• 2 hours ago
Keeping Market Drayton's Canals Beautiful: The Volunteers Making a Difference - Market Drayton Canal
00:00Well, there it is, I'm Dave Russell, I'm one of the volunteers for the Canal and River Trust.
00:10We volunteer every second Monday of the month.
00:19Only 10 o'clock till about 1 o'clock, or when we finish the jobs.
00:28There's about 6 of us that volunteer on a regular basis.
00:35And what we do is, as you can see, we're painting benches today.
00:40And we'll be doing the handrails if we get time later on, up by the bridges.
00:47But we generally keep everything, or try and tidy everything up as we go along.
00:55We paint the totem poles, anything that needs painting we paint.
01:03If any of the poles are falling over, we dig holes and replant them in.
01:09So it makes everything a bit safe.
01:13And we just generally litter picking, and just general maintenance along the towpath.
01:24Sometimes we cut the grass along here, if it gets too long.
01:31The Canal and River Trust don't cut it that often.
01:35It keeps the area nice and clean, doesn't it?
01:38And it's welcoming for the boats to come along.
01:41When the boats come along, and they come up here, and they can see it's all tidy.
01:48It's like those mooring posts there, along there.
01:52We paint those black on the bottom, and paint the white tops.
01:56We keep them nice and clean.
01:58We keep the towpath nice and clean.
02:00We brush it off every now and again.
02:02And we brush the steps off, and keep the steps all nice and clean.
02:07And it just makes a nice environment for people coming along.
