• last week
(Adnkronos) - ”Il mercato assicurativo, che noi rappresentiamo come operatori professionali, segue con grande interesse il tema della sostenibilità sia in termini di investimenti sia di attenzione alle imprese che muovono verso la sostenibilità”. Queste le parole di Rosario Di Piazza, amministratore delegato di A.I.B. a LetExpo - Logistics Eco Transport, il grande evento fieristico per i trasporti, la logistica e i servizi alle imprese, con attenzione alle attuali dinamiche geopolitiche e alla sostenibilità ambientale, economica e sociale, giunto alla quarta edizione. Un evento promosso da Alis in collaborazione con Veronafiere.


00:00The Expo is a manifestation of extreme importance, because it is a moment of meeting of very important
00:18operators in the Italian economic panorama, which represent an important structure of
00:25the country, subjected to regulations, laws, regulations and, above all, all the new
00:34that will be to come, which is already partly in existence in terms of sustainability,
00:42that the insurance market, which we represent as professional operators,
00:49pays great attention to, both in terms of investments and in terms of real attention
00:59to the companies, to the companies that are moving towards sustainability.
01:06This is the main topic that we see here and that now represents the title of this very important Expo.
