• 19 hours ago
Asmongold Reacts to: Johnny Somali's worst nightmare is coming true
by @HeroHei https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94Rt960YQFg
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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold
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00:00been a while since i talked about johnny somali it's just like a never-ending character arc of
00:04lameness with this weirdo dude never really learns a lesson it's pathetic and it's like
00:08max level cringe to watch anything involving this guy however this did catch my attention
00:14hopping over to the man legal mindset in a tweet from march 6 yesterday legal mindset says ramsay's
00:22first day of trial just concluded ramsay being johnny somali he was one hour late and came in
00:27with his roommate hank both ramsay's lawyer and ramsay had no idea about the new charges
00:32i wonder what the lawyer was thinking because like i mean is this like whenever you're on a
00:37team and like a competitive game and like you just know like you know the first minute into
00:42the game this is going to be a steamroll and so you're like okay i've just got to put in the time
00:46get my check and get out of here push the next trial day for three weeks from today april 9th
00:52johnny was also drunk all the other charges i would be too details on those charges below ramsay
00:57was also clearly wearing hanks white suit and we got a picture that we'll take a look at after this
01:01tweet but yeah he says no uh which was wildly oversized but had an ebony ivory vibe going on
01:06with hanks black suit he was also told twice to take off his maga hat why is he wearing a trump
01:11it's just by the somali courtroom and yeah we can see legal mindset there outside somalia's
01:16courtroom this is dedication to covering legal stuff this man flew to korea to cover bro did
01:20this guy get this he got this from the matrix man that's neo's that's neo's trench coat for
01:28this johnny somali trial i can certainly respect your mind and it's a nice coat classy look i like
01:33it that takes us over to uh johnny somalia oh my god oh man wow we can see here's a picture
01:43of somalia with hank going to that south korean court jesus people also pointing out once again
01:49that uh somalia's outfits looking quite a bit oversized for him and then there's this one you
01:52know what a fucking he's thrilled to be there this is what he loves to do loves oh my god
01:57i guess this was probably before the court case yeah this is probably beforehand so he's actually
02:04why does he have the thing is like this wouldn't really look so bad if he had like a red tie on
02:11it would actually look kind of good why do you have a blue tie i guess it's red white and blue
02:16for the from america which by the way i don't know if this guy is from america but i hope south
02:22korea puts him in jail so he stays over there yeah i don't know if he's from america or not
02:28probably to be a giant clown on the internet he's american however the clip that i'll show you at
02:33the end of this brief video paints a bit of a different picture as he's like freaking out
02:37trying to cope with the whole thing but yeah we'll get to that oh and there was also this
02:41south korea's national intelligence service visited johnny somali who told him he was under
02:45investigation for the national security violation act gee could it be because johnny somali supports
02:50north korean communism and wants south korea nuked yeah he literally said i love kim jong-un i hope
02:56he nukes this shit when i leave like it and like because i was like why would the national security
03:02like why would they want to talk to this guy and yeah he was like he's totally like yeah i love
03:07north korea i think north korea is great that one is still unfolding but hopping back over to the
03:11current trial and the current charges that takes us back over to legal mindset who's got more info
03:16he says reminder ramsay faces a total of four charges that's a lot of charge counts of obstruction
03:22of business and two violations of the minor crimes act today he pled guilty to one count of
03:28obstruction convenience store i remember that and two counts of the minor crimes act dead fish
03:32harassment and disrupting subway slash bus oh my god all right now i'll play a very brief portion
03:37of legal mindsets stream he's got some very interesting info regarding this additional charge
03:41and also the judge um the judge was a different judge so i went to this same courtroom uh in
03:54december to figure out the correct judge and i didn't talk about this very much because i want
04:00to keep it secret from ramsay they changed the judge which explains why new charges were added
04:06because now there's a new judge the new judge comes in they're tag-teaming on him bro
04:12he's getting 2v1 that's not fair
04:17dates update stuff uh this judge was very no nonsense but thank god ramsay thinks he got
04:24away with not being noticed at some things he did the judge noticed and the judge was like what the
04:32what did he do so uh that i guess it got you past that that uh that picture once again that's an
