• 19 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - “Il valore aggiunto è quello di mostrarsi uniti per offrire soluzioni comuni nel rispetto della competizione che c'è su alcuni settori. Noi guardiamo alle cose che ci uniscono, come il livello di efficienza, la sostenibilità, la digitalizzazione e la lotta alla riduzione delle emissioni. Una serie di politiche che sono una derivazione di quelle comunitarie, ma che trovano in Veneto la possibilità di essere affrontate in modo congiunto”. Così, Fulvio Lino Di Blasio, presidente dell’Autorità portuale di Venezia e Chioggia, durante l’evento di presentazione “la logistica veneta al Transport Logistics di Monaco” tenutosi nella giornata di inaugurazione di LetExpo, la fiera promossa da Alis e dedicata a trasporti e logistica sostenibili.


00:00Monaco is one of the main results of the agreement that a few years ago we promoted as a system authority and which has had the blessing of the region of Veneto, which involves all the infrastructures that are in Veneto,
00:17so ports, airports, interports and also cabs and motorways of Veneto. This means that we have understood the lesson, that is, to be on the international stage as a single Veneto system,
00:32which offers all the possibilities of transport, of operations, of shipments in the region, which is one of the most voted in import-export at the European level and winning,
00:43and Monaco is a land where, as a system authority, we are present with its ports, but in this case we have decided, and it was not easy, to be present as a region,
00:56and therefore to promote all the infrastructural asset and all the offer to customers who obviously need a level of services, a level of innovation, a level of integration of the infrastructures that are on the territory.
01:10So the added value is precisely that, to show ourselves united to offer common solutions, obviously in respect of the competition that exists in some sectors, but we look at the things that unite us,
01:21which are precisely the level of efficiency, sustainability, digitization, the struggle for the reduction of emissions, so a series of policies that are derivations of those of the community, but that find in Veneto the possibility of being faced in a joint way.
