Pure Leisure Group donate cheque for £100,000 to St John's Hospice
00:00We're here today for you to receive a cheque on behalf of St John's Hospice.
00:08It's a local charity that means a lot to me. We make our living out of this area and feel that
00:15it's nice to give something back. A donation like this I think we need to say is an
00:21extraordinary donation. It's such a huge amount of money and for us it means that our services
00:28that we provide and we've been providing every second of every day a night for 39 years,
00:34we can continue. So care in the hospice, so we've only got 13 beds in the building and people find
00:40that surprising but we only bring into the building the people who really need specialist
00:44palliative care, pain control, symptom relief, the vast vast majority of people we can care for at
00:50home in the comfortable familiar surroundings of their own bed with their own loo and the dog at
00:55the side of them if that's what they choose with the people that they love. Every day we have a
00:59meeting and we discuss patients and then we look who we're going to admit. On the ward we have 13
01:05beds which doesn't sound a lot but that does bring a lot of relief to our patients and the families
01:12in the community and you've got to remember that we're not just caring for our patients we're
01:16caring for the whole family and their loved ones as well which is an absolute huge honour and I
01:21know I'll probably say that so many times but it is. Our community comrades they do a marvellous
01:29job and then tell the patients what it's going to be like when they get on the ward and there's
01:33that seamless transition so they get to know the community staff and then they get to know us.
01:38A lot of patients are quite frightened I would say about coming into the hospice
01:44because people think it's a gloomy place and it's all about death and dying and it's quite
01:50the contrary it's a really happy place to work yeah it has its sad days but any job does but
01:57we're there and we're doing the very very best for our patient and their families and
02:00they say to us I just feel like a big weight's been lifted off our shoulders a hospice at home
02:05team look after us day during the day and overnight and then we come into you and you're
02:10just a good team. It affects everybody at the fullness of time at the end of their lives and
02:17I just think that it's a very very worthwhile cause. This donation is an absolute fabulous
02:23amount of money and as far as the hospice is concerned it's going to allow the hospice to
02:27provide over 4,300 hours of nursing care not just in the hospice but also at home as well.
02:35So we work very collaboratively as a whole hospice team the community the clinical nurse
02:41specialists who support people at home with complex symptoms that would otherwise take
02:45them into hospital or bring them onto the ward so that our beds on the ward can be used
02:50in the best way to bring people when they need us most so they're more likely to come to us
02:55with more complex symptoms that need support in an inpatient environment but as Debbie said
03:01you know we we work to the wishes of patients and families and we meet them where they want to be
03:06most and sometimes that's at home and sometimes that's with us so we're constantly asking and I
03:12think as Debbie said it is a real honour to care for the patients and the families that we do
03:18because we meet people where they need us most and we help them through that journey and that's
03:25helping everybody that comes with them so yeah it's an honour the minute they come in we assess
03:31them very thoroughly and we find out what matters to them most and then we are do our utmost to
03:36make sure that we can still make those things happen. As we stand here today we've got 192
03:41people at home now we're not caring for every one of those every single day but in the last six to
03:46eight weeks of their life St John's Hospice will walk alongside them and this fabulous donation
03:52means we can walk alongside them for even longer. It's absolutely fabulous that we have this
03:58partnership with Pure Leisure led by John Morfett and Pure Leisure obviously have their head office
04:04locally to the hospice it's great to have that support not just this year but we've also had it
04:09in the previous years as well and we thank them so much. We've got 20 parks at the moment
04:15I'm not looking to add to them but want to perfect what we've got with a new development
04:22called the Yellens across the road which is another 60 lodge bases we're doing another 135
04:30at Lowther at Penrith I've got developments on the go all the time.