:39ese es tu problema
31:41sos yo lulo y te querés subir a lo que yo digo
31:43¿Vas a seguir picada para mañana?
31:47yo no vengo
31:49mañana si quieren le envío todo
31:53Luis, ¿querés venir mañana?
31:55Que venga el jueves
31:57¿No querés venir?
31:59A ver, a mi me encantaría
32:01pero si llego a ir, ¿sabe lo que me van a decir?
32:03Fondo de Olla, Psecolo de Giannina
32:05Te lo estoy diciendo ahora
32:07Te lo estoy diciendo ahora Fondo de Olla
32:09es hermoso
32:11Te pregunto si no querías venir
32:13porque vos una vez me escribiste un mensaje
32:15ya que estamos así entrando a recuerdos
32:17y cositas
32:19y me dijiste que querías ser
32:29Yo acá te busqué en mi Whatsapp
32:31pero tengo el mensaje
32:37Para mi que estás enamorado de Ochoa vos
32:39Ay me gusta
32:41Lo bueno de la vida es que vas a tener que soportar
32:43verme acá en este lugar
32:45Te quería preguntar una cosa
32:47¿Vos eras amigo de la China Suárez?
32:49No, yo a la China
32:51la conocí cuando se grabó
32:55cuando se grabó, viste
32:57todo el video, el tema
32:59y después conté
33:01cuando fue el Gran Rex
33:03¿Se acuerdan del Polaco?
33:05Bueno, yo estaba
33:07la radio que yo estaba, la Top 149
33:09era la radio oficial
33:11y ahí la China me dijo, decíle a tu amigo Elian
33:13que tenemos que grabar el video
33:17Ella se postuló entonces
33:19No, no, escuchen, ya habían grabado el tema
33:21y faltaba grabar el video
33:25Pero no es amigo
33:29¿Por qué me odiás? No entiendo por qué me odiás
33:31Porque te amas
33:33Porque quiere tu lugar
33:35No, porque fuiste forro en el catálogo
33:37Lo trataste mal
33:39No me cabe la gente mala onda
33:41Pero no te conozco
33:43No sabía quién era
33:45Vos podés entender que si yo estoy elaborando
33:47hay 150.000 personas alrededor de Marcelo
33:49no tengo que saludar una por una
33:51Ni siquiera vos tuviste las referencias
33:53de acertarte y decir yo la amo
33:55No, con gente que veo todos los días
33:57Pero para Pepe, si está ahí en ese ámbito
33:59es porque tiene algo que ver con el AM
34:01Marcelo quiere tu lugar en el AM
34:03Se lo dejo acá
34:05Cuando vos quieras, voy a hablar de todos los temas
34:07no solamente de Elian
34:09Sí, recién te dije, mañana
34:15Ponemos nosotros la picada
34:17No, no, no
34:19Vení el jueves así me hago una foto con vos
34:21Hacemos un gaseo
34:23la picada
34:25Me quiero sacar una foto con vos
34:27Ya conseguí picada
34:29El jueves
34:33No, perdón
34:35Mañana porque yo vengo el jueves
34:37pero vengo el viernes
34:39Yo vengo mañana
34:41No vuelve más
34:43A todos los días cambia todo
34:45Mañana vengo
34:47Pero el jueves no
34:49porque me pasaron para el viernes
34:51Ya conseguí picada
34:53La grilla
34:55Luisito te conseguí picada
34:57Mañana venite
34:59Tengo las pruebas porque yo no hablo al pedo
35:01Aunque pareja, no hablo al pedo
35:03Tengo acá el mensaje de Luis Perdomo
35:05pidiéndome ser suricata
35:07Y te podríamos incorporar
35:11Ahí está
35:13Suplente dijo
35:15Uricatas puso
35:2127 de diciembre
35:23No es mi media de la mañana
35:25Me gusta la gente que
35:27Me gusta la gente que
35:29se postula para algo para laburar
35:31Está muy bien
35:33Pero chicos, obvio que uno tiene que golpear las piernas
35:35No quiero dar lástima
35:37No quiero dar lástima
35:39Pero yo la padecí mucho en este medio
35:41No es asco
35:43Porque yo era hiper obeso
35:45Pesaba 250 kilos
35:47Y sufrí mucho