04:40extremely brief portion of legal mindsets full stream which was around two and a half hours long
04:45so yeah there's a whole lot more that he has to say and i'll link that stream in the description
04:49for you and we'll conclude this coverage by showing you how johnny somali was doing right
04:52before court and it looks like he's trying to man man this guy is looking at south korean prison
04:59for 10 years i think that i think maybe south korea in an effort to restore some degree of
05:10diplomatic relations with north korea they could make like a system to where if they really don't
05:18like you and you're like a foreigner and you come to korea and you cause problems they send you to
05:23north korea and then north korea deals with you and like north korea can take these people and
05:28basically just be like it's like a punishment right put them in a work camp or something like
05:32that right yeah what if it reunites them yeah this is this is the beginning of a of a very
05:38very beautiful diplomatic relationship 10 years is crazy is it really crazy i mean yeah it is crazy
05:44it's a lot and like is it really fair that like he goes to jail for 10 years because of this
05:50not really but at the same time uh i don't really have a lot of sympathy either because the guy
05:56i mean the guy made an entire career out of harassing people and being a public disturbance
06:02so i think at a certain point so punishments there are two functions that punishments have
06:08right and so the first punish the first function is to remove the person obviously out of society
06:16and to fairly punish them for what they're what they're what they're doing right but the second
06:21function that punishments have is to set an example for other people so other people don't
06:27do the same thing and so in a way he's the one that's going to get go to jail for a long time
06:34but they're doing this to send a message to other people to not do it and so i think that's basically
06:40yeah it said it makes him an example and also like very importantly um this guy uh very actively and
06:49very uh you know consecutively uh went ahead and did a bunch of like annoying harassment things
06:57he did this constantly right like he's sitting around spamming hiroshima nagasaki which are the
07:03two uh cities that the u.s bombed in japan he's spamming this in korea and saying it to koreans
07:11really he a retard it's the retard this is it's a real ass retard why not kick him out of the
07:18country because kicking him out of the country is the best case scenario for him and so like what
07:25i'm saying is that when a person gets punished for something that they're doing wrong the goal also
07:30should be to how can we create an incentive uh an incentive mechanism that will prevent other people
07:37from doing this in the future and the fact is that him going to jail for 10 years is a much better
07:43incentive for people to not do it in the future than him getting deported that's the truth because
07:50if and there's a reason why people act a fool in japan and not china there's a reason why people
07:56act a fool in korea but not in north korea there's a reason why people act a fool in the u.s let's say
08:03in some nice upper middle class starbucks but they don't go and do this down in detroit
08:09and everybody knows the reason almost all of these people are they are making calculated decisions
08:17on who they harass how they harass them and where they go to harass people because they don't want
08:24to take a risk of getting shot or going to jail that's the truth they know this that's why none
08:32of them would even dare do this and imagine doing this in saudi arabia they would never do that
08:39they would never do that because they're terrified of of maybe getting killed right
08:45or just game playing knocked out exactly so once you understand that and and that's why so many of
08:50these obnoxious aggressive streamers go to places like japan they do because it's basically a pve
08:56server and so you're going to a pve server and you're doing pvp and big surprise you have to
09:03set an example out of somebody like that you do you don't even hear about it yeah
09:10and uh japan's pve server yeah they're not doing in singapore i'm not sure about that
09:15i bet korean taxpayers would support keeping him in jail as long as they feel like it yeah i think
09:19so so uh this is the uh this is the this is the perspective i have i think it's a very good thing
09:25that they're um that they're punishing him a lot because i i think that he is going to he's the
09:31example that other people will use for not going to korea and acting a fool because they'll see
09:38this happen to him and they'll think to themselves nah not me yep i don't want to do it and and every
09:46single live streamer will take that into account that's why none of not a single fucking one of
09:52them do it in china or saudi arabia not a single fucking one it's because they know what's going
09:59to happen and it's a calculated decision every single time cope immensely with this whole trial
10:07thing this account johnny so small he's saying why was johnny somali one hour late to his south
10:11korean court hearing why else he was ticked drunk a few hours before his appointment he decided to
10:17get drunk now i'm not going to play this full clip either because like i'm being nice to you guys
10:22it's just sickening it's disgusting and i regret watching it the guy's like licking liquor off the
10:27floor like sucking it off the floor and it's just nasty i'm giving you all the pretty viral moments
10:35of it so true what was he saying i'm giving you all the pretty viral moments of it
10:46true yeah so there's also a part where he spills the liquor starts licking it off the floor and
10:52spit some of it up it's it's even more disgusting at some point almost pukes and you get the point
10:57typical johnny somali stuff but hey at least he's got his bros and chat with them like this one that
11:02says yeah he's not going to miss court let him chill with all of us until he feels like he
11:06needs to stop or sleep a bit or whatever how does he know he's not going to miss court
11:11let him chill with all of us until he feels like he needs to stop or sleep a bit or whatever
11:15how do you dude how do you simp for this guy
11:21how do you simp for this of all the things
11:28what is going on people are so dumb they want to see him fail
11:35okay you think that they're trying to edge him along and like they're they're basically trying
11:40to uh they're like trying to enable the bad behavior they're like it's okay johnny no you
11:48know what would really taste good that liquor that's right next to you why don't you drink
11:51some more of it your court case isn't for another 45 minutes you could probably drink the whole
11:56bottle before then right and you're not driving oh you are driving okay well they have autopilot
12:02they have autopilot on the cars right yeah no you'll be fine just go ahead drink the whole thing
12:08yeah sure it's actually real hopefully that's what's happening right living vicariously through
12:12him living is probably not the best term for it but um yes and that's where i'm going to leave
12:20this one let me know what that's so funny comments consider liking and or subscribing
12:25appreciate you the chat's the devil yeah i guess it is that's really fucking
12:32funny man so it's been oh my god and uh internet doesn't show who's mentally ill
12:37yeah i guess there's definitely that too but uh yeah it's looking like this guy bro like
12:50he looks like a like in this he looks like a more retarded version of napoleon dynamite
12:56you know like just
12:58if napoleon dynamite was like a uh a somalian kick streamer you know what i mean like
13:03i get a little bit of that vibe uh you notice the hat what do you mean did i notice the hat
13:08obviously i noticed the fucking hat yeah there it is and uh it's an insulting napoleon yeah i guess
13:14so but uh i really think that this guy i mean i'll link y'all the video it's funny to see this
13:19happen this guy's such a roach bro he's such a roach and and now he's getting got
13:25and and now he's getting got that's it he's getting got and he's done
13:32yeah magus birxperson yeah i guess so and uh the imperial japanese flag in the background i wonder
13:38if he thinks that's the south korean flag maybe he thinks it's the north korean flag and he thinks
13:43he's gonna he's gonna fly the north korean flag to yeah that's probably what it would be that's
13:48what i would assume so yeah that that that would make sense and uh oh my god and uh trump has to
13:57free him if he gets jail free the hostages i feel like if trump like maybe trump should give south
14:03korea back another one of their like prisoners that maybe is here in america and just act not
14:10for johnny somali but so we don't get johnny somali like we're gonna give you one of your
14:15prisoners if you just keep this guy in jail for another five years you know like there's no
14:21prisoners maybe not okay well we have to figure something else out maybe a uh like a special
14:26tariff or something like that you know man that's crazy south korea can be a state yeah you think so
14:34and uh make a great summary of the uh the stream after the trial yeah i guess so you have no
14:38prisoners from south korea well fuck okay well we'll figure something out okay yeah we'll have
14:43to figure something out but anyway this is really fucking funny for me to see this happen and uh
14:49yeah remember when old tron spent about 35 seconds on the internet and decided
14:55ultimately the humanity had to die he watched johnny somali
14:59oh man oh man that's fucking funny and uh i think south korea would agree to be a state
15:13give them protection from the north korea that's okay yeah south korea is all right
15:17and uh finally everyone thank you korea from every dude
15:22finally thank you korea from everyone in japan bro this guy's bringing these countries together
15:30like no other yeah oh my god but yeah the uniting in force to get rid of this fucking guy
15:36uh that's pretty fucking funny i'm glad to see it man and uh yeah japan bros are happy well this is
15:44the thing it's like everybody can get together and collectively agree that this guy's a fucking
15:48idiot and uh thank god that's what i would say thank god